
Vol. 47 Spring, 1989 No. 2 PRIMROSES The photograph on the front cover Quarterly of the shows Ethel and Wallace Balla on one American Primrose Society of their trips to (he West Coast. Spring, 1989 Volume 47, Number 2 Published April 10,1989 Ethel Jarrett Balla (1921-1989) Entered 2nd Class, Graham, WA Many of us are saddened, and all opened after the war. She was a mem- of us diminished, by the death of Ethel ber of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Baila — a lovely person, a great lady Association. and an enthusiast about life who was In addition to Hying, Mrs. Balla's with the APS all too briefly. The fol- other main interest was gardening, in lowing account appeared in her local particular primroses and lilies. She was In this issue paper on January 16, 1989. a member of the Greenwich Woman's "Ethel Jarrett Balla, an award* Club Gardeners, the American Prim- rose Society, the New England Lily Ethel Jarrett Balla winning gardener and member of the .41 Society and the American Rock Gar- On the Trail of Domensis Civil Air Patrol during World War II, died Monday at the Green wich- den Society. Over the years, she won by Larry Bailey .43 many awards for the best in show in Following the Marsyandi in search of Laurelton Nursing Home after a long illness. She was 68. a number of flower shows, her husband by Brian and June Skidmore .48 said. How To Write a Book - Part II She was born in New York, City and grew up in Stamford, where she In addition to her husband, she is by Sherre Calouri and Richard Abel ,55 survived by a daughter, Joan E. Balla The Genus Primula attended local schools. She and her husband, Wallace ). Balla, moved to of Greenwich; a son, Bruce W. Balla by Joset Halda ,65 Greenwich in 1954. Prior to her mar- of Kent, Washington." Lenses More and More riage, she worked as an executive sec- In a poignant letter to friends in the by Bruce G. Gould .68 retary at Lithium Corp. of American in Society Wallace, Ethel's wonderful and The Secret Life of the Primula New York City. faithful husband, tells of happier days by Stephen Lacey 72 She was an accomplished pilot, hav- before her final illness, ending with APS Information 75 ing learned to fly in 1936 at the Stam- these words. . . ford Seaplane Base. During World War "a wonderful and warm-hearted II Mrs, Balla served as a lieutenant in woman. We had her viewing locally, the Civil Air Patrol of the U.S. Army and she has requested being in her Air Corps, on anti-submarine duty. For WWII Civil Air Patrol Lieutenants uni- her wartime service, she received the form, and was very proud of the two National Commander's Commenda- National Commanders Commenda- tion Medal and Wartime Service Medal tion and Wartime Service Medals, so PRIMROSES (ISSN 0162-6671) is published we had those on her tunic, too. As she quarterly by American Primrose, Auricula as an active belligerent. Mrs. Bella owned a number of requested, we mixed her ashes in with and Primula Society, 28111 - 112 Ave. E., planes, and one of her planes, an the soil of her beloved flower garden Graham, WA 98338. Second-class postage Aeronca Chief, was the first plan to be paid at Graham, WA and additional mailing based at Westchester Airport when it We shall miss her." offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PRIMROSES, 6730 West Mercer Way, Mercer Island, Washington 98030.

American Primrose Society Page 41 On The Trail of Primula Domensis

The exciting newly discovered Primula from Utah Larry A. Bailey Edmonds, Washington

Sawtooth Canyon, on the evening temperature had plunged during the of the 6th of June, 1988 was not the night and the wind drove the chill most pleasant place to get a good through to the bone. night's rest. Two of us were trying to Waiting for the sun to warm the get comfortable, lying in the back of canyon, we stood in awe and watched my little Nissan pickup; with sleeping the first rays of light explode in rich bags, oversized air mattresses, camping browns, rusts and golds on the canyon gear poking in ribs, and the wind walls. With a sharp edge, the light blowing incessantly. All day and into slowly worked down the towering the night, while driving through the cliffs, and crept onto the canyon floor, plains and deserts of Idaho, Nevada signaling departure time from our base and into the western part of Utah, we camp. had fought and wrestled with the tre- The first time I was in Sawtooth mendous winds and dust storms Canyon, I was with Joe Conner and created by a gigantic weather turbu- it was later in the season (June 17th), lence along the Pacific Coast. Now, not only in calendar days but in lying in pitch darkness, with the canopy temperatures. At that time we started shudderingand rocking, wecould hear up the dry wash of the canyon before the winds screaming through the the sun had a chance to begin its daily pinyon pines and howling off the cliffs baking action, when temperatures of the canyon. What a contrast to my soared to the limits of the therometer. first visit to Sawtooth Canyon two years By mid-day, the only animals not taking previously; where after the usual wind siesta or refuge in shade were humans shifts at dusk caused by the rapid and flies. After hours of hiking and temperature changes between the climbing the steep canyon inclines we mountain and desert areas, the night did find a few Primula , but the became unearthly still and one could blooms were spent and the leaves hear noctunal animals foraging for rapidly drying for the summer dor- food, hundreds of feet from camp. mancy; little reward for the aching and Finding it useless to attempt sleep bruised muscles, altitude dizziness, in a nearby vehicle, Lee Bower and parched mouths, and rattlesnake his wife, Chris Bogard, were up before encounters. dawn, rattling pots and pans, getting Eons ago, the House Range (at the the camp stove fired up and trying to southern edge of the Great Salt Lake get that first cup of coffee brewed. By Basin) was formed by a massive uplift- the time I worked myself of the back ing of sedimentary rock out of the of the pickup through the menagerie ancient and mammoth Lake Bonneville of gear, Lee and Chris were bundled during the Mesozoic era and into the up, hunched over with their backs Miocene period. Thousands of feet against the wind, stomping their feet thick, the Cambrian and Ordovician for circulation and making a futile limestone rock now rises out of the efforts to prepare a warm breakfast, The desert forming towering cliffs to over

American Primrose Society Page 43 9,000 feet in elevation and creating the for the stalks and delicate flowers to By now the sun's presence was rapidly bright yellow miniature Cruciferae added drama to the magical setting. unique environment of the House stop their rhythmic swaying and rapid : warm ing our surround ings and our legs Range. vibrations. were letting us know they were not It quickly became apparent the Looking towards the west, up the Towards the western head of the used to such strenuous exercise. We plants in shady locations were far more gradual incline of the canyon floor, one canyon, full of apprehensions, we were happy we had left our heavy viable and much more prone to flower is struck by the vast contrast between started up a steep incline towards the winter coats back at the base camp. than those receiving direct sun light. What really surprised me was the wide the towering north-facing limestone base of the limestone cliffs. Two weeks While Danny Lajoie and I were range of colors (from dark vermilion cliffs protruding above the dark gray- before, Jay Lunn had briefly visited the stopped under the shadow of a pine to light blue), the different sizes of pips greens of junipers and pines on the area of Sawtooth Canyon Notch Peak to regain stamina, my heart started to (up to 2-1/2 cm across), the variation left, and the rounded, washed and and reported before our departure that jump beats as I noticed a small inhospitable bleak hills to the right. A although he was able to find some of familiar characteristics in the shade in the shape of the petals (pointed, to rounded, to ruffled), the amount of wide range of flora is encountered, Primula domensis, there were few of a rock outcropping. I was quite shading on the petals (from a very beginning at the mouth of the canyon plants and very sparse flowers. The surprised and delighted to find Primula where it spills out to the east into the plants he did find were already show- domensis at this lower elevation, down distinct dark center and light edges to no shading at all!, and the configuration vast wastelands and barren desert of ing signs of going into summer dor- the incline from the base of the lime- of the yellow eye (star to circular). True the Sevier Basin with its ghostly, hazy, mancy, even with cooler temperatures stone cliffs, and among the grasses and to the genus Primula, the colonies had turquoise lake, through the canyon and still remaining signs of snow. Jay phloxes in fairly exposed locations. both thrum and pin-eyed pips, and with its steady rise in elevation, ending had taken the ridge route towards Further examination of the area farina could be seen on the stems, calyx in the clear, crisp and dry sage-scented Notch Peak, where the plants were in revealed more small colonies in and and seed pods. The average number air of Pinyon-Juniper forests. unprotected areas and exposed to around the rock outcroppings. Those of pips on a stalk was two, but some This morning, with the wind still direct sunlight. My only hope in finding in direct sun were already passed their of the plants had up to six. The leaves howling off the ridges of the canyon, some good specimens revolved blooming cycle of course, and going were just as varied as the flower; some we made a slow ascent up the deeply around the concept that the area our into the summer dormancy, but a few were narrow, some rounded; some gouged wash in the floor of the canyon, group was heading for was on the in the shade were still in bloom. It serrated, some smooth; some long, the ever-present sage dominating the north-facing cliffs, out of direct sun ', wouldn't be many days before they too some short. The only consistent factor landscape, unconsciously identifying contact for most of the day (if it disappeared into the earth, pulling was the color of the leaves (about the escape routes in case of a sudden received any light at all). So, much back from the heat and concealing same green hue as Primula auricula). cloudburst. Stopping to photograph, cooler temperatures could be their thick root stalks. At last I had the The wide variations of the flowers we saw first the cacti: Claret Cup expected; a location that allowed the opportunity to see Primula domensis and leaves of Primula domensis is not Cactus (Echinocereous triglochidiatus) winter snow to drift in, and which flowering. typical of found in their native brilliant yellow Fagile Pricklypear retained its moisture for extended It wasn't long before Lee and Chris, habitat and causes one to speculate as (Opuntia fragilis), etc.) and incandes- periods. having hiked to the base of the cliffs, to the determinant. Could it be that cent white Prickly Poppy (Argemone Deciding before we started up the were calling back to us that we two Primula species are naturally polyanthemos). Midway into the can- steep terrain that we were not going shouldn't waste any more time pho- hybridizing in this location; or that the yon, at higher elevations, we were able to make this hike an endurance mar- tographing the plants we had found, specie is still in an active, evolving to spot scarlet Desert Paintbrush athon, we slowly climbed out of sage as larger and more floriferous colonies stage? So little is known about Primula (Caslilleja chromosal. White Loco into the Pinyon-juniper zone, stopping lay ahead. domensis, having been only recently (Oxyrrop/s .sen'cea) red Skyrockets often to inspect and photograph the Quickly reaching the cool shade of discovered in 1983 (1) and named in Cpomop/5 aggregate), Eriogonums, yel- rapidly changing flora, allowing our the limestone cliffs, I was completely 1985 (2) (3). The total range of the plant low composites, creamy white Bird- bent-eared, shy and timid dog, Sport overwhelmed at the sight of blue- has not been fully documented, nor cage Evening Primrose (Oenothea del- (alias Rambo - The Hunter], to flush magenta flowers hanging off rock walls, have the environmental conditions and to/des), a very floriferous Cray-ball out an occasional rabbit, and to catch small families nestled in dark crevices, micro-habitats been carefully exam- Sage (Sa/v/a dorr//), as well as a wide our breath. Deep blue Nuttall's Lark- resting on rocky ledges amongst alpine ined. From my own observations, I now variety of penstemons including P. spur (Delphinium nuttallianum), eye pines creeping and clawing at their know that this primula can tolerate babatus, humilis, and linarioides. Each catching pink Bent Milkvetch rock foundations, and flowing and flut- more varied growing conditions than time a photograph was to be taken, (Astragalus inflexus, and the variations tering down the small screes at the base I would have first suspected: cool the wind had to be carefully consid- of white, pink, and blue Tufted Phlox of the towering vertical cliffs, Uniden- shady rock crevices, hot direct sun, ered. Hours were quickly consumed (Phlox caespitosa}, were just a few of tified dwarf ferns, hanging clumps of grassy slopes, etc. All of these facts tying to block the gusts and waiting the flowers demanding our attention. Heuchera and phloxes mixed with

