Curriculum Vitae for MERCEDES T. RICHARDS

Work Address: Department of & , Penn State University, 525 Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802-6305

Telephone: (814) 865-0150 (office); (814) 863-3399 (fax)

E-mail address: [email protected] Web address:


Ph.D., 1986, Astronomy,

M.Sc., 1979, Astronomy, York University B.Sc., 1977, , University of the West Indies

Graduate Awards: University of the West Indies Graduate Scholarship, 1977-1979; York University Scholarship, 1977-1979; University of Toronto Doctoral Fellowship, 1979-1981; Frank Hogg Fellowship, 1981-1982; C. A. Chant Fellowship, 1982-1983; Carl Reinhardt Fellowship, 1981-1986.

Academic Positions

2003 – : Assistant Head, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University 2002 – : Professor, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University

2000 – 2001: Visiting Scientist, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 1999 – 2002: Professor, Department of Astronomy, University of

1993 – 1999: Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy,

1987 – 1993: Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia

1986 – 1987: Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill

1979 – 1985: Teaching Assistant, Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto, Canada

1977 – 1979: Research/Teaching Assistant, Centre for Research in Earth & Space Science, York University

Academic Service Positions

2007 – 2010: Nominating Committee, American Astronomical Society 2006 – 2012: Organizing Committee, IAU Commission 42 (Division V, Binary Stars) 2004 – now : Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecturer, American Astronomical Society 2002 – now : Board of Advisors, Caribbean Institute of Astronomy (CARINA), University of the West Indies 1997 – 2001: Committee on the Status of Minorities in Astronomy, American Astronomical Society

Main Research Interests

Multiwavelength spectroscopy of Algols and RS CVn binaries; Magnetic activity in cool stars; Hydrodynamic simulations of interacting binaries; Doppler tomography of interacting binaries


American Astronomical Society (since 1982), Astronomical Society of the Pacific (since 1992), Association for Women in Science (since 1981), International Astronomical Union (Division V, Commission 42: Close Binary Stars; since 1992), Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society (since 2005) 2


Refereed Articles and Conference Proceedings

1. Davis, M. T., Weller, W. W., & Jeffers, S. 1978, "Spectrophotometry of Nova Cygni 1975," Eighth Annual Symposium on Experimental Space Science, York University, Toronto, p. 17

2. Richards, M. T., Mochnacki, S. W., & Bolton, C. T. 1988,"Nonsimultaneous Multicolor Light-Curve Analysis of Algol ( Persei)," Astron. J., 96, 326 – 336

3. Richards, M. T., Bolton, C. T., & Mochnacki, S. W. 1989,"A New Model for Algol ( Persei)," Space Sci. Rev., 50, 358

4. Richards, M. T. 1989, "Starspot Activity in Algol," in Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ed. G. Wallerstein, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 9 (San Francisco: ASP), 221 – 223

5. Richards, M. T. 1990, "The RS Canum Venaticorum Characteristics of the Infrared Light Curves of Algol," Astrophys. J., 350, 372 – 385

6. Richards, M. T. 1992, "Magnetic Activity in Algol-type Binaries," in Seventh Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, ed. M. Giampapa and J. Bookbinder, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 26 (San Francisco: ASP), 367 – 369

7. Richards, M. T. 1992, "Consequences of the Star-Stream Interaction in Algol," Astrophys. J., 387, 329 – 339

8. Richards, M. T. 1993, "Circumstellar Material in Algol: A Study of the Balmer Line Profiles," Astrophys. J. Suppl., 86, 255 – 291

9. Richards, M. T., & Albright, G. E. 1993, "Evidence of Magnetic Activity in Short-period Algol Binaries," Astrophys. J. Suppl., 88, 199 – 204

10. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1993, "Circumstellar Material in TX Ursae Majoris," Astrophys. J., 414, 830 – 845

11. Richards, M. T., & Albright, G. E. 1994, "Facilities for Infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy of Short- period Algols," in Optical Astronomy From The Earth and Moon, ed. D. M. Pyper and R. J. Angione, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 55 (San Francisco: ASP), 251 – 254

12. Richards, M. T., & Albright, G. E. 1994, "Full-orbit Spectroscopy of Nine Short-period Algols," in Interacting Binary Stars, ed. A. W. Shafter, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 56 (San Francisco: ASP), 393 – 396

13. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1994, "Evidence of Mass Transfer in TX UMa," in Interacting Binary Stars, ed. A. W. Shafter, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 56 (San Francisco: ASP), 360 – 363

14. Richards, M., Jones, R., Swain, M., Mattson, C., & Albright, G. 1994, "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Regions in Algols," in Proceedings of Circumstellar Matter, An International Conference in Celebration of the Centenary of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, ed. G. Watt., p. 97

15. Richards, M. T., Albright, G. E., Bowles, L. M. 1995, "Doppler Tomography of the Gas Stream in Short- period Algol Binaries," Astrophys. J. Letters, 438, L103 – L106

16. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1995, "The Transient Accretion Disk in the Algol-type Binary U Sagittae," Astrophys. J., 441, 806 – 820

17. Blondin, J. M., Richards, M. T., & Malinkowski, M. 1995, "Hydrodynamic Simulations of the Mass Transfer in Algol," Astrophys. J., 445, 939 – 946



18. Richards, M. T. 1995, "The Structure of Accretion Regions in Algols," in Proceedings of the XXI Day of Scientific Lectures and 17th Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists, Rutgers University, New Jersey, p. 40

19. Richards, M. T., Albright, G. E., & Bowles, L. M. 1995, "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Regions in Algols," Astrophys. Space Sci., 224, 547 – 548

20. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1995, "Circumstellar Matter in Direct Impact Algol Systems," Astrophys. Space Sci., 224, 415 – 416

21. Richards, M. T., Jones, R. D., & Swain, M. A. 1996, "Doppler Tomography and S-wave Analysis of Circumstellar Gas in Persei," Astrophys. J., 459, 249 – 258, and color Plate 3

22. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1996, "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Disks in Algol Binaries," Astrophys. J. Letters, 459, L99 – 102, and color Plate L14

23. Richards, M. T., & Albright, G. E. 1996, "Doppler Tomography of Chromospheres and Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries," in Stellar Surface Structure, ed. K. Strassmeier and J. Linsky (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 493 – 500

24. Ratliff, M. A., & Richards, M. T. 1997, "Hydrodynamical Simulations of H Emission in Algol binaries," in Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows, ed. D. Wickramasinghe, G. Bicknell & L. Ferrario, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 121 (San Francisco: ASP), 785 – 786

25. Richards, M. T., & Ratliff, M. A. 1998, "Hydrodynamic Simulations of H Emission in Algol Binaries," Astrophys. J., 493, 326 – 341 and color Plate 11

26. Koubsky, P., Richards, M. T., & Simon, V. 1998, "Circumstellar Matter in the Interacting Binary CX Draconis," in Proceedings of the 20th Stellar Conference of the Czech and Slovak Astronomical Institutes, Brno, Czech Republic, eds. J. Dusek and M. Zejda, 64 – 72

27. Koubsky, P., Harmanec, P., Bozic, H., Percy, J. R., Ziznovsky, J., Huang, L., Richards, M. T., Hadrava, P., & Simon, V. 1998, "Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Interacting Binary CX Draconis - Evidence for Circumstellar Matter," Hvar Observatory Bull., 22, 17 – 34

28. Richards, M. T., Waltman, E. B., Foster, R. S., & Ghigo, F. 1998, "Flaring Activity Cycles in Per and HR 1099 from a 2GHz and 8GHz Radio Survey," in Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, eds. R.A. Donahue & J.A. Bookbinder, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 154 (San Francisco: ASP), 1546 – 1550

29. Richards, M. T., & Russell, S. 1998, "Dependence of Radio Flaring Activity on Orbital Phase in Archival Observations of Algol-type and RS CVn Binaries," in Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, eds. R.A. Donahue & J.A. Bookbinder, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 154 (San Francisco: ASP), 1551 – 1559

30. Richards, M. T., & Rosolowsky, E. W. 1998, "Doppler Tomography of Ultraviolet Spectra of HR 1099," in Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, eds. R.A. Donahue & J.A. Bookbinder, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 154 (San Francisco: ASP), 2038 – 2041

31. Kempner, J. C., & Richards, M. T. 1999, "Analysis of the Si IV Ultraviolet Spectra of U Sagittae," Astrophys. J., 512, 345 – 350

32. Richards, M. T., & Albright, G. E. 1999, "Morphologies of H Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries," Astrophys. J. Suppl., 123, 537 – 626



33. Richards, M. T., Koubsky, P., Simon, V., Peters, G. J., Hirata, R., Skoda, P., & Masuda, S. 2000, "A Multiwavelength Study of Spectral Variations in the CX Draconis Binary," Astrophys. J., 531, 1003 – 1027

34. Richards, M. T. 2000, "The Journey to Algol," Mercury, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 34 – 40

35. Richards, M. T. 2000, "The Status of the Algols," Reports on Astronomy - Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. XXIVA (Triennial Report of Commission 42, page 9), ed. J. Andersen, (Provo, Astron. Soc. Pacific), ISBN 1-58381-035-8

36. Richards, M. T. 2001, "Doppler Tomography of Eclipsing and Non-eclipsing Algols," Astrotomography: Indirect Imaging Methods in Observational Astronomy, Springer Lecture Notes in Physics Series, Vol. 573, H.M.J. Boffin, D. Steeghs, & J. Cuypers (eds.), pp. 276 – 300 (Invited Review)

37. Richards, M. T. 2001, "The Journey to Algol," Powerweb: Astronomy, Article 35 (McGraw-Hill/Dushkin: ;, pp. 1 – 11

38. Richards, M. T. 2003, "Images of Active Mass Transfer in Direct Impact Close Binary Systems," in 3D Stellar Structure Workshop, ASP Conference Series, Sylvain Turcotte, Stefan Keller, & Rob Cavallo (eds.), 120 – 124

39. Richards, M. T., Waltman, E. B., Ghigo, F., & Richards, D. St. P. 2003, "Statistical Analysis of 5-year Continuous Radio Flare Data from Per, V711 Tau, Lib, and UX Ari," Astrophys. J. Suppl., 147, 337 – 361

