develop E D I T O R I A L S T A F F T H I N G S T O K N O W C O N T A C T I N G U S Editor-in-Cheek Caroline Rose develop, The Apple Technical Feedback. Send editorial suggestions Managing Editor Toni Moccia Journal, a quarterly publication of or comments to Caroline Rose at Technical Buckstopper Dave Johnson Apple Computer’s Developer Press AppleLink CROSE, Internet group, is published in March, June,
[email protected], or fax Bookmark CD Leader Alex Dosher September, and December. develop (408)974-6395. Send technical Able Assistant Meredith Best articles and code have been reviewed questions about develop to Dave Our Boss Greg Joswiak for robustness by Apple engineers. Johnson at AppleLink JOHNSON.DK, His Boss Dennis Matthews Internet
[email protected], CompuServe This issue’s CD. Subscription issues Review Board Pete “Luke” Alexander, Dave 75300,715, or fax (408)974-6395. Or of develop are accompanied by the Radcliffe, Jim Reekes, Bryan K. “Beaker” write to Caroline or Dave at Apple develop Bookmark CD. This CD contains Ressler, Larry Rosenstein, Andy Shebanow, Computer, Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, M/S a subset of the materials on the monthly Gregg Williams 303-4DP, Cupertino, CA 95014. Developer CD Series, available from Contributing Editors Lorraine Anderson, APDA. Included on the CD are this Article submissions. Ask for our Steve Chernicoff, Toni Haskell, Jody Larson, issue and all back issues of develop along Author’s Guidelines and a submission Cheryl Potter with the code that the articles describe.