New Finance & Environment Ministers Set out Their

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New Finance & Environment Ministers Set out Their Issue 1 | Autumn/Winter 2013 | | Follow us: Facebook & Twitter NEW FINANCE & ENVIRONMENT MINISTERS SET OUT THEIR PRIORITIES FOR REtaiLERS online, on mobile & app TRY OUR NEW FREE APP!‘Translink NI’ online, on mobile & app NIIRTA WELCOMES TRY OUR NEW FREE NEW DFP & DOE APP! ‘Translink NI’ MINISTERS The Northern Ireland Independent Retail “With Northern Ireland having the worst deserves considerable credit for Trade Association (NIIRTA) has welcomed Town Centre Shop Vacancy Rate in the expanding the Small Business Rate Relief the appointment of Mark H Durkan UK of nearly 1 in 4 shops vacant he must Scheme and introducing the Empty MLA as DOE Minister and hailed the ensure that his department plays a key Premises Rate Relief Scheme” contribution of outgoing Minister Alex role in tackling this problem” Attwood MLA. “Both these measures have been helpful “We look forward to working with Mark in supporting Town Centres in these NIIRTA Chief Executive Glyn Roberts said: in his new role and wish him every challenging economic times” success” “Alex Attwood made a great contribution “NIIRTA has an excellent working to supporting local town centres in Commenting on the appointment of relationship with Simon Hamilton and his time as Minister by rejecting many Simon Hamilton MLA as Minister for looks forward to working closely with unsustainable out of town superstore Finance and Personnel Mr Roberts him as Minister” applications. He was a strong supporter thanked his predecessor Sammy of town centres and our independent Wilson MP for his record of support “The key challenge for Minister Hamilton retail sector” for independent retailers and small is to build upon his predecessor’s Rate businesses. Reform Programme and ensure that “Mark H Durkan must build upon his the current Rates Revaluation delivers predecessor’s contribution and stand “Sammy Wilson leaves office with even more for small traders and Town up for our local town centres and ensure a strong of record of supporting Centres” we have a new planning policy which independent retailers and small supports their future growth” businesses in Northern Ireland. He 03 FIRST MINISTER OPENS NEW NIIRTA HEAD OFFICE First Minister The Rt. Hon Peter “NIIRTA is delighted with our new office big time saver” Robinson MLA has officially opened on Upper Newtownards Road which the new Northern Ireland Independent gives us more space and better facilities “At our launch, we outlined the need Retail Trade Association (NIIRTA) office to help us to support our members with for every political party to give their full at 245 Upper Newtownards Road, an improved service” support to Small Business Saturday on Ballyhackamore, Belfast. 7th December. Nearly 30 local business “NIIRTA HAS FIRMLY organisations have now pledged their Among those attending the launch open support” day included Naomi Long MP, Alasdair EStaBLISHED ITSELF McDonnell MP, Jim Nicholson MEP, Robin AS A paSSIOnatE “We have also urged the Executive Newton MLA, Sammy Douglas MLA, CHAMPION FOR to establish a Northern Ireland Town Chris Lyttle MLA, Cllrs Gavin Robinson, Team to tackle the growing challenge of Adam Newton, John Hussey, Tom Haire INDEPENDENT Northern Ireland having the worst shop and many local business leaders and REtaiLERS ACROSS vacancy rate in the UK, with 1 in 4 shops retailers. NORTHERN empty” First Minister The Rt. Hon Peter Robinson IRELAND.” “This Town Team should be jointly FIRST MINISTER THE RT. HON PETER MLA said: ROBINSON MLA chaired by the First & deputy First Ministers and include the Ministers “NIIRTA has firmly established itself as a “We are a growing business organisation for DRD, DOE, DSD & DFP and key passionate champion for independent supporting over 1400 independent stakeholder organisations to agree a retailers across Northern Ireland. retailers, wholesalers, suppliers to the coordinated regeneration plan and sector and traders’ groups in Northern future policy” “I’m delighted to officially open their Ireland” new office and wish them well in this “While our local retail sector is facing new chapter of their ongoing support for “As a business organisation which is huge challenges, we believe with a better an essential part of our economy”. actively lobbying for a better deal for its policy environment and with retailers members, our new office being such a themselves embracing new technology, NIIRTA Chief Executive Glyn Roberts said: short drive away from Stormont will be a it will have a sustainable future” 04 Photo 1 Photo 5 “beTTER faCILITIES TO HELP US TO SUPPORT OUR MEMBERS Photo 2 WITH AN IMPROVED SERVIce” NIIRTA CHIEF EXECUTIVE GLYN ROBERTS NIIRTA’s new ADDRESS: Photo 6 245 UPPER NEWTOWNARDS