40. Richards, M. T., Waltman, E. B., Ghigo, F., & Richards, D. St. P. 2004, "Periodicities of Radio Flares in RS CVn and Algol Binaries," in Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution, and Planets, eds. A. K. Dupree & A. O. Benz, IAU Symposium 219 (ASP), 181 – 185

41. Richards, M. T. 2004, "Doppler Tomography of Algols," Astronomische Nachrichten, 325, 229 – 232

42. Richards, M. T. 2004, "Time Domain Spectra of Interacting Binaries," in Proceedings of the Science With SALT II Workshop, ed. David Buckley

43. Budaj, J., & Richards, M. T. 2004, "A Description of the SHELLSPEC Code," Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, 34, 167 – 196

44. Budaj, J., Iliev, I. Kh., Fenovcik, M., Barzova, I., Richards, M.T., & Geordzheva, E. 2004, "Discovery of the Secondary in the Spectrum of the SB1 System HD 861, " Information Bulletin Variable Stars, 5509, 1

45. Budaj, J., & Richards, M. T. 2005, "Modeling the Spectrum of TT Hya - Algol Binary with a Disc," in IAU Symposium 224: The A-Star Puzzle, edited by J. Zverko, W. W. Weiss, J. Ziznovsky & S. J. Adelman (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 886

46. Fenovcik, M., Budaj, J., Iliev, I., Richards, M. T., & Barzova, I. 2005, "Search for Tidally Driven Abundance Anomalies," in IAU Symposium 224: The A-Star Puzzle, edited by J. Zverko, W. W. Weiss, J. Ziznovsky & S. J. Adelman (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 749

47. Retter, A., Richards, M. T., & Wu, K. 2005, "Evidence for Superhumps in the Radio Light Curve of the Algol Proto-type, Persei, and a New Model for the Magnetic Activity in Algol Systems," Astrophys. J., 621, 417 – 424

48. Budaj, J., Richards, M. T., & Miller, B. 2005, "A Study of Synthetic and Observed H Spectra of TT Hydrae," Astrophys. J., 623, 411 – 424



49. Richards, M. (chair) & Morales Rueda, L. (co-chair), Collier Cameron, A., Schwope, A. & Vrielmann, S. (eds.) 2005, "Astrotomography,'' Report on Joint Discussion 9: Astrotomography, in IAU Highlights, Vol. 13, 279 – 281

50. Kang, T. W., Retter, A., Liu, A., & Richards, M. T. 2006, "Detection of Orbital and Superhump Periods in Nova V2574 Ophiuchi (2004)," Astron. J., 131, 1687 – 1692 (astro-ph/0512483)

51. Kang, T. W., Retter, A., Liu, A., & Richards, M. T. 2006, "Nova V4743 Sgr (2002) – An Intermediate Polar,” Astron. J., 132, 608 – 613 (astro-ph/0604438)

52. Iliev, I. Kh.,Budaj, J., Fenovcik, M., Stateva, I., & Richards, M. T., 2006, "Abundance Analysis of Am Binaries and Search for Tidally Driven Abundance Anomalies – II. HD861, HD18778, HD20230, HD29479, HD96528, and HD108651,'' Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 370, 819 – 827

53. Agafanov, M., Richards, M. T., & Sharova, O. 2006, "Three-Dimensional Doppler Tomogram of Gas Flows in the Algol-type Binary U Coronae Borealis," Astrophys. J., 652, 1547 – 1553

54. Rogers, M. L., Richards, M. T., & Richards, D. St. P. 2006, "Long-term Variability in the Length of the Solar Cycle," astro-ph/0606426

55. Miller, B., Budaj, J., Richards, M. T., Koubsky, P., & Peters, G. J. 2007, "Revealing the Nature of Algol Disks through Optical and UV Spectroscopy, Synthetic Spectra, and Tomography of TT Hydrae," Astrophys. J., 656, 1075 – 1091 (astro-ph/0611351)

56. Richards, M. T. 2007, "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Disks and Streams in Close Binaries," IAU Symposium 240, Binary Stars as Critical Tools & Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics, W. Hartkopf, E. Guinan, & P. Harmanec (eds.), 160 – 169 (Invited Review)

57. Agafanov, M., Sharova, O., & Richards, M. T. 2007, "Three-dimensional Doppler Tomograms and Detection of Motions Beyond the Orbital Plane in Close Binary Systems," Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions, 26, 147 – 149

58. Uytterhoeven, K., Koubsky, P., Harmanec, P., Telting, J. H., Yang, S., Richards, M. T., & Ilyin, I. 2008, "Evidence for Rapid Variability in the Multiple System 68 u Her," in Proc. ESO Workshop on Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram, 53 – 58

59. Agafanov, M., Sharova, O., & Richards, M. T. 2008, "Three-Dimensional Doppler Images of the Disk-like and Stream-like States of U Coronae Borealis," Astrophys. J., submitted (astro-ph/08050370)

60. Agafanov, M., Richards, M. T., & Sharova, O. 2008, "Three-Dimensional Doppler Images of the Tilted Gas Stream in RS Vulpeculae," in preparation

61. Richards, M. T., Miller, B., Budaj, J., & Peters, G. J. 2007, "A Multidimensional Study of AU Mon," Astrophys. J., in preparation

62. Richards, M. T. 2007, "Elliptical Accretion Disks in the Algols, " in preparation

63. Richards, M. T. & Rogers, M. L. 2007, "Properties of the Shock Region in Direct Impact Algol Binaries," Astrophys. J., in preparation

64. Richards, M. T., & Rogers, M. L. 2007, "Magnetic Cycles in Per and V711 Tau from Circularly Polarized Data," in preparation




65. Richards, M. T., Bolton, C. T., & Mochnacki, S. W. 1987, "The Effective Temperature of Algol C," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 19, 1036

66. Richards, M. T. 1990, "A Transient Accretion Disk in Persei," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 22, 1335

67. Richards, M. T. 1992, "Effects of Direct-Impact Accretion in Close Interacting Binaries," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 24, 770

68. Albright, G. E., Richards, M. T., & Guinan, E. F. 1992, "Full-orbit H Spectroscopy of Short-period Algols," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 24, 769

69. Jones, R. D., & Richards, M. T. 1992, "Doppler Analysis of Circumstellar Emission in Persei," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 24, 768

70. Malinkowski, M., Etheridge, M., Blondin, J. M., & Richards, M. T. 1993, "Hydrodynamic Simulations of Mass Transfer in Algol," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 25, 1424

71. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1993, "Transient Accretion Disk in the Algol-type Binary U Sagittae," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 25, 1424

72. Richards, M. T., Albright, G. E., & Bowles, L. M. 1994, "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 26, 1345

73. Albright, G. E., & Richards, M. T. 1994, "Accretion Regions in Direct-Impact Algol Binaries," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 26, 1414

74. Ratliff, M. A., & Richards, M. T. 1995, "Hydrodynamical Simulations of H Emission in Algol Binaries," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 27, 1343

75. Rosolowsky, E. W., & Richards, M. T. 1996, "Doppler Tomography of Ultraviolet Spectra of the RS CVn Binary HR 1099," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 28, 1375

76. Soinski, T. L., & Richards, M. T. 2002, "The Long-term Characteristics of Radio Flares from V711 Tau, Per and UX Ari," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 34, 653

77. Richards, M. T., Waltman, E. B., & Ghigo, F. 2002, "Statistical Analysis of Continuous Radio Flare Data from RS CVn and Algol-type Binaries," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 34, 653

78. Budaj, J., & Richards, M. T. 2004, "A New Code for Calculating Synthetic Spectra of Interacting Binaries," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, 741, No. 5.08

79. Miller, B. P., Richards, M. T., & Budaj, J. 2004, "Analysis of Simultaneous Optical and Radio Data from V711 Tau and Per," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, 745, No. 6.15

80. Richards, M. T., & Rogers, M. L. 2004, "Flaring Cycles in Per and V711 Tau from Circularly Polarized Data," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, 745, No. 6.14

81. Rogers, M. L., & Richards, M. T. 2004, "Periodogram Analysis of Sunspot Numbers and Areas," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, 670, No. 2.21

82. Richards, M. T., Retter, A., & Wu, K. 2004, "Evidence for Superhumps in the Radio Light Curve of the Algol and a New Model for the Magnetic Activity in Algol Systems," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 36, 1526, No. 107.11



83. Budaj, J., Miller, B. P., Richards, M.T., & Koubsky, P. 2005, "Analysis of Synthetic and Observed UV and Optical Spectra of TT Hya," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 37, 439, No. 8.01

84. Miller, B. P., Budaj, J., & Richards, M.T. 2005, "Multiwavelength Spectra of AU Mon," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 37, 486, No. 35.05

85. Rogers, M. L., & Richards, M.T. 2005, "Properties of the Shock Region in Direct Impact Algols," Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 37, 487, No. 35.06

86. Kang, T. W., Retter, A., Liu, A., & Richards, M. T. 2005, "Detection of Orbital and Superhump Periods in Nova Ophiuchi 2004,'' Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 37, 1275, No. 70.07

87. Richards, M. T., Kang, T. W., Retter, A., & Liu, A. 2005, "Nova Sagittarii 2002: An Intermediate Polar Candidate,'' Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 37, 1277, No. 70.20

88. Zavala, R., Boboltz, D., Hutter, D., Ojha, R., Richards, M., Shaffer, D., & Tycner, C. 2007, "Simultaneous Optical and Radio Imaging and Optical Spectroscopy of the Algol Triple System,'' Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., Vol. 38, No. 57.19

Related Articles

89. "Algol: A Closer Look," 1992, Sky & Telescope, 84, 132

90. "Imaging Accretion the Coude Way," 1995, National Optical Astron. Observatory Newsletter, 42, 7 – 9

91. "Stellar Gas Streams," 1995, Sky & Telescope, 90, 12 – 13

Theses and Technical Reports

92. Davis, M. T. 1979, "Nova Cygni 1975," M.Sc. thesis, York University.

93. Davis, M. T., Jeffers, S., & Weller, W. W. 1980, "Nova Cygni 1975: The Balmer Lines," Technical Report, York University

94. Richards, M. T. 1986, "Circumstellar Material in the Algol System," Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto.

