The Daily Newspaper of the Upperpp Cumberland Soggy Sparta native closes TWEET TROUBLE Alberto churns inland bringing games out for NCAA- ‘Rosanne’ gets axe widespread rain Closer: bound Golden Eagles Page A5 Page A6 Page B1 116th Year | No. 128 | Wednesday, May 30, 2018 | Cookeville, Tennessee 50¢ President Campaigns in Nashville Persistence pays off for Adult High graduates BY JIM HERRIN
[email protected] Shania Hill had completed the fi rst semester of her junior year of high school when life’s complications began piling up for her. “My mom passed away from cancer, and I just got really depressed and didn’t want to stay at Cookeville High School,” she said. “I just felt really pressured there with all the people.” Economic pressures also played a part. “I needed to get a job, and I couldn’t real- ly work with my hours at the high school,” she said. She said academics were really not an issue for her. “I was in honors classes for the major- ity of high school,” she said. “Luckily, I stopped after a whole semester so I got all those classes out of the way, and I was able to pick up those other half credits that I needed at the Adult High School.” Hill transferred almost immediately from CHS to the Adult High School, de- termined to stay on track to graduate as a member of the Class of 2018. According to Principal Robyn Nabors, the Adult High School provides the oppor- tunity for adults to complete the credits they left unfi nished when they left tradi- Brent Carl Fleshman tional school to earn a regular, Tennessee President Donald Trump speaks to a crowd in Nashville Tuesday evening in support of U.S.