A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian Daily Press – Socio-Historical Perspective 44-65

. Adrijana Šuljok (21) (21) . ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. 11 .

ABSTRACT The goal of this research was to determine the changes in frequency and characteristics of media reporting of different scientific disciplines in the socio-historical context in which they arise. The research was conducted using the method of content analysis, which comprised Croatian daily newspapers with the highest readership in two time periods: ’socialism‘, from 1986 to 1988, and ’democracy‘, from 2006 to 2008. The constructed week method was used to select a total of 885 articles. The findings confirm the specificities in media communication of particular scientific disciplines in different socio-political contexts, as well as a tendency of levelling media practices in line with global trends, such as growing

2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE orientation towards medicalisation and socio-spatial domination of ’Western‘ news. 44


Author note Adrijana Šuljok :: Institute for Social Research, , :: [email protected] norms norms media forces, market interest, public of by acombination driven biased, systematically are interpretation and coverage filters, stories, and events of selection equally. Their asociety. in disciplines scientific and science of evaluation and position (Bauer, the of is, that 2000), system social aparticular within indicator cultural of as a kind also but literacy’, ’scientific and culture‘ ’scientific co-creating in 1995). as mediators Priest, (Evans and act other media The the on opinion public form they while hand, one the on opinion public reflect partially and specificities of media representations of different scientific (sub)disciplines ( scientific different of representations media of specificities and characteristics the analysing and identifying, examining, on primarily focus research the was cases afew in only disciplines, scientific and topics different of representation media the addressed partially media the in science of studies afew quite that fact the Despite fields. and topics scientific different of coverage media of characteristics the in is, that the specificities of media reporting on different scientific disciplines. scientific different on reporting media of specificities the intoinsight and 2015). overview Šuljok, (see formed a unified to provide tries it finally, And are interests scientific particular and patterns media where (changes context in) social the understanding of importance into insight the provides dimension socio-historical the al. et (see,Bauer disciplines scientific particular of coverage media the in differences cross-cultural and specificities certain in results which countries, developed highly of characteristic those from differ formed are they which in contexts Schäfer, national/social 2012). the and reporting media of patterns Secondly, the (see countries English-speaking developed, highly in by analyses dominated mostly are studies science’ of country, understanding as ‘public a(post-)transition in out carried democracy. and socialism periods/contexts: socio-historical two in disciplines scientific different on reporting media of characteristics the and frequency the determine is to my precisely, goal More arise. they which in context socio-historical the and dailies differentiations in media coverage of science by different analysing fields, Croatian subject. this of breadth the and science of definitions varying the of also but traditions, and interests research individual of a consequence as globally, as well isCroatia probably etc contexts, media and national topics, or news science of definition the periods, time analysed methodology, in differences of because possible) (if difficult often are studies these of comparisons Unfortunately, 2016). 1995; 2005; Volpers, Evans, and Summ Cassidy, 2005; 2008; Schmierbach, Kyvik, However, the media do not engage with all topics (and scientific disciplines) (and scientific topics all with engage not However, do media the media the because inevitable are science of representation media of Analyses The importance of this study lies in a number of elements. Firstly, the research was was Firstly, research the elements. of a in number lies this study of importance The understanding in efforts to research acontribution is to provide study this of aim The A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. etc . Therefore, there can be great differences in terms of quantity and quality, and quantity of terms in differences great be can there . Therefore, ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi a Cover ge of D of age I ifferent S ifferent ntrodu . The current deficit in this kind of research, in in research, of kind this in deficit current . The c c ientifi tion , 2006). Thirdly, this study’s grasp of of , 2006).grasp Thirdly, study’s this c D i sc ipline of the public scientific culture culture scientific public the of in the Cro the s in a ti a n ... e.g. ,

