Eastern Illinois University The Keep

September 1998

9-18-1998 Daily Eastern News: September 18, 1998 Eastern Illinois University

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This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1998 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Friday · 1=y ~ September 18, 1998 Inside Sports Casting call www.den.eiu.edu Doing it all Some Eastern students will Freshman athlete splits time be auditioning next week to Eastern Illinois Univetsily Charteston. • 61920 between football and soccer be the next stars on MTV's Vol. 84, No. 20 teams this weekend. Road Rules and The Real 16 pages, 2 sections Story on Page SA World. ews The Verge (pullout section) Page 18 "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." iwfee Preventing a death ncrease ossible ate to look at 3 percent ti on increase, per hour fee

By Joe Sanner Student government editor

Wednesday's Student Senate meeting, Lou Hencken, vice nt for student affairs, discussed tl'le possibility of a new to raise tuition 3 percent and charge tuition by the hour · credit hour a srudent is registered for. Senate voted down a previous proposal at the Sept 2 g by a 9-11 voce. The original proposal was co raise tuition ent and charge students by the semester hour for taking than l 6 hours. Katherine Thomas / Staff photographer McFadden. chair '' ------­ Linda Anderson, a councelor at theCounceling Center for the past 5 years, talks to a group of about 150 students Thursday tuition and fee evening in the Arcola/Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Anderson talked about bulimia and comminee, said Irs been shown by the anorexia andhow people can help those with the disorders. ·ng state support, administration that some ition of technology. kind of tuition increase is · · g and retaining a Speaker: Most can't beat eating disorders alone faculty, increasing needed and personally for ·, By Lauren Kraft "Most people cannot gee over this guilty after eating. materials costs, incoming students, I like the Staff wmer alone," Anderson said. "Anorexia is a restriction on the · ng federal regula- way irs being done. Anderson said people have to amount of food taken in - in order to and growing Watching a friend die from an eat­ intervene to help a person because the not be fat," Anderson said. d maintenance Steve Zielinski, ing disorder is similar to watching outcome is ultimately death. Anorexia begins with a personal s are all reasons _____Student body president ,, him or her play Russian roulette and '1'here are ethical and moral deci­ belief that "1 don't wane to be fat," proposed increase. saying ''it's OK, because it is their sions to be made," Anderson said. Anderson said. new proposal life," a counselor from the "(But) don't become the food It gets out of control because it increase tuition for all students by 3 percent. It also would Counseling Center said Thursday. police." !>tarts out as a diet and counting fat freshmen who enter the university in fall of 1999 $94 per Students squeezed into a room A person must not try to monitor grams, but ends up with "spending a hour. and spilled into the hallway of the someone's food intake, she said. long time at Wllb Walkers ... looking m presently charges about $91 per credit hour for one co Martin Luther King Jr. University Anderson said it is important to for low fac and no fat food," and a $91 overload fee for students taking more than 18 Union to listen to Linda Anderson, tell someone they have a problem but Anderson said. faculty assistant to the counseling not to "become involved in every cri­ Bulimics are ··anorexics who have ken said students currently at Eastern would still only center, describe the food-obsessed sis that comes up. It doesn't work; failed," sometimes because of malnu­ hour for one to 12 and the overload fee for more than 18 life of a person with an eating disor­ that isn't the answer." trition, she said. der in "Js Someone You Know Dying Anderson interacted with the audi­ Bulimics binge and purge instead 's been shown by the administration that some kind of To Be Thin?" ence by asking questions and giving a of not eating at all. Sometimes bing­ increase is needed and personally for incommg students, Anderson spoke of bulimia and quiz to help the audience determine if ing can be only an apple, and adding the way it"s being done," said Steve Zielinski, student body anorexia - the symptoms, treatments they or anyone they know has a prob­ exercise and laxatives can add to the t. "I think students coming in next year are going to see and psychological affects. lem. problem, Anderson said. an tag es of it." Anderson stressed the importance The quiz focused on symptoms of BuUmics may purge from 20 ken said the extra money generated from the change will of intervening in the life of a person anorexia and bulimia. such as food affected by an eating disorder. controlling a person's life and feeling See DISORDERS Page 2 See FEES Page 2 tudent harrassed in Ninth Street lot

By Nicole Meinhelt behind, pulled down her shirt and said "do City edtor Police say it's unrelated to an earlier incident you want to f-," a police report said. "(The incidents took place) quite a ways Eastern student was pursued on foot by away from each other to indicate a relation," white males Wednesday night for four able to give a vague description of the sus­ victim's description. Fisher said. after encountering them in the Ninth pecl'i, but Fisher said, her description fits half If the suspects are caught, they will be The victim of the Sept. 3 incident also parking lot of all college-aged males. charged with disorderly conduct, a misde­ described the suspects as a few years older 22-year-old female was able to get to The victim was walking borne when the meanor punishable by a fine, Fisher said. than college students. The victim in the attack ..rtmmt safely and call the police, said suspects began shouting at her, he said. 1be This incident was similar co the Sept 3 Wednesday said the suspects were college­ Fisher with the Olarleston PoUce victim cannot recall exactly what the suspects attack in the 700 block of Seventh Street, but aged, Fisher said. l were saying, but the shouting lasted for most Fisher said they are probably unrelated. Third-shift police officers, who work from suspects never approached or of the time she was being pursued, Fisher said. On Sepl 3. a group of males began yelling 11 p.m to 7 a.m., have been trying to give the lhe girl." Fisher said. Police searched the area for the two males at a 20-year-old female. Two white males heavily-traveled areas more patrol since the lhe police arrived, lhe victim ~ but were unable co find anyone marching the from the group approached the woman from Sept. 3 incident. 2A Friday, September 18. 1998 The Dally Easten

11 :05 a.m. Wednesday. a report said. EiStem Residence Hall Assoc. P,olice •Donald Orseno, 19. of I Delta Chi, reported his bi stolen while it was parked News reallocates funds Klehm Hall, a police report Ii The bicycle is a red 21 - The Daily Eastern News is poblished daily, lotter Monday lhrough Friday, in Charleston, Ill., dur­ By Bethanny Barrell to put $50 into I.he fall half of the men's mountain bicycle · uig fal and spring semesters and twbl weekly Staff Writer fund and $50 into the spring. tear in the left side of the dunng the summer term except during school The fund is now up to $220. More cars keyed The bicycle was unlocked O vacauons or examinations, by Kristi Eustice, McKinney Hall [• ~.n;;a_ the students of Eastern Illinois The Residence Hall Association •The manager at Domino's the Trek lock was under University. Subscnptioo price: met Thursday night to discuss its resident assistant.. approved of the Pizza, 667 Lincoln Ave. report­ a police report said. The · $38 per semester, $16 for summer only. S68 all 1998-99 budget, the Great Lakes changes saying, "As an association was valued at $250, a po · year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of ed that a white male stole a pizza The Associated Press, which is entitled to Affiliate of College and University for the students on campus, we at 1:36 a.m. on Wednesday. A report said. exclusive use of all articles.appearing ® Residence Halls conference and a need to support residents by having group of college-aged males • Jennifer Franklin, 23, of In lhis paper. The editorials on Page 4 possible on-campus coffee house. money to donate to I.he wonby pro­ represent the majolity opinoo of Ille came into Domino's and ordered Country Club Rd .. reported editorial board; all other oplnlon pieces The proposed RHA budget for grams." a pizza for take out. The group age to her 1992 red Pon~ are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial the 1998-99 academic year is The GLACURH conference left the restaurant indicating they Sunbird while it was p and bos#1ess offices are located in Buzzard Hall, Eastern llDnois University. $12,000. will be held Nov. 6 through 8 at would be back to pick it up. One Lot W. a police report said Periodical postage pald at Charteston, IL 61920. The budget was discussed in Michigan State University. white male from the group dent on the drivers side ISSN 0894-1599. great detail resulting in several Applications for those who are returned to pick up the pizza_ black paint was found on Printed by Eastern llnnois University, changes for the current year. interested are due no later than 6 The male grabbed the pizza box vehicle and damage is es · Char1eston, IL 61920. RH.A voted to decrease the fall p.m. Sept. 20. from the manager's hands and at $300, a police report · Postmaster. Send address changes to executive retreat fund by $50, GLACURH is an annual confer­ The Daily Eastern News ran from the restaurant. The • Jonathan Reinholdt S · 8uzZ8ld Han putting the fund at $60. ence that teaches delegates from manager chased the suspect of 527 Taylor Hall, repo Eastern Illinois University RH.A also voted to decrease universities about leadership. through the alley east of and run while his red 1998 Charleston, IL 61920 their phone bills fund by $50, leav­ Also discussed were plans for an Domino's, but the suspect disap­ Taurus was parked in the ing $175 for telephone expenses. on-campus coffee house. RHA is peared a police report said Street parking lot, a police The $100 cut from the two funds still in the planning stages, but • Ginger Rentfrow, 21, of 11 said. Seven scrapes were fl was allocated to the RH.A non-resi­ members are currently deciding on Bloomfield University Court, and the lower part of the Newspaper staff dence hall associated university an appropriate and attractive loca­ reported a license plate stolen was bent out, a police re Editor in chlef ...... Chuck Bullle' affiliated support fund. RH.A voted tion for the bar alternative. from her vehicle between 10 said Managing edrtor ·········-······ ...... Chad Merda' a.m. Saturday and 9 p.m. • Lisa A. Feltenberger, 20; News edt!Of ...... Deana Poole' Associate news editor...... Justin Kmilch' Tuesday, a police report said. J. Feltenberger, 23; and Editorial page editor •••..•.••...••...••. Heather Cygan' trols a person's life. • Jason I. Rolla, 24, of 1143 Vaccaro, 19; all of 1812 Ni Activities edrtor ...... open Disorders Anderson described the prob­ Sixth St. reported two 12-inch St were cited at 1: 10 a.m. AdministratiOn edrtor ...... Tammie Stoup lems that cause both diseases, such Campus edrtor...... Amy Thon from Pagel scratches in the hood of his vehi­ Saturday at their residence City ecitor...... t&ole Melllhert as denial, "distorted sense of self," cle and the front license plate disorderly conduct and Student government edttor...... Joe Sanner control problems and depression. stolen from his 1989 Chevrolet sion of a keg without a Photo editor...... Oeanna Mclnlyle times a day to two times a year, and She suggests going to a person Sports eddor ...... Matt Wilson Blazer between 8:30 p.m Friday Vaccaro and Lisa A. Felte Associate sports edttor ...... Dave Pump eventually it becomes "frantic," she of authority if a friend has a prob­ and I 0:30 a.m. Saturday in the were also cited with pure Verge edrtor ...... -••...••.Jaime Hodge said lem and will not admit to needing east parking lot of his apartment acceptance of alcohol by a Associate Verge edrtor ...... Nikki Toothman Anderson cited a client who said Online editor ...... Joe ZukoWslcl help. complex, a police report said. minor, a police report said Advertising manager ...... Thad Hamed she knew every unlocked bathroom The Counseling Center has • Scott Craig, 20, of 219 Taylor • Curtiss W. Tolefree, 21. Design & graphlCS managei ..•.••...Jennifer Evans on Lincoln Street in case she need­ counselors to help with these and Hall, reported a scratch on the Cory D. Rieves, 20, both of Sales manager ...... -...... Angela Devore ed to purge. Food eventually con- Promotions manager ...... Jo

