Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 1 Table 1. Current Taxonomic Keys and the Level of Taxonomy Routinely U

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Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 1 Table 1. Current Taxonomic Keys and the Level of Taxonomy Routinely U Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 Table 1. Current taxonomic keys and the level of taxonomy routinely used by the Ohio EPA in streams and rivers for various macroinvertebrate taxonomic classifications. Genera that are reasonably considered to be monotypic in Ohio are also listed. Taxon Subtaxon Taxonomic Level Taxonomic Key(ies) Species Thorp & Rogers 2016 Porifera If no gemmules are present identify to family (Spongillidae). Genus Thorp & Rogers 2016 Cnidaria monotypic genera: Cordylophora caspia and Craspedacusta sowerbii Platyhelminthes Class (Turbellaria) Thorp & Rogers 2016 Nemertea Phylum (Nemertea) Thorp & Rogers 2016 Phylum (Nematomorpha) Thorp & Rogers 2016 Nematomorpha Paragordius varius monotypic genus Thorp & Rogers 2016 Genus Thorp & Rogers 2016 Ectoprocta monotypic genera: Cristatella mucedo, Hyalinella punctata, Lophopodella carteri, Paludicella articulata, Pectinatella magnifica, Pottsiella erecta Entoprocta Urnatella gracilis monotypic genus Thorp & Rogers 2016 Polychaeta Class (Polychaeta) Thorp & Rogers 2016 Annelida Oligochaeta Subclass (Oligochaeta) Thorp & Rogers 2016 Hirudinida Species Klemm 1982, Klemm et al. 2015 Anostraca Species Thorp & Rogers 2016 Species (Lynceus Laevicaudata Thorp & Rogers 2016 brachyurus) Spinicaudata Genus Thorp & Rogers 2016 Williams 1972, Thorp & Rogers Isopoda Genus 2016 Holsinger 1972, Thorp & Rogers Amphipoda Genus 2016 Gammaridae: Gammarus Species Holsinger 1972 Crustacea monotypic genera: Apocorophium lacustre, Echinogammarus ischnus, Synurella dentata Species (Taphromysis Mysida Thorp & Rogers 2016 louisianae) Jezerinac & Thoma 1984, Jezerinac 1995, Jezerinac 1993, Cambaridae Species Taylor 2000, Thoma et al. 2005, Thoma & Stocker 2009, Crocker & Barr 1968 Species (Palaemon Palaemonidae Thorp & Rogers 2016 kadiakensis) Informal grouping of the Arachnida Hydrachnidia Smith 2001 water mites 1 Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 Taxon Subtaxon Taxonomic Level Taxonomic Key(ies) Genus Morse et al. 2017 Baetidae: Acerpenna, Baetis, Species Morse et al. 2017 Heterocloeon, Plauditus Morse et al. 2017, Webb & Baetidae: Acentrella Species Burian 2017 Baetidae: Anafroptilum, Jacobus & Wiersema 2014, Genus Neocloeon Morse et al. 2017 McCafferty & Waltz 1995, Baetidae: Labiobaetis Species Morse et al. 2017 Baetidae: Paracloeodes Species Bolton 2011, Morse et al. 2017 Indicate if the taxa have Baetidae: Procloeon hind wing pads or not. Baetidae: Procloeon Species Morse et al. 2017 Ephemeroptera viridoculare Heptageniidae: Heptagenia Species Burks 1953, Mayfly Central 2018 Bednarik & McCafferty 1979, Heptageniidae: Maccaffertium Species Morse et al. 2017 Ephemerellidae: Dannella Allen & Edmunds 1962, Morse Species simplex et al. 2017 Caenidae: Brachycercinae Species Morse et al. 2017 Pescador & Berner 1981, Morse Baetiscidae: Baetisca Species et al. 2017 Ephemeroidea: Ephemera, McCafferty 1975, Morse et al. Species Hexagenia, Ephoron 2017 monotypic genera: Cloeon dipterum, Diphetor hageni, Iswaeon anoka, Stenonema