Page 45 Page 44 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society As our small party, each allowing Utah. Unpublished thesis. Brigham themselves a personal choice of direc- Young University, Provo, Utah, tion and pace, descended towards the 1983. canyon floor, I found myself with a 2. Kass, R. J. and Welsh, S. L New deep, perplexing thought on these Spec/es of Primula () wonderful Primula of the House from Utah. Great Bain Naturalist Range: how to introduce this rare spe- (Vol.45, No. 3), 1985. cie into cultivation without destroying 3. Welsh, 5. L. Welsh Et Al.: A Utah the last remaining colonies of a very Flora, Pn'mu/aceae, Great Basin special plant that has been able to Naturalist Memoirs (No. 9), 1987. survive eons of time, high above the Authors Note: Before venturing into desert in a rich forest, hidden in their any desert region, all necessary survival secret canyon surrounded by a vast equipment and procedures should be wasteland, deeply contented in their very carefully planned. The House own miniature Shangri-la, without Range is located approximately 50 being thoughtlessly destroyed by man? miles from the closest settlement were To this bothersome question, I failed water can be obtained (Delta, Utah). to find an answer. If a vehicle should break down, Saw- References tooth Canyon would be at least a 20 1. Kass, R.J. A floristic study of the mile hike through parched deserts to House Range, Millard County, infrequently traveled Highway 6.

NATIONAL AURICULA AND PRIMULA SOCIETY - Northern Section Invites all Auricula and Primula Lovers :o join this Old Society Membership includes year Book D. G. Hadfitld 146 Queens Road, Chtadle Hulnm, Cheadle, Cheshire. England

NATIONAL AURICULA AND PRIMULA SOCIETY - West and Midland Section I Fr*MfcrfBMflMfiKMfcW«W A.ll-iuil B. D,'Uil ol HOY Invites all Auricula and Primula Lovers to join this Old Society Membership includes year Book indicate that Primula domensis might out the attempts at taking pictures of \\iin. Her., Mr. R. (,<>ulhy be suitable for cultivation and hybrid- these fantastic plants, especially in the W Sumtrfield Rd., Rioxu-ith, Vt'alsall, West Midlands, I'.K. ization. Fantastic shading and shapes dark shade of rock pinnacles, I was also of pedals, wide variations of hues, and wishing I had packed in reflecting multiple pips to a truss are just some shields to light the even darker crevices of the traits that could be developed and recesses; the clear full spectrum NATIONAL AURICULA AND PRIMULA through cross breeding. of the desert sun was always only a SOCIETY - Southern Section The wind subsided slightly, with the few feet away. By the time we had Invites all Auricula and Primula Lovers to join this Old Society high pitched screams mellowing to completed our examination and pho- Membership includes year Book deep howls and groans, but still the tographing of Primula domensis the Lawrence /:. wiftliy occasional strong gust played havoc intense sun had climbed high into the 67 Warnhatn Court Ruad, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, England with the photography efforts. Through- dusty blue sky.

Page 46 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 47 equipped ourselves for the adventure expedition, within a few hundred feet and, by following a program of hikes there was a wide, swiftly-running river in the foothills of the Cascade moun- to ford. This first day was to set the tains mixed with a number of urban stage for the following 2 or 3 days. Long Following the Marsyandi walks up and down Seattle's hills, hikes in oppressive, 90 degree or so reached a reasonable level of fitness. temperatures, through a fertile valley, in search of Primulas We flew to England and met the with seemingly endless rice paddies. other in the party early one morning The occasional villages were places to at Heathrow airport. After a long jour- pause for drinks and to photograph the Brian and June Skidmore ney, which included a night spent in local children. As we lay in our small Mercer Island, Washington the New Delhi airport transit lounge, tent that first night, with perspiration we arrived in Kathmandu. We went running off us, it was necessary to In mid afternoon on a July day in journal. The trek, to be led by Dr. Chris straight to bed in the hotel to catch remind ourselves of the reasons for 1988 we were standing on a dusty Grey-Wilson, was to follow the course up on lost sleep. The following day, making this journey. The next morning street in Dumre, a small village in of the Marsyandi river to the north of after a bus journey of about 6 hours tea was brought to our tent at 5:30, central . The temperature was the Annapurna Range. The objective on a bumpy, winding road, we even- a small bowl of water for washing 94F and we had just purchased black, was to reach the headwaters of the river tually arrived in Dumre. appeared at 5:45, breakfast was at 6 Chinese made, umbrellas to help keep where a wide range of alpine plants The trekking party, consisting of 21 and we were on the road at 7 am. This off the sun. These umbrellas were to are to be found. With an interest in ACS members, ranging in age from 18 was to be the routine for the next 26 be indispensable in the four weeks alpines in general, and primulas in to 65 years, 7 sherpas, cook, kitchen days. which followed. particular, we sent in our applications boys and some 50 porters, was to By the end of the third day we had The journey to Dumre had started and were fortunate to be included in follow a route similar to the one taken adjusted to the heat, the exercise, the in early 1987 when a notice of a trek the 18 names drawn out of a hat in in 1983 by Ronald McBeath of the absence of sanitation and the food. planned for the summer of 1988 July 87. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. As After a long soak in the river by the appeared in the Alpine Garden Society In the months which followed we (1) he reported in the account of his camp, we retired to our tent that eve-

Primula tibetica Primula involucrator Mecomops/5 horridula Primula wigramiana

Page 48 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 49 ning in a good state of mind. Unfor- burning on the first floor, sometimes A strenuous side trip up the nearby bars found in the village store. The tunately, a few hours later at 3 am the filled the sleeping rooms. Sabche Khola took us to the 12,500 climb from Manang was gradual camp was evacuated because of a By the end of the ninth day we had ft level across the valley from Anna- through scrub consisting mainly of rapidly rising river due to the monsoon reached Pisang, at an altitude of about purna 111. The summit, as usual, was shrubby potentillas, berberis, spireas, rains upstream. That river and three 9,000 ft. The temperature was pleasant in the clouds but the rumblings of Rosa macrophylla and R sericea. Look- others swollen by the rains had to be for hiking, and the weather was drier avalanches could be heard, and we ing back one could see the winding forded on that day, sometimes by cling- as we were moving into the rain could see in the distance falling snow river stretching for miles down the ing to a rope held by the sherpas, across shadow of the Annapurna range, It was and ice. The principal attraction on the valley with the Cangapurna glacier, the fast-running waters. the middle of the monsoon season, but way was Rhododendron lowndesii, with a glacial lake at its foot, across This first stage of the journey was most of the rain fell overnight (although growing on rock ledges, forming a from us. through a sub-tropical area where any there were some wet mornings and covering only a few inches high. With The weather was cloudy and cool flat area was cultivated with rice or eveningsl. The villages were Tibetan its pale yellow flowers spotted with red during the two days it took to reach corn. On the surrounding cliffs where, style and the trail wound through pine inside it was a most attractive plant. the highest campsite at Thorong Phedi cultivation being impossible, exotic woods similar to those found on the Androsaces and saxifrage species, (approximately 14,500 ft). On the way gingers, ferns, and epiphytic orchids slopes of the Cascades in Eastern mostly past their prime, covered the we walked across screes containing grew in profusion. The handsome fran- Washington State. Crowing near our rocks while, growing nearby, were tiny many of the plants which made the gipani, or temple tree stood out with lunch stop was Daphne bho/ua, the gentians, Rhododendron lepidotum, trip worthwhile. Those included Meco- its large, fragrant, white flowers. The inner bark of which is commonly used Anaphalis triplinervis, Potentilla erio- nopsis bella and the more dramatic trail wound up and down through lush to make paper. Everywhere, Anemone carpa with its brilliant yellow flowers, Meconopsis horridula with its tur- growth with fragrant, artemesias. (There rivularis, with its white petals backed and a few woolly globular heads of quoise blue, tissue-like, flowers and were also leeches clinging to the wet with blue, grew in profusion. 5au5$urea graminifolia. The following bright yellow stamens; an outstanding leaves and stems of plants on either The climb out of Pisang was very morning at breakfast the clouds cleared plant. Trailing over walls and shrubs side of the path which we tried to avoid, steep, On some stony slopes we had and there were splendid views of was Clematis vernayi with unusual not always with success.) our first sighting of a relative of the Annapurna 11 and 111 before the bell-shaped flowers, flared at the end, For the next 4 or 5 days we passed Daphne family, Stellera chamae/asme. clouds rolled in again. in shades of rusty yellow to greenish through a gorge cut by the river Mar- This attractive plant had leafy stems, Our next campsite near the village yellow. A of this plant is appar- syandi. Although there were many rising from thick rhizomes, with clus- of Manang was only a short hike away ently available by name of C "Orange steep climbs and descents, the altitude ters of sweetly scented white/pinkish and we had a fairly relaxing day visiting Peel". A splendid display of Primula gain was comparatively small. There tubular flowers. After a few hours, in two nearby monasteries, washing sikkimensis stretched down a hillside were numerous waterfalls cascading a meadow area at the 10,000 ft level clothes and stocking up with chocolate by a small stream. The 24-inch high down the cliffs, spectacular scenery, were the first primulas of the trip. The multi-colored butterflies and an abun- yellow flowers of Pedicularis longiflora dance of plant life including, nestled var tubiformis first caught our attention on a rock ledge, a gesneriad gem with but, growing in abundance close by, pale purple tubular flowers that was in marshy conditions, was Primula identified as Corallodiscus lanuginosis. tibetic. The flower sterns were 1-3 A few specimens of nepalense inches long, the flowers had bright were growing on the mossy banks, their yellow eyes and petals in various spreading, upturned, yellow petals dis- shades of pink. One white form was playing reddish anthers, also found. Many photographs were Because there were few places suit- taken and, happy to have seen this able for camping in the gorge, the attractive member of the Farinosae nights were spent in village "hotels": section, we moved on in good spirits. two-story stone structures, with dingy, The going was slow because of the dirty rooms without power, water, or altitude and our feet were dragging by any sanitation. However, after the the time the camp at Sabche came into strenuous days there was little difficulty sight. The tents were in pleasant sur- in sleeping in these conditions, roundings by a small lake, regarded by although acrid smoke from wood fires the local people as holy. Mcconopsis horridula & Sausseria tridactyla