95. Richards, M. T. 1988, "A Differential Corrections Program for Eclipsing Binary Light Curves," Technical

Report, University of Virginia


96. Chen, A. A., McMorris, M. N., Chin, P. N., Charoo, H., ( Richards) Davis, M. T., Dutta, S., Grabowski, S., Honegan, F. C., McCluskey, R. E., & Springer, C. D. 1976, Supplement to the Physics Teacher's Guide for the Caribbean, (A Regional Project of the Organization of American States), University of the West Indies (350 pages).

97. Richards, M. T. (editor) 1998, Astronomy 313/511 Observatory Handbook, (Charlottesville: P.S. Publishing, University of Virginia), 6 editions: 1989 - 1998 (189 pages).

98. Richards, M. T. 1998, Lecture Notes on Systems, A Graduate Course (148 pages).



Posters and Other Presentations at Meetings

1. "A New Model for Algol ( Persei)," 107th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Sydney, British Columbia, Canada, August 15 - 19, 1988.

2. "Starspot Activity in Algol," Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Seattle, Washington, September 11 - 14, 1989.

3. "Magnetic Activity in Algol-type Binaries," Seventh Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Tucson, , October 9 - 12, 1991.

4. "Effects of Direct-impact Accretion in Close Interacting Binaries," 180th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Columbus, Ohio, June 7 - 11, 1992.

5. "Full-orbit H Spectroscopy of Short-period Algols," 180th AAS Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, June 7 - 11, 1992.

6. "Doppler Analysis of Circumstellar Emission in Persei," 180th AAS Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, June 7 - 11, 1992.

7. "Evidence of Mass Transfer in TX UMa," Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) Symposium on Interacting Binary Stars, San Diego, California, July 11 - 15, 1993.

8. "Full-orbit Spectroscopy of Nine Short-period Algols," ASP Symposium on Interacting Binary Stars, San Diego, California, July 11 - 15, 1993.

9. "Facilities for Infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy of Short-period Algols," ASP Symposium on Optical Astronomy From the Earth and Moon, San Diego, California, July 11 - 15, 1993.

10. "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Regions in Algols," International Conference to Celebrate the Centenary of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, on Circumstellar Matter, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 29 - September 2, 1994.

11. "Circumstellar Matter in Direct-impact Algol Systems," International Conference to Celebrate the Centenary of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, on Circumstellar Matter, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 29 - September 2, 1994.

12. "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries," 185th AAS Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, January 8 - 12, 1995.

13. "Accretion Regions in Direct-impact Algol Binaries," 185th AAS Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, January 8 - 12, 1995.

14. "Hydrodynamical Simulations of H Emission in Algol binaries," 187th AAS Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January 14 - 18, 1996.

15. "Hydrodynamical Simulations of H Emission in Algol binaries," IAU Colloquium 163 on Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows, Port Douglas, Queensland, New Zealand, July 15 - 19, 1996 (with M. Ratliff).

16. "Doppler Tomography of Ultraviolet Spectra of the RS CVn Binary HR 1099," 189th AAS Meeting, Toronto, Canada, January 12 - 16, 1997.

17. "Flaring Activity Cycles in Per and HR 1099 from a 2GHz and 8GHz Radio Survey," Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 15 - 19, 1997.



18. "Doppler Tomography of Ultraviolet Spectra of HR 1099," Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 15 - 19, 1997.

19. "Dependence of Radio Flaring Activity on Orbital Phase in Archival Observations of Algol-type and RS CVn Binaries," Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 15 - 19, 1997.

20. "The Long-term Characteristics of Radio Flares from V711 Tau, Per and UX Ari," 200th AAS Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 3, 2002.

21. "Statistical Analysis of Continuous Radio Flare Data from RS CVn and Algol-type Binaries," 200th AAS Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 3, 2002.

22. "Images of Active Mass Transfer in Direct Impact Close Binary Systems," 3D Stellar Structure Workshop, University of California at Davis and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, July 22 - 26, 2002.

23. "Periodicities of Radio Flares in RS CVn and Algol Binaries," IAU Symposium 219: Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution, and Planets, IAU General Assembly, Sydney, Australia, July 21-25, 2003.

24. "A Description of the SHELLSPEC Code," Zdenek Kopal's Binary Star Legacy, Litomysl, Bohemia, Czech Republic, March 31- April 3, 2004 (J. Budaj & M. T. Richards).

25. "A New Code for Calculating Synthetic Spectra of Interacting Binaries," 204th AAS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 31, 2004 (J. Budaj & M.T. Richards).

26. "Analysis of Simultaneous Optical and Radio Data from V711 Tau and Per," 204th AAS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 31, 2004 (B.P. Miller, M.T. Richards, & J. Budaj).

27. "Flaring Cycles in Per and V711 Tau from Circularly Polarized Data," 204th AAS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 31, 2004 (M.T. Richards & M.L. Rogers).

28. "Periodogram Analysis of Sunspot Numbers and Areas," 204th AAS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 31, 2004 (M.T. Richards & M.L. Rogers).

29. "Modeling the Spectrum of TT Hya - Algol Binary with a Disc," IAU Symposium 224: The A-Star Puzzle, Poprad, Slovakia, July 8-13, 2004 (J. Budaj & M.T. Richards).

30. "Search for Tidally Driven Abundance Anomalies," IAU Symposium 224: The A-Star Puzzle, Poprad, Slovakia, July 8-13, 2004 (M. Fenovcik, J. Budaj, I. Iliev, M.T. Richards, & I. Barzova).

31. "Evidence for Superhumps in the Radio Light Curve of the Algol and a New Model for the Magnetic Activity in Algol Systems," 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, San Diego, CA, January 12, 2005 (Richards, M. T., Retter, A., & Wu, K.)

32. "Modeling the Spectra of Accretion Discs in Interacting Binary Stars with SHELLSPEC," Penn State University Computational Day, University Park, PA, February 17, 2005 (J. Budaj & M.T. Richards).

33. "Modeling the Spectra of Accretion Discs in Interacting Binary Stars with SHELLSPEC," Conference on the Achievements of Stellar Astronomy, Bezovec, Slovakia, May 27-29, 2005 (J. Budaj & M.T. Richards).

34. "Analysis of Synthetic and Observed UV and Optical Spectra of TT Hya," 206th AAS Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 30-31, 2005 (Budaj, J., Miller, B. P., Richards, M.T., & Koubsky, P.).

35. "Multiwavelength Spectra of AU Mon," 206th AAS Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 1-2, 2005 (Miller, B. P., Budaj, J., & Richards, M.T.).



36. "Properties of the Shock Region in Direct Impact Algols, " 206th AAS Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 1-2, 2005 (Rogers, M. L., & Richards, M.T.).

37. "Evidence for Rapid Variability in the Multiple System 68 u Her," Multiple Stars across the H-R Diagram, ESO Workshop, Garching bei Munchen, Germany, July 12-15, 2005 (Koubsky, P., Harmanec, P., Richards, M. T., Telting, J. H., & Uytterhoeven, K.).

38. "Detection of Orbital and Superhump Periods in Nova Ophiuchi 2004,'' 207th AAS Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2006 (Kang, T. W., Retter, A., Liu, A., & Richards, M. T. ).

39. "Nova Sagittarii 2002: An Intermediate Polar Candidate,'' 207th AAS Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2006 (Richards, M. T., Kang, T. W., Retter, A., & Liu, A.).

40. "Long-term Variability in the Length of the Solar Cycle," Undergraduate Research Symposium, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, February 17, 2006 (Rogers, M. L., Richards, M. T., & Richards, D. St. P.)

41. "Detection of Orbital and Superhump Periods in Nova Ophiuchi 2004,'' Undergraduate Research Symposium, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, February 17, 2006 (Kang, T. W., Retter, A., Liu, A., & Richards, M. T.)

42. "Nova Sagittarii 2002: An Intermediate Polar Candidate,'' Undergraduate Research Symposium, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, February 17, 2006 (Richards, M. T., Kang, T. W., Retter, A., & Liu, A.)

43. "Detection of Orbital and Superhump Periods in Nova Ophiuchi 2004,'' Undergraduate Exhibition, Penn State University, April 5, 2006 (Kang, T. W., Retter, A., Liu, A., & Richards, M. T.)

44. "3D Doppler Tomograms and Registration of the Out-of-orbital motions in Close Binary Stars," Regional Astronomical conference on Close Binary Stars in Modern Astrophysics, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia, May 22 -24, 2006; (Agafanov, M., Sharova, O., & Richards, M. T.).

Other Meetings Attended "40 Years of X-ray Astronomy," A Workshop in honor of Gordon Garmire’s 70th birthday, Penn State University, June 14-15, 2007

Names of student co-authors

Graduate students: Geary Albright, Mark Ratliff, Melanie Swain, Josh Kempner, Brendan Miller

Undergraduate students: David Jones, Larissa Bowles, Caroline Mattson, Erik Rosolowsky, Scot Russell, Tiffany Soinski, Michael Rogers, Tae Kang, Derek Einsig, John Fisher, Michael Peth



Press Releases

1. Press Release entitled, " Effects of Direct-impact Accretion in Close Interacting Binaries," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Columbus, Ohio, on June 8, 1992.

2. Press Release entitled, "Doppler Tomography of Hot Chromospheric Gas in the HR 1099 Binary," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Toronto, Canada, Jan. 15, 1997.

3. Press Release entitled, "Binary Stars Flare With Predictable Cycles, Analysis of Radio Observations Reveals," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on June 3, 2002.

4. Press Release entitled, "Major Flares are Predictable on Far-Away Stars, Analysis of Radio Observations Reveals," Office of Public Relations, Eberly College of Science, Penn State University, August 22, 2003. (

5. Press Release entitled, "Richards Named Shapley lecturer by American Astronomical Society," Office of Public Information, Eberly College of Science, Penn State University, June 29, 2007. ( or




Research Grants/Awards

1. International Astronomical Union (IAU) grant to attend IAU Colloquium No. 107, August 1988.

2. National Science Foundation (NSF) - Division of Astronomy grant AST-8901238 for work on "The Star- Stream Interaction in Short-period Algol-type Binaries," June 1, 1989 - November 30, 1991.

