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Fine,Arts Center Hosts .- i.. Di;aixar and Dishinger.. Rochelle Draizar, flute, and Eileen Beerman Dishinger, harp, will give a recital on Monday, November 27, at 8:30 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Ransburg Fine Arts Center on the campus at Indiana Central College. Both are members of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, and JIisS Draizar is on the faculty at Indiana Central. Included in the program are the Eileen Beerman Dishingcr re- folloaing: ceived her B.M. from the Univer- Concerto in C Major - h1OZart sity of Redlands and did graduate Cicilicnne - Faure. study at the CoUege-Consematory Entr'acte - Ibert. at Cincinnati. She has studied Sonata - Debussy. harp uiU llarjoric Call and Car- Serenade NO. io - Pcrsiehetti. 10s Salzedo. She has aPPearcd as filiss Draizar is from Iliami, Soloist with the Roger \ViUiams Florida, where she played flute Concert Tour, "clebanoff" strings with several professional orch~~.Concert Tow, and the Redlands tras: Blismi Symphonic Society. Symphony Orchestra. blrs. Dish. North Miami Symphony, Miami inger is presently first harpist Beach Civic Orchestra, and IIolly. with the San Bernardina Sym. wood Symphony. Sho was soloist phony, Redlands Symphony Or. Volume 48 Indianapolis, Indiana Wednesday, November 15, 1967 No. 5 on both flute and piano udth the chestra, Redlmds BOW, spmpho- .. Miami Symphony Orchestra, con ny, Pro llusica of Cincinnati Sym. ducted by the late Fabien Sevitz- phony and Chamber Orchestra, Administation Considers Ransburg Gallery ky) former conductor of the India. and University of Miami.. at ox. napclis Symphony). Miss Draizar ford, Ohio. Features Riendeau; was graduated from Ixliana uni. They he assisted by,mrothy New Co.-.ed Dormitory Through November 21. twenty versity in 1% the bachelor BIunger, If plans work out, those big, noisy machines everyone has watercolors by James W. Rien- of music and bachelor of music piano, and IIugh deau of AIahopae, ~ewYork, will education degrees both nute ridge. viola. IIrs. Nunger is pian. noticed On may be here a long time' Tentative in campus bo displayed in the k3h Rans- and. piano. she has also studied ist with the Indianapolis Sympho. concerning the construction of 3. new co-eduationd dormitory burg Art Gallery. The display is .flute with James Pellerite, lubert ny and is on the faculty at Indiana are being studied by the Administration. own to the public from 9 a.m. to Tipton of the Detroit Symphony Central College, and A1r. Partridge The new building would probab- 4 p.m:-iree of charge. Jlonday and Julius Baker of the New York is also solo violist with the India. ly be located on the eastern side.cussd, as the plans are through Friday. ,, Philharmonic. napolis Symphony. in Tho paintings are being shown Of campus. either between the the preliminary stage. 11r. nriller at U.S. museum's, art galleries, gymnasium and Wilmore IIall or hetscm lranna A~~~~~ mim. has said that the decisions will be libraries, colleges and univcrsi- ,,le 11~1,. sbnding five stories left to the Deans. IIe says that libraries, colleges, and universi- DADS DONATE MONEY .l high, as now planned, the dorm other colleges are building more Old Bergen Art Guild of Bayonnc, house 125 of of these and finding them satis- New Jersey, and the paintings and each sex, plus t,vo ho,,remothers. factory, so the administration seascapes of the Atlantic coast. Actually the structm would be doesn't that too many prob- Rlendeau received a master of ~~d*~Association is an organization of all fathers of stu- tw,o buildings by eo.ed. lefns will arise concerning disci. fine arts degree from Cranbrook ucaticnal lounges. phe. Academy of in^ ~~t~,nirmin,"- dents at Ice. The purpose' of the Association is to provide Although the basis for ch&im At the present, the Arlministra. ham, Michigan. IIe has studied at some organized means by which parents can make their uni- occupants has not yet been dis. pthE$ngbof?$ ,ygez Et E2 ~~fl~~~"!~~ikzi: ted strength felt in the progressive advance of thc college possible, the new dorm might lreis presently a teacher of art in and thereby make for a stronger total environment for their be used for the second semester the New York State High School children. Heavy Bidding of the schml year 1968.1969. System. The new president of Dad's As- board for the baseball dla. sociation is hlr. John J. hIullen. mond; Ire is an executive with Pittman- 2. Donate $600 for a Flexowriter Aids Goa' ' TWELFTH NIGHT Is Next lloore in Indianapolis. IIe is the to be used by all depart- Tho November 6th \WS Auction past president of the Alumni ASSO ments; was the most successful one Ccn- In College Artist Series ciation and instructs the Young 3. Donate $50 to each of the five tral students have sponsored and Ira r ri e d Class at ,University dorms. the total amount bid came to The National Shakespeare Company will make its third IIeights Church. His son is a soph- 4. Donate $100 for the library to use for bmks and equipment. ~~~~~ appearance at Indiana Central College on Friday, November ~~;~~~ $E-'g$g $~~~~l~for196,-68 The total (o be given committee. Another auction next 17, in Twelflh Nkht. This comedy by William Shakespeare gear are: to the college will be $2.050. semester and some more fund mill be the second number on the 1967-68 Artist Series. 