Page 50 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 51 plants with pale yellow flowers breaking through at times. At about photographs when we reached the the Capitatae section, probably P. g/o- drawfed the P involucrata and P tibet- 15,000 ft we found scattered groups P.wigramina again and slept very well merata, with seed heads. ica which were also in the area. Several of P. wigramiana on the hillside that night. The following days were anticlimatic species of cremanthodium, with interspersed with P. involucrata. P. The next morning, as camp was as we were, for the most part, retracing sunflower-like flowers, flourished in wigramiana, from the section Solda- being packed up, we were now on the our steps of three weeks earlier. By now the stony ground. nelloides, is very similar to P reidii, way home, although there were stilt we were ready for a good meal and At one stage the silence was broken except that its leaves are not stalked. 10 days of trekking ahead of us. Later a good bed although we still had a by the sound of distant bells and even- We knelt to sniff the fragrance from that day we photographed P. buryana, week or so of trekking ahead of us. tually a mule train carrying salt from the nodding bell-like creamy-white another white primula from the section More dusty hotel rooms with occa- Tibet came into sight. The lead horses flowers. Once again the primulas were Soldanelloides which we had missed sional life-saving bottles of soft drinks had bright red head plumes and the growing in shallow indentations which on the way up. or beer at village stores. Back into the By the 18th day we were back at oppressive heat for two or three days, overall effect was very colorful. had probably carried the run-off from the campsite near Manang, doing our noticing how tall the rice we had seen The final few miles to camp were the melting snow in the spring. As we washing, having once again stocked up being planted on the outward trip had along a steep hillside where there had climbed further we saw many different grown. At long last, Dumre. Unable to been a number of landslides. We had species of alpine plants, including in the village with small bars of Cad- bury's chocolate and tinned fruit cock- sleep that night, because of the noise to walk carefully in these areas, and Androsace iehmanii, Meconopsis hor- tail which had relieved the monotony of singing and shouting in the field at the end of a long hard day we were ridula, Corydalis /at/flora, Tr/ganot/s of our diet a week earlier. below, we crawled out of bed and, with very happy to see the tents of our camp rotundifolia, Rhodiola himalensis and We were blessed the next morning some others in the group, joined the below us. Eriophyton wallichii, a downy nettle- sherpas and porters dancing, singing We camped three nights at Thorong like plant. Of particular interest was with fine views of the Annapurna range as we ate our breakfast. Our aim that (and drinking chang) in an end-of-trek Phedi. There were no noticeable ill- Saussurea tridactyla with its dome- party. effects from the altitude and the first shaped head covered with densely day was to visit a Tibetan monastery Ironically, as the bus pulled away day was spent scrambling up the hill- matted woolly hairs, looking like a in the hi I Is beyond the river. We walked through buckwheat fields, then next morning, the clouds rolled away side to the high cliffs above the camp. white ball of cotton. We noticed again and we had the most magnificent There we found small colonies climbed up a very steep trail to the that, except for a comparatively few mountain views we had seen in Nepal. ofPr/mu/a sharmae in bloom together monastery at the foot of a glacier, The meadow-like areas, these plants were The bus stopped to enable us to take with cushions of saxifrages and Are- blue cones of Abies spectabilis were scattered, not in dense collections. those pictures which would prove we naria glanduligera, a tufted plant with The terrain gradually changed to a a wonderful sight on the way. By the edge of the glacier we noticed primula pink flowers, growing on ledges at the bleak scree, desolate bare hillsides, the had really been in the . leaves without flowers or stalks. One Looking back at our month in Nepal, foot of the cliff walls. The flowers of mountain tops as usual covered by P sharmae were mauve-purple or blu- cloud formations. It was surprising to member of the party climbed higher many images come rushing back. The contrast between the beauty of the ish purple, approximately 0.5" across find plants such as Andosace zamba- up the glacier and found a primula of on short flowering stems about 2" high. /ens/5 surviving in these inhospitable A few much smaller plants of the conditions, their long roots obviously Farinosae section were also found in searching deeply for moisture. Lunch bloom and were identified tentatively was awaiting us at the 16,500 ft level as P. conc/nna. In one location only, where the cooks had warmed soup on under a rock, there was one group of the stove which had been carried from primula whose bloom was over, with the camp, 2,000 ft below. Sitting on heavy farina on both surfaces of the rocks, eating our lunch under an 2" long leaves. (P. sharmae and P. umbrella, as steady rain had set in, we conc/nna were farinose on the under- certainly felt a very long way from side of the leaves only). Unfortunately, home. Some hardy souls were deter- there was no seed in the few capsules mined to climb the remaining 1,000 we found. ft or so to the pass, but the majority The next day the group set off on of the party wound their way slowly the steep climb toward the Thorong back to camp passing many patches Pass. The first hour or so we were in of the brightly colored Ped/cu/am the mist, or low cloud, with the sun srphonantha. We took another set of Primula sikkimensis

Page 52 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 53 county and the poverty of its people; of a re-forestation program. The build- smiling children exchanging the ing of more "hotels" in the villages in namaste greeting ("I salute the spirit anticipation of a doubling in the num- with you") with us; the sherpas, cooks ber of trekkers in the next few years. How To Write A Book - Part II and porters who looked after us so well; The widespread grazing at all altitudes Guidelines for Writers of Non-fiction and tall handsome Tibetan women with, in many areas only scattered preparing a rice lunch for monks in examples of the plants we had come by Sherre Calouri and Richard Abel the monastery at Manang and after- to see. Portland, Oregon wards washing the dishes in the water It seems to us that, at least, along running down the dirty street. the Marsyandi, much of the plant life Our group had survived a difficult we saw could disappear within a gen- trek of between 250 and 300 miles. eration o two. The call for conservation Characteristics of the Final outline all Roman numerals It had achieved its objective of seeing made by Larry Bailey in the Winter Manuscript would be "A" heads, etc. These and photographing hundreds of alpine 1989 issue of Primroses seems very indications should be written in timely, plants in bloom, including almost all I. The Typescript the margin next to each head in of the primulas we could have A. Use ordinary computer or typing orange-red ink. expected to see. However, there are Ref. 1 McBeath, Ronald, The Mar- paper — not thin textured, onion also troubling memories. The wide- syandi Valley, Central Nepal; Journal skin, or erasable. H, Material indented in a special spread shurb and tree cutting for fire- of the Scottish Rock Garden Club Vol way should be kept to a mini- B. Use carbon ribbon for the clear- wood and construction with little sign XIX Part 2. mum; where it is necessary, type est impression (inked ribbon pro- it as you want it to appear. duces a more blurry image). Change ribbon regularly. I. For footnotes, notes, keys, or other material which may have C. The manuscript must be printed to be set a different size than the out or typed double-spaced, with main part of the text, note in red all four margins at least '/2 in. in the margin so the designer can wide. tell the typesetter what size type D. It should be as clean as possible to use. MATSUMOTO SAKURASOH & PRIMULA CLUB All instruction to the editor or ). When you prepare the index, use printer should be clearly written only one column per page. in orange-red ink in the margin. INVITES YOU TO JOIN They should be declarative (or K. All tables, charts, etc. must be imperative) in form. (If you have typed; make sure all tabular We are the only society in japan, newly established for lovers questions, they should be settled material is as clear as possible as of all the primulas in general as well as those native to Japan. with the publisher before the MS to layout, headings, notations, The year book will feature articles on Japanese primulas, is in the final form.) etc. Sakurasoh (P. sieboldii} and news on new introductions from E. All pages must be numbered Illustrations consequently; number from A. Number all illustrations in order China, etc. A summary in English will be attached to every as they are to appear in the book; issue on behalf of overseas members. There will be a chance beginning to end of MS, not by chapter only. for example, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, for seed exchange every year. The annual membership dues 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, etc. would indicate including a year book are Japanese yen 3,500 per person. F. Parts (Preface, Foreward, the first illustration in chapter For details, please write to-. Acknowledgements, Appendix, one, the second illustration in Bibliography, etc,I should be chapter one, the third in chapter Mr. KAZUO HARA, THE SECRETARY clearly labeled at the top of the one, the first in chapter two, etc. page. Each reference number should 9-21 MIYATA, MATSUMOTO, G. Heads (chapter subdivisions, be written in the margin of the NAGANO, 399 JAPAN etc.) must be ranked by impor- manuscript approximately where tance — for instance, in this the illustration should appear