To reach us Only at ZORBAS! NEED AN HIV TEST? SUPER GREEK SALAD By foot: The Daily Eastern News Anonymous Testing and Counseling is located in the south end of - Spa,shettt Special is available at the Coles County Health Department (825 18th Buzzard Hall, which is at Seventh -- Crispy Garden Sala d , f:I. Garlic Bread and at Eastem's Health Service after hours on Thursdays Street and Garfield Avenue next ONLY The new ORASURE testing method is used (no blood draw to the Tarble Arts Center and across the street from the Life $2.99 WOW! Call the Health Department to make an appointment for Science Building. EasPlaD.t Parme.ean testing site By phone: (217) 581-2812 0$5769' 348-0530 I 258-0530 ~4S-8055 ask for Joyce or Judy By fax: (217) 581-2923 Delivery until 4 am By mall: ELA-ELA-ELA-ELA-ELA-ELA- The Daily Eastern News Come Meet the Brothers of Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University ~ PHI SIGMA P I I Charleston, IL 61920 RUS · ·mE4A By e-mail: Coed National Honor Fraternity ~ The Sorority o &. Sisterhood Editor in chief Chuck Burke I cucebOpen.etu.edu Tu~~~!Q!J Managing editor Chad Merda cuccm1 Opeo.eiu.edu ~ skellar News editor Deana Poole I codmp20pen eiu.edu Associate ews eaitor Justin Kmitch pm cu1kBOpen.e1u.edu ~ Editorial page editor Heather Cygan I .~fttl?§Dtjlll Hall Aud. cuhlc20peo.e!u.edu Sports editor Matt Wilson cumgw1 Open.eiu.edu ~ I Verge editor Jaime Hodge Th~., . ~A cujmh190pen.elu.edu RUSH Photo editor Deanna Mcintyre ~ cudsm20pen.aiu.edu Mon., Sept. 21 7-9pm Grand Ballroom GET TO KNOW'OlMER ~A MEMBERS Online editor Joe Zukowski ues., Sept. 22 7 - 9pm Charleston/Mattoon Rm. I cujjz1 0 peo.etu.edu Requirements: at least 15 credit hours ~ Epsilon Sigma Alph at least 3.0 cum. GPA ~ L-.,_, •.• ______.;. __ ~1------.::::.~:=:..=.:~::=;;;.;;;...;;;;.;;..;______.,.-F~ ~~,..,."S-:::-til""'2!1~1"~~""1~"""'"'2r'"::.-I Eastern News Friday, September 18. 1998 3A

CAR ACCIDENT RECENTLY? REE REPORT reveals what the Insurance companies don't want you to know. emedial s your car njured1 w may be too!! t may be weeks, months or even years before you expertmcc pain, stiffness, headaches Starr report not read n arthritis!

urses public's privacy is vmlated by Students split over the go\iernment. Clinton's privacy "The government already viewed k-nows more about us than v. e do By Tammie Sloup about them," he said. AdmirHstraliOn ed10I' By Tammie Sloup Kandy Cox. a senior elemen­ andAmyThon tary education major, said the Staff editors president will not be impeached recommendation that \\ ould ~-<••-·,.,.. L.Earge siragle student to pay for non-<: red­ for hb actions. -·..,. S:ll •"' 't <> .-. t<>ppling J\ week after Independent "It's not severe enough," Cox ., ..... _ ir>•----• ' al courses \\.a.c; muvduccd Bc _,...... -. <'>f pizza y to the Facult) Senate for Counsel Kenneth Starr's report said. "A lot of people arc look­ <=<>I<- &. q ..aart <>f $ "7 -5<> c::<>ke to the House of Representatives, ing at the moral issue and not the $8.25 recommendation was tabled only one of 10 Eastern student-; legal aspect" last meeting of the Dean's surveyed say Gillespie said ii because the topic needs fur­ they have read '' ------­ there are too many ciscussion. said Teshome Abebe. it. It's not severe enough. A political problem<; pesident for academic affairs. "I feel like and "gridlock" proposal is for a pilot pro­ the public should lot of people are looking right now that will to be initiated in the fall of know." said Lyn at the moral issue and get in the way of Leymon.ajunior impea:hmenL SEPT 19 &. 20, 1998 with a joint program between not the legal aspect. hool of Adult and Continuing communications Morrow 10-5 Sat. I 0-4 Sun. Kandy Cox, 'on and the Depamnent of disorder sciences thinks the politi­ Coles County Airport matics m the College of major. "l think Senior elementary cal problems will s, a policy statement from it's cool that he education major lead to impeach­ ChaJ:;lejStONMattoon, Illinois Admiaaioa 13 yn and up Dean's Council said. can be humiliat------­ ment. ~Jin part by Oty of Ch&rlat.an Tuurism Fundl les Evans, associate profes­ ed in that way." 'There are for academic affairs. and Will Darran Rutan, a senior indus­ too many Republicans," Morrow dean of the College of Adult trial technology major. said he said. 'The'' next election has too Continuing Education. made did not think the entire report much riding on it.. mmcndation. Abebe said. should have been released for Kiney said the public will no Dean's Council discussed public viev..ing. longer have trust in the prc-..i­ proposal) and tabled it.," Evans "l don't think the) should dcnt. "It won't be brought up again ha\ e given uo; all the details of "It's going to destroy tmst (there is more feedback). It is the exual encounters,'' Rutan but he didn't really do anything m the active .1genda. said. to the country," Kiney said. bcbc said there arc currently ''I haven't read it. I just don't "Hillary needs to di\orce him 400 to 500 students enrolled think it's a public concern; it's hut that's about it - it's grounds SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 ial courses, mostly in math. between him and his wife," said for divorce." W/SPECIAL GUEST, A FRIENDS FAVORITE. An effort v.ill be made to a.ssist Megan Vaught. a sophomore Barb Nadter, a non-tlegrec MOUNT PILOT v. ho are unable to afford the early childhood education graduate student, said he has no 09 VAN BUREN AVE. 345-2380 of remedial programs, which major. tru t in the president. oot CO\ creel under pn..--sent finan­ Other students think the "] think he needs to be out of 1140 Lincoln d guidelines,'' the poli<.j stated. report should have been rcleao;ed office. He's a liar, he lied to 8 348·1232 Senate member Lankford Walker to the public. e'>'eryone;· she said. CHINA red .1bout the extent of rcmcd1- "(Clinton) is the head of the Vaught disagrees and said Everyday r5CS and Abcbc said he hopes nation; it reflects on us badly." she thinks the president has Lunch Buffet t 1am-2pm $5.20_1nc1-.-..r1nk ,1n.'11't more than three or four said Boh Gillespie. a -..l!nior bio· ,1lre,1dy been puni<.hed. Dinner Buffet 4:30-Spm $7.JO logical sciences major. "l think living with the guilt 1 department. The macb depart­ 10% off Buffet w/ Student ID could have more because of John Morro\v, a jumor indus­ is punishment enough for him." Carry Out Buffet Available trial technology major. :-.aid the she said. need for remedial courses in chat Everyday Dinner Specials _,...... 1111 c ..1o ....._ or Ip ao11 ~ c:l\Ok• of !!Q PcNtt. °" Cbk.lii.-. fried &k•-lnducte11 -.oftdrtnll Hours Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm fri.Sat 11am·10pm


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... , .... , .,,,,._, Rape is not impossible at Eastern

s you were flipping What I'm saying is I.bat through the paper Eastern is not immune to the before a class or "Certain people problems of a regular college A while you were eat­ in the Charleston campus just because it's not ing breakfast. you might have big as I.be University of IllillCll. noticed an article about a disor­ area don't know Any doubt in my mind lhat derly-conduct report. It seems how to keep Eastern was shellered from ~ that a woman was pursued by big college element ended \\i two white males for four blocks Joe ZUkowski their hormones I.be murder of Eastern studen while she was walking back to Online editor in their pants:' Andrea Will. (For those of) her apartment In that time. the who may not know. Will's Friday, September 18, 1998 men shouted things that may or bo) friend is charged with m may not ha' e been of a sexual dering her after an arguruen nature. )Car in his apartment.) Page4 Let'!> just ... uppose, for the tune being. the men were We need to learn that regardless of \\here \\Care, the.« shouting sexually exphctt thmgs at her. kind of people exist. lliat means this would be the second incident within a And

.ich1cvc the required re-.ull' •The edrtona Despite thc~c reduced student hen Eastern News cfit<;. tu1uon i-. the 'amc durmg sum­ concentration on a subject. but it does mer se1..~io11 a other tenn.s. Eastern· s state. national and mtemauo raise c\ era! hsue-;. m1~s1on -.tatemelll expresses the main issues Last s;.immcr students were go· 1 of Eastern to be to "offer supcn­ Tlie) shoultem needs to telephone number and uddres v.;ithout the advantage of the same ask itself ii JI 1s kecpmg with its mii.­ Scudents should indicate their t Look beneath the surface; let not the several resources. s1on. school and major. Facull). admm quality of a thing nor its worth escape thee. Summer students have no tutors Accessible education means pro­ tration and staff should indicate available for additional course help. viding (making accessible) the tools position and department. Leue~ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Library and computer lab hours are and resources required for a superior whose authors cannot be veri fied Roman emperor, 121-180 also greatly reduced during summer education. Tutors, library availability not be printed. session. Since the students muse do and computer lab access are neces­ Depending on space con~train the same course work, these restric­ sary for students to achieve a superior we may have to edit your letter, so tions seriously impair their ability to education, regardless of the semester keep it as concise as possible.