45 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

Media coverage of different scientific fields – literature overview

An overview of previous studies indicates that researchers often focused on reporting on the so-called hard sciences, at the expense of soft sciences – social sciences and humanities. Apart from being omitted from the defined object of study, some researchers suggest that social sciences and humanities (SS&H) are also perceived as less scientific, thus being assigned an inferior epistemological and scientific status, both in the media and in the public perception (Dunwoody, 1986; Evans, 1995; Cassidy, 2008). In other words, scholars suggest that content pertaining to SS&H is written about less frequently and in a different way from disciplines that are ’unequivocally‘ perceived as having scientific methods and findings (e.g., natural sciences), due to the fact that journalists see quantitative research as more precise and more newsworthy (Schmierbach, 2005). Cassidy (2008) notes that social and humanities scientists are not referred to as ’scientists‘ in media 44-65

. stories, but primarily as ’study authors’, which she interprets as resulting from the marginal

(21) (21) position of these sciences in the mass media and society at large (e.g., according to the .

11 results of the Eurobarometer (2001), EU citizens perceive economics and history as less . scientific than, for example, astrology). An additional problem for journalists is the lack of specific sources in social research, especially in comparison with notable sources available for the natural sciences, such as Nature and Science (Evans, 1995, according to Cassidy, 2008). On the other hand, researchers suggest that social and humanities scientists often take on the role of ’public intellectuals‘ – commentators or consultants on a particular subject. A Norwegian study (Kyvik, 2005) showed that SS&H scientists were involved in more public visibility and activity – in terms of producing articles and giving interviews – than their counterparts in natural, biomedical, and technical sciences (Cassidy, 2008). On the contrary, Felt (2000, according to Osrecki, 2012) argues that social scientific expertise

2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE seems to be less represented in the media when compared to hard sciences. Osrecki 46 (2012) offers an explanation: social scientists tend to ’hide’ their professional heritage when addressing a non-academic public. A Croatian study (Brajdić Vuković and Šuljok, 2005) of scientists’ commentaries/expert explanations in the daily press, only partially corroborates this thesis seeing that social scientists were the most represented group (41%), followed by biomedical scientists (32%), while scientists in the humanities were represented in only 11% of the total number of cases.

It can be concluded that, when it comes to the intensity of reporting, international research is not unequivocal on the issue of (under)representation of certain scientific disciplines in media reporting, namely of the humanities and social sciences (Cassidy, 2008). On the other hand, many international studies are almost unanimous in finding that biomedical sciences are predominant in contemporary media coverage of science. This phenomenon was noted by a number of international studies (e.g., Pellechia, 1997; Bauer, 1998; van Rooyen, 2002; Bucchi and Mazzolini, 2003; Clark and Illman, 2006, Bauer et al., 2006, Elmer et al., 2008). Bauer (1998) describes it as medicalisation of (media) science, which he interprets by the general medicalisation of society. Friedman (1986) suggests that journalists find it easier and more gratifying to write about findings that have practical understood in that context as already noticed by Gregory and Miller (1998). Miller and by Gregory noticed as already context that in understood to be ought context, political and economic, social, mutable a specific within constructed disciplines), is which (and science scientific of image media the reason, this For values. and systems social in by differences explainable partly be can that societies different in (Bauer press Bulgarian and UK the in coverage science of study The context. social a in particular evaluated and positioned are they how have and to include science of world the in findings and events relevant and current beyond go science of coverage media the understanding of aspects crucial The science. of coverage media the understanding in as avariable ideology. and disciplines soft (1999) between link closer Hoffmann and apotentially indicate Macrakis Furthermore, influence. to Schäfer, according sociopolitical and 2009) 2003; 2004, (Böschen, debate e.g. (and interests, to public sphere social to the connected more are ’moreto be autonomous’, others whereas disciplines scientific certain for that allow cultures epistemological between differences is, that differentiations, disciplinary on is based interpretation 5). second (Bauer, The 2000: themselves” events scientific the which of least factors, by various is determined science Wormer, and 2012) (Badenschier answer the of of value part are news “the which in etc journalist of background educational forces, market context, organisational and social importance; social controversy; and conflict surprise; of element the observer; to the proximity political and cultural, spatial, criteria: media and social following the with line in (Schäfer, selected are 2009). News selection by media is, that media, mass and sphere public the of theories by the interpreted be can disciplines scientific particular of coverage media in Differences disciplines. science different of presence media varying the for explanations plausible afew are There thesis). (the homogenization diverse less stylistically coverage science the making fields, scientific into other biomedicine from spreading are studies, international by identified were which quotations, expert of use the and personalisation instance, For articles. media to biomedical similar increasingly grows disciplines scientific other on as reporting news science of production the in factor important an become sciences biomedical 2008).Verhoeven, Finally, aspect: (1998) Bauer important athird out points al et (Durant science of representation public the of prototype the into is made news biomedical which in process to the (and refers implication) dimension second The reporting. science in disciplines biomedical of domination overall to the refers dimension first The reporting. media of medicalisation of implications and dimensions in time Researchers different scientific fields periods. different point out several important on reporting media of implications the to understand order in dimensions qualitative and questions. research to fundamental related theories scientific or science fundamental research), about than (such rather life as medical everyday in applications Intertwining these approaches means incorporating social and media context context media and social incorporating means approaches these Intertwining interpreted? be fields scientific of coverage media the in differences may these How quantitative its on to reflect is necessary it medicalisation, on is not focus our Although A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. et al. et , 2006) has already pointed out the specifics of the media coverage of science science of coverage media the of specifics the out pointed already has , 2006) ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi a Cover ge of D of age , biomedicine) and more likely to be the subject of public public of subject the to be likely more and , biomedicine) ifferent S ifferent . In other words, internal factors in journalism journalism in factors internal words, other . In c ientifi c D i sc ipline in the Cro the s in ., 1992;., Bauer, 1998; a ti a n ...