Page 54 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 55 (e.g. "Figure 15 here"} in orange- absence he is well known Mail-Order Firms. red pen. Also write each refer- accommodate a well-known man Do not capitalize the second ele- ence number lightly on the back acknowledgement ment if it is a participle modifying the a pole 5 ft. tall of the illustration itself. Do not appressed first element or both elements consti- a five-foot pole paperclip identification to the arctic tute a single word: e.g., Manual of illustration, as this may leave a fluorescent bulbs flower in the spring Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs, Grow- dent which will affect the quality foreward spring-flowering bulbs ing Non-native species. of the reproduction. If you must fuchsia of a medium size End-of-line hyphens: Whenever it is attach something to the illustra- horticulturist medium-sized tree ambiguous, an end-of-line hyphen tion, use Post-it tape or Remov- hybridize shaped like a kidney should be underlined or crossed out able Transparent Tape. Consult incision kidney-shaped leaves so that the typesetter will know publisher regarding cropping of indispensable whether to keep the hyphen in the photos. inflorescence fertilizer releases slowly typeset line or to close up the word. iridescent a slow-release fertilizer B. The captions for the illustrations Hyphens vs. Dashes: must be prepared separately irresistible But, check the dictionary. Some judgment The en dash is one-half the length from the text. Key them by num- adjectives are written without the of an em dash and is longer than a occurrence ber to the illustrations, as des- hyphen: hyphen. In typing, a hyphen is used cribed in IIA above. They should renown (noun) renowned (adjective) fernlike for an en dash, two hyphens for an not be attached to the em dash; in preparing a MS. for the woolly grasslike illustrations. halfway typesetter, the editor will indicate C. Do not paste or tape down the Hyphens needlelike where the en dashes are to be set. The illustrations. Submit them When in doubt about hyphenation reed I ike em dash, or parenthetical dash, is the together with the typed list of of compound words, consult Webs- ribbonlike most commonly used; for more on en captions in a separate envelope ter's. Generally the more common rod I ike dashes, see Chicago Manual of Style, approximately labeled. (longstanding) the adjective, the more rootlike section 5.92. III. A basic rule of thumb — type mate- likely it has become one word, But straightforward Apostrophes sword I ike rial you want to appear in the book; check first, and again, please be con- The possessive case of singular tenfold print in orange-red all material sistent. Here are some tricky words nouns is formed by the addition of an which we often run across: which is intended as instructions, worldwide apostrophe and an s, and the posses- keys, etc. Do not use pencil, black (no hyphen) Note the use of the hyphen with sive of plural nouns (except for a few or dark red ink as the scanner will funnelform color names: irregular plurals) by the addition of an pick up marks using these colors as rootstock bluish green leaves: apostrophe only: e.g., the horse's garbage. semidouble Color term in which the first element mouth, the puppies' tails, the children's semidwarf modifies the second; leave open. desks, (one notable exception) for Spelling wildflower (You mean green leaves that are appearance' (conscience', righteous- We use and recommend Webster's (hyphen) somewhat blue.) ness', etc.) sake, Third New International Dictionary. broad-leaved The general rule covers proper Please use the preferred spelling (the blue-green : names as well as common, including co-edition Color term in which elements are first given), rather than the alternate old-fashioned most names of any length ending in spelling (which is often the British of equal importance; hyphenate. sibilants: e.g. Burns's poems, Marx's self-sow (The cultivars are halfway between spelling). For example: marvelous, not witches'-broom theories, the Joneses' reputation, etc. marvellous; labeled, not labelled. blue and green.) The possessive case of the projoun Above all, please be consistent: not (two words) Hyphens in Headings: it is its: The book fell on its front. It's sulfur yellow flowers on p. 3 and sul- grow on Always capitalize the first element; is a contraction meaning it is. phur yellow blossoms on p.9; or gray harden off capitalize the second element if it is The plurals of figures are formed by leaves and then grey bark later in the copy editor a noon or proper adjective, or if it has the addition of 5 alone fno apostrophe): MS. We have found that the following Note the use of the hyphen with adjec- equal force with the first element; e.g. Many new cultivars were developed words are frequently misspelled: tives, when followed by a noun: The Mud-Pie Dilemma, Dealing with in the 1970s.

Page 56 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 57 Commas (2) regions of a continent or country: popularity stems from the realization Note that English units of measure for The comma should be included (in the U.S.A.) the West, West Coast, I that they are relatively easy to grow length , area, and volume are followed before the "and" and in a series of three (Pacific) Northwest, Far West, Middle combined with the mystique that sur- by periods: in., ft., yd., rd.(rod), mi., sq., or more items: dahlias, marigolds, and West, the South, the Southwest, etc.; rounds "man-eating plants." mi., cu., ft., etc. However, the Inter- petunias. (in Africa) North Africa, East (West) When a specific word is being national System of units (S.I. or often Do not use a comma with the par- Africa. defined in the text, the word under called "metric" system) does not have enthetical (em) dash. The dash in itself (31 a political entity: South Carolina, discussion is often set in italics, and periods following the abbreviations: indicates a sufficient pause: The Berry North Dakota, South Africa, Western the definition enclosed in single quo- mm cm m km 1 kg g, etc. When- Botanic Garden — originally a private Australia. tation marks, with no intervening punc- ever possible, give both American and residential garden — was the site of Do not capitalize geographical terms tuation: Horticultural terms used metric equivalents, as Timber Press the first planting. when they only indicate direction: include cultivar, clone, group, and grex books are distributed in many English- Do not use a comma before the northern, southern, central, eastern, 'flock' or 'swarm.' Cultivar names are speaking countries, not just the U.S.A. opening of parentheses: The temper- southwestern Africa, etc.;' the south of also set in single quotation marks [see General abbreviations such as etc., ature may be altered (Fig. 15). France, central Asia, northern Atlantic, the section on Botanical/Horticultural e.g., and i.e. are preferably confined Commas are usually used after "that southern California, etc. Language). to parenthetical references. A comma is" (i.e.) or "e.g.": Other ericaceous Capitalize the names of the seasons Periods and commas should be is usually used after such expressions species usually do well in the same only when they are personified: The placed within double quotation marks, as that is, namely, i.e., and e.g.: Fer- site, e.g.. Rhododendron. Crocus blooms heralded the arrival of outside single quotation marks. For tilizers high in phosphorous (e.g., 20- Spring, In most circumstances, the sea- example, The typesetter sets the type 20-20) are often used. Distinguish Double Punctuation sons of the year are lower case; Sow as it will look in final form; this called between e.g. (from the Latin exempli There is no need for double punc- seed in the spring. "galleys." But with single quotations gratia 'for example') and i.e. (from the tuation at the end of a sentence, either Brand names should be capitalized; marks: My favorite rhododendrons are Latin id est 'that is'). after an abbreviation or after a punc- Malathion, Terrachlor, Roundup, 'Sunset Pink', 'Ginger', and 'Kathleen'. When country names are abbre- tuation mark within quotation marks: Twist-urns, etc. The names of institu- Quotations over 40 words long viated, periods are used with the Commas are usually used after "e.g." tions are capitalized: the American should be single-spaced, indented, and upper-case (capitalized) initials: U.S.A., Another example: Doland H. Voss Horticultural Society, etc. separated from the mai n text by a space U.K., etc. However, when institutional reports, "Color is an important aspect above and below: names are abbreviated, periods are not of the description, identification, and Paragraphs But the plant, of which I now used: RSF (Rhododendron Species enjoyment of azaleas." Indent the first line of a new para- enclose you an exact figure, with Foundation), etc. Only when the punctuation mark is graph five spaces. There is no need for a specimen of its leaves and blos- Figures Or Words? within parenthesis is a final punctua- extra space between paragraphs, as the soms, shews, that nature may have Timber Press follows the newspaper tion mark required: Many botanical indentation will indicate the beginning some view towards nourishment, in style, in which only the numbers from names have also become common of a new paragraph. Many short para- forming the upper joint of the leaf one through nine are spelled out. For names (e.g., begonia, dahlia, iris, etc.). graphs make for a disjointed appear- like a machine to catch food. example: Natural hybrids are identified ance on the printed page; over-long Be sure to indicate by the indentation, by one or both of two names, the paragraphs tend to look tedious and Capitalization or lack of it, of the first word of the formula name and/or the collective For a complete discussion of cap- may wear the reader out. material following the quotation epithet. Numbers 10 and up use fig- italization, see The Chicago Manual of whether it is a new paragraph or a ures: of the 32 species in the genus, Style. Here are some of the problems Quotation Marks continuation of the paragraph contain- only 12 are commonly in cultivation. we most often encounter. Use single quotes for a quotation ing the quote. If, however, you must use figures for Capitalize geographic terms when within a quotation: Anderson notes, "It one of the numbers in a given category, they designate seems that taxonomists are 'splitters' or Abbreviations for consistency's sake use figures for (1) specific parts of the world: the 'lumpers' more for psychological than If many abbreviations are used, pro- all the numbers in that category. For East, Far East, Near East, Middle East, scientific reasons." vide a list of them at the end of the example: The 7 families and 15 genera Southeast Asia, Central America, the Sometimes an author may want to preliminary pages, or explain unusual of carnivorous plants are listed. North Pole, the Arctic, Northern single out a word of phrase, not quoting abbreviations on their first occurrence, Avoid starting a sentence with fig- (Southern) Hemisphere, the South it from a specific document but refer- e.g., cvs. (cultivars). ures; rewrite the sentence, or spell out Pacific, the Continent (Europe), Con- ring it to a general background that will Always use abbreviations with mea- the number. For example: 75% humid- tinental climate, etc. be recognized by the reader: Their surements: 1 in. (2.5 cm), 40 in. (1 m). ity is best for the plants' growth, (awk-