3. NSF Division of Astronomy grant AST-9114214 for work on "The Star-Stream Interaction in Short-period Algol-type Binaries," September 15, 1991 - August 31, 1994.

4. NSF Division of Astronomy grant AST-9315108 for work on "The Star-Stream Interaction in Short-period Algol-type Binaries," March 15, 1994 - February 29, 1997.

5. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) grant F49620-92-J-0024 for work on "Chromospheric Activity in Algol Binaries," October 1, 1991 - September 30, 1995.

6. AFOSR Augmentation Awards for Science and Engineering Research Training (AASERT) grant F49620- 94-1-0351 for work on "Magnetic Activity in Algol-type Binaries," July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1998.

7. NASA Astrophysics Theory Program grant NAG 5-3056 for work on "Dynamics of Mass Transfer in Close Interacting Binaries," September 15, 1995 - September 14, 1999.

8. NSF Division of International Programs grant INT-9512791 for "U.S.- Czech Astronomical Research on Morphologies of Eclipsing and Non-eclipsing Algols;" with Foreign Counterpart Investigator P. Koubsky, Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences; June 1, 1996 - May 31, 1999.

9. NASA - ROSAT Observatory grant NAG 5-4787 for work on "Twilight of the Gods: The Massive, Long Period, Accreting Binary VV Cephei Enters Eclipse," with C.L. Sarazin (P.I.) and L.W. Fredrick; July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1998.

10. NSF Division of Astronomy grant AST-9618461 for work on "Mass Transfer and Magnetic Activity in Eclipsing and Non-eclipsing Algols," June 15, 1997 - May 31, 2001.

11. NSF - POWRE grant AST-0074586 for work on "Direct Impact Accretion in Interacting Binary Star Systems," September 1, 2000 - August 31, 2002.

12. NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Dr. Jan Budaj DGE-0312144 for work on "Directed Mass Accretion Onto Stellar Surfaces," August 1, 2003 - July 31, 2004.

13. HET travel grant to participate in the "Science With SALT Workshop" in Cape Town, South Africa, October 28 - 31, 2003.

14. NASA ADP grant NNG04GC48G for work on "Accretion Structures Around B Stars in Interacting Binaries," G. J. Peters (P.I.; U. Southern California) and M. Richards (Co.I.); January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2007.

15. NSF-REU Supplement to AST-0434234 "Astrostatistics: Advancing Statistical Methodology for Astronomy," (P.I. G. Jogesh Babu) to support Michael Rogers and Tae Kang for work on statistical analyses of astronomy data sets, June - August 2005.

16. NSF American Astronomical Society (AAS) International Travel Grant to attend the IAU General Assembly and IAU Symposium 240 in , Czech Republic, August 19-26, 2006.

17. International Astronomical Union (IAU) Travel grant No. 11163 to attend the IAU General Assembly and IAU Symposium 240 in Prague, Czech Republic, August 19-26, 2006.



18. NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) proposal entitled "Development of a Near Infrared Spectrograph to Find Warm Planets Around Cool Stars for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope: The Habitable Zone Pathfinder" to study The Spectral variability of Very Low Mass Objects and Brown Dwarfs, (Richards, faculty associate) as part of the main proposal submitted by the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics (Ramsey, Wolszczan, Luhman & Kasting), submitted January 2007, pending.

19. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST-0807899 for work on "3D Imaging of Gas Flows in Interacting Binaries," July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2011, submitted November 2007.

Observing and Supercomputing Awards

1. Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSCA/NSF) grant AST-910002P of 50 CPU hours on the Cray Y-MP supercomputer for work on "Direct Impact Accretion in Short-period Algol-type Binaries," April 3, 1991 - April 15, 1993.

2. National Solar Observatory (NSO), National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO/NSF), awards NSO #1563 and #1718R of 63 nights on the 1.5m McMath telescope to study "Full-orbit H Spectroscopy of Short-period Algol-type Binaries," 1990 - 1993.

3. Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO/NSF), award for work on the 0.9m Coude Feed Telescope: KPNO #661: "Balmer-line Spectroscopy of Short-period Algols," 12 nights in April and May 1993

4. KPNO #1251 award for work on the 0.9m Coude Feed Telescope: "Simultaneous Balmer-line and IUE Spectroscopy of Short-period Algols," 7 nights in June 1994

5. KPNO #1490 award for work on the 0.9m Coude Feed Telescope: "Simultaneous Balmer-line, IUE and Radio Continuum Observations of Algols," 7 nights in December 1994 (with Albright - P.I., and P. Koubsky);

6. KPNO #2271 award for work on the 0.9m Coude Feed Telescope: "Simultaneous H and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Non-eclipsing Algol Binaries," 8 nights in February and September 1996 (with Koubsky);

7. KPNO #2702 award for work on the 0.9m Coude Feed Telescope: "Phase Resolved H and HeI Spectroscopy of Eclipsing and Non-eclipsing Algols," 8 nights in May and June 1997 (with Koubsky).

8. Teide Observatory, Astrophysical Institute of the Canaries observing award CAT 88-93B for work on the 1.5m Carlos Sanchez Telescope in , Spain, "Starspot Activity on Algol Secondaries," 10 nights in February 1994 (with Albright).

9. Teide Observatory, Astrophysical Institute of the Canaries observing award CAT 88-93B for work on the 1.5m Carlos Sanchez Telescope in Tenerife, Spain, "Starspot Activity on Algol Secondaries," 49 nights in December 1994, April and May 1995 (with C. Lazaro and M. Jesus Arevallo).

10. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO/NSF) observing awards for work on the 140 ft. telescope at Green Bank, West Virginia: A-122: "Radio Survey of Flaring Events on Algol Secondaries," at 8.4 GHz; 7 nights in June and December 1994 (with Albright).

11. European Space Agency (ESA) observing award RI 023 for work on the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite: "Dynamics and Physical Properties of Accretion Regions in Algols," (with P. Koubsky; E. Guinan, Villanova Univ., U.S.A.; and Albright), 3 nights in June 1994.

12. ESA observing award SI 022 for work on the IUE satellite: "Ultraviolet Spectra of Non-eclipsing Algols," (with P. Koubsky), 20 hours in September 1996.



13. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Office of Naval Research (ONR), 5-year observing award to study "Radio Flaring Activity in Persei and HR 1099" with the Green Bank Interferometer (with E. B. Waltman (NRL) and F. Ghigo (NRAO)), January 1995 - March 1996, November 1996 - October 2000. Project funded partially by NASA-HEA from 1996 to 2000.

14. NASA - ROSAT observing award to study "Twilight of the Gods: The Massive, Long Period, Accreting Binary VV Cephei Enters Eclipse" with the ROSAT X-ray telescope (with C. Sarazin (P.I.) and L. Fredrick; U. Virginia), December 1996 - February 1997, June - August, 1997.

15. Palomar Observatory observing award of 5 nights to study "Mid-infrared Spectra of Algol-type Binaries," with the Cornell University mid-infrared detector on the 5m Palomar Telescope; with M. Swain (P.I.), J.D. Smith, and the SCORE team, March 1998.

16. Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) observing award PSU02-3-052 to study "Time Domain Observations of Interacting Binaries," with the high resolution spectrograph, 20 visits from October 16 - December 10, 2002.

17. Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) observing award PSU03-1-009 to study "Multiwavelength Tomography of Disks in Eclipsing Binaries," with the high-resolution spectrograph, 25 visits from December 2, 2002 - January 13, 2003.

18. National Astronomical Observatory - Rozhen, Bulgaria (NAO) long-term observing project to study "Multiple-epoch Spectroscopy of Short-Period Algols," with the 2m telescope (Richards, M. (P.I.), Budaj, J., Iliev, I. Kh. (NAO)), August 2003 - 2004.

19. Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) observing proposal PSU04 with the high resolution spectrograph (HRS) to study "Spectrum Variability in Accreting Brown Dwarfs,'' on the 9m telescope (Budaj, J. (P.I.), Getman, K., Richards, M., & Feigelson, E.), 2004 - 2005.

20. HET 9m telescope observing award PSU05-2-002 with the medium resolution spectrograph (MRS) to study "Spectrum Variability in Accreting Brown Dwarfs,'' (Budaj, J. (P.I.), Getman, K., Richards, M., & Feigelson, E.), 2005, allocated time: 1.00 hour.

21. HET 9m telescope observing award PSU05-3-003 with the HRS to study "Study of an Extreme Helium sdO Star: IS Peg,'' (Budaj, J. (P.I.)), 2005, allocated time: 1.83 hours.

22. HET 9m telescope proposal PSU05 with the HRS to study "Spectrum Variability in Accreting Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars,'' (Budaj, J. (P.I.), Getman, K., Richards, M., & Feigelson, E.), 2005

23. HET 9m telescope observing award PSU06-1-014 with the Low Resolution Spectrograph (LRS) to study "Accreting Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars,'' (Budaj, J. (P.I.) & Richards, M.), 2006, allocated time: 2.60 hours.

24. LSST sub-proposal entitled, "Study of Variable Stars and Eclipsing Binaries with LSST," (M. Richards, P.I.), submitted 2006 August.

25. Joint VLBA, Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer (NPOI), and Lowell Observatory proposal BZ34 entitled, "Testing the Radio Emission in Algol with a Multi-epoch VLBA Observation," at 6 cm and 3.6 cm bands (R. Zavala (P.I.), D. Boboltz, D. Hutter, R. Ojha, M. Richards, D. Shaffer, C. Tycner), 2006, allocated 70 hours in 2006 October.



Outreach Proposals and Awards

1. "Recruitment of Science Undergraduates through participation in the Upward Bound Math & Science Program," Eberly College of Science, August 8, 2006 (P.I. M. Richards and D. Richards )

2. Eberly College of Science grant for "Let’s Grow Them! - Developing Space Scientists Through the UBMS Program," June 1, 2007 – July 31, 2007.