47 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

Social context After the breakup of Yugoslavia, radical changes in the political and economic system have occurred in the nineties: transition from a centrally-planned, government-owned economy to a market economy, the political transition from a non-democratic, single- party system to a multi-party democracy, while the socio-cultural transition comprised wide-ranging social changes in social structure, social values, media changes, etc. (Peračković, 2004). The media in Croatia, including the press, have undergone privatization, commercialization and market transition. Peruško (2013) argues that the media system, institutionalized for the first time in accordance with democratic norms and free market, was and continues to be in constant conflict with the remnants of authoritarian elements.

Newspapers of the socialist period were centralized and controlled by the Communist party (Županov, 1995; Jergović, 2004), but mainly through self-censorship according to

44-65 Peruško (2013). As such, scholars argue that they were not only the source of information,

. but also a means of propaganda and ideologisation. All socialist societies, including (21) (21) . Croatian, harbored the optimistic belief in science and its ability to provide the desired 11 . level of economic and technological development (Macrakis and Hoffman, 1999) that was reflected in the media. The media played a significant role in strengthening the ‘socialist’ ideas and legitimacy. However, according to some authors, the socialist press in Yugoslavia enjoyed greater freedom than the press in other Eastern European communist countries (Jergović, 2004), although a certain degree of isolation was present. The Yugoslav press was to an extent exposed to market forces (e.g., expected to make profit through advertising), but limited the amount of sensationalism in the name of ‘social responsibility’ (Robinson, 1977). However, the transition did not bring about an increase in the quality of journalism (Jergović, 2004). Today, media content includes more tabloidisation, sensationalist reporting, celebrity coverage, advertising and a 2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE decline in journalistic standards/ethics (Popović, 2014; Vilović, 2003). Old journalistic 48 values ​​have been abandoned and newspapers are made up of short texts, sensationalist titles and a lot of photographs (Kanižaj, 2007). Peruško, Vozab and Čuvalo (2013) claim that the Croatian media system falls into the post-socialist cluster, characterized by low professionalization of journalism, low newspaper circulation, low to medium quality of public service television, high political parallelism and a strong role of the state. Today the media are more open and less susceptible to political pressure (than before), but also facing the problem of low professional standards.

