Eastern Illinois University The Keep September 1998 9-18-1998 Daily Eastern News: September 18, 1998 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1998_sep Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: September 18, 1998" (1998). September. 17. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1998_sep/17 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1998 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in September by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Friday · 1=y ~ September 18, 1998 Inside Sports Casting call www.den.eiu.edu Doing it all Some Eastern students will Freshman athlete splits time be auditioning next week to Eastern Illinois Univetsily Charteston. • 61920 between football and soccer be the next stars on MTV's Vol. 84, No. 20 teams this weekend. Road Rules and The Real 16 pages, 2 sections Story on Page SA World. ews The Verge (pullout section) Page 18 "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." iwfee Preventing a death ncrease ossible ate to look at 3 percent ti on increase, per hour fee By Joe Sanner Student government editor Wednesday's Student Senate meeting, Lou Hencken, vice nt for student affairs, discussed tl'le possibility of a new to raise tuition 3 percent and charge tuition by the hour · credit hour a srudent is registered for. Senate voted down a previous proposal at the Sept 2 g by a 9-11 voce. The original proposal was co raise tuition ent and charge students by the semester hour for taking than l 6 hours. Katherine Thomas / Staff photographer McFadden. chair '' --------­ Linda Anderson, a councelor at theCounceling Center for the past 5 years, talks to a group of about 150 students Thursday tuition and fee evening in the Arcola/Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Anderson talked about bulimia and comminee, said Irs been shown by the anorexia andhow people can help those with the disorders. ·ng state support, administration that some ition of technology. kind of tuition increase is · · g and retaining a Speaker: Most can't beat eating disorders alone faculty, increasing needed and personally for ·, By Lauren Kraft "Most people cannot gee over this guilty after eating. materials costs, incoming students, I like the Staff wmer alone," Anderson said. "Anorexia is a restriction on the · ng federal regula- way irs being done. Anderson said people have to amount of food taken in - in order to and growing Watching a friend die from an eat­ intervene to help a person because the not be fat," Anderson said. d maintenance Steve Zielinski, ing disorder is similar to watching outcome is ultimately death. Anorexia begins with a personal s are all reasons _____Student body president ,, him or her play Russian roulette and '1'here are ethical and moral deci­ belief that "1 don't wane to be fat," proposed increase. saying ''it's OK, because it is their sions to be made," Anderson said. Anderson said. new proposal life," a counselor from the "(But) don't become the food It gets out of control because it increase tuition for all students by 3 percent. It also would Counseling Center said Thursday. police." !>tarts out as a diet and counting fat freshmen who enter the university in fall of 1999 $94 per Students squeezed into a room A person must not try to monitor grams, but ends up with "spending a hour. and spilled into the hallway of the someone's food intake, she said. long time at Wllb Walkers ... looking m presently charges about $91 per credit hour for one co Martin Luther King Jr. University Anderson said it is important to for low fac and no fat food," and a $91 overload fee for students taking more than 18 Union to listen to Linda Anderson, tell someone they have a problem but Anderson said. faculty assistant to the counseling not to "become involved in every cri­ Bulimics are ··anorexics who have ken said students currently at Eastern would still only center, describe the food-obsessed sis that comes up. It doesn't work; failed," sometimes because of malnu­ hour for one to 12 and the overload fee for more than 18 life of a person with an eating disor­ that isn't the answer." trition, she said. der in "Js Someone You Know Dying Anderson interacted with the audi­ Bulimics binge and purge instead 's been shown by the administration that some kind of To Be Thin?" ence by asking questions and giving a of not eating at all. Sometimes bing­ increase is needed and personally for incommg students, Anderson spoke of bulimia and quiz to help the audience determine if ing can be only an apple, and adding the way it"s being done," said Steve Zielinski, student