3. Penn State University Office of Educational Equity proposal entitled "Let’s Grow Them! - Developing Space Scientists Through the UBMS Program," June 1, 2007 - July 31, 2007.

4. NSF ADVANCE Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers proposal entitled "ADVANCE Institutional Transformation (PSU ADVANCE)," 2008 – 2011; submitted December 2007; pending; Dr. Blannie E. Bowen, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (P.I.) and the ADVANCE committee (led by Dr. Judith Todd).

5. Penn State University Office of Educational Equity proposal entitled "SEECoS – Summer Experience in the Eberly College of Science," June 1, 2008 - July 31, 2008.

Other Research Proposals (submitted since 2001)

6. NASA – ADP proposal entitled "A Study of the Circumstellar Material in Interacting Binaries with B- Type Primaries,'' September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2004; G. J. Peters (P.I., USC) and M. Richards (Co.-I.), submitted 2001.

7. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0307298 entitled "Images of Gas Flows in Direct-Impact Binaries,'' July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2006; M. Richards (P.I.), submitted November 2002.

8. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0407028 entitled "Images of Gas Flows in Direct-Impact Binaries,'' July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2007; M. Richards (P.I.) and J. Budaj (Co.-I.), submitted November 2003.

9. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0507606 entitled "Modelling Synthetic Spectra of Interacting Binaries,'' July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2007; M. Richards (P.I.) and J. Budaj (Co.-I.), submitted November 2004.

10. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0507426 entitled "Stars that Swallow Planets,'' July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2007; M. Richards (P.I.) and A. Retter (Co.-I.), submitted November 2004.

11. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0507427 entitled "Jets in Novae,'' July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2007; M. Richards (P.I.) and A. Retter (Co.-I.), submitted November 2004.

12. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0607703 entitled "Tomography, Synthetic Spectra, and Hydro Simulations of Accretion Flows,'' July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2009; M. Richards (P.I.) and J. Budaj (Co.-I.), submitted November 2005.

13. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0607259 entitled "Spectrum Variability in Accreting Brown Dwarfs,'' July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2009; J. Budaj (P.I.) and M. Richards (Co.-I.), submitted November 2005.

14. NOAO Gemini/S 8m telescope observing proposal No. 140 to study "Spectrum Variability of Accreting Brown Dwarfs'' with the GNIRS Infrared Spectrograph (Richards, M. (PI), Budaj, J., & Martin, E. (Astrophysical Institute of the Canaries, IAC)), submitted October 2005.

15. ESO multiwavelength proposal entitled, "The Mass Transferring Binary Star R Ara," to collect FEROS spectra over 10 hours, EFOSC2 spectropolarimetric data over 15 hours, XMM data over 20000s (N. M.



Elias II (P.I.), O. Stahl, M. Richards, M. F. Corcoran, V. Niemela, & G. E. McCluskey), submitted October 2006.

16. NASA Ideas proposal entitled "Let’s Grow Them! - Developing Space Scientists Through the Upward Bound Math and Science Program," May 1, 2007 – April 30, 2009; M. Richards (P.I.) and J. Markley (Co.I.), submitted October 2006.

17. NSF Division of Astronomy proposal AST—0707962 entitled "Understanding Accretion Flows in Interacting Binaries,'' July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2010; submitted November 2006.

18. Motorola Corporation proposal entitled "Summer Research with High School Students in the Eberly College of Science,'' July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2012 (with Ed Thompson, PSU Development Office); submitted June 2007.

Invited Review Lectures

1. "Doppler Tomography of Eclipsing and Non-eclipsing Algols," Astrotomography: An International Workshop on Indirect Imaging, Brussels, Belgium, July 6, 2000.

2. "Dopplertomography of Algols," IAU General Assembly, Joint Discussion 9 on Astrotomography, Sydney, Australia, July 17, 2003.

3. "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Disks and Streams in Close Binaries," IAU Symposium 240, Binary Stars as Critical Tools & Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics, Prague, Czech Republic, August 23, 2006.

Invited Lectures (International)

4. "Spectrophotometry of Nova Cygni 1975," Centre for Research in Experimental Space Science, York University, May 1979.

5. "Algol and Algol-type Binaries," Department of Physics, University of the West Indies, December 1982.

6. "Circumstellar Material in the Algol System," Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto, August 1986.

7. "A New Model for Algol," IAU Colloquium 107 on The Algols, Victoria, British Columbia, August 18, 1988.

8. "Circumstellar Gas in Direct Impact Algols," Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, September 8, 1994.

9. "Accretion Regions in Short-period Algols," Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, September 14, 1994.

10. "Magnetic Activity and its Influence on Accretion Processes in Algol-type Binaries," Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik (Solar Physics Institute), Freiburg, Germany, June 28, 1995.

11. "Image Reconstruction of Binary Stars Using Tomography," Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut (Mathematics Research Institute), Oberwolfach, Germany, July 5, 1995.

12. "Doppler Tomography of Chromospheres and Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries," IAU Symposium 176 on Stellar Surface Structure, University of Vienna, Austria, October 12, 1995.

13. "Algol Binaries," Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Canada, April 12, 1996.



14. "A Multidimensional Approach to the Study of Mass Transfer in Interacting Binaries," Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Canada, January 13, 1997.

15. "The Structure of Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries Derived from Optical and Ultraviolet Spectra," Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, June 29, 1998.

16. "A Long-term Continuous Radio Flare Survey of Algol and HR 1099," Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, June 29, 1998.

17. "14 Lectures on Close Binary Stars," Vatican Observatory Seventh Summer School in Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics on "Observations and Theoretical Understanding of Single Stars and Close Binary Systems," Castel Gandolfo, Rome, Italy, June 13 - July 10, 1999. (Summer School faculty; see Sky & Telescope, May 2000, pages 82-87)

18. "Time Domain Spectra of Interacting Binaries," Science With SALT II Workshop, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, October 30, 2003.

19. "Teaching Physics and Astronomy to Disadvantaged Students," SALT Collateral Benefits Programme, Mathematics and Science Education Seminar (Teacher Workshop), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, October 30, 2003.

20. "What I Love About Astronomy: From CAT Scans to Astrotomography," SALT Collateral Benefits Programme, Astronomy: Tools and Opportunities (Graduate student workshop), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, October 31, 2003.

21. "Images of Accretion Flows in Interacting Binaries," Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto, Canada, May 9, 2008.

22. "Dream the Impossible Dream," Keynote Speaker, 17th Annual Visions of Science Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 10, 2008.

Invited Lectures (within USA)

23. "Algol: A New Frontier," Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, January 1987.

24. "Circumstellar Matter in Algol," Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, January 1987.

25. "Circumstellar Matter in Algol," Department of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, February 1987.

26. "Algol: A New Frontier," Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University, February 1987.

27. "The Effect of Circumstellar Gas on the H Line Profile of Algol," Meeting of Washington Area Astronomers, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, , April 1988.

28. "A Search for the RS CVn-type Characteristics of the Infrared Light Curves of Algol," Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, May 1989.

29. "Complications of Mass Transfer in Algol Binaries," Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, December 5, 1989.

30. "Algol-type Eclipsing Binaries," Annual Meeting of Virginia Association of Astronomical Societies, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 1992.



31. "The Structure of Accretion Regions in Algols," Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists, Rutgers University, New Jersey, April 22, 1994.

32. "Algol- The Demon Star," Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society Annual Banquet, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, April 28, 1994. 33. "Magnetism Versus Accretion in Algol-type Binaries," Department of Physics and Astronomy, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, April 29, 1994.

34. "Rediscovering Algol," Eighth Annual Southern Star Astronomical Convention, Wild Acres Retreat, Little Switzerland, North Carolina, May 7, 1994.

35. "Accretion Regions in Algol-type Binaries," Physics Department, North Carolina State University, November 2, 1994.

36. "Observational Evidence of Mass Transfer in Interacting Binaries," Department of Astronomy, University of Indiana, January 24, 1995.

37. "Algol Binaries: Mass Transfer Caught in the Act!" Department of Physics, Indiana State University, January 25, 1995.

38. "Doppler Tomography and Hydrodynamic Simulations of Mass Transfer in Algol-type Binary Star Systems," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, December 15, 2000.

39. "Doppler Tomography and Hydrodynamic Simulations of Mass Transfer in Algol-type Binary Star Systems," Department of Physics, New York University, New York, March 2, 2001.

40. "Full-orbit Spectra, Doppler Tomograms, and Hydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion Structures in Algol-type Interacting Binaries," Richard Black Astrophysics Centre, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, March 9, 2001.

41. "The Magic of Tomography," Sonya Kovalevsky Day, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, New York, April 5, 2001.

42. "The Radon Transform and its Application to Astronomy," Center for Communications Research, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, New Jersey, May 10, 2001.

43. "An Assessment of National Resources for Stellar Astronomy," The Future of Stellar Astrophysics, 199th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Washington, D.C., January 6, 2002.

44. "The Magic of Tomography," Physics Department, North Carolina State University, February 14, 2002.

45. "Tomography and Other Adventures," Annual Southeast Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, March 7, 2002.

46. "Tomography and Hydrodynamic Simulations of Active Mass Transfer in Interacting Binary Star Systems," Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, April 4, 2002.

47. "The Magical Process of Tomography," Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Villanova University, September 26, 2002.

48. "From CAT Scans to Astrotomography," Bowdoin College, Department of Mathematics and Department of Physics, March 10, 2004.

49. "From CAT Scans to Astrotomography," California State Summer School for Mathematics & Science (COSMOS), Distinguished Lecture Series, University of California-Davis, July 14, 2004. 50. "American Astronomical Society Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecture: Exploring CAT Scans and the World of Tomography," Allegheny College, public lecture, February 1, 2005.



51. "American Astronomical Society Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecture: Images of Mass transfer in the Algol Class of Interacting Binaries," Department of Physics & Astronomy, Allegheny College, February 2, 2005.

52. "Dream the Impossible Dream," Keynote Speaker for Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Nittany Lion Inn, Penn State University, March 13, 2005.

53. "American Astronomical Society Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecture: Images of Gas Flows in Interacting Binary Stars," Department of Physics & Astronomy, Ohio University, January 25, 2006.