Furthermore, during the (post-)transitional period, Croatian society has been occupied with a wide variety of social processes (economy, poverty, war, human rights etc.), boosting social and media marginalization of science. In the situation of armed conflicts, non- transparent privatization, corruption, rising unemployment, and general preoccupation with more important social issues, media coverage of science probably would not hit a significant public response. Science sections were already rare in the Croatian socialist press, but during (post)transition have almost completely disappeared from the newspapers. A similar observation was reported by a Russian researcher Egikova (2005). Social and economic collapse of the USSR led to actual disappearance of scientific the following research questions. questions. research following the scientific background information relevant the and form journalistic the origin; socio-spatial the representation; of level the objectives: research deepened it. deepened tabloidisation and war transition, the yet transition, the with start not did Croatia in science of marginalization Therefore, topics. scientific of marginalization strengthened further just principles market toward reorientation media and Russia in journalism (medicalisation)? press daily Croatian (post)transition the in topics science prevailing the are What period? socialist the in present today? science of then press Was socialist the in medicalisation represented and prominent more were humanities and sciences social whether questions: following the to answer try Iwill precisely, More coverage. media equal receive fields and reports (76%), whereas the remaining 23% comprised longer forms. (76%), longer 23% comprised remaining the reports and whereas news of up made were genres media most that found 2008) Clark, and (Illman visibility science team of Astudy studies. by international established was forms report and news the of dominance The topics. research science about writing when taken approach disciplines. various from articles science of origin socio-spatial in differences are there whether established is to it be Furthermore, (post)transition? in occurred news, science ’international‘ Western toward reorientation opening, whether and news, science (Yugoslav) local the on more and countries Western from news science on less was similarities. as geographical-historical as well development, social and economic of level to the according grouped then were which events/topics, science of (dominant) country out to I want find articles of frequency the analysing By articles. of Frequency representation. of Level to aims answer study this studies, previous the of findings the and theory with line In variables: following the by using operationalized were reports media of Characteristics frames. time analysed >to between changes assess disciplines, various of coverage media the of characteristics >to qualitative examine press, daily Croatian the in disciplines scientific of (frequency) representation of levels >to explore following the from started reports media of structure disciplinary the Examining Socio-spatial origin. Socio-spatial This variable can be a useful indicator of the treatment and and treatment the of indicator auseful be can The journalistic variable form. This to answer Iattempt data socio-spatial Through A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi R a Cover es ear I analysed science articles in terms of territories of origin, i.e. origin, of territories of terms in articles science Ianalysed ge of D of age c h o featured in the texts. the in featured b ifferent S ifferent je c tives c ientifi ands que whether the media focus in socialism socialism in focus media the whether c D i sc ipline whether different s tion in the Cro the s in a ti a

n ... scientific scientific , the , the

49 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

I want to explore which journalistic form is dominant in both time periods and whether there are differences between scientific fields, particularly in favor of the interview when it comes to social sciences and humanities and the role of ’public intellectuals’.

An index/scale of ’scientific background information‘. It was constructed to briefly address how scientific disciplines are treated in media presentations of science, especially in terms of differences between social sciences/humanities, i.e., soft and hard disciplines. An index/scale was constructed by summing up the results of the following variables: whether the articles stated the relevant research hypotheses; research methods; scientific equipment; locus of research; duration of research; the funding sources of research; and finally, the name and the institution of the researcher(s). The sum-up yielded a scale of 0-8 points1.

In this study, I want to determine the level of ’scientific background information index‘ 44-65

. in both periods. Also, I will try to answer whether the media are treating social sciences and humanities worse than other science disciplines and whether biomedical reporting (21) (21) .

11 pattern (‘homogenisation’) is expanding to all disciplines? .