femoratum, Choroterpes basalis, Habrophlebia vibrans, Teloganopsis deficiens, Litobrancha recurvata Needham et al. 2014, Merritt et Genus al. 2008, Ware et al. 2016 Coenagrionidae (except Argia) Family Merritt et al. 2008 Anisoptera: Boyeria, Lanthus, Species Needham et al. 2000 Odonata Neurocordulia monotypic genera: Archilestes grandis, Basiaeschna janata, Epiaeschna heros, Nasiaeschna pentacantha, Hagenius brevistylus, Progomphus obscurus, Stylogomphus albistylus, Didymops transversa, Helocordulia uhleri, Erythemis simplicicollis, Pachydiplax longipennis, Perithemis tenera, Plathemis lydia Stewart & Stark 2002, Merritt et Genus al. 2008 Plecoptera Perlidae: Acroneuria, Hitchcock 1974, Morse et al. Species Paragnetina 2017 2 Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 Taxon Subtaxon Taxonomic Level Taxonomic Key(ies) Poulton & Stewart 1991, Morse Perlidae: Agnetina Species et al. 2017 Perlidae: Perlinella Species Poulton & Stewart 1991 Hitchcock 1974, Frison 1942, Perlodidae: Isoperla Species Poulton & Stewart 1991, Morse Plecoptera (continued) et al. 2017 Perlodidae: Diploperla Species Kondratieff et al. 1981 Perlodidae: Malirekus Species Stewart & Stark 2002 monotypic genera: Nemoura trispinosa, Paraleuctra sara, Eccoptura xanthenes, Clioperla clio, Haploperla brevis Belostomatidae, Naucoridae, Nepidae, Pleidae, Genus Merritt et al. 2008 Notonectidae Hemiptera Hilsenhoff 1995, Merritt et al. Corixidae Genus 2008 monotypic genus: Nepa apiculata Genus Merritt et al. 2008 Megaloptera Corydalidae: Nigronia Species Neunzig 1966 monotypic genus: Corydalus cornutus Neuroptera Genus Merritt et al. 2008 Wiggins 1996, Merritt et al. Genus 2008 Philopotamidae Species Ross 1944, Morse et al. 20170 Hydropsychidae: Diplectrona Species Wiggins 1996 Schuster & Etnier 1978, Schefter Hydropsychidae: Ceratopsyche Species & Wiggins 1986, Morse et al. 2017 Schuster & Etnier 1978, Morse Hydropsychidae: Hydropsyche Species et al. 2017 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae: Species Ross 1944, Morse et al. 2017 Macrostemum Hydropsychidae: Parapsyche Species Flint 1961, Morse et al. 2017 Prather and Morse 2001, Morse Rhyacophilidae: Rhyacophila Species et al. 2017 Phryganeidae: Oligostomis Species Lloyd 1921 Brachycentridae: Species Flint 1984, Morse et al. 2017 Brachycentrus Parker & Wiggins 1987, Morse Odontoceridae: Psilotreta Species et al. 2017 3 Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 Taxon Subtaxon Taxonomic Level Taxonomic Key(ies) Leptoceridae: Ceraclea Species Resh 1976, Morse et al. 2017 Yamamoto & Wiggins 1964, Leptoceridae: Mystacides Species Wiggins 1996 Glover & Floyd 2004, Morse et Leptoceridae: Nectopsyche Species al. 2017 Trichoptera (continued) Leptoceridae: Oecetis Species Floyd 1995, Morse et al. 2017 Leptoceridae: Triaenodes Species Glover 1996, Morse et al. 2017 monotypic genera: Dolophilodes distinctus, Lype diversa, Psychomyia flavida, Cyrnellus fraternus, Potamyia flava, Leucotrichia pictipes, Mayatrichia ayama, Helicopsyche borealis, Leptocerus americanus Lepidoptera Crambidae Genus Merritt et al. 2008 Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Merritt et al. 2008, Hilsenhoff Hydrophilidae, Psephenidae, Genus 1995 Dryopidae, Elmidae, Ptilodactylidae, Lutrochidae Dytiscidae: Hydroporini Tribe (Hydroporini) Merritt et al. 2008 Coleoptera Scirtidae