Send letters to the editor via e·mail to [email protected] See Inside ____ Tarble scholarship contest ...... page 3 Weaving workshops offered ...... page 3 Robbie Fulks to perform ...... page 4 Musical alternative at WEIU ...... page 5 Coffeetalk reopens with country ...... page 8

Honolulu or a seas

Photo courtesy of website: http://www.pitt.edu/-voyagelf98sailing.html

The S.S. Universe Explorer will carry six lucky winners, along with 600 other students, to exotic locations around the world, including the tentatively scheduledJapan and Brazil. Seven others will live in a Hawaiian hiatus? beach house and manage a coffeehouse complete with performance space. MTV's Real World/Road Rules '1J Jaime hodge Verge editor will be in Ch~mpaign Tuesday to ou're sitting on a Hawaiian sandy beach, margarita in pick 13 new strangers. hand. Gentle waves lap and lick your feet as you sigh con­ Y tentedly and stretch in the hot afternoon sun. The picture of perfect contentment, you smile to yourself and think how glad you are that you aren't cramped up in a dark library on a small campus, frantically attempting to study for a mid-term while doing laundry and cooking dinner at the same time. And then the cameraman that was zooming in on your self-indulgent smile trips over your legs and falls on your stomach, spilling the margarita into the sand. Welcome to the Real World. Grab your video cameras and polish those smiles, because the creators of the Real World and Road Rules are corning to Champaign for their eighth casting call. This season, the 13 individuals chosen for the two shows will either reside for 22 weeks in a Hawaiian beach house or participate in the Institute for Shipboard Education's 'round the world program, "Semester at Sea."

See Casting Call page three ______friday.9.18.1998 gthe Verge of the Wee

Every Sunday A't The personal perspectives of Matt Fear: SNEAKY PETE'S C}ports Bar &. GrilD How I see it... S1.75 16oi. Bud light Drafts w/ Keeper Cup Sneaky Pete'sis the 6nest sports 11111 Refills $1.50 on~ IL fea!uring over 60 different impcM1ed on stupid people. We HcrYe Nfl SUNDAY TICKET Come wokh al the foolbaft games on 13 TV's 2102 S. Sanker• Effinglm Including 2 BIG Screens!! 342·3788 There are quite a few irritations in my life: g­ • It is important to keep control when string underwear. the Backstreet Boys and any­ encountering an especially stupid/annoying per­ Great European Atmosphere at thing that has to do with bran, to name a few. I son. If you are not careful, you might end up am sure that no matter who you are there are beating this person within an inch of their life. ~ :i &Wt6 !:Jett ~eau~• tons of things that annoy the hell out of you. I Although beating an annoying person should be - ~~ut~"1t-~~- feel that with all these irritations, we all have a rewarded with a medal or something, law • Nm\ Sl'n Ing Hspr<.•sso & cappuccino Oov.i nto"' n SirltMrc - • Hmtwurst & SClmltzt•I common enemy: stupid people. enforcement officials have yet to see the postive ">onh sl«lc of Counhou.... You know the people I am talking about. aspects of maiming stupid people. • nail} S1>c<:inls Monday 1hro11gh r rlcla> • Vegetarian Specials Daily These are the people who say to you "Can I ask • If you see a stupid/annoying person run as 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. • German Tones Avnllahle you a question?" or "Hey, are you asleep?" The fast as you can in the opposite directions. S.llurd.I) • Gn·m sandwlt h specials: Pastrami, people who sit behind you m movie theaters and A couple of ideas have crossed by mmd on 8 a.m. to 5 1>.m. Turkt•y, l'IC. talk about something totally non-movie related. how to keep the population of stupid people at a e..-/ft ~ - 5-Mt/c114 - People who come up with ideas to renovate hiSr minimum. These ideas may seem a bit radical, 1Uo.ufe+t .tfP/lk P~I torical monuments so they have no more histori­ but our society is based on rad cal ideas. Where cal value. These are all people I would classify as would we be today 1f somebody thought that the stupid idea of shced bread was a 1ust httle b:t too liber­ PUMP Kl N WORKS I know yt)U'areall prolJabl1sayimJ fo yoursef~s al? l stiudder at the thought 3 vvheel "Stupid people? There are nd stupid people orr a t thinK strtct, malldatory castration hlgisla­ chair- 'w::=.. this campus." But I beg to differ. If I were to write tlon should be put Into Immediate action. I know ® mazes accesible ·~ about all of the people around here who are a this sounds harsh, but if stupidity is genetic, Fn & Sat ?pm In Paris tu step down on the evelutionary ladder, I would be should we really let these people breed? I am · Hayrides: Sunday at 3pm right on here for a long time. I would like nothing more pretty sure an answer to that question is a lower than to mention these people by name so I could resounding "NOi" College Days: Hours: Tarahoot protect you all from them, but libel laws being • A simple solution to our stupidity problem Bring valid id for a ~~~ ~--~~ Rd.go12 the way they are, I will just talk about stupid peo­ would be to put all the stupid people in a room discount on all tickets sun 12-spm miles ple in general. and blow it up. It could be a annual celebration. First of all I would like to clear up the defini­ They should do it during halftime of the Super tion of the word "stupid." According to Websters Bowl. Talk about ratings! Welcome Back EIU ... Student Dictionary the word "stupid" means Unfortunately, I can't write everything I would "very slow understanding; lacking in intelli­ like to do to annoying people. I wish I could, but gence." I personally feel that this definition due to length restrictions and editors, I am fairly leaves something to be desired. limited. So I will leave you with this sort of public (South side of square) According to this definition, stupidity is just a service announcement: open Sam - lpm Mon-Fri state of mentality. I would say stupidity is a way Please; if you know a stupid person, get them Sam - lpm Sat of life for most people around here. When I refer help . If you can't help them, please get them to people being "stupid," I am referring to all the SOf'!le help ... somehow. !:DnUy Lun~h a 3nmknmt Sp~~i11~s annoying people. In my opinion the words NOTE: I would like to send a big "HOWDY ...starting at $ i. 7 0 . ~ - "annoying" and "stupid" might as well be inter­ DO!" to Karen and Ben who are faithful enough Serving breakfast anytime changeable. readers to send me e-mail. Thanks guys, and As usual, I am here to help fight against this remember there are better things you could be blight on society. Since I am not offically an offi­ doing, but why bother - this is college. Keep 'Ihis weekarl at cer against stupidity, use my advice at your own those e-mails a comin'! risk. •The No. 1 thing to remember is that stupidi­ Disclaimer: c./11arty's ty is contagious. If you are forced to be in the Although Matt Fear is a stunning individual with above average looks and a personality ltaJlan Beef same room as one who is infected. please make 99 sure to take a hot shower and dip yourself in envied by many, he is just a columnist and his w /fries••• 3. bleach when/if you get away to make sure you views are for entertainment purposes only. You EIU's Friday••• 4 O'Clock Club are completely disinfected. • may send any hate mail or offers of marriage to [email protected]. Have a nice day! s35o Pitchers ~rty's ~~r\lt:,S onlv cold, preO'lhlPl qualtty Millier Ute, rce Hou$e, ~ MGD

For most of us, wisdom teeth rcprcsc four additional teeth that our mouth can't accommodate. The result can be impacted · wisdom teeth producing pain and possibl) causing damage to the other teeth. It is not unusual at this time of year i students to have trouble with their wisdom teeth. Stress and lack of proper rest and di seem to act as a catalyst for a wisdom tootb flair-up. Ideally the mouth should be x-rayed the teen years to tell If the wisdom teeth going to present a problem. If so, early removal Is usually easier, less complicated and recovery time ls much shorter. At Affiliates In Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, the removal of wisdom teeth is d as an outpatient surgery in our offices and often covered by Insurance. Copf editor JUSTIN KHITCH cover design JAIME HODGE verge editor Affiliates in Oral &Moxillofaciol Su JAIME HODGE 102 Professional Plaza associate verge editor MattoonJ IL 61938 NIKKI TOOTHMAN 217-345-7070 Phili R. San friday.9.18.1998