The research was conducted using the content analysis on daily newspapers with the highest readership in Croatia in two time spans: from 1986 to 1988 (Večernji list, Vjesnik, ), and from 2006 to 2008 (Večernji list, , 24sata). These time spans were specifically targeted because they enabled a comparative analysis of science in the media in two politically, economically, and socio-culturally different contexts: first, shortly before the collapse of the socialist regime while Croatia was still part of Yugoslavia, 2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE 2 50 and twenty years later, in the (post-)transition period as an independent democracy.

Despite the fact that print media have for a long time lagged behind television in quantitative terms of influence (as well as readership), and unquestionable strengthening of new media, they were selected to be used in this analysis, primarily for practical reasons (availability and low cost, as well as the relatively easy option of expanding future analyses by incorporating earlier time periods or other media forms), and also because research findings indicate that print media are still an important source of information about science (Nisbet et al., 2002). Further, taking into account the criticism by Evans and Priest (1995) regarding the overrepresentation of elite yet low-readership media in studies, the dailies with the highest readership in the relevant socio-historical periods were sampled. It was impossible, as well as unfounded, to analyse the same newspapers in both time periods. The dailies that have the highest readership today (e.g., Jutarnji list and 24sata) had not yet been founded in the pre-transition period when Croatia was part of socialist

