Woodcraft Rangers at Mountain Center Camp Girl Scouts of Orange County FAQ

Los Angeles’ Woodcraft Rangers (Woodcraft Rangers) will be leasing Girl Scouts of Orange County’s (GSOC) Mountain Center Camp during the summer of 2020. This FAQ provides answers to questions you may have or receive regarding the leasing of Mountain Center Camp.

Q: Who are the Woodcraft Rangers?

A: Woodcraft Rangers is a 100-year-old non–profit recreational and educational program for young people based on , outdoor skills, and woodcrafts. The largest and most active Woodcraft Rangers organization is Los Angeles' Woodcraft Rangers, established in 1922. This longstanding youth- serving organization provides enriching after-school and ACA-accredited camping programs to over 13,000 girls and boys, ages 5-18.

Woodcraft Rangers will be leasing Mountain Center Camp for five weeks during the summer of 2020-- and resident camp sessions will be run during the weeks of July 5, July 12, July 26, and August 2. Approximately 150 campers (ages 7-17) and staff will attend each week’s session.

Q: What is Mountain Center Camp?

A: Mountain Center Camp (previously known as Upper Camp) is a section of Girl Scouts of Orange County’s 700-acre camp property in the San Jacinto Mountains, northeast of Morris Ranch Road.

The address for Mountain Center Camp is 32706 Morris Ranch Road, Mountain Center, CA, 92561.

Q: Where is Camp Scherman Operated?

A: Camp Scherman operates in what was previously known as Lower Camp and contains our modern four-season cabins and all program areas, including lakes, pool, archery, horse facility, low ropes course, new high ropes tower, and more.

See map here.

Q: Why is GSOC leasing its Mountain Center Camp property to a third-party group?

A: For many years, Girl Scouts of Orange County’s Camp Scherman has operated at a significant deficit. Leasing the Mountain Center Camp enables us to reduce the deficit, fully utilize the entire camp, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the property, while continuing to provide girls the same fun and enriching camp experiences we have been providing them for generations.

Q: Does GSOC plan to sell Camp Scherman?

A: No; there are no plans to sell Camp Scherman. We are excited to have a compatible lessee on board for the summer of 2020 to help us reduce our camp deficit so that we can continue to offer life-changing Girl camp experiences to girls visiting Camp Scherman, while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the camp property.

Q: Did GSOC consult its members before leasing the camp property owned by GSOC to a (coed) third party?

A: Yes. Prior to converting Upper Camp to the Mountain Center Camp property in 2017, Girl Scouts of Orange County held Strategy Cafes across the county with its girl and adult members. With the assurance that security and supervision of our girls always comes first, the majority of Strategy Café participants supported GSOC moving forward with identifying a fully vetted lessee(s) for a designated and

©Girl Scouts of Orange County, Rev. 1/31/2020

separate area of camp, which may include coed campers and staff. Our Board of Directors approved the realignment at the September 2016 Board meeting.

Woodcraft Rangers has been vetted by Girl Scouts of Orange County and we are confident that their mission and values align well with Girl Scouts of Orange County.

Q: When will Woodcraft Rangers campers be at the Mountain Center property?

A: Woodcraft Rangers’ camp will operate concurrent with GSOC’s summer resident program for a period of four weeks, the weeks of July 5, July 12, July 26, and August 2. Approximately 150 campers (ages 7- 17) and staff will attend each week’s session, arriving Sunday afternoon and leaving late morning the following Friday.

The group will also have the option to reserve several weekends in the Mountain Center Camp area throughout the year, if available, and an option to extend the Mountain Center Camp lease into the following year, if agreed upon by GSOC.

Q: Will the two groups (Camp Scherman campers and Woodcraft Rangers campers) share space, staff, facilities, or interact with each other during their camp experience (i.e. drop off and pick up, swimming pool, high ropes, paths, etc.)?

A: No. Woodcraft Rangers and Camp Scherman are located in separate areas of Girl Scouts of Orange County’s camp property, divided by Morris Ranch Road. Woodcraft Rangers campers and Camp Scherman campers will not share property, facilities, or activities-- or interact at any time. Woodcraft Rangers is run by its own Camp Director and staff.

Excluding emergency situations, at no time will Woodcraft Rangers campers be permitted to enter Camp Scherman, use any Camp Scherman facilities, or share activities while Girl Scouts are on Camp Scherman property or Girl Scout camp is in session. Likewise, Camp Scherman campers are not permitted to enter Woodcraft Rangers camp while Woodcraft Rangers’ campers are on the property.

Q: Will there be any changes to our girls’ camp experience by having the Woodcraft Rangers at the Mountain Center Camp property?

A: No. Camp Scherman is operated in Lower Camp. There are no changes to the Camp Scherman program offerings and facilities that Girl Scouts enjoy (Massey Dining Hall, high and low ropes, archery, swimming, canoeing, arts and crafts, and more). There are also no changes to our planned 2020 Camp Sessions or advertised offerings.

Q: What is Woodcraft Rangers’ history with child safety?

A: Like Camp Scherman, Woodcraft Ranger’s camp program is accredited by the American Camp Association and run by trained and background-checked staff. The organization has nearly a century of experience addressing the needs of youth through nature-based programming and works with many school districts across Los Angeles.

The American Camp Association (ACA) is committed to the protection of children and youth and thorough background checks are mandatory for all ACA-accredited camps. Camp Woodcraft additionally meets all State licensing and background check requirements for California camps.

Q: When and how will the Woodcraft Rangers promote their camp to its members?

A: Woodcraft Rangers plans to begin communicating its camp offering to members on February 3, 2020. Communication vehicles will include posting information on their website, flyers, a brochure, and use of their social medial channels.

©Girl Scouts of Orange County, Rev. 1/31/2020

If you have additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]

©Girl Scouts of Orange County, Rev. 1/31/2020