54. "American Astronomical Society Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecture: Understanding CAT Scans and the Magic of Tomography," Ohio University, public lecture, January 26, 2006.

55. "The Wonders of the Universe," California State Summer School for Mathematics & Science (COSMOS), Distinguished Lecture Series, University of California-Davis, July 28, 2006.

56. "Dream the Impossible Dream," Keynote Speaker, NSF Robotics Opportunities for Building Outstanding Talent in the Sciences (ROBOTS) Symposium, Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, Asheville, North Carolina, July 27, 2007 (4 Lectures and hands on activities on using NASA Chandra X-ray observations of supernova remnants)

57. "Probing Accretion Disks and Streams in Interacting Binaries with Tomography," Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 18, 2007.

58. "Images of Accretion Flows in Interacting Binaries," Physics Department, Lehigh University (PA), August 28, 2008.

59. "American Astronomical Society Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecture: Images of Gas Flows in Interacting Binary Stars," Department of Physics & Astronomy, Grinnell College, September, 2008.

60. "American Astronomical Society Harlow Shapley Visiting Lecture: Understanding CAT Scans and the Magic of Tomography," Grinnell College, public lecture, September, 2008.

Lectures at Meetings

61. "The Effective Temperature of Algol C," 171st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Austin, Texas, January 11, 1988.

62. "Starspot Activity in Algol," Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Seattle, September 13, 1989.

63. "Mass Transfer in Short-period Algol-type Binaries," NRAO/University of Virginia Symposium, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Charlottesville, December 1989.

64. "A Transient Accretion Disk in Persei," 177th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Philadelphia, , January 17, 1991.

65. "Facilities for Infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy of Short-period Algols," Astronomical Society of the Pacific Symposium on Optical Astronomy From the Earth and Moon, San Diego, California, July 14, 1993.

66. "A Multidimensional Approach to the Study of Mass Transfer in Interacting Binaries," Jansky Symposium, NRAO, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 29, 1996. 67. "The Continuous Radio Flare Survey with the NRAO Interferometer at Green Bank," Jansky Symposium, NRAO, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 27, 1997.



68. "Periodicities of Radio Flaring in HR 1099 and Algol," Jansky Symposium, NRAO, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 26, 1999.

69. "Results from a Five-year Radio Flare Survey," Jansky Symposium, NRAO, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 24, 2001.

70. "Images of Active Mass Transfer in Direct Impact Close Binary Systems," 3D Stellar Structure Workshop, University of California at Davis and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, July 22, 2002.

71. "A Multidimensional Approach to the Study of Mass Transfer in Algol Binaries," Reports on Recent Advances and Opportunities for Variable and Binary Star Research, Division V Science Sessions, IAU General Assembly, Sydney, Australia, July 22, 2003.


72. "The Structure of a Differential Corrections Program," Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto, October 1984.

73. "The H Line Profile of Algol ( Persei)," Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto, October 1985.

74. "Analysis of the Light Curves of Algol," National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) - University of Virginia (UVa) joint seminar, December 1987.

75. "The Status of the Algols," NRAO/UVa seminar, August 1988.

76. "The Discovery of Starspot Activity in Algol," NRAO/UVa seminar, June 1989.

77. "Is There an Accretion Disk in Algol?," NRAO/UVa seminar, April 1991.

78. "Are Algol Binaries Magnetically Active?," NRAO/UVa seminar, October 1991.

79. "Report on the 180th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society," NRAO/UVa seminar, July 1992.

80. "Women at Work: The Status of Women in Astronomy," NRAO/UVa seminar (with Prudence Foster, Nancy Bailey, Paul van den Bout), October 13, 1992.

81. "The Chandrasekhar Limb Effect," NRAO/UVa seminar, December 15, 1992.

82. "Doppler Tomography of Accretion Regions in the Algols," NRAO-UVa seminar, October 18, 1994.

83. "The Stream/Disk Morphologies in Algol Binaries," NRAO/UVa seminar, March 5, 1996.

84. "Evidence of Gas Streams, Accretion Disks, and Chromospheres from Doppler Tomography of Algol- binaries," Thursday Lunch with graduate students, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, October 12, 2000.

85. "Timescales of Radio Flaring Activity in RS CVn and Algol Binaries," Tuesday Lunch Talk, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, October 8, 2002.

86. "Unveiling and Disentangling the Accretion Flows in Interacting Binaries using Tomography and Synthetic Spectra," Tuesday Lunch Talk, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, February 7, 2006.



87. "Long-term Variability in the Length of the Solar Cycle, " Tuesday Lunch Talk, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, September 19, 2006.

88. "3D Tomography of Gas Flows in Interacting Binaries," Tuesday Lunch Talk, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, April 22, 2008.

Special Presentations

89. "Tomography of Gas Flows in Binary Stars," Meeting of the Board of Visitors, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, October 27, 2002.




Graduate Student Supervision

Ph.D. Theses

Geary E. Albright: Ph.D. thesis research on "Accretion Regions in Algol Binaries," University of Virginia, November 1992 - May 1996

M.A. Theses and Research Projects

Geary E. Albright: M.A. thesis research on "Circumstellar Material in the Algol-type Binary TX Ursae Majoris," University of Virginia, September 1991 - November 1992

Mark A. Ratliff: M.A. thesis research on "Hydrodynamical Simulations of H Emission in Algol Binaries," University of Virginia, September 1993 - December 1995

Joshua C. Kempner: M.A. research project on "Ultraviolet Spectra, Difference Profiles, and Doppler Tomogram of U Sagittae," University of Virginia, September 1997 - August 1998

Other Graduate Research Projects

Melanie A. Swain: "Doppler Imaging of Short-period Algols," June - August, 1993

Mark A. Ratliff: "Hydrodynamical Simulations of H Emission in Algol Binaries: The Effect of Radiative Cooling," Dec. 1995 - May 1996

Ronak Shah: "Archiving H Spectra of Interacting Algol Binaries," September 1996 - May 1997

Joshua C. Kempner: "Doppler Tomography of Ultraviolet Spectra of Algol-type Binaries," September 1998 - May 1999

Milind Cholkar: "MATLAB Movies of Doppler Tomograms of Algol Binaries," August 2002 – December 2004

Brendan Miller: "Simultaneous Radio Flare and Optical Observations of Per and V711 Tau," January 2004 - June 2004; "Analysis of Synthetic and Observed Multiwavelength Spectra of Eclipsing and Non-eclipsing Algols," June 2004 - August 2005

Manodeep Sinha: "Magneto-hydrodynamic Simulations of Mass Transfer in Direct Impact Binaries," September 2004 - August 2005

Undergraduate Supervision

Undergraduate Senior Theses

Robert D. Jones: Undergraduate Senior thesis on "S-wave Doppler Imaging of Circumstellar Material in Persei," January - May 1992

Caroline J. Mattson: Undergraduate Senior thesis on "`Doppler Tomography of the Short-period Algol U Sagittae," September 1993 - May 1994

Larissa M. Bowles: Undergraduate senior thesis on "An Investigation of Archival IUE Spectra of Algol and RS CVn Binaries," September 1995 - May 1996

Scot E. Russell: Undergraduate senior thesis on "A Study of Radio and X-ray Flares in Magnetically Active Systems," January - May 1996



Larry E. Moore: Undergraduate senior thesis on "Phase-binned Doppler Images of Interacting Algol-type Binaries," January - May 1997

Tracy Butler: Undergraduate senior thesis on "Periodicities Derived from Radio Flare Data for Two Magnetically Active Binaries," January - May 1999

Tiffany L. Soinski: Undergraduate senior thesis on "A Study of Radio Flares from V711 Tau, UX Ari, and Per," December 2001 - May 2002

Other Undergraduate Research Projects

Jonathan Newbrough: "Modifications to the VH-1 Hydrodynamics Code to Study Direct Impact Accretion," June - August, 1992

Larissa M. Bowles: "SIMBAD and IUE Search for Short-period Algols; and The Nature of Chromospheric H Line Profiles," June - August, 1993

Mary A. Lugo: "Infrared Facilities at U.S. Observatories; & Roche Models of Binaries," June - August, 1993

Larissa M. Bowles: "Doppler Imaging of Accretion Flows In Close Binaries," June - August, 1994

Erik W. Rosolowsky: "Archival IUE Spectra of the RS CVn Binary HR 1099," June - August, 1996

Melinda A. Faris: "Magnetic Activity in Algol Binaries," January - May 1997

Larry E. Moore: "Magnetic Activity in Algol Binaries," June - August, 1997

Melinda A. Faris: "Magnetic Activity in Algol Binaries: The Solar-Stellar Connection," August – Dec. 1997

Ashley P. Graham: "The Solar-Stellar Connection in Algol Binaries," January - May 1998

Michael Rogers: "Long-term Sunspot Cycles from Sunspot Numbers and Areas," Sep. 2003 - Dec. 2005 "Polarization of Radio Flares in Algol and RS CVn Binaries," May 2004 - May 2005 "Properties of the Shock Region in Direct Impact Algols," May - December 2005

Tae Kang: "Power Spectrum Analysis of the Light Curves of Novae," May 2005 – May 2006

Derek Einsig: "Understanding Doppler Tomography and Inverting the Images," Sep. 2006 – May 2007

John Fisher: "Using MATLAB to display 3D Tomography of U CrB," Jan. 2008 – May 2008

Michael Peth: "Using MATLAB to display 3D Tomography of U CrB," Jan. 2008 – May 2008

M.A. and Ph.D. Thesis Exams and Defenses

Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia

M.A. thesis committee for Geary Albright, September 1991 - December 1992 (chair) M.A. thesis committee for Greg Lindahl, September 1991 - 1992 M.A. thesis committee for Mark Ratliff, September 1993 - December 1995 (chair) M.A. research committee for Joshua Kempner, September 1997 - August 1998 (chair) Ph.D. thesis committee for Charles Nelson, September 1993 - May 1994 Ph.D. thesis committee for Richard Patterson, September 1993 - October 1994 (chair) Ph.D. thesis committee for Geary Albright, September 1992 - May 1996 (chair) Ph.D. thesis committee for Jeffrey Crane, June 2000 – 2002



Other Departments at the University of Virginia

Mathematics Department: Ph.D. thesis committees for Chariya Peterson (1988), Jacqueline Hall (1994), David Hunter (April 1997), Nelson Saiers (April 1998)

Graduate Research Report Committees, Penn State U.

