''The Classic Pump'' by Dart
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i . \ \ ti \ . ■' f •,‘f I ; i ■'■ WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, . ■ frrrM- -T •+tr=- PAGE THmTy-Sfir 1Enmbi9 l$«raUi Avem gelm ilf Net Pten R n The Weather * ;For tikn ^ Cloudy nod cool, with j i A _ 1- were to have nin until 'Tuesday, the anting of more funds, -for Weiss has said that hs win . - M ^rT .'U es?^' Mrs. Ruth Rowley,. president June , w ill , end .Monday, Jude devetoping, low 40s; land* hoqoiaitton, by tbs 1M7 xecouunead that*aecesa to the Schools Opsing 21 pentland, b( the Little Theater of Man 20, with a four-hour session 'Tine FUUtiaiC ' - ‘ partial otoArtng taateifmw, Uidt About Town ;e Road State AsMmbly.. Nike Site c^pus from Lake* Ci .Vt-; chester, today annotmced that On June 21, teanAers wUl 56-60. Ibe M«rt«r’« CSub o( Friend- tickets for “Mary, Maty” are 4: A cross - country access wood Circle and from Nike Cir* A Day Earlier MEverytlilng In nswesl^ Lodge oC Masons Will meet have a fourjhour day for a Centrally Lem ^ rt Manchewter^^ CUy o f Villtfgo Charm aVallaUe at the door for tomor Board Topic road from Hackmatack St., pos- ^* ^ ^**’*^ Town schools wUl close In cloae-out schedule. ■ High school 24 BIBCH STREBT in the smal) lodge room at the row’s performance, a limited sibly connecting with Prospect "‘“ “ “ wy- 648-4444— MS4M7 I - g^raduation will be held June 23 Advarllsinc oa Page 19) PRICE SEVEN CENTS r?>' i !' Masonic Temide-tomorrow night amount for Kriday's perform Th* board o f dtrectoni wUl St. He wiU**’ also recommend that ****** ■®*****^ - , . Open 8M0 - 5M0 V O t, XX3QCV* NO. 180 {TWENTY PAGES) BIANCHESTfiR, CONN., THURSDAY, BIAT 12, 1966 'at 7:80. Alter a business meet- ____ _____ ance, add Saturday night is sold conduct an informal m eting at Thu raoA nart of a Man for the state, to Insure that there uled because of no lost time due as originally siatea Open Tburs. NItes 'ing conducted by Harold Hub- frjjj will be presented _ ___ n north-soutoldghway Uirough will be two access roads to the to snow. The change in the cal- The change will give the 1 - ti tonight to diseuas poeeible 66 calendar 181 days, one over Till 9:00 pjn- baid, club president, there will tomorrow, Friday and Saturday sitee for an acceea waiT ^ Manchester, is stUl many years college In September, should endar was voted by the board Parking Across the Stteal i: be a Masonic Culture and In at 8:30 p.m. at Rling Junior es or an accen R»d te the fulfUlment. widen and improve the "entry of education Monday night. the number required by state For 100 Care. formation eession led by Harold IBgh School auditorium. Maachester Ootmn\iiaiiy^OMlege Whatever the final decision, *"0™ Garden Grove Rd. Regular class sessions, which law. Traffic Stopper X, ^indngton, senior deacon. Osl^us, and )hen^boi^ot 1'*^ ■ a special meeting M 9,ftO oon- LOMdOM (A P ) — Henry The executive ’board of the MaJ. Ehrerett H. Kandarlan' , r of the First Company,. _ Gov sii^or and act upon m cfaidoe. The Moea replaced Uie wax mod Junior Century Club will meet els in his shop window yes tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at'the ernor’s Horse Guard, an meetinga wlli b# held;in the nounces the acceptance of ap- terday with; scantily clad borne of Mrs. James Spencer, Municipal BuUdidig Hearing girls and stopped traffic in Ihuty Lane, Rockville. Mrs. pUcaUons for the spring re cruit class. Applicants should Room. T Caihaby Street, -the home of Wayne Mandiee^ is oodios- British Mod fasMon. appear at the Horse Guard The double session ^ wU) be y ' I tees. open to all persons wtip are In Motorists and pedestrians headquarters at ’ W. Avon and . A tride seaidh in Long Arch Rds. in Avon tomorrow terested in and who windd be g^ped and halted as diane Thirty-four members of the ___ . „ V 'i& fr TsTuid Sbund contihUM tor' James, 18, and Gina Baker, Jun^^AuxHlary of Manchester ^^^y®*.**. involved in the eventiial loca- prevlous riding or military ex- Uon of the road.; , day for three:16cal ipen who 19,' stepped into the window Memorial Hospital (Pinkies) ‘ ‘ faile^ to tetum fn »n a fish-r dad in panties..and bras. will be, capped tonight at 7:30 perience la required, but can- ’The choices indude; AND . Cheers turned . t o boos p.m. In ceremonies in the doc- didates must be in good 1. A 4,800-fopt aocess road ing trip Tuesday. TTie three la when the models started t o tor’a dining room at the hoepi- physical condition and between, from S. Maip fit., aouth'of the tcpo!H;edly set out Tuesday the ages of 17 and 50. Mooney property>. at . 