RoaD, BALLYHacKAMORE, BElfaST, BT4 3JF T: 028 9020 0004 Photo 3 Photo 1: NIIRTA Board members meeting with First Minster at the office open day Photo 2: Glyn Roberts with SDLP Leader Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP at the new NIIRTA Office open day Photo 3: Glyn Roberts & First Minister speaking at the official opening of the new NIIRTA office Photo 4: Members of the NIIRTA Board & First Minister Peter Robinson MLA at official opening of new NIIRTA Office Photo 5: Welcoming Deputy Mayor of Craigavon Cllr Colin McCusker to the new NIIRTA Office Photo 6: Welcoming East Belfast MP Naomi Long to the new NIIRTA Office 05 Photo 4 SMALL BUSINESS SUMMIT ON RatES & SMALL BUSINESS SatURdaY The Northern Ireland Independent Retail the FSB, NIIRTA, Pubs of Ulster, Ulster “The rates revaluation and local Trade Association (NIIRTA) organised a Chemists’ Association and Chambers of government reform will mean that hard mini summit recently. Local Chambers of Commerce for driving it forward in towns decisions are being taken not only by Commerce and Business Organisations and villages right across the province.” me, as Finance Minister, but also my attended the event at Titanic House to Executive colleagues. discuss Small Business Saturday and the NIIRTA Chief Executive Glyn Roberts said: forthcoming Rates Revaluation. “We are delighted at the progress being “Business ratepayers I hope understand made in Northern Ireland to make 7th that the Executive is committed to Outgoing Shadow Secretary of State for December Small Business Saturday. This creating the right conditions for Northern Northern Ireland Vernon Coaker MP and is not just about supporting independent Ireland to emerge from the downturn the outgoing Finance Minister Sammy traders across the UK, but valuing the into sustained recovery and in doing so Wilson MP addressed the thirty strong contribution small businesses make to rebalance, reposition and diversify our gathering of business representatives. the economy as a whole across the UK” economy.” On Small Business Saturday- Commenting on the 2015 Rates Concluding, NIIRTA Chief Executive Glyn Sammy Wilson MP MLA said: “The Small Revaluation which is now well underway Roberts said: “NIIRTA would urge the Business Saturday proposal is innovative Sammy Wilson MP said: “The business DFP Minister to ensure that this Rate and I would like to voice my support landscape is transforming and needs an Revaluation further supports small and encourage others to get involved in Executive that reacts and responds to business and town centre traders as its developing this concept into a reality. this rapidly changing world. central focus. It is surely not fair that Such an initiative could assist the small large out of town hypermarkets pay less independent retailers who play a vital “The 2015 Revaluation will be per sq. ft. in rates than small town centre role in our local economy.” challenging due to difficult market retailers and we would urge the Minister conditions and in particular the to close this loophole and create a level Outgoing Shadow Secretary of State turbulence in the rental market, but, I playing field” for Northern Ireland Vernon Coaker believe this exercise is about grasping MP said: “I’m really pleased to be at the opportunity now to rebalance Titanic Quarter with the Finance Minister business rates ensuring that the burden to launch Small Business Saturday. is shared and distributed fairly. It’s great to have the support of the Executive and I look forward to working “I would like to take this opportunity to Photo: Glyn Roberts, NIIRTA CEO, Vernon with them, local councils and businesses encourage businesses to get online to Coaker MP, NI outgoing Shadow Secretary over the next number of months” complete their forms in hard copy and of State & outgoing Finance Minister Sammy Wilson MP at the Small Business Summit at provide Land & Property Services with Titanic Centre “There’s been a great response from the market evidence it needs to ensure Northern Ireland to the Small Business the job is as good as it can be. Saturday initiative. I want to thank 06 NIIRTA HOSTS UKIP LEADER NIGEL FARAGE & SECREtaRY OF StatE The Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association (NIIRTA) has hosted a working lunch on the economy with UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP on a recent visit to Belfast. NIIRTA Chief Executive Glyn Roberts said: “We welcome the opportunity to meet with Mr Farage and to discuss the key economic challenges facing Northern Ireland.” “Key issues such as devolving Corporation tax powers, general taxation, business regulation and urban regeneration were discussed at our working lunch” “As it is only a matter of time until the UK Referendum on EU membership is held it is important that
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