1 If a particular characteristic was not present, the value assigned was zero. 2 When choosing time-spans it was assumed that it was important to capture the late socialist (pretransitional) period as a starting point for analyses and comparisons. Although the late socialist period cannot be fully representative of the entire period of socialism (limitations of this study), the selection of these time-spans provides the possibility of a) expanding the study in the future, that is, expanding analyses of media coverage by analysing earlier/later periods and b) grasping major changes in media coverage of science. sections. Therefore, three weeks daily, not weekly, in news newspaper 2003) scientific to feature Mazzolini, and Bucchi (as by Bader, 1990; noted tendency the of because is necessary which week, days the of in the 2000s. Now Now 2000s. the in newspaper. conservative by list Večernji declined. has readership but 1980s), the Slobodna Dalmacija, 5 The sampling was carried out using the Random Calendar Date Generator programme ( Dublin). programme College, Generator ity Date Calendar Random the using out carried was et sampling 5 The (Riffe months six than longer periods cover that studies in al. especially accuracy, improve would weeks constructed more al. et Riffe in (1952, 4 3 ( well-read and relevant to be used that dailies the Yugoslavia, whereas 7 6 part of the science research process research science the of part as presented were they unless analysis this from excluded were technology addressed covered science-policy issues – such as national awards for scientific research, sessions of parties or government bodies and and bodies government or parties of sessions ’Other’. as labelled research, was –it like the scientific for awards national as –such the issues regulating science-policy document covered ( official the Croatia of Iused Republic the in sciences of perspective/discipline. dominant classification the identify to Itried subjects, interdisciplinary AG Medien Styria by owned is and 2005 in launched was tabloid, total sample of 378 issues out of the total newspaper population 378 of newspaper total the of sample out total issues or to science in general ( general in to science or Bauer analysed. period time al et (Riffe week the content of during variations cyclic as the as well efficiency, of reasons that. on focus not will paper this differences), disciplinary the (establishing goal main its from newspapers. of selection the in information of sources available only as the data publication and levels readership of estimates the on based were period 1986-1988 the for data whereas agency, research opinion public and market independent Puls by Ipsos provided was period time 2006-2008 the for data press).elite Readership the or semi-tabloids, tabloids, of representation of levels the of (regardless period specific that as a(composite) for considered sample therefore were period agiven from dailies Večernji of (with exception the list periods two the between individually newspapers to compare possible not was it reason, this For frames. time two and finaly ceased to exist in 2012in to exist ceased finaly and percent), one to below decline readership their (having importance their lost completely – social sciences, such as psychology, sociology etc sociology as psychology, such sciences, – social According to Stempel, 12 ( 12 Stempel, to According I tried to place every article in the context of the scientific discipline to which it pertained. In cases where articles covered covered articles where cases In pertained. it which to discipline scientific the of context the in article every place to Itried Readers’ comments and questions were also excluded, as were published denials and similar pieces. similar and denials published were as excluded, also were questions and comments Readers’ Vjesnik , 1993: 138). , 1993: ,. 1993;,. al et Lacy Styria Medien AG Medien Styria The basic unit of analysis was the science article, which was identified according to according identified was which article, science the was analysis of unit basic The Sampling. research this deflect topically would individually newspaper every Since analysing A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. , a quality paper, had a wide readership which was later drastically lost. The newspaper was closed down in 2012. 2012. in down closed was newspaper The lost. drastically later was which readership wide a had paper, quality , a (2006) as any article that referred to a science research activity, project, topic, topic, project, activity, research to ascience referred that (2006) al. as anyet article ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL , although there is speculation that a right-wing politician might be behind the newspaper. It is considered a considered is It newspaper. the behind be might politician aright-wing that speculation is there , although Jutarnji list Jutarnji , 1993: 135). Moreover, other researchers argue that one constructed week would suffice, but that two or or two that but suffice, would week constructed one that argue researchers other Moreover, 135). , 1993: a popular regional newspaper, was one of the most widely read dailies in former Yugoslavia (especially in in (especially Yugoslavia former in dailies read widely most the of one was newspaper, regional popular a The sampling was carried out using the ’constructed week‘ method, for for method, week‘ ’constructed the using out carried was sampling The Medi Jutarnji Jutarnji list ., 1995). This is the only method that ensures equal representation of all all of representation 1995). equal ., ensures that method only is the This a Cover i.e Hanza Media Hanza ownership, Croatian under is ., 14) days or a constructed two-week sample is sufficiently representative of the entire year year entire the of representative sufficiently is sample two-week constructed a or 14) days ., hard sciences, Europapress Holding Europapress by & WAZ-Mediengruppe owned was 1998, in launched tabloid, half a , ge of D of age 3 4 . This resulted in different selections of print media in the the in media print of selections different in resulted . This were constructed to represent each year, each a in to represent resulting constructed were ifferent S ifferent 7 . , a halftabloid, has undergone privatization and is today officially owned owned officially today is and privatization undergone has , ahalftabloid, Pravilnik o utvrđivanju znanstvenih područja znanstvenih utvrđivanju o Pravilnik soft sciences as soft as well physics, or as biology such . It is characterized by a wide circle of readers and short news. short and readers of circle awide by characterized is . It c ientifi c D . It leans more toward social democrats. 24sata democrats. social toward more leans . It ., and the humanities the and ., i sc ipline ). All of the highest-readership ). highest-readership the of All random.org; in the Cro the s in 5 , or 189, or each for issues , NN 029/1997). If an article article an If 029/1997). NN , by dr Mads Haahr, Trin Haahr, Mads dr by 6 a ). Topics that e.g., ti a n ...

Vjesnik , an , an , a ) -

51 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

There were two steps in selecting the articles to be analysed. A primary selection was carried out using key words (in Croatian): science, scientist(s), scientific (and other variations on the term ’science‘), research, researchers (and other variations), finding, and study. The second step involved a detailed examination of selected articles individually to exclude those which did not refer to science (for instance, public opinion polls). The primary selection of articles and coding of manifest variables (title, page number, etc.) was carried out by the Presscut media monitoring agency, as well as by an associate independent coder, whose work was supervised by the author8. Further coding was carried out by the author, with subsequent verification (after 12 months) of intracoder reliability using a subsample (5%) of articles9. Articles were selected using Presscut archives and library newspaper collections. My selection and analysis incorporated a total of 885 articles. The data provided by the content analysis was processed in SPSS. 44-65

. Findings (21) (21) .