Page 58 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 59 ward) The plants grow best with 75% rather than the earlier Wade-Giles Sys- sified into categories from the most For example: Rhododendron lepido- humidity, (better) tem. Names of provinces and auton- general to the most specific. tum is a twiggy shrub, reaching 4 or Always use figures to express mea- omous regions are listed below: The broader classifications are cap- 5 ft. (1.2-1.5 m), but R. lepidostylum surements, etc.: We have found that italized and set in roman type (roman, is a compact shrub, Wade-Giles Pinyin placing 1/2-1 in. (1.25-2.5 cm) of "upright," as opposed to italic, The names of hybrid plants are iden- or other spelling spelling washed coarse sand on top of the "slanted"); division, class, subclass, tified by the multiplication sign (X). the Anhwei Anhui planting medium eliminates plant rot. order, family, and subfamily. Except for is set in italics; the Chekiang Zhejiang Give both American Measurements families, these terms rarely occur incur multiplication sign in roman type. For Fukien Jujian and metric equivalents. books. example: Rhododendron reticulatum X Heilungkiang Heilongjiang Write 0.5 cm, not .5 cm. Write 5- For example, the genus Rhododen- R. komiyamae. If a collective epiphet Honan Henan 7 leaves, not 5 to 7 leaves. dron belongs to the for the hybrid has been published, it Hopeh Hebei -, Fractions, ratios, proportions are Division: Magnoliophyta may also be used. Hunan Hunan always in figurse: 3/4, 2/3, 3:1, etc. For (Spermatophyta) Articles (a, an, the) are not used with Hupeh Hubei percentages use a figure with the % Class: Magnoliopsida botanical names. To say "The Rhodo- Inner Mongolian Nei Monggol sign: 5% not five percent. (Dicotyledoneae) dendron impeditum is a dwarf, A.R. (Zizhiqu The abbreviations B.C. and A.D. are Order: cushionlike shrub" would be like say- usually set in small capitals (which is Kansu Gansu Kiangsi jiangsu Family: Ericaeae or health ing "The Richard Abel is a book the copy editor's responsibility to mark family publisher." for the typesetter). The abbreviation Kirin Jilin Kwangsi Guangxi When a Latin family name is used, it Finally, we come to horticultural B.C. follows the date, but A.D. comes names, which refer to those plants in (Zhuangzu is redundant to use that name in com- before it: in 1985 B.C., or in A.D. 1985. bination with the word "family." cultivation. To distinguish them from Use figures for centuries: the 20th Zizhiqu) Wrong: the Ericaceae family. Right: the botanical names, they are set in roman century. The plurals of figures are Kwangtung Guangdong Ericaceae or health family. type. The most commonly used hor- formed by the addition of s alone (no Kweichow Guizhou The narrower classifications are set ticultural term in our books is "cul- apostrophe): Among the scores were Liaoning Liaoning in italics (indicated by underlining if tivar;" others are "clone," "group," and two 240s and three 238s. New cultivars Ningsia Hui A.R. Ningxia (Huizu' the typewriter has no italic type): tribe, "grex." A Rhododendron cultivar is R. were developed in the 1970s, but even Zizhiqu) subtribe, genus, subgenus, species, calendulaceum 'Colossus'. better ones are being introduced in the Shansi Shanxi subspecies, section, subsection, series, Cultivar names are always capital- '80s. Shantung Shandong subseries, variety and form. ized, and are always set in roman type. Use figures and symbols for report- Shensi Shaanxi For example: In Timber Press publications they ing temperatures; wherever possible, Sinkiang Uighur Xinjiang (Uygur Genus: Rhododendron appear in single quotes after the spe- give both Fahrenheit and Celsius A.R. Zizhiqu) Subgenus: Tsutsutsi cies name (Rosea multiflora 'Nana'). equivalent. For example: While air Szechuan Sichuan Section: Jsutsutsi The initial letter of each word in the temperatures in their native habitats Taiwan Taiwan Subseries: Obtusum cultivar name is capitalized (for exam- may reach and exceed 95°F (35°C), Tibet A.R. Xizang (Zizhiqu) Tsinghai Qinghai Species: R. yedoense ple, C/iamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Silver ground or soil temperatures are usually Queen'), except when linguistic usage (Chinghai) Variety: R. yedoense lower. demands otherwise (e.g., potato 'Duke Yunnan Yunnan var. poukhanense For two or more temperatures, it is The genus name and specific epithet of York'). If punctuation is needed after not necessary to repeat the degree Botanical/Horticultural form a binomial (two-word) term called a cultivar name, the punctuation symbol: Summer temperatures of 70- Language Usage the species name. The genus name is should come after the single quote, not 90°F (21-32°C) are normal. As in other areas, consistency is our always capitalized. In Timber Press before. For more information on length and aim in botanical/horticultural language publications the specific epithet is not Many times a technical, botanical temperature conversion, see the usage. With the help of Dr. Gilbert capitalized (i.e., it is lower case). For name has also been the common, Appendices. Daniels, former president of the Amer- example: Rhododendron schlip- vernacular name, such as begonia, Citation of Chinese Names ican Horticultural Society, we have penbachii. chrysanthemum, dahlia, gladiolus, iris, In accordance with the official policy compiled this set of guidelines for our When mentioning plants in the same magnolia, petunia, etc. In this case the of the People's Republic of China, authors and editors. genus several times in succession, it roman typestyle and the lack of cap- Timber Press uses the Pinyin System Botanical names are given to those is permissible to abbreviate the genus italization help distinguish between the of Romanization of Chinese names, plants found in nature. They are clas- after the initial reference is spelled out. name when used in thetechnical sense

1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 61 and when used in the vernacular sense. 'flock') Any time an 5 is added to the genus sp species (singular) name, e.g., rhododendrons, dahlias, spp species (plural) you know that it is used in the ver- ssp. subspecies (singular) nacular sense. sspp. subspecies (plural) However, in Timber Press publica- van, vars. variety, varieties (varietas, ® tions common names for particular varietates species are capitalized: e.g., California X sign for a hybrid Scrub Oak, Royal Azalea, Cork Azalea, + sign for a graft hybrid Blackeyed Susan, etc. Hortus Third is RA-PID-GRO Singular and Plural: a good source for common names. genus, genera Abbreviations; datum, data cl clone medium, media cv., cvs cultivar, cultivars species, species f forma or form taxon, taxa g group, grex (Latin 'swarm' or Plant Food (To Be Continued) To establish healthier, bigger and better plants, use RA-PID-GRO Mt. Tohomo Nursery Plant Food RICK LUPP (206) 947-9827 ALPINES, WASH. STATE NATIVE, SP. PRIMULA with FORTI-5 TROUGHS & TROUGH PLANTS CUSTOM PROPAGATING micro- Nursery: Open Weekends and By Appointment Mail Order: Send $1.00 for List 28111 - 112th Avenue, E. Graham, Washington 96336 nutrients.

Gold-Laced Polyanthus Seed $2

Page 62 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 63 The Genus Primula

Josef Halda Horach, Czechoslovakia

P.cusickiana A. Gray, comes from sometimes oblanceolate, crenulate on the Wallowa Mts in NE Oregon, where the margin, narrowed to the petiole it grows in alpine meadows and stony with basal sheath. The velvety surface fields, often on very exposed places. of the leaves is caused by minute, In spring from the deeply buried resting capitate glands, with which the leaf bud rises a rosette not larger than 10cm blade is covered on both surfaces, The across. The leaves have a blade elon- stem is thick, covered with the same gately spathulate, with finely serrate capitate glands, some farinose. Only margin, 1 to 3cm. long, with petiole rarely it is more than 15 cm high. 1.5 to 3crn long. The stem is 2 to 7cm Flowers are in one-sided umbels, 2 to high, with a head of 1 to 5 flowers. 8 in number. The corolla is most often The corolla blooms in various shades in various shades of violet, but some- of violet, rarely white. In the mountains times rose to carmine, always with a it blooms in May and June, but in yellow eye. The limb is 15 to 20mm o gardens at the end of March. The scent in diameter. It blooms in May and June. of the flowers reminds one of Viola Of all the species in the section ellisae odorata. Cusickiana is the only com- resembles a smaller P.parryi. It is easy pletely deciduous species in this sec- from seed, the seedlings bloom in 2 tion. Its vegetative period lasts only 3 to 3 years. to 5 weeks. Then the leaf rosettes die P.maguirei L.O. Williams, from Utah out leaving behind only seed pods on is not grown in our country, but it is 8 to 15cm high stems. New plants are said to be closely related to easy from seed, Cultivation of the plant P.cusickiana. It grows in northeastern is the same as with the dry-loving Utah and in Nevada, at a relatively low species of Dodecatneon. When the 1200 to 1800 meters on rocky slopes leaves start turning yellow, withhold with a northern exposure, under damp water. overhanging rocks, or moist crevices in cliffs. The leaf is thin textured, P.ellisiae A.Nelson, has its home in broadly spathulate with wide rounded dry mountains in Colorado and New tip, margins entire and slightly wavy. Mexico. It grows in stony fields, on ridges, and on shortgrassed meadows. 1 to 3 flowers grow on a 4 to 10cm stem. The flower is reddish purple. From the thick underground rootstock, which is surrounded densely by thick P.parryi A.Cray, grows in the Rocky roots, rises a firm, rigid leaf rosette of Mountains National Park. It inhabits dark., green, leathery leaves with a rocky slopes, loosely covered with velvet-like surface. The blade is 3 to grass, up to 4500m. It can be found 1. Primula anzustifolia, 2. P. cappilaris, 3. P. cusickiana, 4, P. ellisiae, 5. P. maguirei 10cm long and 1 to 3cm wide, elliptic, in nearly all exposures from dry moun-

Page 64 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 65 tain ridges to wet brooksides, below if given the best of care — the loss mighty conifers on the upper limit of of plants is too heavy. The soil used the forest. Therefore it is very variable. for a mature plant must not be too light. In culture parryi is a very plastic alpine, We use a mixture of turfous heavy soil, as is the European P.auricula. Under leafmold and grit, in equal parts. Our suitable conditions it forms large plants are placed on a brookside with clumps, up to a half meter in diameter, cold water, so that they have moisture with numerous inflorescences on all year around. And they do well — 50cm high stalks. Since it can grow as well as P.deorum in the same neigh- well on exposed and poorer places, borhood. P.parryi is a gross feeder and some plants will be quite different from needs regular fertilizing during its that described above — as it forms active growth period. there only poor rosettes and fewer, P.rusbyi Greene, comes from the smaller flowers on short stalks. The mountais of New Mexico and Arizona. leaves are oblanceolate to oblong Most often it is found on short-grassed ovate, blunt, entire or very finely cren- mountain meadows and stony fields. ulate on margins in various shades of The size of plants and ability to flower green. The cololla is mostly of various is dependant on locality and exposure. shades of carmine, with a yellow eye Rusbyi forms small tufted rosettes of deep in the throat. In the garden parryi upright leaves, which are elongately produces a lot of seed, which germi- lanceolate, widest in the upper part, nate readily. The seed should be sown leathery, often glossy, and never far- in a mixture of leafmold and fine grit. inose, On rather thick stem, 5 to 20 When the seedlings show the first true cm high are 1 to 5 flowers. The corolla leaflets, they may be transplanted into comes in various shades of purple with o the rock garden or into pots, This a darker eye. The limb is 12 to 20mm primrose has numerous, thick, string- in diameter. In the garden it sets seed shaped roots, which when damaged, only rarely, but under good conditions cause the plant to stop its growth for the plant increases well and can be a long time. Under suitable conditions divided. In recent years send collected the seedlings bloom after 2 or 3 years. in the wild has sometimes been obtain- In less good conditions they take 5 or able. These seedlings grow well and more years. A well-established plant is bloom in 2 to 3 years. I consider very resistent and in time will become P.rusbyi one of the most desirable a mighty tuft. It is not good to divide American Primroses for a rock garden, the plants, as the bases of plants when not difficult and quite dwarf, a lovely damaged, rot away very easily, even plant.

martin I jones Featuring a large selection of species primulas as well as a good selection of North American, European and Asiatic Al- pine plants.

