Updated Profile 1. Name : Dr.Sumanash Dutta 2. Father’s Name : Late Manindranath Datta 3. Mother’s Name : Late Surama Dutta 4. Designation : Professor in Economics 5. Qualification : BSc(Hons in Economics, GU), MA(NBU), Ph.D ( IIT, Roorkee) 6. Affiliation : Department of Economics, Assam University Silchar – 788011, Assam 7. Address for Correspondence : Professor, Department of Economics Assam University Silchar – 788011, Assam 8. Teliphone : Mobile- 919435176104; 918811074420. 9. Email id :
[email protected] 10. Teaching experience : 30 years. 11. Area of Specialization : Development Economics, Economics of Education and Human Development 12. Research Experience : Number of Scholars awarded M.Phil – 3 Number of Scholars awarded Ph.D -- 10 Number of Scholars continuing research under supervision: M.Phil – Nil, Ph.D -8 13. Publications : Articles published in Journals : 38 Article published in Edited Books : 15 (List appended) 14. Participation in Seminar, Conference etc : Paper presented in seminars, conferences - 18 Chaired Technical Sessions - 11 15. Books Published : 2 (i) Household Fertility Behaviour and Children’s Schooling Amongst Tribals by Sumanash Dutta,Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 2008 (ii) Economic and Social Impact of Micro Financing Poor Through SHGs: A Case Study of a Developing Region of India by Amith Roy and Sumanash Dutta, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2012. 1 16. Administrative Experience: (i) Worked as Officer on Special Duty in Directorate of Higher Education, Govt. of Tripura for 5 years. (ii) Worked as Secretary( Administration), Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examinations 4 consecutive years. (iii) Worked as HOD, Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Tripura University. (iv) Worked as HOD, Department of Economics, Assam University, Silchar (v) Working as in charge Dean, Swami Vivekananda School of Library Science, Assam University, Silchar.