268-.S. dress.. But after donning taL motning from Old Lyme in Other Firms ------ Main St. m pants suits, they stripped |C13-footboat. - - • and put on evening dresses. Ferris Reynolds Group of Sec- This was the original choice HALE The GMden Age Club will have 'The-men am Peter Clark, 27, Moss said he was paying Reports due ond Congregational CSiurch will of college authorities, who have a card party tomorrow 2 p.m. sine*, 1853 I* and his briAher, R oy Clark, 22, the girls 5 pounds (314 a meet tomorrow at 10 a.m.-at the- been alloca-tM 8 ^ ,0 ^ ih'state at Ms meeting at the Senior Cit both' bf 95 Qreeinrood dr., and day), "plus brandy to keep home o f Mra.-MerrlU Colton, 743. funds for its ctniistruibtiori. The __ izen’s Center, Myrtle and Linden Frank. A- Burdick, 20, of 77 ttiem warm.” Later Today Sts. There will be prizes and re- Tolland Tpke. Mrs. Alice John- propooal had been apjwoyed'^y Greenwood dr. freehments. B(m is co-hostess. the Town Plannihg Ceriimtosioin, The Coast Gudrd aaid aU Ita DETROIT (AP) — Fo^ but had been tabM 'by the availabla vessels were .. taking Motor Co. reported today board of directors,- CoUowfng^ part in the-search covering a State News its. combined early_ May strong opposition ” from afea* 700 square ndle area in iihe auto sales were the highest residents. Sound. A twln^enghie amphibi V' in Ford history. HOUSE &. HALE 2. A S,500-foot aec^ rqad an vn a added to the search and PoM€eHold The report included Ford di ,from S. Main, fit., 700-1,000 the Coast Gpard said a helicop vision and Lincoln-Mercury. ter was Joinuig it today. ’^ r 4 'feet north of the Glmatonbufy Ford dl-vlslon Wednesday night M A IN S 1 M E T MANCHCSTEft The Oqast Guard said it was town line. Trio of Men — had reported record sales. ■ eonceatratihg ita aeareh today this road was proposed by Hte iwo divisions reported on tha-^tipng Ulahd side of Uie w r o a x a . c l a jb k ) BOY CLARK General M)anager Robert Weiss, oomMned new oar sales of 59,- found and was searching far m i v i o t o * In Hijacking fbilowing a meeting between 095 units In ths May 1-10 period. •mat aa Block ^Island. The Coast town and college oiCflci^. This topped the old Ford high of The Shoe Value Of The Year! Guard . Mid strong winds and CfoMt Guai^ 'i ^ d k took the HARTFORD (AP) — 3. A direct access road from 56,506 set In the opening days et currents could have carried the sekreh. ’ Three Brooklyn, N. Y., men Hackmatack St. May last year, boat into that area. The area Purdy' is. repMted to have TlWs proposal, agreeable to were: arrest^ today and Sales reports of the other auto along' the . Connecticut River saM tiiat the men had "Bttle college officiafei, appears, the charged with hijacking a companies were due later to mouth .-was also being searched. boating experience,” but Mrs. ‘‘The Classic Pump’’ most advisable, but muM am it trailer truck from Auburn, day. The- area under search ex Peter F. Clark, mother of the. Mass., loaded with mer They were awaited eagerly as tends from Guilford to Watch two brothers, said all three a tipoff to whether an April Hin Point, R.I. wisre "excellent swimmers.” chandise. The three men left Manches state police identified (he men slump in auto sedes was juBtrfi Peter (Jlark, who is reported as Edward d. BriUo, 32, who "silkskin" long leg ter Tueaday moming for a day to be the less active fisherman temporally thing. by Dart ' What’fi For D es8^7 was dri-vlng the truck; Nicholas All thrbe lines in the Lincoln- o f fikhing in tiie Soimdi. ’Ihey o f the thTM, bought some fish A. Santora, 23, and Rjalph A. > Try Our Flavor, • panty girdles 2 forH launched the 13-foot fiberglas ing equipmmt Monday from a Mercury division — Lincoln, Leone, 26. 1 Of The Month • boat from the Smith Heck local Sports store for the fish Oomet .^and Mercury_ — i m Santora and Leone were Road launching area in Old ing trip. S-' stronger In the May 1-10 meulsgt filkskln" regular or Lyme. ’The boat was owned by He is die operator of Pete’s picked up in a car which was than they did a year ago. I ORANOE • Rdfowing (he truck, -which po Last month auto sales dipped .90 Peter CSark. Grocery at' 464 B. Center St short leg ponty girdles 2 for ^3 The boat is still registered In IBs -fatheri )W^ ran the store lice said, they believed was below those of a year ego and I PINEAMPLE 2 bound .for New York.