rble contest offers Two weaving programs ,500 in scholarships scheduled for Tarble #Jessica sedgwick Native American inspired art form. tercolors, drawings and other media Staff writer "Once you learn the basics. you can do anything - weave a purse or some­ I be judged by Chicago art critic Tired of writing papers? Feeling a lack thing more elaborate,'' Morice explained. of creativity in life? An art workshop at Morice also said these workshops are the Tarble Art Center may be just what valuable because Tarble Art Center is within the last two years by a resident the doctor ordered. the only center in 45 minute radius that '4'Jgabe rosen of Illinois. The work may not have For the first time, Tarble Arts Center offers non-credit art classes. Staff writer been previously exhibited at The Is offering Introduction to Bead Weaving "We don't make a profit. It's a service Tarble Arts Center. and Peruvian Back-Strap Weaving. for the community,'' Morice said. you thought your watercolor The judge for the exhibition is But don't worry, artistic talent is not Peruvian Back-Strap Weaving takes a lngs could not be worth more noted Chicago art critic and educator necessary. little change of pace. $3,500. the Tarble Arts Center James Yood. All art to be exhibited and "Art is something you can do no mat­ Participants will see examples of might prove you wrong. all awards will be selected at the dis­ ter what your major is," said Dorothy Peruvian textiles and discuss their Tarble Arts Center is inviting cretion of the judge. The awards will Bennet. teacher of lntrocution to Bead importance to both ancient and contem­ is artists to enter drawings, be presented at the awards reception Weaving. "Some of the best artists I porary cultures. olors and other paper artworks at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 6. know do it as their hobby. kind of on the Taught by Jami Wiiiis, art teacher at paper for the 12th Biennial According to Michael Watts, direc­ side." Carl Sandburg Grade dchool, partici­ _.....,/\Na·tercolor: Illinois Exhibition. tor of the Tarble Arts Center, there Bead weaving involves "experimenting pants will create their own design and exhibition will be held from are usually about 200 pieces and about and playing" with seed beeds. Artists will then weave a scarf on a hand made back­ 5 until jan.19 and over $3.SOO in 35-SO artists that enter the contest. use a beed loom to make anything they strap loom. will be given to the winners. This is the 12th incarnation of the choose - earrings. bracelets. or a neck­ "This lsn't a type of weaving that you is no fee to enter the exhibi- event but beginning with last year's lace pendant. Many different techniques need an elaborate secup for;· Willis said. 111d each artist can submit up to event, there have been some recent will be explored. "Once you learn how to do it. you can entries. Tarble will start taking changes. "It's really a fun thing to do. You get make your own loom at home." on Oct. 3 and the deadline to Last year the exhibition began to some nice results." said Bennet. Introduction t6 Bead Weavin& has a is Oct. 11 . include drawing media as well as Bennet. a Jefferson grade school art $30.00 fee for Tarble Ans Center mem­ two-dimensional artwork on water-based painting media in order to teacher and graduate of Eastern in 3-0 bers and $36.00 for non-members. The made with water-based painting open the exhibition to more partici­ studio art. Is excited to teach this fee Includes a variety of colors of seed or drawing media is eligible to pants and to expand the variety of course because It ..gives people af] beads and the use of bead loom and ered. styles and approaches, according to opportunity to do something they ocher necessary tools. wing media can include pencil, last year's exhibition catalog. wouldn't normally do." Peruvian Back-Strap Weavins has the , charcoal or ink. Painting media For a copy of the entry rules and Kit Morice, curator of education and same fee which pays for the use of Include watercolor, gouache, or forms write to: Tarble Arts Center, or1anlzer of the workshops, said brlahdY colored yarns and materials to monotypes, collage, and hand­ Eastern llinois University, 600 Lincoln "Dorothy Is truly a Renaissance woman a.. ,our own back-anp loom. paper. Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Avenue, when It comes to art forms she has Bead MIVinl Is this Saturday from 9 lxed media will be accepted as Charleston ,II 61920-3099. Requests aplored." Lm. to 4 p.m. Back-stnp weaving Is as drawing or watermedia are can also be made by phone at 217-S81 lncroducdon to Bead w..., open to from I p.m. 1D 3 p.m. Slpt. 20 and Oct. ed. All entries must be framed 2787 or by fax at 217-S81-7138, or by ... nine and older, will also Introduce ... The ..... to sip up for the work­ glassed, original and completed e-mail to [email protected]. the Importance of bead WYinl u a I ...... • sting· call from page one

nolulu is going to manage a cof­ "I think when anyone's watching the the videos received or interview MTV star more open minded in dealing with people and performance space. They're show, they think, 'oh my God, that's so hopefuls, she has seen some of the videos they might not have lived so close to," to have a coffeeshop and a stage fun," Garcia said. "(The Real World cast being dubbed near her office. Garcia said. "Many times when we choose gh) we haven't confirmed every­ members) have this awesome place to live, "I might see the ones that are passed roommates we probably pick someone yet." said Dawn Garcia, casting coor­ which we all know is awesomely furnished, on, just because they're being dubbed right similar to us. You don't normally pick r for Bunim/Murray Productions. for six months, all expenses paid. So I near me,'' Garcia said. 'We've had every- someone with differing viewpoints than might invite poets or bands, or know when thing from doing you or drastically different viewpoints than types of performances there - there's an oppor­ the Macarena ... you. S, maybe." tunity like that, '' ... the opportunity for any to people imper­ "Real World and Road Rules are No. I other lucky winners will study people take it." normal person to be on a sonating on MTY. The popularity of It and people d for 16 weeks o n board the S.S. But why did the show like this is great ... you're dinosaurs from who watch the show are pretty great, and Explorer. "Semester at Sea" will creators of the Jurassic Park in the opportunity for any nonnal person to In February and end in May. Tentative most popular chosen based on who you are." fields - and be on a show like this is great - not that for the cast include Venezuela, Brazil, shows on MTV they're naked, they're a star or something." Garcia said. Africa, India, China, Vietnam and choose Champaign but they're cov­ "It's something that you don't have to be for their casting Dawn Garcia ering up things. an actor or an actress for, and you're cho­ er at sea is whatever happens call? casting coordinator at And that's only sen based on who you are:· boat. For example, this season, "Diversity is what I've seen:· Interviews will be conducted from I 0 Rules, is 'Semester at Sea,"' Garcia our most impor­ Bunim-Murray productions Even if people a.m. until S p.m. Tuesday at SOS East Green "It's more geared towards academics tant thing. We are called back Street in Champaign. Interested applicants learning experiences at least for this look for universities that have a large pop­ from this casting call, they still have a long can also send a I 0 minute videotape ... We want to make sure that the ulation of diverse students,'' Garcia said. "If way to go. There are about I 0 rounds to describing themselves and explaining why on 'Semester at Sea' are interested we start doing an open call and we start actually landing on the show, and the final­ they want to be on the show to: Real in learning. You don't want someone seeing crowds of people that are similar. ists are chosen by Mary-Ellis Bunim and World/Road Rules 8, 6007 Sepulveda not excited about it." then we're not really then there's no point Johnathan Murray, creators of the show, Boulevard, Van Nuys, CA, 9141 I. year, about I S,000 people submit in an open call. And that's why we've and associate casting directors. But those Videotapes should be clearly labeled for entries to be on the show and picked the places we have picked." lucky enough to land a spot walk away with the applicant's name, age. address and as 900 people have shown up at a Different may be just the word. with the experience of . phone number. The deadline for video­ call. Although Garcia does not directly handle "I think some people become a little tapes is Sept. 27.

10 p.m Fn. Sept. 18 Uptowner & Cellar 345-4622 9pm Fri Sept 18 Ted's 345-9732 9.30 p.m. Fri Sept. 18 $3 359-2489 free 359-2489 $2-$3 351-7476 Robbie Fulks w Mount Pilot $5 345·2380 9 pm Sat. Sept 19 Ted's $3 345-9732 9pmSatSept.19 Embassy tree 384-9526 free friday 9.18.1998 "'the Verge of the W 'Unconventional' pop/country artist to perform at Friends Bluegrass/country band Mount Pilot to open

Fulks' break came when Terry Uckona, 41'sean stangland producer of the PBS music series "Austin Staff writer City Limits," saw Fulks' live show and put him on his television program. Singer and Robbie Fulks Earlier this year, Fulks had the opportu­ Saturday will bring his unique blend of nity to open for Ben Folds Five on tour. country guitar and pop sensibility to Ironically enough. Fulks' voice sounds Friends & Co., 509 Van Buren Ave. remarkably like Ben Folds' voice, and The performance serves as a record Fulks' music on "Let's Kill Saturday Night" release party for "Let's Kill Saturday takes the same unconventional choices Night," Fulks' new Geffen Records release that Ben Folds Five does. One minute, the that hits stores Tuesday. This album marks album embodies classic country, and the Fulks' major-label debut after cutting two next it sounds like contemporary rock. albums for Chicago-based Bloodshot Performing with Fulks will be Chicago­ Records. based act Mount Pilot, a band that com­ "With this record, I got the chance to bines country, blues, bluegrass, folk, and do any kind of music I wanted to," Fulks rock into one all-encompassing sound. said in a press release. He cites Elvis The band formed in 1994 as an acoustic Costello, Chuck Berry, and Hank Williams duo featuring Ohio natives Matt Weber as his influences. and Jon Williams. The band recently Fulks' recording career began in 1995 released their debut recording, "Help after polishing his skills playing gigs in Wanted, Love Needed, Caretaker," on Greenwich Village and teaching guitar Texas indie label Doolittle Records. method in Chicago. He also spent time The show, featuring both Robbie Fulks playing for the Special Consensus and Mount Pilot, begins at 9 p.m. Saturday. Bluegrass Band. Admission is $5. COED Hair Styling '2.00 OFF Haircut 'S.00 OFF Perm 1503 7th Street (East of Old Main) 348· 7818

there is something about Mother's.. ~ ~ "- C.· bottles \i,Go~Goi ~ 1 \0~~ LADIES Nllf. $1 AMA.RETIOS SPECIALS!! SOUR~ALLS "so sour It will make your butt pucker" "Swing this baby... "

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most po~rful computer systems known to man. Advanced suvers and intranet applications. Innovative middleware and 1auNs~ . OeYelopment tools that push the limits. And for those who infer retro toys. we still haw _....ill•IT mainframes to keep you busy ~I beyond Y2K. VltiC UI • ---llllu• ...... !lllll'llPlf9SU&LLWU• ""'..... friday.9.18.1998 ~ tudent-run radio offers musical alternative rmatted programs organized by music styles offer cultural array