'Winner of 13 blue ribbons at "Alpines 86". nc. Crown at 8,000' in the Rockies. p o box2208 avon,colorado81620 (303|949-6-164 7. Primula nevadensis, 2. P. parryi, 3. P. rusbyi

Page 66 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 67 reduced. A 7mm lens, a true fisheye speed should be greater than the length lens, will have an angle of view of of the lens to assure an unblurred almost 180 degrees, while a lens of image, so to hand hold a 500mm lens a 500mm will cover only 5 degrees. we must use a shutter speed of at least Lenses More and More One problem that must be noted is 1/500 of a second. In most cases you that in lenses shorter than 35mm a will need a tripod if you wish the by Bruce C. Gould certain amount of distortion may be sharpest image. Vincentown, New Jersey found at the outside edges. As lenses The focal length of a lens is the becomes shorter this distortion distance from the front element to the becomes greater till we see that plane of the film. When we speak of As we said in the last article, the lens upset when photographers start walk- "fisheye" effect. The whole image looks a 55mm lens this refers not only to is by far the most important piece of ing through the plantings and placing as if it were placed in a salad bowl. the physical length of the lens but gear that you will lug around. camera and tripod in the middle of the Limitations on the telephoto lens are includes the distance inside the camera Unfortunately "lug" is an appropri- display. Although I am making light of only those of price and weight. Lenses from the end of the lens to the face ate word. Modern technology has the situation, the truth is that photo- in excess of 300mm are heavy and, of film. given us many light, strong materials. graphers have earned a very poor rep- for most people, very hard to hand- The single-foe us lens is the type most Too bad glass isn't one of them. New utation for just such actions. Many hold. Since telephoto lenses magnify of us think of when we talk of lenses. plastics may some day replace glass arboretums now ban tripods and give the image they also magnify any action We will begin there. This lens is limited in fine photographic lenses, as they photographers a hard time about car- that will affect the image. Camera to whatever focal length it is manu- have in eye glasses and inexpensive rying camera bags. As in everything, movement is probably the main cause factured to; 300mm, 50mm, 24mm cameras. For the moment, however, we there are always a few whose igno- of blurry photographs taken with a and so forth. It can only produce an still find that glass produces the very rance (and brass) will spoil it for eve- telephoto lens. Unless you are actively image appropriate for a lens of that best lenses. In many cases, the lens may ryone else. involved in weightlifting or possibly a magnification. outweigh the camera several times Both telephoto and wide-angle stevedore, fast telephoto lenses are not The zoom lens can have many dif- over. Since you can't use what you lenses are useful tools for flower pho- hand-holdable. In a pinch we can hand ferent focal lengths. In the body of the won't carry, let's try to determine which tographers and should be included in o hold these lenses for some photo- lens is a series of elements that move lenses may be useful to you. our bag of tricks. The wide-angle lens graphs by increasing the speed of the back and forth to change the optical If we can return to our last article will allow one to capture more of the shutter. That way, less of the camera length of the lens. The zoom lens for a moment, we spoke about the scene without backing up, a real life- shake will be transmitted to the film. usually covers a range of focal lengths different classes of lenses: normal, tele- saver for trees and landscapes. The rule of thumb says that the shutter such as 80 to 150mm, 35 to 75mm, photo and wide-angle. The 50mm lens A question that always comes up is, is considered a normal lens for a 35mm how long a telephoto or how wide a camera. A lens shorter than that is a wide-angle? To answer the question I wide-angle; one longer is a telephoto. could just rattle off the lenses I've used As we double the length of the lens and let it go at that, but since my likes we also double the size of the image are mine alone a quick lesson on how that will appear on the film. A flower a lens "sees" will give you a starting that is only one half the height of the point to make your own selection. viewfinder will be frame-filling if we As lenses become longer the width remain at the same distance but of the image that is admitted becomes replace our lens with one of the smaller in direct proportion to the 100mm. In many cases it might be length of the lens. Figure one (Angle easier to just move closer to the sub- of View) shows a lens with lines com- ject. This isn't always an option though. ing out of the front defining the side Even working with plants we can't limits of what that lens can record. The always get as close as we would like. angle that is created as the lines inter- For some reason the best blooms at sect at the center of the lens is known the arboretum are always well off the as the angle of view. As the lens trail, and the people in charge get really increases in length, the angle is Angle of View

Page 68 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 69 or 100 to 300mm. With the zoom lens 135mm, 180mm, 200mm, and decrease the depth of field, but always camera is the distance from the camera we can choose any focal length 300mm lenses. Not only would we in regard to the formula: one unit in to the near and far limits. Also, the between those limitations and photo- have to buy all these lenses and carry <> front, two behind. The units just get marking on the camera is "ballpark" graphs our subject. them around, but we'd have to go bigger or smaller. Now that we know and not an accurate measurement. Every lens we use falls into one or through the bother of changing them about apertures, f/stops and depth of Even as an approximation though, this the other class. It is either a single-focus as the situation changed. Not only that: field we have in our possession the gauge is a lot of help when working lens or a zoom lens. The question then we still wouldn't have access to a most important piece of information in the field. For example, when com- arises, why buy one over the other? 250mm lens if we wanted it. a budding (no pun intended) flower posing a landscape whose depth of There are some parts of the answer that Focus is a word we speak of often photographer will need. Repeat after field includes not only the mountains are easy to see. Others take a little more in relationship to lenses, but to under- me one hundred times, "The smaller on the horizon but the flowers in the research. What we must look at is the stand it completely we must start with the aperture, the larger the f/stop; the foreground, the gauge is a helpful series of movable elements in the zoom a knowledge of the term "depth of greater the depth of field, the larger guide. In stead of focusing on the lens. These elements weigh a lot, so field." There are some interesting facts the aperture; the smaller the f/stop, the mountains, which for all intents and the zoom lens is heavy. To allow the about the depth of field that we can less the depth of field." purpuses are infinity, place the infinity zoom to work properly the physical use to our advantage. The depth of field This formula holds true in all situa- mark (the 8 lying on its side) beside length of the lens must be the same can be measured not so much in feet tions no matter which lens is used. the f/stop that is being used. You will as a single-focus lens of the maximum or meters but in a formula: for every What will change drastically are the gain many extra feet in focus in the optical length; a 100 to 300mm zoom foot in front of the plane of focus that units of space in the formula. As we foreground. The reasoning behind this lens must be as long as a 300mm single appears in acceptable focus there are get closer to our subject the units is that if we focus at infinity we will focus lens. It is also bulky. The more two feet behind the plane. When we become smaller. With a normal lens be in focus twice as far behind our glass elements in a lens the more refer to the depth of field we are our depth of field may be several subject as in front of it. Since we can't expensive it will be. So here we have speaking of this formula. The formula thousand feet, for example a 55mm focus beyond infinity anyway, we are a lens that weighs more, is bulkier and remains the same for all lenses under lens with a f/stop of f/32 will be in losing 2/3 of our depth of field. Using is more expensive than a single-focus all conditions. focus from 5 feet to infinity. With the this method will also show the change lens. So why buy it? Because it will We can control the depth of field same lens and a larger aperture (f/2.8), in depth of field as altered by the f/ replace, on the average, three single- by changing the aperture of the lens. O the depth of field can change to 20 stop. Even if the lens does not have focus lenses and many focal lengths By reducing the size of the aperture feet to infinity. There is a gauge on this scale, armed with this knowledge in between. The 100 to 300mm lens, we can increase the depth of field. some lens that gives you this informa- we see that if we focus closer than our for instance, would cover a 105mm, Inversely, enlarging the aperture will tion, After the lens is focused, look at main subject it will still remain sharp the top of the lens. On its outward while we gain space in the foreground. barrel will be the distance in feet and This will also help when there is an plane of meters; across from those numbers will ugly background we would like to get be a geometrical symbol (a diamond, rid of. Make sure the main subject is focus circle, or triangle) to mark the distance at the rearmost part of the depth of of the object in focus. Now, if the lens field and all the area in focus is to the is so equipped, on either side of the front. symbol will be engraved lines marked So, many decisions are needed: with f/stops. Starting from the center What is the main subject? What do I mark and going out they will denote want in focus? How will all of this effect the largest to the smallest f/stop. We my composition? In our next install- can follow these marks across to the ment we will look at how the actual foot/meter scale and read the distances exposure can effect some of these as noted. The area between the two decisions and what the trade-offs are. marks will be the depth of field. Now Automatic cameras and lenses can unltl unit unl before you grab a calculator and start make many of the decisions for us, but trying .to make the formula match the we can make all of these gadgets work lens readout, it must be understood for us only when we understand the Depth of Field that the formula works out from the process. ) point of focus, and the reading on the

Page 70 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 71 about the parentage of the contents. aid of fine paintbrushes: there is no The Secret Life of the Primrose • 1 All Bypass knows is 'that they are romance in the life of a captive primroses, polyanthus, salvias, cycla- primrose. At £ 250 (that's $25) a gram, primrose seed is worth more than its weight in gold. men or cinerarias. The females set seed in late April Stephen Lacey reports on the path to better blooms. Sometimes, when the stock seed has and as the heads ripen, they are Reprinted from Telegraph Weekend Magazine been open-pollinated by insects, there removed with scissors. They are dried will be just one packet and Bypass's on muslin-lined trays in a room kept As the long grey winter comes to places such as California where sun- job of growing and harvesting the at a constant temperature and humid- an end, the Primrose Festival at Marks shine is assured and where casual plants is relatively straight-forward. ity, and then rubbed through a sieve. ley in Essex offers an early preview labour is cheap. Bypass has survived More often the breeder will send The seed is separated from the chaff of spring and a chance to revitalize by specialising in the quality end of Bypass two packets of seed. Each pro- by tossing the mix on a metal plate your optic nerves in a sea of colour. the market and offering a degree of duces quite different plants and what and allowing the lighter particles to drift A quarter of a million primroses will professionalism that few of its compet- is wanted is a quantity of seed resulting off the edge. This is a tricky technique be on show, their colours ranging from itors can match. from a hybridization between the two. to master and fascinating to watch. Any Breeders prefer such progeny, called remaining debris is flicked away with magenta to tangerine, rose pink to It is fitting that the director of Bypass, a pheasant feather. ultramarine, chrome yellow to pillar- Charles Fenwick, is a retired major in FT hybrids, because competitors can- box red. Purists may prefer the delicacy the Grenadier Guards, for he presides not reproduce them without discov- The entire operation takes a year. It ering the generic identity of the two is a labour-intensive business and, as of the traditional primrose, but the over an operation in which precision, parents. To breed F1 hybrids you have Major Fenwick explains, high-risk: 'We modern varieties are a credit to the security and secrecy are paramount. to cross-pollinate the parents every get paid only if germination is good breeder's skill, and their combined The seed envelopes in the upstairs time, by hand, in a bee-free glasshouse, and we can supply the amount of seed scent is delicious, storeroom contain the results of years requested. If anything goes wrong it The sixth annual Primrose Festival of research and each can be worth tens using one packet of plants as males will be staged by Bypass Nurseries on and the other as females. means a total loss to us. If we produce of thousands of pounds: no one at the February 25 and 26, The festival is a Primroses and polyanthus are too much seed the operation will not nursery knows their exact composition. successor of the Primrose Feasts that • ( ) Bypass's specialties. The breeder's have been cost-effective because the were held annually in nearby Colches- There are only a few plant breeders stock seed is sown into specially breeders will take only a small percent- ter during the late 18th and early 19th that specialise in new ornamental blended, peat-based compost. After age of additional seed, and that at a centuries. The area was renowned for plants and these are scattered through- germination, seedlings are pricked out reduced price. So it's just gambling, its weaving skills and the weavers, who out Europe, Japan and the USA. With into plug boxes (plastic trays with an really.' grew 'primroses' (what we now call an eye trained on their competitors — individual compartment for each). In The problem is that plants are unpre- auriculas) for their dyes, were expert they are forever headhunting rivals' September they are transferred to pots dictable and until the seedheads ripen gardeners. The Primrose Feast was an staff and testing each other's products and moved into cold frames outside it can be impossible to assess the occasion for showing off their expertise - the breeders experiment, nurture and to harden off. They are brought back amount of seed they will produce. as growers. cross-pollinate in the seclusion of their under glass in the first week of Bypass hopes to collect a gram of seed Today's Primrose Festival is no laboratories and controlled glass- December. from each plant; if it takes more than longer about amateur competition: it houses, trying to develop a master race Peak flowering is during January and three plants to provide a gram, they is the occasion when Bypass Nurseries of plants that possess exceptional February and for two days the public have lost money on the contract. On opens its doors to the public and offers vigour, colour and freedom of flow- can come and feast its eyes. Rival one notorious occasion it took 200 an insight into one of the most intri- ering. When breeders decide that they breeders can come too, of course, but plants. Primrose seed is small and light guing and secretive branches of the have made a breakthrough, they con- few secrets are spilled since only the and a gram represents between 900 horticultural trade: contract seed tact a company such as Bypass Nur- parent plants are present and nothing and 2,000 seeds; for comparison there production. series and entrust it with the task of is named. As plants come into bloom, are 67,000 begonia seeds to a gram, Bypass Nurseries is the biggest, and bulking up their stock. the sexes are divided. Primroses are or one broad bean. But if all goes well, one of the last, of Britain's seed- In May Bypass receives, by secure bisexual but individual plants are pre- the rewards can be great, for with a growing companies. In the 1950s there post, sealed packets containing the dominantly of one sex or the other. retail price of about $2,500 a gram, were over 350 companies and Essex, breeder's stock seed, together with a The majes are lined up on a shelf above primrose seed is more valuable than with its light soil and low rainfall, was note outlining the amount and spec- the trays of females and, every ten days, gold. the industry's natural centre. But since ification of the seed to be harvested. A ) teams of skilled workers transfer pollen Bypass dispatches the seed as soon then, the industry has gone abroad to The packets reveal no information from the thrums to the pins with the as it is cleaned and packaged. It keeps

