[KELLY'S 208 BUX.BI}RY. . Liverpool Corporation Water Works H.AUGHTON. RIDLEY. (valve house) (Eli Hopkins,in chrge) .Archer Sydney Hugh Langstnn, Broughton Samuel Percy, farmer Parker Charles, builder Edgeley lodge Cook Frank R. frmr.Chesterton frm Pinnington John, blacksmith Brocklebank Ralph D.L., J.P. Baugh­ Cooper Rd. farmer, Ridley Bill farm Proctor Richard, dairyman ton hall; & Windham club S W & Langley Evan, farmer Wigan Coal & Iron Co. Lim. coal Bur]ington Fine .Arts club W,Londn 'fhelwell James, cowkeeper merchants (John Dillworth, agent), Twiss William, cowkeeper Beeston station COMMERCIAL. Wilding Frank (Mre.), farmez .Ar-cher Sydney Hugh Langsto~ . Williamson Edwd. inn L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. & L.S . .A.. phy­ Beloe Miss, Springfield cottage Willis Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Brook frm sician & surgeon, Edgeley lodge Brunner Mrs. Louise, Springfield Wilson Caroline (Mrs.), farmer, .Aston Henry, farmer, The Firs Rol~nson Robert, Ivy leigh BEW-ston gate Glutton Samuel, farmer COMMERCIAL. Winward George, Wrheelwright Dutton Frederick, farmer Barker Edward, farmer, Ivy mount Winward Saml. frmr. Castleside frm Grocott Edward .Albert, farmer, Byrd David Edwd. frmr.Spurstow hall Wood Frederick, farmer, Beeston hall , Back Lane farm Clntton Samuel, farmer Cookson Henry, farmer C.ALVELEY. Hull Alfred Wm. farmer, Oak farm Jackson Samuel, farm bailiff to Cookson Thomas, farmer de Knoop John Julius Jersey J.P. Ralph Brocklilbank esq. D.L., J.P Dutton Hugh Robert, farmer, Lower hall; ; & 39 Bryanston Jones John Edwin, farmer Spurstow hall square, London W Owen Richard Bond, land agent Dutton Saml. farmer, Oak Tree farm COMMERCIAL. Parton Chas. Edwd. farmr.Home frm Edge Samuel, farmer Bebbing~n George, butcher Rogers William, Nag's Head P.H Garner John, grocer, Post office Berrisford Samuel, cattle dealer Royle Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Garner Thomas, blacksmith Billington J. H. Limited, coal mer- Po~t office Garner Thos. farmer, .Bath House fm chants, Cal-veley station Weedon Alfred, farmer, Ferret oak Hickman Harry, Arms P.B C-olley Frederick, coal merchant \V est George, cow keeper Johnson John, farmer, Havcroft• Hewitt Jas.carpenter & estate formn. Windsor Ann (Mrs.), farmer Jones Thos. farmer, New Hall farm to William Bromley Davenport esq Winkworth Thomas,gardener to Ralpb Palin Joseph, farmer Hitch Arthur, head gardener to J. Brocklebank esq. D.L., J.P Pennington Danl. frmr. Radlev wood J. Jersey de Knoop esq ' Pennington Mary (.Mrs.), farmer Jackson William, boot maker Rowlands .Alfred, cowkeeper Jinks Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Dairy ho . Smith J oseph, farmer Jobnson James .Arthur, farmer Tollemache Lord J.P. Peckforton Vickers Henry, bricklayer Major Albert, farmer, Parkfi.eld house castle Ravenscroft James & John, farmers, Witter Henry W.ARDLE. Fields farm Arrowsmith :Mary (:Mrs.), shopkeeper Ravenscroft Frank H. farmer, Cal- COMMEECIAL. Barker Henry (Mrs.), farmer veley green .Ankers Robt. farmer, Peckforton hall Boffey .Alice (1\lrs.),frmr.Wardle Brdg Ravenscroft Georgina (Mrs.), farmer, Buchanan Geo. gamekeeper to ..Lord Burston .Tohn, shopkeeper · Bank farm Tollemache Clay Frederick, Jolly Tar P.H Rutter Frances (Mrs.), Davenport Dutton George, farmer Clay Frederick, jun. farmer Arms P.H Jones Joseph, farmer Dutton Brothers, millers (steam) Smith