1. Donato S~Ofor 'a new score. The Dads wiU meet again Feh- raisins plpjects hSfore the year is mintime j,, Ransburg Audi. ruary 17, 19cs. for a banquet at UP promise to Dvc. the student torium will be amp.m. AU seats which time they will recognize all - bo4v a chance to ald needy are reserved, and may be ordered varsity athletes and leaders of dents in another country.,, ' by phoning or writing the college Central Council. On this same day they sill attend the ICC-Ilanoar ~":":":":":-:":~:":-:~-:-~":~":-~-:-:-~~ticket office (phone: 787-6301, ex- ballgame. .I. tension 288; address: 4001 Otter- A bcin Ave., Indianapolis 462273. The officers of the Dad's Asso- x.I. eiation are: blr. John Alullcn. :? Tickets, $3 adults; $2 for studcnts. 3. Twelfth Night is directed by 111. president; Rev. Lynn Henry. vice- president: Mr. Charlcs Garner, 4.I..I %lqI#llY-? A chad Howard. who is well knoun {- for his work in the New York and secretary: and Prof. Robert Co- the regional theater. scenic ker. treasurer. :f The Members of the Board of .Direc. 4.- ' I..I. ~ly11h!j&~hy:?.I. designercgrapher, is Paul William Praper; Pitkin; and chore-musi. 'tors are: Alr. Harlan Dobbs.' blr. .I. J. Dale Flint, 3Ir. AlerreU Geible. 3 cal dimtor, Richard L. Sterne. .I. .. The cast includes Elaine Sulka Ah. Clyde Goodpaster, Alr. \Vilbur ~:~~":-:-:~":-:":-:":":-:":-:~-~~:-:-:"~ IIamner, Mr. Robert B. IIanni. (also general manager of the Bk. Glen C. Nartin, Alr. Roy V. troupe, Alex Panas, Stephen cole- Xlaxson. hlr. nay E. Xliles. AIr. man, Blare Rush, Robert Camp Charles Smith, BIr. Robert E. bell, Jerry Terlieyedn, Anthony Smock, BIr. Frank Spencer, Mr. RistoIf, Jan Thomson. Curt \Vib Everett W. Swank and XIr. Mar. liams. Mary Jane Wells. and Dana shall \Yesner. my. The troupe was organized four pars ago by Philip hleister, its artistic director, and Bliss Sulka. ', Chapels Listed "Wa are re-ereating the cross- country road Ior tho classical the- For November atcr," said Meister, ,"in a way Friday. November 17.- R. E. that hasn't really been done since Week: Dr. Donald Eldar - Beth. Evala Gallienno toured in the lehem Lutheran Chureh: 1910's and Walter IIampden in the Monday, h'ovember 20 - Dr. '30's." Dan T. Moore. Early in October of this Year, Wednesday, November 22 - the National Shakespeare COm- Thanksgiving Vacation. pany started on an eishbmonth Friday, November a - Thanks- tour of 99 cities in 27 U. S. states giving Vacation. and Canada to carry Classical Alonday. November n - Cen- plays to college and university tral Council. Dave Mixon collects his eXPen' campuses towns which sei. Wednesday, November P - Stu- sive kiss from h o m e c 0 m I n g dom. if ever. have an opportunity National Shakespeare Company players will present "Twelfth Night" dent Recital - Music. Drpart- Oveen LyM Parkn during the in Ransburg Auditorium on November 17. mcnt. WUS Auction. to attend such performances. PaqeTwo . REFLECTOR Wednesday. November 15. 1967 inagurated later. This would not eliminate the honors pro- member of another race is unfor- gram, as those participating in these classes mould still grad- tunate to mv mind. ,.~,.,.. ... ... ., . ., , ., .. - . Sink I ah not one of these uate “with distinction” upon passing the necessary courses. girls. 1 do not know how they feel JRIL on the subiect. Yet. I do haw soma apprehensions that they to1 resent this narrowing circum. stance. Forcast: Snow in Chapel? Before. although Indiana Cen- tral~ could.~ ~~~~~ not~~ ~ boast~ ~. of~~ bcinc~~ .~ cos- Have you found the atmosphere in chapel a bit chilly Iate- mopolitan, it could boast if its ly? Do you have to bring a coat just for that one hour? You Christian influence. But with this are not alone. The “plateau of cosmopolitism” may be in the evident situation. I now challenge the, Christianity of our college. - auditorium, however, it seems unnecessary to provide an out- A Krannert Girl door climate. JRIL .I.. Dear Editor: Several people have expressed their concern lately about some E$ Dogone Shame! studerts’ lack of reswct for oth- You may not know it yet, but Dixie is leaving. Central ers’ property. To bE specific, it (This column will be a regular feature fn future issues of the seems that posters put up for pub- Council has voted to send her back to Florida and although me REFLECTOR.