
California: Land and People Lesson 1: Locating Hemisphere

One half of the earth or another sphere Video on Hemispheres click here Relative location

Where a place is compared to one or more other places on earth. Region

An area with common features that set it apart from other areas. Geographers

People who study geography Environment

The surroundings in which people, plants or animals live. Coast

The land next to an ocean Mountain Range

A chain of Sierra Mountain mountains. Range

Mt. Shasta () Plain

A large area of nearly flat land What is the global address of California? California, United States, North America, Western Hemisphere, (Earth, Solar System, Universe)

Click here to see our place in the universe! How many states are in the Western region of the United States? Six. California, , Washington, Nevada, Alaska, and Hawaii. Which states border the state of California? Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. What are some of the geographic features of the West? Snowy mountains, green valleys, hot deserts, and the Pacific Coast. List two mountain ranges in California. The Cascade Range and

Sierra Nevada Mountain Range

Mt. Shasta (Cascade Range) What do lines of latitude measure? Lines of latitude measure how far north or south a place is from the equator. What is another name for lines of latitude? Parallels. What do lines of longitude measure? Lines of longitude measure how far east or west a place is from the Prime Meridian. What is another name for lines of longitude? Meridians

Prime Meridian

Click here to hear a song about latitude and longitude! What is California’s: State Flower: California Poppy State Bird: California Quail State Tree: California Redwood State Nickname: The Golden State State Motto: Eureka! (I have found it!)

I have found it! What animal is on California’s state flag?

The California Grizzly Bear What ocean is California next to? The Pacific Ocean What is the capital of California? Sacramento Who is the ?

Jerry Brown California: Land and People Lesson 2: California's Resources Natural Resource

Something found in the environment that people can use. Nonrenewable resource

Something that cannot be replaced, such as a fuel or mineral. Mineral

Something found in the earth that is not a plant or an animal. Petroleum Commonly called oil, it is formed into gasoline, kerosene, or oil for heating buildings. Renewable resource

Something that can be replaced. Conservation

The protection and wise use of forests, rivers, and other natural resources. Recycle

To use something over again, instead of throwing it away. Alternative energy

Energy, from sources other than coal, gas, or oil, that does not pollute. Brainpop! On Natural Resources

Username: 73.5 Pass: 8300 Where does geothermal power come from? Hot water or steam from underground. Why is it important to recycle? To protect natural resources!

Name three ways energy is produced in California. • Oil power plants • Natural gas power plants • Geothermal power plants • Wind farms • What are three ways you can help protect our environment? • Reduce • Reuse • Recycle! Which National Parks are located in the Sierra Nevada mountains? * Kings Canyon National Park Sequoia National Park Name the largest earthquake fault in California The How many people live in California? Over 38 million people! Name a large lake that is on the California-Nevada border Name a California dairy product that is often advertised on TV Milk (cheese, yogurt, ice cream…) What are piers in California made from? Piers in California are generally made from wood and concrete.

What pier is the longest in the state? Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf. 2,745 feet in length. Built in 1914. Wooden - Longest wooden pier in CA What famous amusement park is located in Anaheim? In what year did it open? Disneyland is located in Anaheim. It opened in 1955. California: Land and People Lesson 3: California's Climate

Elevation How high a place is above the ocean, or the earth’s surface. Sea Level The level of the surface of the sea, an elevation of zero. https://www.brainpop.com/science/weather/climatetypes/ Climate The pattern of weather of a certain place over many years. Precipitation

The moisture that falls to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Rain Shadow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez99nyfSHCk The side of a mountain that is usually dry because precipitation falls on the other side. What causes temperatures to vary in California? Elevation and distances from the equator cause temperatures to vary in California.

Why do the clouds lose their moisture as they travel over the Sierra Nevada Mountains? The moisture turns to snow or ice and drops from the clouds. What is a drought? A long period with very little rain.

What part of California has the wettest climate? The northern coast and parts of the Sierra Nevada. What causes low precipitation in

Death Valley? is in the rain shadow. By the time clouds reach Death Valley, they have lost most of their


How does the Pacific Ocean affect climate in California? The ocean warms the air in the winter and cools it in the summer. California: Land and People Lesson 4: One Land, Many People Culture A way of life a group of people share.

Diverse Great difference, variety

Immigrant A person who comes to a new country to live. Refugee Someone who flees unsafe conditions in his or her homeland

Ethnic Group A group of people whose ancestors come from the same country or area and/or who share the same culture.

Heritage Something handed down from earlier generations or from the past; tradition. What are some reasons people come to California? People come to California: • Seeking freedom and a better way of life • To find work • As refugees Why is it important to celebrate a culture’s heritage? To learn more about people’s traditions and to keep their history alive.

How can we learn about the cultures of California? You can attend the cultural festivals held throughout the year. What makes California so rich in different cultures? Many people have come here from other lands and brought their cultural traditions with them. For example: Latin Music BrainPOP https://www.brainpop.com/artsandmusic/musicalgenres/ Which city in California has the most people?