Page 72 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 73 none back for itself and so may never this year to The Children's Society, , know what wonderful new varieties it Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great has bred. It is relatively easy to guess Britain, The Royal Society for the Pro- a hybrid's size and appearance, but less tection of Birds and Gardening for the easy to predict its colour, though the Disabled. Admission is $10 for adults breeder's country of origin can provide and $5 for OAPs and children; not SOCIETY a clue. The French like subtle shades, much for a glimpse of what gardening's FOUNDED 1941 Information the British pure, gentle ones, and the back-room boffins keep under their Germans prefer strong, no-nonsense hats. colours. The primrose Festival is open from There are demonstrations of the var- 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on February ious stages of seed production during 25 and 26 at Bypass Nurseries, Dob- the Primrose Festival and surplus plants bies Lane, London Rd, Marks Tey, are on sale. All proceeds go to charity; Essex, tel: 0206-210400. News of the Societies He wishes to hear from anyone who The has been a judge, a junior judge, or The Quarterly Bulletin The following are excerpts from the ALPINE a clerk, or anyone interested in becom- known in 27 Countries throughout the World for its Newsletters of various chapters GARDEN ing same. He is having a meeting of received by your Editor in time for illustrations and technical standards. the judges for this years show, to Society inclusion here: ANNUAL SEED DISTRIBUTION LIST, wilh preferential treatment lor overseas refresh your memories and receive members, of some 5.000 varieties, including new introductions otherwise unoDtamabie new pointers. The date will be March Subscription for overseas members is £12.00 or $19.00 U.S. -payable to the Secretary: Washington State Chapter 19, at his residence. Call 564-9557. E.M. Upward, Lye End Link, St. John's, Woking, Surrey, England MEETING: Remember, this is the last meeting I The March meeting will be held in before either the National Primrose — Send for fully descriptive folder — the Good Neighbor Center at 305 S. Show or our own Show at Urban 43rd. Street in Renton, Washington at Horticulture Center. Bring some plants A Synoptic Guide to the Genus Primula 7:45 p.m. on March 10, 1989. for some tips and help in learning to PROGRAM: groom. by We have all learned not to use the word "dirt" when we speak of the soils C. K. Fenderson Tacoma Chapter This book is intended to serve as a basic reference to the genus Primula. we use on our plants. Tonight we will Approximately 1375 species, synonyms, and hybrids are included, each learn another very important part of MEETING: with complete reference to author, initial publication, and current status; our growing practices. Diane Blake will Tuesday, March 7,1989 at 7:30 p.m. for nonhybrid taxa, details of typification are also given. Distribution, show slides and will discuss the very Lakewood Library, Gravelly Lake Dr. habitat, altitude, section, a cultural code, stature, and color are indicated important facts concerning Compost. at Wildaire Road S.W. Main Floor, the for all currently accepted species. The several dozen species described It is a very important subject in this Meeting Room. since 1949 are included within this conspectus. day and age of recycling. Come and join in. PROGRAM: Chapters are devoted to the taxonomic history of the genus, its origins, GOODIES: Marina Becker from Wright's Park and distribution. Other chapters treat cultivation of particular species or Gladys Krohn will provide the Conservatory will bring us a slide and groups, growing primulas from seed, and pests and diseases. refreshments for the evening. narration of "A Year in Review." This This has nothing to do with eating, will show us what happens at the ISBN 0-935868-24-0. v. + 213 pp. 7" x 10" hardbound with dustjacket; 56 but if you should have any excess Conservatory to give us the beautiful line drawings, 1 black and white photograph. Available from International plants or items for the exchange table, displays we are privileged to see when- Specialized Book Services, Inc. 5602 NE Hassalo St., Portland, OR 97213 Please bring them. ever we visit the conservatory, regard- ($40.00). Available outside the USA from Wheldon & Wesley, Codicote, THINGS OF NOTE: less of the weather. Hitchin Herts, SG4 8TE England. Al Rapp is the new Chairman of SHOW-BIZ: judges. Rosetta (ones will show us how to

Page 74 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 75 make that garden plant look like a show intimate knowledge of primrose genet- TIME Members traveled to Underbill to plant. I hope she brings something to ics, this presentation by Rosetta is a 7:30 p.m. the home of William and Pauline Cook, show, because sad to say, I don't have must for those who wish to learn a REFRESHMENTS: Parents of Phil Cook, coordinator of even a garden plant to look like a little more on the mysteries of hybrid- Beth Tait, Sammy Solseth the meeting, where they viewed A rock garden. izing and how to go about producing PROGRAM: garden featuring Alpine plants and REFRESHMENTS: your own unique strains of primula. Beth Tait a new Primula every primulas. A slide presentation was Will be provided tonight by Louise Pat Bender, who is always willing to Month: Show Auricula. given by Wally Alberts of Amherst Fenili and Frieda Dingle. share her extensive knowledge and OUR REGULAR ACTIVITIES: N.H., featuring wild Alpine Primulas THINGS OF NOTE: seemingly never ending humor, will be Soil Mix-Hybridizing. SI ides of Show and other plants from areas surround- Al Rapp, Judges Chairman has asked presenting the "Primula of the Month." Primulas by Orval Agee. ing St. Moritz, Switzerland. During a me to remind all you Judges, Jr. Judges Pat has left the topic open, but the last Door Prize Drawing, please bring a brief business meeting, members voted and would-be Judges that he needs to conversations with her indicated she Plant. to hold at least one meeting a year in hear from you, so that he can bring just might be learning towards the Time to fertilize your Primulas! various states. The group toured the roster up to date. On March 19, English Cowslip (Primula veris). Smugglers Notch the next day in search 1989 he is having a Judging Review "Show and Tell," and the "Plant of the native Primula Mistassinica, but for all the Judges that will be judging Exchange" will be scheduled as usual. The New England Primrose were unsuccessful. the shows this year, He also invites any The weatherbeaten plants are starting interested parties. Contact him. Tele to grow and flower again, so there Society #564-9557, should be a lot to talk and share. New England Primrose Society met E. White Smith gave us a very inter- NEWS UPDATES: recently to view the Primrose Garden esting travelogue into Australia, and in Members are again reminded that of Arlene Perkins of East Montpelier. April he will bring us back, via new the Seattle Chapter will be having a Flower lovers from five states were Minutes of the Zealand. We will also have some show Plant Sale this MONTH on Saturday, represented including Alice Baylor, 90, Board Meeting reports and plants to make for things the 18th of March at Larry's Market. from Stowe. A former director and we want to do this year, as a society. We will be in desperate need of plants, Eastern corresponding secretary for the The Winter meeting of the APS Show plans are proceeding satisfac- especially the unusual and rarer spe- National Society, Baylor had a nursery Board of Directors was called to order torily. Katherine Brown will be in cies. Cliff Lewis has graciously offered in the Johnson area and still gardens. at 11:35 a.m. on Jan. 14, 1989 at the charge of Sales. his home as a staging area to take the She was one of the first to have her Berry Botanical Garden in Portland, plants before they are forwarded to choice of the many primulas that club If you have trophies to return — Oregon. Bring to the meeting. Larry' market Saturday morning. Plants members brought to the sale and chose Treasurer's Report: The APS is in the should be delivered to the Lewis's a white Primula "Modesta." black and this question of raising due home prior to Saturday; preferable was deferred until next year. The Seattle Chapter mid-week. This will enable the Seattle In connection with the 1992 Primula Chapter to price the plants, give them MEETING NOTICE: Conference, plans for the Expedition proper labels and do some last minute On Thursday, the 16th of March into southeastern China or Tibet are cleaning. 1989, 7:30 p.m., the Seattle Chapter well under way. Dr. Ron McBeath from will hold its monthly meeting in the A bit of information by way of the Edinburg Scotland will lead a group of upstairs conference room of Larry's National Auricula & Primula Society, six British and American scientists and Midland Section, England: "an article Markets - 10008 Aurora Ave. North, is in charge of all arrangements. In its in Seattle, on "Sawdust" in an old Lily group discussions the Board suggested that A special program on "Primrose Yearbook ... a 2 inch covering of dry the subject of "Protection and Con- Hybridizing" will be presented by sawdust enables such gems as Primula servation of Native Primula" be made Rosetta Jones. Rosetta, a resident of via/// to discard their annoying mono- the theme of the Conference, and this Kent, Washington has achieved world carpic habits and behave perennially." suggestion was forwarded to the Steer- fame in her unique strains of double ing Committee for consideration. primroses. Award winning cultivars Eastside Primula Society Mr. Flip Fenili was appointed interim from Rosetta's seeds can now be found Alice "Baylor (right), who is still garden- vice president to fill the position left being reproduced by tissue culture in MEETING: ing at age 90, is shown with Madeline vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Claire England and other countries. With an March 2, 1989 Shosta. Mueller. Dr, David Vesall of White