Family Merritt et al. 2008 Elmidae: Dubiraphia (except D. Species (adults only) Hilsenhoff 1973 vittata group) Elmidae: Optioservus Species (adults only) Brown 1972 monotypic genera: Agabetes acuductus, Helocombus bifidus, Sperchopsis tesselata, Dicranopselaphus variegata, Psephenus herricki, Ancyronyx variegata, Macronychus glabratus, Microcylloepus pusillus, Lutrochus laticeps, Anchytarsus bicolor Merritt et al. 2008, McAlpine et Genus al. 1981 Ceratopogonidae (except Atrichopogon, Forcipomyia), Dolichopodidae, Syrphidae (except Eristalis, Chrysogaster), Family Merritt et al. 2008 Sciomyzidae, Ephydridae (except Ephydra, Hydrellia, Ochthera, Setacera) Diptera Tipulidae: Tipula abdominalis Species Gelhaus 1986 Psychodidae: Pericoma albitarsis, Telmatoscopus Species Johannsen 1934-1937 albipunctatus Ceratopogonidae: Species Johannsen 1934-1937 Atrichopogon Andersen et al. 2013, Bolton Chironomidae Genus/Species1 2012, Epler 2001, 2014 4 Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Level January 2018 Taxon Subtaxon Taxonomic Level Taxonomic Key(ies) Chironomidae: Eukiefferiella, Species group Bode 1983 Tvetenia Chironomidae: Paracladopelma Species Jackson 1977 Muscidae: Limnophora, Species Johannsen 1934-1937 Lispoides monotypic genera: Protoplasa fitchii, Bittacomorpha clavipes, Protothaumalea americana, Diptera (continued) Apsectrotanypus johnsoni, Brundiniella eumorpha, Clinotanypus pinguis, Nilotanypus fimbriatus, Radotanypus florens, Telopelopia okoboji, Trissopelopia ogemawi, Pagastia orthogonia, Prodiamesa olivacea, Diplocladius cultriger, Doncricotopus bicaudatus, Psilometriocnemus triannulatus, Xylotopus par, Endotribelos hesperium, Gillotia alboviridis, Hyporhygma quadripunctatum, Kribiodorum perpulchrum, Lauterborniella agrayloides, Paralauterborniella nigrohalteralis, Xenochironomus xenolabis, Zavreliella marmorata, Neostempellina reissi, Sublettea coffmani, Zavrelia aristata, Chlorotabanus crepuscularis, Atherix lantha, Lispoides aequifrons Gastropoda Genus/Species1 Burch 1982 Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae Family Burch 1982 Species (Corbicula Bivalvia: Corbiculidae Smith 2001, Burch 1972 fluminea) Mollusca Bivalvia: Dreisseniidae Species Benson et al. 2014 Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae Genus Smith 2001, Burch 1972 Watters et al. 2009, Williams et Bivalvia: Unionidae Species al. 2017 1 After the specimen is identified to genus check the most recent edition of the Ohio EPA Macroinvertebrate Taxa List (located on the Ohio EPA website at: http://epa.ohio.gov/dsw/bioassess/BioCriteriaProtAqLife.aspx ) to see if it should be identified further. The following is a complete list of the current macroinvertebrate taxonomic references. Allen, R.K. and G.F. Edmunds. 1962. A revision of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). IV. The subgenus Danella. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 35:333-338. Andersen, T., P.S. Cranston and J.H. Epler (scientific editors). 2013. Chironomidae of the Holarctic Region, keys and diagnoses, larvae. Insect Systematics and Evolution. Supplement No. 66, 573 pp. Bednarik, A.F. and W.P. McCafferty. 1979. Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Canadian Bulletins of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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