Second-Year Report Committee for Avi Mandell, December 2002 Second-Year Report Committee for Kenneth Moody, December 2003 Second-Year Report Committee for Brendan Miller, December 2004; chair Second-Year Report Committee for Christopher Duston, December 2006 Doctoral Thesis committee for Kenneth Moody, 2003 – present Doctoral Thesis committee for Michele Stark, 2004 – June 2005 Doctoral Thesis committee for Tamara Bogdanovic, 2004 – 2006 Doctoral Thesis committee for Helene Flohic 2004 – present Doctoral Thesis committee for Brendan Miller, 2005 – present; chair 2005 – 2006

Courses Developed

ASTR 546, Binary Stars; developed in 1989 ASTRO 1 online and hybrid versions, The Astronomical Universe (with Scott Miller), Jan. 2006 – Dec. 2007

Courses Taught

University of Virginia

ASTR 101, Introductory Solar System Astronomy; Spring 1991, Spring 1993, Spring 1996 ASTR 102, Introductory Stellar and Galactic Astronomy; Spring 1988, Spring 1989, Spring 1994 ASTR 103, Night Sky Laboratory; Spring 1995 ASTR 121, Introduction to the Sky and Solar System; Fall 1996, Spring1997, Spring 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2001, Spring 2002 ASTR 313, Observational Astronomy; Fall 1987 - 1993, Fall 1995, Fall 1997, Fall 1998 ASTR 395, Tutorial on Binary Stars; Fall 1993; Spring 1996, Summer 1996, Fall 1996; Spring 1997 ASTR 395, Tutorial on Observing Techniques; Spring 1995 ASTR 395, Tutorial on Introduction to Single and Binary Stars; Spring 1997 ASTR 395, Tutorial on Magnetic Activity in the Sun and Cool Stars; Fall 1997 ASTR 498, Senior Thesis; Spring 1992, Fall 1993, Spring 1994, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Spring 1997, Spring 1999, Spring 2002 ASTR 540, Topical Seminar on Galactic Astronomy (1 lecture); Spring 1998 ASTR 546, Binary Stars; Spring 1992 ASTR 571, Fundamental Concepts in Astronomy; Spring 1991, Fall 1991

Penn State University

ASTRO 1H, The Astronomical Universe (for Honors Students); Spring 2003 [13 students] ASTRO 1, The Astronomical Universe; Fall 2003 [364], Fall 2004 [218], Spring 2005 [181], Fall 2005 [338], Fall 2006 [372], Spring 2007 [344], Fall 2007 [373], Spring 2008 [343] ASTRO 400H, Honors Seminar on "Close Binary Stars"; Spring 2004 [6], Spring 2006 [4] ASTRO 496, Undergraduate Individual Studies course; Spring 2005 [1], Fall 2006 [1], Spring 2007 [1], Spring 2008 [2] ASTRO 596, Graduate Individual Studies course on "Interacting Binary Stars"; Spring 2004 [5], Spring 2005 [1], Summer 2005 [2]



Advising Duties

University of Virginia

Faculty Advisor for first- and second-year undergraduates, 1991 - 1994 Advisor for Undergraduate Majors in Astronomy, 1996 - 1997 Advisor for Undergraduate Minors in Astronomy, 1996 - 2000 Advisor for Undergraduate Transfer Students, 1996 - 2002 Advisor for Echols Scholars, 1996 - 2002 Advisor for Pre-Majors in Astronomy, 1996 – 2002

Penn State University

Advisor for graduate students, 2002 - present Advisor for undergraduate students, Spring 2003 – present




National Academic Service

Reviewer for 9 National Science Foundation (NSF) programs: NSF Stars and Stellar Evolution, Division of Astronomical Sciences; 1989, 1990 NSF Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics, Division of Astronomical Sciences; 1992, 1997 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates; 1990 - 1993, 1997 NSF Research Initiation and Improvement; 1991 NSF Polar Aeronomy and Astrophysics; 1994 NSF Presidential Faculty Awards; 1995 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships; 1996 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program, Panel Chairman; 2000 NSF Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), Panel Chairman; 2000 NSF Partnerships in Astronomy & Astrophysics Research and Education (PAARE) Program; 2007

Reviewer for NASA programs: IUE and EUVE Guest Observer Program, 1993; Postdoctoral Program, 2006 Reviewer for The Astrophysical Journal; 1994, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Reviewer for The Astrophysical Journal Letters; 1998, 2005, 2006 Reviewer for The Astronomical Journal; 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006 Reviewer for Research Corporation, Cottrell College Science Awards, 1997 Reviewer for Astronomiche Nachrichten; 2003 Reviewer for Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters; 2004, 2005 Reviewer for Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; 2007

Invited Contributor to the online Encyclopedia of the Cosmos; 2008

International Academic Service

Foreign examiner (oponenti) for Ph.D. thesis "Circumstellar Matter in Interacting Binaries" by Vojtech Simon, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; December 1997 - May 1998

Member of selection committee to choose top 25 graduate student participants (out of 86 students from 39 countries) to attend the 1999 Vatican Observatory Summer School; December 1998 - January 1999

Member of the selection committee for the Vatican Observatory Jesuit Community Scholarship awarded to a needy and promising student to begin graduate studies in Astronomy at U. Arizona; November 1999

Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the conference entitled "3D Stellar Structure Workshop," held at UC Davis, Livermore, California, July 22-26, 2002

Chair of the Scientific Organizing Committee for IAU General Assembly, Joint Discussion No. 9 on "Astrotomography," IAU General Assembly XXV, Sydney, Australia, July 17 and 21, 2003.

Member, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Transient Science Collaboration, since November 2006.

Administrative Service

Within the University of Virginia Search Committee for Vice President for Student Affairs, 1993 - 1994 Committee on issues concerning minorities and women in science and mathematics, 1993 - 1994 Faculty Rules Committee, 1995 - 1999 Nominating Committee, 1996 - 1999 Financial Aid Committee, 2001 - 2002



Within the Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia Undergraduate Director, 1996 - 1997 Undergraduate Committee, 1987 - 2002 Graduate Committee, 1987 - 1992, 1995 - 1998 Graduate Examinations subcommittee, 1987 - 1990, 1996 - 1997 Graduate Admissions and Recruiting subcommittee, 1997 - 1998 Observatory Committee, 1988 - 1998 Library Committee, 1990 - 1996 (chair), 1997 - 1999 (chair), 1999 - 2002 Faculty Search Committees, 1994 - 1995, 1995 - 1996 Move to Forestry Building Committee, 1997 - 1998 Telescope Project Committee, 1998 - 2002 Third year review committee for Asst. Professor S. Majewski, 1998 Third year review committee for Asst. Professor Y. Li, 1999 - 2000 Search Committee for Department Chair, 1998 - 1999, 2001 - 2002 Teaching Committee, 1998 - 2000 (course evaluations) Degree change from M.A. to M.S. and B.A. to B.S., 1997 - 2000

Within Penn State University NSF Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) Committee and Statistics Sub-Committee, 2007

Within the Penn State University, Eberly College of Science Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee, 2003 - present Committee to discuss 2005-2010 ECoS Framework to Foster Diversity, 2003 – 2004 Search Committee for Advising Program Coordinator, 2007 Director, Summer Experience in the Eberly College of Science (SEECoS), 2006 – 2008

Within the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University Asst. Head for Undergraduate Program, July 2003 - present Undergraduate Program Committee, 2002 - present Teaching Evaluations Committee, 2002 - 2007 Web Oversight Committee, 2002 - 2003 Advisor for graduate students, 2002 - 2006 Advisor for undergraduate students, Spring 2003 - present Search Committee for Department Head, Spring 2003 Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2003 - 2004, 2004 - 2005 Awards Committee, 2004 – 2007 Graduate Candidacy Exams Committee, 2007

Public Service

1. Public lecturer on Astronomy at York University, University of Toronto, and schools in the Toronto area, Canada, 1978 – 1986 (8 years).

2. Chief observatory guide at York University, Canada, 1978 - 1979.

3. Chief observatory guide at University of Toronto and David Dunlap Observatory, Canada, 1979 – 1985 (6 years).



4. Workshop leader and speaker at "Expanding Your Horizons in Science and Mathematics" conferences for high school students, sponsored by Toronto Board of Education and North York Board of Education, Canada, 1984 - 1985.

5. Observatory tour guide for Visitor's Night at the Leander McCormick Observatory and Fan Mountain Observatory, University of Virginia, 1987 - present

6. Speaker at the Tenth Annual Conference for potential graduate students, Norfolk State University, sponsored by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, November 1987.

7. Speaker at First Annual Mathematics Day, Walter Johnson High School, Bethesda, Maryland, April 15, 1988.

8. Speaker at Zehmer Hall Auditorium, University of Virginia, for the NASA Voyager 2 - Neptune encounter, August 1989.

9. Guest Lecturer for live video-taped lectures of ASTR 571, "Fundamental Concepts in Astronomy," Division of Continuing Education, University of Virginia, for science teachers in the state of Virginia, October 26, 1991.

10. Gave lecture/demonstration at Trevilians Elementary School (Grade 3), Trevilians, Virginia, March 30, 1993.

11. Gave three lectures at St. Anne's-Belfield School (Grades 9 - 12), Charlottesville, Virginia, April 22, 1993.

12. Gave lecture/demonstration at Greer Elementary School (Grade K), Charlottesville, Virginia, May 24, 1993.

13. Gave lecture/demonstration at Greer Elementary School (Grade 1), Charlottesville, Virginia, November 24, 1993.

14. Gave lecture/demonstration to Greer Elementary School - After School Program (Grades K - 5), Charlottesville, Virginia, March 16, 1995.

15. Gave lecture/demonstration at "Science, Math, and Resources for Tomorrow (S.M.A.R.T.)" Career Fair for grades 6 - 8, hosted by the American Association of University Women, Staunton, Virginia, April 8, 1995.