Thomas, stud groom to J. J. Major George, farmer, Manor farm Mason E. G. & Co. brick makers Jersey de Knoop esq Manley Robert, cowkeeper ~oore Samuel James, agent for the Tant George, farm bailiff to J. J. Proctor William, cow keeper Shropshire Union Rly. & Canal Co Jersey de Knoop esq Roberts John, cowkeeper Vernon Henry, shopkeeper (letters Tricketts James, farmer Sinclair George, gardener to Lord through ) Welch Thomas. blacksmith Tollemache Williams Harry Occlestone, farmer, Williams Saml.farmr.High Bank frm Watson George, stone mason Wardle hall is an ecclesiastical parish formed :Feb. value £230, including 46 acres of glebe with residence, 16, 1869, from the ecclesiastical parish,~s of . and in the gift of Viscount Combermere, and held since Acton; it is in the Eddisbury division of the county, r888 by the Rev. James Bardell .Adamson M . .A. of hundred, petty sessional division and rmion of , Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The Vicarage house, in the connty court district of Whitchurch, rural deanery near the church, was built about 1862. Viscount of Nantwich and archdeaconry and diocese of Ohester. Combermere is the principal landowner. The soil is The village of Burleydam is on the road from .Audlem to mixed; subsoil, clay and sand. The land is chiefly in Whitchurch (Salop), 3 !Tiiles south from sta- pasture for dairy purposes. The area is included under tion on the Crewe and Whit church sootion of the Lond,on Dodcott-cum-Wilksley and New hall townships; the and North Western railway, 3 west from .Audlem station population in 1911 was 413. on. the Wel'lington and Crewe sect.ion .of the Great Western Parish Clerk, John Taylor. r!Ulway, 7 south-wt>st from NantwiCh and 5 north-east . . from Whitchurch (Salop), a.nd is partly in the township Post, M.

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dutton Samuel (exors. of), farmers, Moss Joseph, Combermers .Arms Adamson Rev. James Bardell M . .A Burleydam farm P.H. & farmer (vicar), Vicarage Foden Edward .A. land agent to Vis· Mottram Wm. cowkpr. Blue Bache Foden Edward .A count Combermere Weavilr Chas. farmer, Goldsmith h() COMMERCIAL. Huntbach John, farmer Whittles Elizabeth (Mrs.), groCPT, Combermere Estate Office (Edward Hunthach William Richard, farmer. Post office A. Foden, agent) Dods green BURTON is a township, parish and village on thA dred of Wirral, petty sessional d.ivis,ion and union of &Stuary of the Dee ; it was cmce a market town and still Wirral, county court district of .Birkenhead, rural deanery ha-s the right to hold markets, and jg three.quarte.rs of of Wyrehall, or Wirral, and archdeaconry and dioces8 a mile soQuth-east from Burton Point station on the North of . The church of St. Nicholas, rebuilt (with Wales and Liverpool line, 2 south from Hadlow Road sta­ the exception of the east end of the north aisle) in 1721, tion and 3i from Hooton station, both Qn the Lond·on was thoroughly restored and re-seated in 1870 at a cost of and North Western and Great Western joint railway! £2,ooo, the chancel being rebuilt at the sole expense of branC'h line from Hooton to West Kirby, S! north-west the late Wm. Congreve esq.; it now consists of chancel, from Chester and 12 south from Birkenhead, in the nave, north aisle and a western tower containing a clock Wirral division of the county, higher division of the hrm- and 6 bells : there are 250 sittings. The register dates