tacting record labels for pro­ "dan ochwat motional CDs or by purchas­ Staff writer ing a CD with their own funds. WEIU FM 88.9 schedule: your ears bleeding from too much Adam Thurman, DJ for musid Do you hunger for a radio sta­ the hip-hop show. said he that grooves to a balance of music suit­ established contacts with all walks of life? WEIU 88.9 FM is the record labels Universal and Monday: Tuesday: you desperately need. Bad Boy among others. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Classical 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Classical station is an alternative to the com­ Thurman DJs the hip-hop 12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Public Affairs 12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Public Affairs ial top 40 music pounded into the show alongside DJ Chris 12:30- 5 p.m. Jazz 12:30- 5 p.m. Jazz of every American citizen, said Joe Lewis, and "we bring solid 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Rock 5 p.m. - 12 a.m. Rock n, station director. hip-hop; it's raw. cutting edge 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. World Show ou won't hear the Titanic song 14 and stuff you haven't heard of a day;• Heumann said. yet," Thurman said. at you will hear with 88.9 is a cultur- "You will enjoy the show. Wednesday: Thursday: d"iverse music station that doesn't stick It is so different and you can't 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Classical 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Classical endlessly repeating format. get it in Charleston. It is not one 12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Public Affairs 12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Public Affairs e total goal is to be a cultural voice just black Urban music - 12:30- 5 p.m. Jazz 12:30- 5 p.m. Jazz the university," Heumann said. white kids like it, Asian kids 5 p.m. - 12 a.m. Rock 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Rock e station succeeds with their musically like it. everyone likes it. We 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. Country/Bluegrass e format. which plays music such as provide hip-hop for the I '· lcal, blues, jazz. country/bluegrass, masses:· Thunnan said. I hip-hop and even world music. The hip-hop show "'We are one kind of radio: non-com­ presently is providing artists Friday: Saturday: ial college radio," Heumann added. such as Lauryn Hill, Sporty 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Classical 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Off Air music always changes; the rock show Thieves, OMX, Canibus, Fat 12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Public Affairs 12 p.m. - 12 a.m. Rock ly independent and no song is played Joe and Big Punisher, 12:30- 5 p.m. Jazz once a week. We also don't play any Thurman said. This unique 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Hip-Hop before 1994." show doesn't focus on the 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. Blues The station is run by students who pro­ commercial music in hip-hop; and plan their own shows. Students it focuses on good solid hip- about 15 hours a week doing record hop. oting, directing, library maintenance "No Will Smith will be Sunday: more, Heumann said. There are cur­ played - not as long as I'm 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Off Air about 35 people working or training working here," Thurman said. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Jazz the station. All WEIU shows take 5 p.m. - 12 a.m. Rock The rock show plays more new music, requests throughout the pro­ "we only play it if we like it;' Heumann gram and do not talk much, Thurman said . 'We'll play the whole CO in a week if it's ... It's 3bbut the music; It's :·he added. not what I have to say," jazz, any kind of jazz, just good jazz; the jazz show also plays some experimental jazz The show receives new music because Thurman said. "It's a place for good music show has iC:' Morgan said. and has an extensive library of music for companies will promote new music you definitely haven't heard. Listen once What is unique about the jazz show is her show, Morgan said. However, the show long as it is aired as "the music brought and you will be happy." that it follows an historical tlmeline of jazz. usually features tunes by Miles Davis. Ben you by so and so:· Heumann said. The same goes for Annie Morgan and It follows different periods from swing to Webster, Louie Prima, Louis Armstrong The student DJs get the music via con- the music show, "If you want new jazz, old bop to cool bop and so on, she said. The and others...... ilunch-SpecraTl i---PapaPak___ l i---~~~a~---l~u~: I 0 1O" p· I I 1 I 1 t . I I I I ne 1zza I I arge, oppmg I I ~la 1t I I I Mo~Thura 1ij am to 1·~ am I 2 Items and 2 I I Breadsticks 2 liter of I I v r~e o~~m~ ~Illa~ I I : - cokes : : • cok~ : : f1ft ftft :fri·~t1~mtoi:J~~m Better Ingredients. 1 9 Better Pizza. !iiiil $5.99 ~ !! ·, , s t ~ tax !! ~ ~.~~+lax !~u~1hmro11 im L------~~------~L------~ ~74# BACK-TO-SCHOOL PEANUT BUSTER 10 tans for $30 CARRY OUT SPECIAL through Oct. I st PARFAIT SALE New Lotions 9·7·98 TO 10•4·98 New Hours 348-0018

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Help Wanted,_ Help Wanted For Rent For Sale For Sale: 1996 Nissan 200SX, CampusClips · ·cola CILA is looking for Farm help. Flexible hours. McArthur Manor Apartments. 2 white, 5-speed, 46,xxx miles, one who possesses a Start now. 345-2999. Bedroom furnished. No pets. Good condition, Great Gas WEIU FM 88.9. Rap show today from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Experi pos1t1ve outlook on life and ______9./23 Call 345-2231. Mileage, $8,600. Call 345- the outlaws live from 5-9 this Friday. would like to take on the chal­ An expanding Child Welfare ______12114 1292. SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM, INC. New me ______.9/18 lenge of helping our residents Agency is hiring a Children's McArthur Manor Apartments. 2 meeting and reception, Sunday, September 20, 1998, at 7p.m. In reach '.heir fullest potential. We Home Supervisor to work in Bedroom. Needed Female Auto Bike as seen on T. V., 2 Coleman Hall, Room 109A. SCA, inc. is a non-profit, educational nave.a full time house manager community setting with 5-8 chil­ Roommate. 345-2231. months old. Paid $280. Will research & recreation society dedicated to studying western ______12114 position avail. Evening hours dren (vs. large institutional sel­ sell for $200 or best offer. Call European cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. We wel­ durinri the week plus weekend ling). Room for creativity and 3 BR Apt. 1125 4th St. $600 235-3597. Please no calls come any persons interested in learning more about our org hours Five residents who are initiative. Work sites In per month. Call 345-6621. before 10:00 a.m. tlon. For more information call, Jeri at 348-0045. ______12114 developmentally disabled live in Charleston and Mattoon. The ______,9/28 LACROSSE CLUB. There is a game on Saturday, September 1 the CILA. Our company offers ultimate opportunity for habilita­ SPRING SEMESTER. NEW 3 93 YAM, JOG-MOTOR from 11a.m. to 5p.m. behind the Tarble Arts Center. It is the firsl medical, vision, and dental ins., ti on aides and CNA's to BEDROOM DUPLEX BEING SCOOTER, 49CC, LOW game of the season, and it's against Western Illinois University 401 K plan. If you would like to advance in your careers. BUILT 1/2 BLOCK FROM MILES, EXCELLENT COND, and Marquette University. find out more, apply at 106 E. Applicants must have at least 2 CAMPUS. AVAILABLE JAN­ $595.00. 78 FIREBIRD, RED, EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA. Special Events Meeting on Sunday, 2nd South St., M-F 9-11 a.m. or yrs of college, at least 25 years UARY 1 ST FOR 3 FEMALES. GOOD BODY, REBUILT September 20, at 8p.m. at Stevenson. Bring ideas for 5-7 p.m. We also have part~ of age. Experience in residen­ 820 LINCOLN ST. 348-7746. MOTOR, $2995.00. CALL 348- Homecoming! Call Michelle or Cara at 345-8289 if you cannot ______12114 time weekend hours (7-3, 9-5). tial setting is preferred, but will 1335. LEAVE MESSAGE. attend and part-time evening hours train. This is a FULL-TIME COMMERCIAL SPACE 1/2 ______9/18 DELTA SIGMA Pl. Executive Board Meeting on September 20, (3:30-9:30) available. position with benefits, health, block from campus. 820 Brother Desktop Publisher 1998, at 7:30p.m. at Erika & Jen's house. There will be a gues1 ______9/21 dental, 401 K. pd Vacation Lincoln St. 348-7746. DP5040-CJ with monitor, WP ______12114 speaker named Steve Black. Ava able immediately! 7.20-8.98 per hour. Primarily Spreadsheet, database. PORTFOLIO WORKSHOP. Dean Ted lvarie, Lumpkin College Oper~ings for PT dietary evening hours, some day. Sublessor needed for house address book, greeting card Business and Applied Sciences, and Dr. Susan Kaufman, UPI staff/early shift 5:30 AM- Flexible hours for students. with basement close to cam­ program, color inkjet printing, e­ Chapter President, will conduct a portfolio preparation workshop 1 :30PM or afternoons 1 :30- Come visit us at 1550 Douglas pus. Big bedroom, with lots of mail capability, $300 o.b.o. Call from 10:00 to 11 :30a.m., September 21, 1998, in the Paris ROOl'll 7:30PM . Apply in person at Drive Suite 206 in Charleston closet and storage space. 348- llm at 581-2309. of the MLK Union. Ali faculty are invited to attend. 738 18th St., Charleston, IL. 8-4 M-F. 6611. ______9/18 YOLANDA ORGANIZATION. Meeting on September 18, at Sp ______9/21 ______9/25 ______9/18 Concert posters. Grateful in the Mckinney Hall Lobby. Friends, residents, faculty, or acq ABSOLUTE SPRING SPRING 1999: NO LEASE, Dead $25. DOORS $20. tances of Brad Wright are welcome. BREAK ... •TAKE 2• 2 FREE Services Offered FREE FOOD, UTILITIES, Hendrix $20. 348-1769 UNITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES. Gospel choir TRIPS ON ONLY 15 SALES LAUNDRY. FURNISHED ______9/18 practice today at 6 p.m. in Room 013 in the Fine Arts Building. and .Earn $$$$. Jamaica, ROOM FOR NS FEMALE. Dale Earnhardt poster $15. LUTHERAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP. Mealthing and movie Cancun, Bahamas, Florida, FREE CASH GRANTS! CALL FOR INTERVIEW. 345- Rusty Wallace HUGE banner Sunday, September 20 at 6 p.m. in the Immanuel Lutheran Padre! Lowest Prices! Free College. Scholarships. 1284. $35. 348-1769. Student Center. Come on over for tacos and contact. M eals, Parties, & Drinks. Business. Medical Bills. Never ______12114 ______9/18 LUTHERAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP. Bonfire today at 8 p.m. ••umited Offer••. 1-800-426- Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218- SPRING 1999: NOLEASE, COLORFUL lifeslze standups. the Immanuel Lutheran Student Center. Come on out for the fire 7 7 1 0 9000 Ext. G-2262. FREE FOOD, UTILITIES, Rusty Wallace $35. Bobby and smores. ______9/24 www.sunsplashtours.com LAUNDRY FURNISHED Rahal $35. 348-1769. WESLEY FOUNDATION. Basic Christian Beliefs Monday, ______10/23 Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Yoga, and ROOM FOR NS. FEMALE. ______9/18 September 21 at 7 p.m. in the Wesley Foundation, across from Part-time Jobs. Interim Step Aerobics all ages, all lev­ CALL FOR INTERVIEW. 345- LARGE framed prints. Charlie Lawson Hall. We will be studying basic Christian beliefs using Personnel is seeking Crossing els. Jacqueline Bennett Dance 1284. Chaplin $35. Partlck Nagel Little's book •Know What You Believe." Guards for morning and after­ Center 345-7182. ______9/18 $45. 348-1769. ______9/18 WESLEY FOUNDATION. Sunday "Cent" Supper Sunday, noon shifts. Earn $$$ white ______9/18 September 20 at 5:30 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation across working around your class Sublessors MTX speakers $100. Home Lawson Hali. Put a penny or whatever you want and have a free schedule. Call or stop by Adoption Theater $150. turntable.stylus meal every Sunday evening. At the end of the semester, the Interim Personnel. 820 $40. 348-1769/ money is sent to help feed the hungry. Come over and make ______12114 Broadway, Mattoon 235- Needed: female sublessor for new friends. 22991345-2211. Our names are Paul and next 8 months. Nice furnished WESLEY FOUNDATION. Lighthouse today from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m. ______.9/18 Cheryl, and we would love to 2 bedroom apt, close to cam­ Travel in the basement of the Wesley Foundation, 2202 4th St. The Hope House has a weekend expand our family through pus. Call 234-9810 or 346- Lighthouse is open for dancing, talking and meeting friends. mid-8 shift avail. We also have adoption. We are a loving, 2282. Leave Message. is no cover charge and no age restriction if you're a student at a 3-9p.m.shift open M,T,W,F financially secure couple who ------'9/30 Spring Break '99-Sell trips, or Lake Land. and a 10-6 or 3-9 available Sat. will help you through this diffi­ Earn cash, and go freelll NEWMAN CENTER. Mass Sunday, September 20 at 11 a.m. and Sunday. Apply at 106 E. cult time. All medical and legal Roommates Student Travel Services is now 9 p.m. in Coleman Auditorium Room 102. Choir rehearsal one 2nd South St., Arcola, M-F 9- fees paid. Call us TOLL FREE hiring campus reps. Lowest hour before Mass. 11 a.m. or 5-7 p.m. @ 1-877-852-4396 for more rates to Jamaica, Mexica, and CIRCLE K. Adopt-a-highway/park clean-up Saturday, Sept ______.9/21 information. or contact our WANTED: Roomm1te. Own Florida. 800-648-4847 or 19 at 8 a.m. Meet at Stix...... STAFF needed In small resi­ attorney Debbie Cobb by call­ www.ststravel.com Room. 2 Bdm'I Hou•. Great ______10/8 THE AGENCY. Meeting today at 11 a:rta. It! Rotirrl 2436 ir'I' dential sites serving 4-6 resi­ ing collect 618-692-6300. Location and $250.00 month. Hall. Eastern's public relations firm welcomes new members dents with developmental dis­ ______.9/18 Call 348-6345. Leave a mes­ #1 now hiring motivated individ­ ested in developing PR skills. a b ii 1ties. Monday through sage! uals to promote America's best ASSOCIATION OF HONORS STUDENTS. Football Saturday, Friday evening and midnight Lost & Found ______9/23 Spring Break vacations. Sell September 19 at 2 p.m. at the Campus Pond. Meet at the shifts or weekend shifts avail­ trips, earn cash, go free! 1- Pond Pavilion. Pizza will be ordered after the game. able. Flexible scheduling also 800-234-7007. www.endless- available. No experience nec­ Lost: two multicultural text For Sale summertours. com. essary. Paid training is provid­ books. Both are paperback ______10!5 PLEASE NOTE: Campus Clips are run free of charge ONE ed. Applications may be and yellow. Please call X2768 Kitten, (F)/Tortilshots $35.00. ·ONLY for any non-profit, campus organizational event. No obtained at CCAR Industries, if found. Must Seel! Call Jen 348-6756 Personals or fundralslng activities and events will be printed. All clips 825 1Bth Street, Charleston, IL ------~9/24 be submitted to The Daily Eastern News office by noon 61920. E.O.E. 1990 Toyota Supra, Blue, 3dr BUSINESS DAY BEFORE DATE OF EVENT. Example: an ______12114 For Rent liftback, loaded, 5 speed, pio­ Sarah Weber of ASA­ scheduled for Thursday should be submitted as a Campus Clp Farm Help Needed. neer disc changer w/remote, Congrats on being nominated NOON by Wednesday. (Thursday is deadline for Friday, Experience preferred; morning, excellent condition, good tires, for Homecoming Court! Your or Sunday events.) Clips submitted AFTER DEADLINE afternoon, and evenings. 348- 3 Bedroom Apartment. 1125 must sell, $6900-make an offer sisters will be rooting for your NOT be published. No clips will be taken by phone. Any ~ 8906 after 4pm. 4th Street. $600/month. Call 345-2997 evenings or leave during that week! Alpha Love, is illegible or contalns conflicting information WILL NOT BE ______9/18 345-6621. message. your sisters. ______12114 ______9/18 ______9/1 Clips may be edited for avallable space.