Page 76 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 77 Bear, Minn, was appointed to the APS there are obvious examples of when ^^ over collecting, are careful to treat their and there. I was appalled. I'm tired of Board of Directors to fill the position collecting is necessary to save a local seeds to ensure optimal viability, and hearing about how "well, the plant is vacated by Sally Cadranell. population from extermination. are conservationists at heart. I do not disappearing and has to be preserved." Pres. Larry Bailey was authorized by There should be a distinction made think that they pander to the need for Get the governments to start preserv- the Board to appoint a committee to between the collection of native plants a new ornament in the scree; I think ing, and, if seed has to be collected, review the policies and content of and the collection of seed from natural that they offer the serious gardener an be sure a trained botanist/horticulturist future issues of the Quarterly in an populations. Commercial collecting of opportunity to experiment, to learn does it, one who can recognize if the effort to have Board Members more native plants probably should be about plant geography, and to intro- seed, i.e. seed pod, is even fertile. actively involved in the preparation of penalized or at least, very carefully duce more species into a hobby which, Our government has made a start our APS Journal. regulated. I agree that this can lead to after all, delights in exploring nature's under the auspices of the National Steve Krumm, representing the Berry regional extinctions of ornamental or vast variety. Also, new strains can be Resources Council. I tried to fire up Botanical Garden, was appointed to medicinal plants. Ginseng is an exam- valuable for those who are interested my brother who is second-in- establish a policy, program and sched- ple which comes to mind as well as in developing improved varieties by command for World Wildlife in ule for APS efforts in native primula native orchids. However, the judicious hybridization. Canada, in 1988, to get some interest perservation and protection. collection of seed from native plants Let's refrain from prohibition - it in Canada. In fact, I just had a long Respectfully submitted, is another question. When and where didn't work for alcohol, it doesn't work conversation with Dr. Jose Castillo re. Candy Strickland seed is locally abundant, there should for drugs, and it won't work for plants. these same issues re. the extinction of be no ill effect on the population if Education and informed discussion plants in Argentina. I try to do what Letters a portion of the seed is gathered. I had about the problem of plant conserva- I can and notify individuals, groups, etc. the opportunity a few years ago to go tion in general are essential. Also, let's I wish I could do more but my present Dear Richard: on a trek in Kashmir. Primula rosea, have more contributions on the suc- work load (I'm a counselor) and health I'm rising to take the bait which you Adonis chryoscyanthus, Aquilegia cesses and failures of seeds collected situation do not permit. and Larry Bailey offered in the lead nivalis, were among a few of the plants in the wild. Much can be learned from Rohilah Guy article of the last issue of "Primroses." which grew and seeded in profusion. mistakes. The greater the number of Bio-planting, Inc. First of all, let me say that it is a I did collect these and others; they did > attempts at responsible propagation, Burkeley, CA provocative and valuable contribution germinate and they are still growing the better the chances of success, and which addresses some very legitimate successfully in my garden. My con- the greater the likelihood of species concerns. We should all be striving to science is clear. The damage which I survival. Dear Mr. Critz, maintain naturally occurring species at inflicted was miniscule compared to Hope that you have many other At this time, when the Dictionary of the local, regional, and world-wide the voracious herds of sheep and goats responses. Primulae is being rewritten, I hope level. However, I found some of the which we encountered along the way. Sincerely yours, there will be mention and tribute to statements in the article to be exag- Conservation should include prop- Philip W. Cook Mrs, Susan Watson, who did so much gerations and the prohibitionist agation as well as protection of natural Burlington, VT in preparing the previous edition. She approach to the problem to have ques- habitats. While there are several fine Feb. 6, 1989 still takes a great interest in affairs of tionable merit. research organizations (e.g.-Garden in the society, and is delighted to discuss The danger to most plants from edu- the Woods, various arboreta and and see Primulae at every opportunity. cated collectors is far less than from botanical gardens) which have active Dear Richard Critz: I see her here from time to time and commercial exploitation of forests, programs, funding and staffing are I just had a chance to look at the I'm very interested to hear stories of other natural resources, urban and limited. I would argue that experienced 1989 Quarterly/APS. Hooray for the old days. I believe she is a life recreational development, overgraz- and knowledgeable gardeners can "Where Have All The Flowers Gone"!! member. ing, and, in general, the demands of contribute as much to the cultivation Having been involved in ecology for With regards, a rapidly expanding population. This of rare species and that success can years and having been raised to respect Dr. John H. Kerridge is not the appropriate forum for tac- only be obtained by experimentation. the environment and to preserve Vancouver, B.C. kling the problems of population Seed collected from native plants pro- what's left of it, I got so annoyed and Canada growth, but conservation efforts must vides one of the best sources of mate- tired reading about plant hunters and be regarded within the framework of rial with which to work. seed collectors who, willy-nilly, do just the larger issue. Larry's article alludes Finally, I strongly believe that most that. The APCS Bulletin had an article Dear Mr. Critz, to this problem, but is total prohibition "commercial" seed collectors are m about some people having a 'wonder- Do you publish news of members of collecting a realistic answer? Indeed, knowledgeable about the dangers of ful time' in Chile, collecting seed here in Primroses?

Page 78 1989 Spring Quarterly American Primrose Society Page 79 T I have recently completed, with co- With 400 genera to cover, space was author Ruth Rogers Clausen, Peren- limited, but several pages are devoted n/a/s (or American Garc/em which will to Primula. American Primrose Society be published by Random House in I enclose a descriptive leaflet. (Copy April 89. It has been chosen as a Main on request from Editor.) Selection of the Garden Book Club and With warmest regard, as an Alternate Selection of the Book- Nicholas H. Ekstrom Officers of-the-Month Club. New York, N.Y. President: Larry Bailey, 1570 9th Ave. N., Edmonds, WA 98020 Vice President: Vasco Fenili, 7102 Citrine Lone S.W,, Tacoma, WA 98498 Hove You Paid Your Dues? Recording Secretary: Ester (Candy) Strickland, 8518 - 28th Ave., Tacoma, WA 9844.5 Treasurer: Brian Skidmore, 6730 West Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 Past President: Irene Buckles, 13732 - 45th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98168 SEED of DOUBLE ACAULIS Directors Rosetta |ones, Kent, WA Vasco Fenili, Tacoma, WA Etna Tate, Milwaukee, WA NEW SEED CROP IN AUGUST Kris Fenderson, South Acworth, NH Presidents of affiliated societies and chapters Minimum Order - 50 seed - $5.00 Cyrus Happy 111, Tacoma, WA David Vesall, White Bear, MN

Rosetta Jones 6214 South 287th Street Membership Phone 852-0330 Kent, Washington 98031 Dues of $10 a year are payable Nov. 15. Membership includes four issues annually of the Quarterly, cultural chart and seed exchange privileges. Sustaining member $50; Life membership, $200; garden club affiliated societies, $10 a year; library and horticultural societies, $10 a year; second member in family, $1 a year. Overseas members, $10 a year; please send by international money order. Send dues to the treasurer. "SchultzULTH*fune CONCENTRATE- InstantD ALL PURPOS"E LIQUID PLANT FOOD Publications

EASY DIRECTIONS Back issues of Primroses are available. Order from the secretary. "7 drop* per (fiuirt water Manuscripts for publication in the quarterly are solicited from members and other gardening t.very time you water, experts, although there is no payment. Please send articles and photographs to the editor Every //img you groir at 1236 Wendover Ave, Rosemont, PA 19010. ""IC Advertising rates per issue: full page $60; half page $30; quarter page $15; eighth page and minimum $10. Submit advertising to the editor. Seed Exchange "Schuftz.: Instant" Peter Atkinson, 16035 SE 167th Pi., Renton, WA 98005 |oe Dupree, 2015 N. Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221 Show Judges EASV DIRECTIONS < teasp. per goi water Al Rapp, 4918 79th Ave. W., Tacoma, WA 98467 Every time you water, Slide Library Every thing y

Page 80 1989 Spring Quarterly Officers of Various Chapters

Doretta Klaber Chapter

President Anita Kistler 1421 Ship Road, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 Treasurer-Secretary Mary Mills 150 Prospect Ave., Princeton, NJ. 08540 East Side Chapter

President Ruth Van Duzar 10435 NE 1 7th, Bellevue, Washington 98004 Vice President Sally Cadranell 13226 NE 40th, Bellevue, Washington 98005 Secretary Pat Diesen 1903 - 5th St., Kirkland, Washington 98033 Treasurer Thea Oakley 3304 - 288th Ave. NE, Redmond, Washington 98053 Oregon Primrose Society

President Frank Berthold 1614 NE 128th, Portland, Oregon 97230 Vice President Orval Agee 11112 SE Wood Ave., Portland, Oregon 97222 Secretary Doris Lord 9724 S.E. 36th, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Treasurer Nadine Berthold 1614 NE 128th, Portland, Oregon 97230 Tacoma Chapter - President Dolly Krob 2207 Bobb Ct. SE, Olympia, Washington 98503 Vice President Richard Lupp 28111 - 112th Ave. E., Graham, Washington 98338 Secretary , Norma Lupp 28111 - 112th Ave. E., Graham, Washington 98338 Treasurer Marlene Bartram 13717-214th St. E., Graham, Washington 98338 Valley Hi Chapter

President Addaline Robinson 9705 SW Spring Crest Dr., Portland, Oregon 97225 Vice President Ernest Gates 5150 SW Child's Road, Lk. Oswego, Oregon 97034 Secretary Eileen Trzynka 1985 SW 325th Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Treasurer Thelma Genheimer 7100 SW 209th Ave., Beaverton, Oregon 97007 Washington State Chapter

President Rosetta Jones 6214 S. 287th, Kent, Washington 98032 Vice President Paul Darstein 10535 SE 228th, Kent, Washington 98031 Secretary Darlene Heller 430 Widnor Drive, Mt. Vernon, Washington 98273 Treasurer Martha Harrison 7737 - 35th Ave. NE, Seattle, Washington 98115