16. Gave lecture/demonstration on "A View of the Universe," at Jefferson-Madison Public Library, Gordon Avenue Branch, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 17, 1996.

17. Gave five lectures to top 30 mathematics high school students entitled "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star: A Short Course in Modern Astronomy," University of Vermont Mathematics/Science/Technology Summer Enrichment Institute, Burlington, Vermont, June 23 - 28, 1996.

18. Gave lecture/demonstration on "The New Solar System," at Greer Elementary School (Grade 4), Charlottesville, Virginia, November 12, 1996.

19. Organized lecture and demonstration on "The Hubble Space Telescope and Other Adventures," for UVa Space and Astronomy Days, delivered to Grade 8 and Grade 9 students from local schools, held at Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia, November 23, 1996.

20. Gave five lectures to top 30 Vermont mathematics high school students entitled "The Concept of Time in Astronomy," University of Vermont Mathematics/Science/Technology Summer Enrichment Institute, Burlington, Vermont, June 22 - 27, 1997.



21. Lectured on "The Determination of Longitude," at St. Anne's-Belfield Upper School (Grades 9 and 10), Charlottesville, Virginia, September 12, 1997.

22. Gave lecture/demonstration on "Our View of the Sky," at Stony Point Elementary School (Grades 3 and 4), Stony Point, Virginia, March 24,1998.

23. Participated in the Science Project Help Day for K-12 students, Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, January 9, 1999.

24. Gave lecture/demonstration on "Earth and its Place in the New Solar System," at Greer Elementary School (Grade 4), Charlottesville, Virginia, November 19, 1999.

25. Panelist on careers in Mathematics, Mathematics & Science Summer Enrichment Institute for top Vermont mathematics students in grades 7 - 12, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, June 21, 2000.

26. Contributed research results on hydrodynamic simulations of Algol-type binaries to an ongoing planetarium exhibit on "Algol and Mass Transfer in Binary Stars," Exhibit Museum of Natural History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2001.

27. Lectured on "The Magic of Tomography," at Sonya Kovalevsky Day, a mathematics/science enrichment workshop for mathematics high school students and their teachers from schools within 200 miles of Albany, University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, New York, April 5, 2001.

28. Contributed research results on hydrodynamic simulations of Algol-type binaries to a new science textbook called "The Energetic Universe," published by the Open University, England (2001).

29. Contributed an article to NASA exhibit on African Americans in Space Science for NASA Space Science Education and Outreach Program, Ohio Space Grant Consortium, 2001.

30. Attended Annual Southeast Michigan Junior Science and Humanities Symposium for high school students, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, March 7 - 8, 2002.

31. Gave 3 lectures on "CAT Scans, Spotted Stars, and Tomography," at AstroNight 2002 openhouse, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, October 5, 2002.

32. Lectured on "Astronomy and the Magicical World of Tomography" at the University of Vermont Mathematics/Science Summer Enrichment Institute for high school math students, Burlington, Vermont, June 15, 2003.

33. Gave 2 lectures on "From CAT Scans to AstroTomography," at AstroNight 2003 openhouse, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, September 13, 2003.

34. Participated in Space Day activities for the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, April 17, 2004.

35. Gave 5 lectures to top 30 Vermont mathematics high school students entitled "The Concept of Time in Astronomy," University of Vermont Mathematics/Science/Technology Summer Enrichment Institute, Burlington, Vermont, June 28 - July 2, 2004.

36. Gave a lecture entitled "Tomography and its Application to Astronomy," to Central Pennsylvania Observers Amateur Astronomy Club, August 5, 2004.

37. Gave 2 lectures entitled "From CAT Scans to AstroTomography," at AstroNight 2004 openhouse, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, October 2, 2004.

38. Participated in University of Vermont Mathematics Governors School and Summer Enrichment Institute, Burlington, Vermont, June 19 - 24, 2005.



39. Gave 3 lectures entitled "Linking CAT Scans to Astronomy," at AstroFest 2005, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, July 13-14, 2005.

40. Gave a lecture entitled "AstroTomography of Single and Binary Stars," at the Penn State In-Service Teacher Workshops in Astronomy (ASTRO 597D), Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, July 20, 2005.

41. Gave a lecture entitled "Understanding CAT Scans and their Link to Astronomy," Foxdale Village Retirement Community, State College, PA, August 23, 2005.

42. Gave two lectures entitled "Linking CAT Scans to Astronomy,'' at AstroNight 2005 openhouse, Parents and Families Weekend, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, September 24, 2005.

43. Participated in Space Day activities for the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, April 22, 2006.

44. Gave a presentation entitled "So we need more scientists: Let’s Grow Them!" Eberly College Outreach Council meeting, Eberly College of Science, April 28, 2006.

45. Gave a 2-hour lecture entitled “Astronomy in Our Daily Lives” on June 20, 2006, and participated in the University of Vermont Mathematics Governors School and Summer Enrichment Institute, Burlington, Vermont, June 18 - 23, 2006. (See

46. Gave a lecture entitled "The Wonders of the Universe" to the Upward Bound Math and Science students, Penn State University, July 12, 2006.

47. Gave a lecture entitled "Understanding CAT Scans and the Magic of Tomography," at AstroFest 2006, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, July 13, 2006.

48. Gave a lecture entitled "The Wonders of the Universe" to the visiting parents at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth workshop on Space Science and Exploration, Penn State University, November 4, 2006 (60 participants).

49. Gave a lecture on The IAU Vote at the Friedman Lecture on "What is a Planet? Why not Pluto?" Penn State University, November 7, 2006 (500 participants).

50. Gave a lecture entitled "Our Awesome Universe" to the students in the Engineering and Applied Science House, Beaver Hall, Penn State University, February12, 2007 (40 participants).

51. Gave a lecture entitled "Why is Pluto not a Planet" to the students in the Engineering House, McKee Hall, Penn State University, March 28, 2007 (25 participants).

52. Participated as a judge for the Undergraduate Exhibition, Physical Sciences Division, Penn State University, April 4, 2007.

53. Participated in Space Day activities for the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, April 14, 2007.

54. Gave a presentation to the Eberly College Outreach Council entitled "SEECoS – Summer Experience in the Eberly College of Science," Eberly College of Science, April 23, 2007.

55. Participated in a panel discussion on life as an astronomer, with Kim Herrmann and Rebecca, for a group of girl scouts in Grades 6-12, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, April 28, 2007 (10 participants).



56. Organized and participated in the Summer Experience in the Eberly College of Science, SEECoS, research program with 20 high school students in the Upward Bound Math and Science program for 6 weeks, June 18 – July 26, 2007.

57. Gave 4 lectures entitled "Why isn’t Pluto a Planet" at AstroFest 2007, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University, July 11-12, 2007.

58. Contributed to exhibit at Franklin Institute Science Museum Philadelphia, December 2007.

Interviews and Related Articles

1. "The Strength of Faculty Women," by Susan Tyler Hitchcock, editor, Arts and Science Magazine, University of Virginia, Summer 1990 (Vol. 7, No. 3).

2. "Women in the Academy: An Interview with Mercedes Richards," by Catriona Johnson, published in In Other Words by the University of Virginia Women's Center, August 1992.

3. "Women in Astronomy," by Sally Stephens (editor, Mercury), published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, PASP, November 1992 - Captions to the slide set on Women in Astronomy. (Richards is one of 26 astronomers included in the slide set).

4. "Sucrose and Spice," by Jensen R. Montambault, published in The Declaration, University of Virginia Student newspaper, March 1993 (Vol. 21, No.4 - Special issue on women at UVa)

5. "Out of This World," by Robert Kronemyer, published in Career World Magazine, General Learning Corporation, Illinois, December 1993 (Vol. 22, No. 4, p. 13 - Special issue on the Physical Sciences)

6. "Women in Astronomy," published in Odyssey Magazine, Cobblestone Publishing, Inc., March 1994

7. Photo exhibit on "Women in Astronomy," University of Maryland, Spring 1994

8. "Astronomy Village: Investigations in Astronomy," multimedia instructional package for K-12 schools produced by NASA Classroom of the Future (COTF), July 1995

9. "Underrepresented Groups in Astronomy," 1995, Mercury, Vol. 24, No. 3, 16

10. "Following the Stars," by Steven R. Wills and Susan Wills, prepared for Cosmic Celebrities, Cobblestone Publishing, Inc., April 1996 (unpublished)

11. Interview on "The Technique of Doppler Tomography" by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Radio at the Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Toronto on January 15, 1997

12. Interview for a science textbook by Simon & Schuster Education Group; November - December, 1998

13. "Major Flares are Predictable on Far-Away Stars, Analysis of Radio Observations Reveals," by Barbara Kennedy, Penn State University, Innovations Report, August 25, 2003 (http://www.innovations-

14. "Major Flares are Predictable on Far-Away Stars, Analysis of Radio Observations Reveals," by Barbara Kennedy, reprinted in Science Journal, Penn State Eberly College of Science, Winter 2005, Vol. 22, pp. 25-26 (Barbara Kennedy & Mercedes Richards)

15. "Stellar Tantrums: Tracking the Flaring Cycles of Other Stars," by Sorcha McDonough, Science News, Vol. 164, No. 9, August 30, 2003 (reprinted in AccessScience: Science & Technology Headline News, Science & Technology in the News (McGraw-Hill Companies), August 31, 2003)



16. "Major Flares are Predictable on Far-Away Stars, Analysis Reveals," Penn State Intercom, September 11, 2003; p. 7

17. "What Flares May Tell," by Liliana M. Naydan, Research/Penn State, May 2004, pp. 4-5

18. "Richards Lectures on Tomography Today," Meadville Trubune, Meadville, PA, February 1, 2005, p. A8

19. Announcement of my AAS Shapley public lecture on Tomography at Ohio University, in ``What's Happening,'' The Athens News (Athens, Ohio), January 26, 2006; p. 32

20. "Ask The Experts: Why is Pluto no longer a planet?" by Liz Coviello, The Daily Collegian, Penn State University, September 19, 2006

21. Interview on the “Dream the Impossible Dream” lecture at the Visions in Science Symposium by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Radio One, Metro Morning show, Toronto, Canada, May 9, 2008