The Daily [astern News ACROSS • Not neurotic •Free 31 Oman, for one eo Deleterious 1 "Speed" 33 Sue Grafton's defoliant Classified Ad Form speeder "-for •1 England's Isle of 4 Mimeographs, Lawless" Name: ______e.g. M Causes of many Address: ______H ·eome--My swoons House• •Oppositeof DOWN (Clooney hit) "huh?" 1• Woodstock 3SUseda 1 Foreshadowed Under Classification of:------­ performer, 1969 clothesline 2 Historic 41 Legendary computer of Expiration code (office use only)------17 Assembly-line principle elephant eaters 1951 Person accepting ad. ______Compositor _____ 11 Former Gov. 43 Projecting parts 3 "Pancho Villa" no. words/days Amount due:S _____ Bayh 41Best star, 1972 4'1 Stir Payment: Q 20 Bluebeard's 4 Cologne article Cash Q Check Q Credit •Lastteam I Where the seventh wife coached by Leo 21 Peripatetic Reuss River Check number,______Durocher originates religious leader 51 Heraldic wreath 45 27 Stomach 12 1990's CBS •Al Falah grp. Phone: ______Student 0 Yes 0 No tightener detective drama 'I McCallister of 28 Five and ten, seOnewayto "Montana Territory• 52 Dates to run '------'------­ e.g. vanish • Walt Kelly's Ad to read: "-Pogo• 58 t Trouser turnup eo 10 Where to find --+-+...+-+0-.-'+"'~+.;:;.~i-;..i 5-0own --...-...-. 11 Words preceding a n Jafar's nemesis, 42 Noted Assyrian so TriBeCa clarification in film king mentioned neighbor in Isaiah 53 Base address --+""+'""I 12 Like satelhtes a Inventory 44 French sun 14 Concert ending 13Mainland 32 "Nadja" Equatorial actress ... Puerto-, ss - Pablo, Calif Guinea LOwensohn Chile se Certain jet 48 Square, in a way 57 Suffix with press 1•Tabasco 31 Quadrant, say 20 cents per word first day ad runs. 14 cents per word each consec­ coverings H Part of ancient utive day thereafter. Students with valid ID 15 cents per word first 1• Going nowhere day. 10 cents per word each consecutive day. 15 word minimum. ----t Greece with the 22 Went nowhere Student ads must be paid in advance. city Megal6polis ----t-+--t u Some Pepsi 37 Fooling (around) DEADLINE 2 P.M. PREVIOUS DAY-NO EXCEPTIONS purchases The News reserves right to edit or refuse ads the • Cel material considered libelous or in bed taste. M Chronic liar u Unit of a leglOn 40 Yeats heroine friday.9.18.1998 etter Than Ezra jumps on electronica bandwagon heard - and this is one of the better tracks sound of the album. It also provides an drumbeat absolutely ruins the song. If I ever cl'iim ryan · on the CD. upbeat tune which isn't bad for a change. hear "Like It Like That" again, it will be too staff writer The first single, "One More Murder," Unfortunately, the album starts a down­ soon. ly, the newest phase popular music (also found on the X-Files Soundtrack.) is ward spiral after this song. "Pull" and "New Loathers of electronica beware: this is braced is that of electronica. And one of the only a few bright spots on the Kind of Low" show the band trying futiley to not the album for you! Usually strong vocals its newest album "How Does Your disc. The eerie piano intro fits the mood of recapture the intensity of songs like are disappointing on this album. A lack of Grow?;' joins the the song well. For once on the CD, the band "Desperately Wanting" off its last album, originality and conventional music instru­ of artists abandoning their traditional focuses on what has gotten them where "Friction Baby:' ments do not help either. For an encore, in return for immediate success in they are today. 's unmistakeable "Under You" and "Live Again" represent maybe Better Than Ezra can hire Puff Daddy, onica-ridden 90s. vocals are at their best here and the elec­ seven songs on the album that sound exactly the king of all sell-outs, to produce their e band's guitarist must have been on tronica provides a good funk type sound. like something off of Radiohead's "O.K. next album - if there is one. n when this CD was made because "Happy Day Mama" beckons back to a Computer." If a guitatr solo were placed in nd of guitar is virtually non-existent. time when bands still showcased basic and between these two songs, one could mis­ "How Does Your Garden Grow?" 'At The Stars," one of only two songs on repetitive guitar riffs and radio still focused take it for one long and disappointing track. Better Than Ezra album worth any radio airplay, is not a on guitar-driven pop anthems like Better "Beautiful Mistake" is nothing more than Elektra Records song. However, it is practically identical Than Ezra's 1994 hit "Good." This song a mistake. The string section present in the unoriginal Oasis song that I've ever takes a break from the darker tone and background is a nice change, but the artificial * *

Personals Personals Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements C!J " ' tpE PAGlJi.Qtlr.Q JJJUN tt '• II"' 1 I "';•o!;,f.$1(~~~ 1n, ~~arali weber, P'aige s, & Jen Bourg- We Announcements your all during Rushl your sisters. ______,9/18 All new equieipi.!!i!!IGwaAAlL,.,-".4.AIAPn~•..i. ~~---! ny Kinser of Sigma Village Laundry Mat. 24 hour · Good Luck with Derby video security. $1.25 wash, & I I know you'll do great. .25 to dry. Starrin 9/18 ______9/18 EVERY THURSDAY IS CLASS Delta Pledges-Have an RING DAY AT TOKENS. me time at your retreat 9/30 rock our worlds! Love, Spring Break '99. Cancun, MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM KO sisters. Mazatlan, or Jamaica from BY MIKE PETERS a:---:---=-~=--:--9/18 $399. Sell 15 and travel free. utierrez of AST- I am so Lowest prices guaranteed. Info At..W~S CHECK FOR HIPPEH of my Uttle sis, you are Call 800-446-8355. - an AWESOME job! www.sunbreaks.com. SPRINKLER HEA9S BSFORe Mandy 9/29 semNG Po~ ~R -ur=~~=..,,,..=-=9/18 Need Cash. We buy used l)REAM HOM6. .,.._ _ __, 1gma l! We 0on' t0arl<'° l:D rs.i...~a~se1 ~g, and video dir§'i I olf ilif~ I . r,.lrg$sl Soun'? ~ MYS•o:r _.___.__.... I __._~~ . ~9 I +-:- ~ .1 I t1o r: Whlc~ would you _12114 A six pack of premium -RUSH DELTA CHI- For infor- ' ale? Or a case of long· mat1on, check out our commer- with a deposit that costs c1als on ESPN and Fox Sports tran the beer? Sigma Nu Channel For rides and Info s quality over quanhtyl ca: Joe 348-1689 or Doug 348- Sigma Nu 9278. ·RUSH DELTA CHI· 9/18 -- 9/18

