MLA/MP Briefing Friday 10 April 2020 (Via Video Conferencing)

Western Trust (MDEC and DBS, ): Mr Sam Pollock (Chairman, Trust Board), Dr Anne Kilgallen (Chief Executive), Teresa Molloy (Director of Performance & Service Improvement), Geraldine McKay (Director of Acute Services), Neil Guckian (Director of Finance & Contracting), Karen O’Brien (Director of Adult Mental Health and Disability Services), Deirdre Mahon (Director of Women and Children’s Services and Executive Director of Social Work), Dr Catherine McDonnell (Medical Director), Dr Maurice O’Kane (Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Acute Services), Oliver Kelly (Head of Communications), Chris Curran (Public Affairs & Communications Manager), Brendan McGrath (Assistant Directorate of Nursing, Primary Care and Older People's Services), Leone Burns (Head of Contracting Services). MLA/MP Briefing, Session 1: Sinead McLaughlin MLA (SDLP East Londonderry), George Robinson MLA (DUP East Londonderry), Mark H Durkan MLA (SDLP Foyle), Gary Middleton MLA (2) DUP, Daniel McCrossan MLA (SDLP Office), Thomas Buchanan MLA (DUP West Tyrone), Ruairidh O’Donnell (for MP, ). MLA/MP Briefing, Session 2: SF MLA (Sinn Fein, Foyle), , MLA (Sinn Fein, Foyle), Maolíosa McHugh MLA (Sinn Fein), , MLA (Sinn Fein), Rosemary Barton MLA (UUP Fermanagh/South Tyrone), MLA (Sinn Fein, Fermanagh/S Tyrone), MLA (Sinn Fein - Fermanagh/South Tyrone), MLA (Sinn Fein - East Londonderry), Apologies: Declan McAleer MLA (Sinn Fein West Tyrone), Sean Lynch MLA (Sinn Fein Fermanagh South Tyrone) Review Brief: The following slide-deck was presented to MLA/MPs to open the briefings (Click Here to view Presentation Given for Briefing) and the following information updates given at both sessions:  The Chairman welcomed all the MLAs and MPs to the 1st face-to-face Breifing on Covid19 planning to Public Representatives.  Chief Executive provided an introduction, update and asked the following headings to be highlighted by respective Directors. Running through the presentation (link above) the Chief Executive and Directors outlined the following areas of Covid19 Surge Planning: Chief Executive Dr Anne Kilgallen spoke on the Covid-19 Pandemic unprecedented situation, outside of our comfort zone, public confidence, staff morale and welfare, service continuity and our staff and the public safety and gave an overview of the regional direction in dealing with Covid-19 including Staff Testing, Community Testing, Contact Tracing, the Nightingale Hospital, Paediatric Services and PPE/Equipment subject to regional and global availability and allocations from national stockpiles. Geraldine McKay provided an update on Hospital Surge Planning including Critical Care, Covid Areas and Non Covid Areas, Redeployment / Upskilling of Staff, Early Discharge and Downturn / Time Critical activity. Karen O’Brien provided an update on Community Surge Planning including Community Beds Plan, Independent Sector Support, Domiciliary Care/Direct Payments and Mental Health & Learning Disability Services. Teresa Molloy updated on Multi-Agency collaboration and VIP Programme Deirdre Mahon updated on Health and Wellbeing, Domestic Violence, Impact of Lockdown on Children and Paediatric Services temporary service reconfiguration. Neil Guckian provided a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Update including Regional stockpiles of “specialist” PPE, general supplies, escalating consumption, community staff requirement, new supply chains and changing guidance (Neil Guckian) Dr Maurice O’Kane gave a Testing update overview including local testing (CTRIC and Killadeas), daily capacity, national HCW testing programme, venue planned for 12 April and Trust arrangements. A Q&A session followed with all MLA/MPs and provided in-depth discussion on all aspects of Western Trust services planning. Additional Notes if required. Issue to be resolved: A number of MLAs/MPs requested a Single Point of Contact in place for the Western Trust and Trust Board Chairman, Mr Sam Pollock, advised he would follow this up and come back to all MLAs/MPs on same.