body anorexia - the symptoms, treatments they or anyone they know has a prob­ exercise and laxatives can add to the t. "I think students coming in next year are going to see and psychological affects. lem. problem, Anderson said. an tag es of it." Anderson stressed the importance The quiz focused on symptoms of BuUmics may purge from 20 ken said the extra money generated from the change will of intervening in the life of a person anorexia and bulimia. such as food affected by an eating disorder. controlling a person's life and feeling See DISORDERS Page 2 See FEES Page 2 tudent harrassed in Ninth Street lot By Nicole Meinhelt behind, pulled down her shirt and said "do City edtor Police say it's unrelated to an earlier incident you want to f-," a police report said. "(The incidents took place) quite a ways Eastern student was pursued on foot by away from each other to indicate a relation," white males Wednesday night for four able to give a vague description of the sus­ victim's description. Fisher said. after encountering them in the Ninth pecl'i, but Fisher said, her description fits half If the suspects are caught, they will be The victim of the Sept. 3 incident also parking lot of all college-aged males. charged with disorderly conduct, a misde­ described the suspects as a few years older 22-year-old female was able to get to The victim was walking borne when the meanor punishable by a fine, Fisher said. than college students. The victim in the attack ..rtmmt safely and call the police, said suspects began shouting at her, he said. 1be This incident was similar co the Sept 3 Wednesday said the suspects were college­ Fisher with the Olarleston PoUce victim cannot recall exactly what the suspects attack in the 700 block of Seventh Street, but aged, Fisher said. l were saying, but the shouting lasted for most Fisher said they are probably unrelated. Third-shift police officers, who work from suspects never approached or of the time she was being pursued, Fisher said. On Sepl 3. a group of males began yelling 11 p.m to 7 a.m., have been trying to give the lhe girl." Fisher said. Police searched the area for the two males at a 20-year-old female. Two white males heavily-traveled areas more patrol since the lhe police arrived, lhe victim ~ but were unable co find anyone marching the from the group approached the woman from Sept. 3 incident. 2A Friday, September 18. 1998 The Dally Easten 11 :05 a.m. Wednesday. a report said. EiStem Residence Hall Assoc. P,olice •Donald Orseno, 19. of I Delta Chi, reported his bi stolen while it was parked News reallocates funds Klehm Hall, a police report Ii The bicycle is a red 21 - The Daily Eastern News is poblished daily, lotter Monday lhrough Friday, in Charleston, Ill., dur­ By Bethanny Barrell to put $50 into I.he fall half of the men's mountain bicycle · uig fal and spring semesters and twbl weekly Staff Writer fund and $50 into the spring. tear in the left side of the dunng the summer term except during school The fund is now up to $220. More cars keyed The bicycle was unlocked O vacauons or examinations, by Kristi Eustice, McKinney Hall [• ~.n;;a_ the students of Eastern Illinois The Residence Hall Association •The manager at Domino's the Trek lock was under University. Subscnptioo price: met Thursday night to discuss its resident assistant.. approved of the Pizza, 667 Lincoln Ave. report­ a police report said. The · $38 per semester, $16 for summer only. S68 all 1998-99 budget, the Great Lakes changes saying, "As an association was valued at $250, a po · year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of ed that a white male stole a pizza The Associated Press, which is entitled to Affiliate of College and University for the students on campus, we at 1:36 a.m. on Wednesday. A report said. exclusive use of all articles.appearing ® Residence Halls conference and a need to support residents by having group of college-aged males • Jennifer Franklin, 23, of In lhis paper. The editorials on Page 4 possible on-campus coffee house. money to donate to I.he wonby pro­ represent the majolity opinoo of Ille came into Domino's and ordered Country Club Rd .. reported editorial board; all other oplnlon pieces The proposed RHA budget for grams." a pizza for take out. The group age to her 1992 red Pon~ are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial the 1998-99 academic year is The GLACURH conference left the restaurant indicating they Sunbird while it was p and bos#1ess offices are located in Buzzard Hall, Eastern llDnois University.
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