Teaching Office. Spring registration will begin October 12. The meetings listed below If you do not attend one of these meetings, official notices Spring class schedule bulletin should be published October 5 in or miss the application deadline, your students teaching will be Official NotJCes are paid for by the Office of University Publications. The Daily Eastern News; after October 5, schedule bulletins will be delayed one year. COMPLETED application packages from this Questions concerning Notices should be directed to the onginator. available in the Registration Office. Read the schedule bulletln for meeting must be submitted to the Student Teaching Office by complete infonnation. December 1, 1998. Michael D. Taylor, registrar ·Thursday, October 22, 1998 (!:00·3:00p.m.) Grand Ballroom, RSHIP AVAILABLE MLKUnion atlons are now being accepted for the Carol Specht · SPRING REGISTRATION. •Tuesday, October 27, 1998 (5:00-7:00p.m.) Grand Ballroom, Scholarship. To qualify, you must be an undergraduate -Students assigned to the Academic Advising Center must make MLKUnlon , currently enrolled at EIU, and a slngle parent with a child an appointment to register for Spring 1999 tenn. Appointments •Monday, November 16, 1998 (4:30-6:30p.m) Buzzard Hall en living in your home. Applications are available in the may be made beginning Monday, September 21 . The appointment Auditorium of Civil Rights, 108 Oki Main, or by calling 581-5020. The must be made In person. PHONE CALLS FOR APPOINTMENT ·Thursday, November 19, 1998 (6:30-7:30 p.m.) Buzzard Hall for a completed application is September 25, 1998. DATES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The Academic Advising Auditorium · Niehols--Director, Office of Civil Rights Center is located in Blair Hall Room 100. Office hours are Monday Brian Reed-Student Teaching through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. REFUND DEADLINE. Maiy Kelm, director, Academic Affairs STUDENT FULBRIGHT COMPETITION last day to WITHDRAW FROM THE UNIVERSITY and Application materials are now available in the Office of a 50 percent refund ( 50 percent of all tuition/fees paid STADIUM LOT PARKING. International Programs, 219 Old Main, for students interested in · n insurance) is Monday, September 21. Be sure to call In -Wrth driver's training classes in full swing, the stadium lot must applying to the United States Student Fulbright Program. The pur­ Touch-Tone Registration System at least 15 minutes before be empty of all vehicles by noon each Thursday this fall semester. pose of this program is to increase mutual understanding between lime. This semester football games and special events mandate the sta­ the people of the United States and other countries through the I D. Taylor. registrar dium lot be empty on some Saturdays also. To avoid confusion, exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. Fulbright grants are the stadium will remain closed for parking from noon Thursday available for research or study in a variety of foreign qualifications G REGISTRATION. until after Saturday's events are over through November 6. Those to apply: (a) be a U.S. citizen at the time of completing application are currently attend EIU and expect to register for Spring who usually park in the stadium lot may park in any student lot on and (b) hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent by the beginning er, make an appointment to see your adviser as soon as campus, and the Tarble Tundra will be open for permit parking as date of the grant. Final deadline for submission to the International le. ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL well. Please use the alternative parking Thursdays through Programs Office is October 12. Those wanting extra assistance 1n GRADUATE STUDENTS. Pay the $100 advance deposit Saturdays. All vehicles in the stadium lot on these days will be writing their proposal must submit it by October 1. If you have cashier window at Old Main (Payable beginning September subject to tow . questions, please aontact the International Programs Office at mil your advance deposit with an advance deposit coupon Sgt. Ron Osborne, Parking Sergeant, University Police 2321 . ble from the cashier or the schedule bulletin). An EIU Carolyn Cooper--Acting Associate Dean, Graduate School and ee who plans to register for Spring must contact the STUDENT TEACHING MEETINGS . International Programs tion Office to have the advance deposit waived; a student ~ Any Students·who·tllink that he/she might be students teaching ns to use co-op teacher waivers must contact the s w dent next year (Fall 1999 or Spring 2000) MUST attend one of tho ''------·------~ ~ friday.9.18.1998 .gthe Verge of the W Coffeetalk finds new home in Stevenson Dining Hall Country singers to perform opening night

an opportunity to get our name out and pick up a 4'joshua niziolkiewicz little bit of cash." Staff writer Farrel also mentioned the benefits students receive from Coffeetalk. With the closing of the Gregg Triad Dining "All the new people in the school get a chance Service, the future of one of the campus's few to get familiar with the local bands," Farrel said. "A underaged entertainments seemed in doubt. But lot of people can't go to the local bars, so they can the two-year tradition of good music, good food, come here and see bands play." and good times known as Coffeetalk will continue Coffeetalk performers do not have to worry in its new home, the Stevenson Dining Hall. about bringing electrical equipment. Because this The event, which was started in 1997 by stu­ event is a Recognized Student Organization, they dent Steve Whitlock. runs in conjunction with the can rent speakers, mies, and other equipment from Snack Attack program. With a swipe of their din­ the Martin Luther King Jr. Union. ing card, students can enjoy food and drinks while Performers are paid up to $50, but it may be watching the evening's selected entertainment. less depending on Coffeetalk's budget for the Coffeetalk's performances have grown over the month. past two years. The first year it was held, only two "We pay them as much as we can afford to," different a'c'ts 'were performed the entire year. It Orlet said. wasn't until last year that performances were put The organitation is r'Un by dcmations, hall coun­ out every Friday. Chairman of Coffeetalk Kristi cils, and other fundraising events. Orlet Is looking Orlet said she hopes to continue the Friday tradi- for local businesses to donate this year. Because of tion. the the organization's tight budget, Orlet men­ "I want to have something for every Friday," tioned the importance of volunteers. Orlet said. "I would also like to have more per­ "I am discovering how important it is to have formers at the shows." other people around," Orlet said "We need people Orlet said she would like to keep the variety of to help pass out flyers, book bands, and do other entertainment Coffeetalk has booked over the small things." past couple of years. Besides seeing good bands, Orlet said it is mostly grunt work. but it is still Katherine Thomas Staff photog students can see comedy acts and open mic poet­ very important to the organization. I ry. The entertainment is different every week. New entertainment is constantly being sought Showgirls Returning band Baked Alaska talked about the by the students at Coffee Talk. Orlet encourages impact that Coffee Talk has on students that are all students interested in performing to contact The Elvettes, background vocalists for El Vez, apply makeup before watching and entertaining. her at 581-2194. performance Thursday night in the Dvorak Concert Hall. The pon "Coffeetalk has been very good to us," said Coffeetalk begins at 7 p.m. tonight with country were extensions attached for the show. About 70 people showed up to bassist Kevin Farrel. "It was hard to get shows last vocalists Amanda Zuber and Kelly Staley perform­ the Mexican Elvis perform along with East L.A. band the Blazers. year because we were a new band. They gave us ing. Admission is a swipe ofa student meal card. 348-5454


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The Daily Eastern News is your door to the EIU community. Friday, September 18, 1998 SA reviews transfers 800 'friends' to volunteer s2.oo stkts Office of Academic Affairs. There also were some additions for '98 Special Olympics to some of the subcommittees WI~~ E~QQ~RS Downtown Charleston • 345-9222 dealing with various segments of By Nicole Meinheit said. visit our website at ww1·1.kerasotes.com ay discussed con­ the integrated core. City editor When Eastern began working lllnw w.-: ' ng rransfer policies Lida Wall, dean of the College with the Family Fun Festival 15 llldlllM PG Frt Sil 7:00 t:OO students transferring of Sciences; Claire Krukenberg. About 800 Eastern students and years ago. there were 100 volun­ Sil aun Mat 2:00 Sun-Thur 7:00 munity colleges to chair of the math department: Alan faculty members Sacurday will vol­ teers. By the second year, that 54 R Frt Slit 7:30 1:40 Baharlou. chair of the unteer as "Friends for the Day" number had jumped to 300. Shank Sil SUn mil 2:16 Sun-Thur_!: 30 Addison geology/geography department: during the Special Olympics said. a ;.cction from the and Gmm Koster. student dean of Family Fun Festival. In the past fc\\. 1car~. between Articul tion Initiative the College of Sciences, will now The Famil) Fun Festival is for 750 and 800 Eastern students ha\e h, t rcJd, "Student;, serve on the subcommittee dealing Special Olympian:., but is a non­ volunteered to help \\ ith the h: the matched course with quantitathe reasoning. prob­ compc1ith e environment. said Famil) Fun Festl\ al. Shank said di\ 1s1on level hefore lem soh ing and scientilic aware­ Charlene Homan. med1a/employcc "Societ) can give young people d not need to repe.at it ne~s. relations for Illinois Consolidated such a bad mp. and we don't sec er d1\ 1s1on le\ el. but James Johnson, dean of the Telephone Company that in Eu~tem students" Shank Slit Sun mats In (br."­ s1on credit granted Colkgc of Art'i and Humanities: Friends for the day are paired up said. Rulh Hour PG13 r ITAL count tO\\ ard upper­ and Jeffrey Lynch. associate pro­ \\ ith a Special Olympim1 v.ho they Man) of the volunteers come [.2:15) 4:40 7:20 9:.( redll rcqu1rcmc11ts for fessor or fine ans. y. ill :-.en eon the accompany to the games and acti\ - from the special edm:ation depart­ S.Vlng Prtvatll Rya. R subcommittee that will examine ities set up on Lakeland College's (1:00] 4:30 8:15 ment. physical education depart­ There'• Something About Mary R 1s signed into the anic- the cultural experience/fine arts campus. ment. health studies and leisure (1:50] 4:507:3010:10 tiati,·e and this statement component. cultural ··we try to meet the Special studies. but sororities and fraterni­ Roundel'I R 1 problem for those stu­ experience/philosophy and litera­ Olympian's wishes when we pair ties also bri ng in a lot of volunteers. [1 :20}4:10 7:00 9:45 erring in from commu­ ture component. them up with their Special Fnend," 'The Greek community really Died 11111 One c.npu1 R . Addison said. CAA member Tim Mason and said Kathlene Shank, who coordi­ comes through for us," Shank said. [2:30) 5:00 7:40 9:50 er policies are never Melissa Riley, student vice presi­ nates Eastern volunteers with The Family Fun Fest is the Ev• Abt PG13 'd CAA member Mary dent for academic affairs, will [1:10) -4:00 6:50 9:30 Christy Hooser. largest Special Olympie's event BIDR . "We have to main- serve on the committee dealing Some Special Olympians want and Eastern is one of the few uni­ [1:30) 4:.207:1010:00 ·c standards." with foundations of civilizations. ro be paired with a male or a female versities that generates this many One True Ttiq R DIGITAL nts do retain the right Christopher Waldrep, associate and others who have participated in volunteers, Shank said. 5:008:00 · e their courses and professor of history, will serve on the past want to be with the same Eastern students also volunteer t chairs to determine the committee investigating for­ partner as previous years. to help with the Special Olympic articulated, said Charles eign languages, language and the Organizers try to accommodate games which take place on representative from the U.S. Constitution. them as best as they can, Shank Eastem's campus in the spring.


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a copy of the Job Fair Program contain­ Turkey end Cheese - Fresh leltuce, tomato and Grilled Chicken - A lightly mannated whole liellmann'a mayo. Made with fat free boneless chicken beke b1.11& ...." ...... $2 49 majors sought and employer descriptions Ham & Cheese - same deal Fresh lettuce, tomato, Better Beef make Better Burgers - Ours Is the real mayo (Heltmann's) - lresh bread baked here But! - O\ir beef Is all beef - no filler and cookod at Career Services, SSB, Room 13. each day ond Farmstllad lean nam.. $2.99 as you orcler over the open Jtame of char-broll gnll, seNed on our made-hore oven buns - topped w.th Roast Beef & Choese - Fres!l lettuce tomato real mus!ard. ketchup lresh pickle. onions mayo and mayo (Hallmarn s) - makes !hrs a trer:'endoos beef tomato - 'IO extra charge. Are You Prepared? sandwicl> $2 99 Single Hamburger $' 79 Double Hamburger. S2 79 Chl!

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alk-ins - Saturday I Oam - 2pm ' '®'I;------,,....-.._; byAppt. - WELLNESS a WISDOM Wednesday 3pm - 6pm 6 10 6th st.

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®©uoo~@lw~ If you 're majoring in computer science, data proces~ing. accounting. 16 oz. Miller Lite auditing. math or law. contact your Placement Director for more infonnation, or write to: Assi.<;tant Director. Corporate Human Resources, Three State Fann Plaia-K t, Bloomington. lllinois 61791-

Stace Fann ln:.'llrance O)mpanies • Home Offices: Bloomington, lllinois • An F.qual Opportunity Employer www.smtefarm.com Friday. September 18. 1998 7A olleyball team seeks Congratulations Sigma Pi venge against OVC foes on an Excellent fall Rush By Kyle Bauer Tournament with a 3-1 victory. Meredith Ferlic. Ferlic surpassed the Love, Krissie Staff writer Needless to say, the Panthers are 1,000 point mark at the Kent State ready for this one. Invitational The senior has recorded first major test for the "I don ·c know that it is a revenge 1,025 digs and needs only 56 more to 's young volleyball season type thing, but there is definitely a climb into the top five in digs. bile this weekend as Tennessee rivalry that has developed in the last The only thing missing from this and Mjddle Tennessee come to three years," Panther head coach Tech team will be 1997 OVC Coach for a pair of Ohio Valley Betty Ralston said "The team is real­ of the Year Jennie Gilbert Gilbert matches. ly focused on this match. They came gave birth earlier in the week and will up for Eastern will be in and beat us in the first conference not make the trip this weekend, but CAR HARTT Tech. The match will be match last season." her husband and assistant coach WRANGLER LEE-RIDER al 7 p.m Friday. The Panthers Eastern is in the middle of a tbree­ Ernie Gilbert will take command of lxlst MjddJe at 2 p. m. Saturday. game winning streak and would like the team in her abscence. is the defending OVC to do all it can to continue it With all the focus on Tech this WOLVERINE t champion and is once ''We are improving, but we have a weekend, it is important not to over­ picked to finish near the top of lot of things to do before Friday. We look the second game of this week­ CLOTHING & FOOTWARE really need to focus on that match," end's home stand against Middle senior hitter Missy Hollenkamp said Tennessee. 345-2280 Tech is off to a 6-2 start, but has Middle comes into the weekend at 1O" Deep dish yet to face an OVC opponent The 1-3 and will play its first OVC match Eagles have earned second place fin­ at Southeast Missouri State Friday ishes in both of their preseason tour­ night before traveling to Eastern 2 toppings nainents. Sophomore middle hitter Saturday. ANGIE'S Stephanie Busch was named to the ''We are not overlooking Middle, CHICAGO STYLE or $6.99 All-Tournament team in both tourna­ but you have to prepare for the better 2 Calzones ments. match," Ralston said "You have to Busch, who has played just a little focus on the first match. We have to PIZZA two teams met ooce more in over one season. is growing closer to play Friday before we can play 2 toppings litle match of the OVC making the Career Top Five in both Saturday. The key match is Friday 345-EATT t Tech ended Eastem's block assists and total blocks. night" and advanced to the NCAA Also setting records for Tech is Friday & Saturday Specials Domestic B o ttles $ 1.75 12 oz. Domestic Drafts $1.25 Arts Center and Eastern will play at 11 a.m. 1 6 oz. D omestic D rafts $1.50 against Western Illinois. After the Western Illinois Friday Lunch Special Baltimore Zoos $4.25 and Marquette at l :00 p.m. , Eastern will continue Patty Melt on Sourdough w/French Rails $2.25 Frles...... $4.50 Bacard i Spice Mixers $2.25 play at 3 p.m. against Marquette. Catfish Sandwlch w/ColeSlaw...... $4.25 • The Panther women's rugby team will play Dan ce Party Fri. & Sat. Fri. Dinner Special 1 0 p m-Close its first game as an NCAA sanctioned sport when 8oz. New York Strip, Two Sides & Side Frjday - D.J R OSS it travels to Illinois State. The game is slated to Salad ...... $7.25 Saturday - D.J B RAD start at 11 am. Chicken Fettucclnl Alfredo, Vegetable & Side Salad...... $6.75 • The Panther men's rugby team will play in 345-7849 its second tournament of the year when it travels to Champaign to take on Illinois. The match Sundays - OPEN 11 am - 11 pm The Eastern men's lacrosse club will be between the 2-1 Panthers and the Illini will be at Sunday Special peting in their only home meet this semester 1:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome, Saturday. • Tryouts for the men's club volleyball team $2.50 Domestic Pitchers 21 to Drink The games will be played behind the Tarble will conclude Sunday. $2.25 Bacardi Spice Mixers tG\!1"$11ll rF-o" a :Orlnk Spaclmlai Food Purchase Required

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Attention Accounting Majors Job opportunities available with these employers: McGladrey & Pullen Country Companies Arthur Andersen LLP Illinois CPA Society c;ompa r e our great 1ow prloe e to the lre 3 W. Lincoln 345-4743 Caterpillar Sikich Group Kemper CPA Group ADM ------~,r------,~------,~------, e CaesarS' 11 Little Caesars· I I Little Caesars· 11 Little Caesars1 ...... c...... _... : 11 ...... -c-...... -. I I ...... ~<-....--• 11 ..... ~ ... '-...... I at CAREER DAY I JOB FAIR 1 -14" 11 carry OUt Special I I LUNCH OR 11 NEW STORE I Pizza 11 Monday &Tuesday Qnly 11 LATE NIGHT MUNCH 11 HOURS I 11 1-14" Pizza 11 I Large Pizza w111opp1qg II SUNDAY 11a.m.. m1c1n1g1n I Wed. Sept. 23 '/ 1 topping 11 w/l topping 11 1 ~~~~ II MOnday·Thur&day I 9:30 am - 2:30 pm II 11 $ II 118m·l:30a.m I $69£! Lantz Gym II $499 11 I 000 II PrldayandSaturday I I - 11 Iii' II a.m.·2a.m. I I:=:::.-:=· 11= ·=-·-- I OPEN LAT E t I Over 125 employers attending. See Career Services for more c-:::=:=: ---~ -===~= - L------~ infOJ;'llUlti.On. SSB - Room 13 581-2412 www.· Inside Volleyball faces OVC foes. Page 7A Men's and women's soccer play at home. 8A Page6A September 18, 1 ootball's longest losing skid on lin Eastern hopes to extend 20-game PANTHER ~ WATCH losing streak of Northern Illinois By Chad Merda Managing ed~or A real traveling man For the second week in a row, EASTERN What: Eastern (1-1) vs. Nor1hem (0-2) astern isn't facing the average I-A When: o:35 p.m . Three games oponent ..,,,.Where: Huskie Stadium, DeKalb Last Saturday a Heisman candi­ o Radio: WCBH·FM 104.3 - te stood in the Panthers' way. Merda's pick: EIU 28, NIU 24 in two sports N ~ Wt'ile NIU does halie a 0 This time it's a 20-game c:t ~ lois!rlQ slreak. v.e haYe IO N onhem illinois losing streak, the k!leP nmm lliat a1s a l·A 1eam will await freshman ingest in Division I football. w ~andlasler~~a 0 = ~~losibedland "' "There's different ability levels this weekend on every team and I'd like to think - ~.b'~Norh!rriollense~a we're better suited to compete == 14mrtJtes • By Chad Merda against Northern Illinois," Eastern Cll CD Managing ecitor • coach Bob Spoo said. "I'm hopeful = sn that this is going to be competitive. Freshman Travis Johnson isn't "Our expectations are very high concerned about taking time ro get a....Wilson's pldc EIU 35, NIU 20 = acclimated to college life. but you have to keep this in the - Analpla: ThaNcdlem ~ sln!ek = = l!ldends b 21 games wih the k6s. "' Right now his focus is on help­ right perspective." Ewn tioim Ifie~ silualia1 The perspective is that after NWM'I be lickled i.rii close k> girTl8 = ing the Eastern soccer team beat Otrne, wt'lo9oa tis rpxt CN Saturday, the Panthers start a ;roort cA ~wi=a the Sjlee