11 Levels of representation and media standing of scientific disciplines. The results . presented in Table 1 show significant differences in the levels of representation of different scientific fields in the periods analysed (χ²=110,032, df=6, sig=0.000).

Table 1. Overview of representation of the scientific fields by dailies over two distinct time periods

1986-1988 2006-2008 N=475 N=410 Slobodna Večernji Vjesnik Total Jutarnji Večernji 24 sata Total Dalmacija list % list list %

2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE Social Sciences 16.2 13.5 14.1 14.5 5.1 12.4 16.4 12.4 52 Humanities 14.0 17.3 19.9 17.5 6.3 3.8 2.1 3.7 Natural Sciences 18.4 27.1 24.3 23.4 31.6 25.4 11.0 21.5 Biomedical Sciences 32.4 30.8 23.3 28.0 50.6 47.6 68.5 55.6 Biotechnical Sciences 2.2 2.3 1.0 1.7 1.3 4.3 .7 2.4 Technical Sciences 3.7 1.5 4.4 3.4 2.5 3.8 .7 2.4 Other 13.2 7.5 13.1 11.6 2.5 2.7 .7 2.0

The greatest differences between expected and observed values were found in three areas – biomedical sciences, humanities, and the ‘Other’ category, which mostly comprised news articles related to science-policy events. In the socialist period, the highest level of representation was noted in biomedical sciences. The absolute dominance of biomedical sciences becomes even more profound in today’s media: this is especially the case with the tabloid 24sata, where two-thirds of science articles are biomedicine-related, with the proportion of biomedical articles remaining as high as 50% in the other dailies that were

8 In order to verify the reliability of this selection method, an initial test was carried out using a subsample of articles, with the aim of establishing whether articles that were selected by the author matched the articles selected using this method: the result was a high degree of agreement. 9 The intracoder reliability coefficient was high for the analyzed variables (> 0.90). exploration (15.9%),exploration (5.1%) ecology) (especially biology (3.8%). geosciences and space and physics covered that by articles dominated was period socialist the whereas in today’s media was brought about by the change in the way this topic is presented: the cultural aspect of archaeological archaeological of aspect today. cultural the prevalent is presented: is research topic identified this were way the in which change the by articles about brought was media archaeology-themed of today’s number in the in decline The analysis. this from etc excluded were studies, elements previous references, scientific using interpreted were anthropology/ethnology (2%), archaeology anthropology/ethnology whereas of subjects the covered mostly articles humanities-related remaining of number low (extremely) The period. (post-)transition the in eliminated virtually were they articles: (shipbuilding, transportation science, and other disciplines). other and science, transportation (shipbuilding, sciences (1.7%) sciences technical of area the in agriculture ’a and everything‘ of bit by dominated were period (1.8%), earlier the in engineering articles science whereas (2.5%) electrical and technology food are press today’s in daily topics predominant The research. to scientific referred explicitly article the unless as atopic technology excluded which method, selection our partially was this for reason The coverage. media each). (3-4% articles of number total the in to have proportions similar used psychology and science political sociology, whereas disciplines, social other of marginalisation by the accompanied psychology, (10.1%), psychology of field the in topics towards However, ashift was there i.e Jutarnji of exception list the with (about one-seventh, articles science of number total the in share considerable afairly account for sciences Social unchanged. mostly respectively. 5.5%, and 5.8% with period earlier (molecular) (12.8%) biology in by topics is dominated (2006-2008) period (post-)transition the sciences, to natural regard with Overall, elaboration. accompanying no offering while (misleading) messages bones”, your deliver easily which tea fortifies green that find as “researchers such content, with articles and topics biomedical of favour in avoided are and ‘complex’ too considered probably are sciences natural that and newspaper, particular this of character tabloid the 24sata in smaller considerably was sciences to natural that refer articles news of proportion The sciences. to biomedical second remain they but period, earlier the with comparison research. preservation/prevention-related health and prevention on focus they today development, drug and illnesses of causes the researching i.e treatment, of methods and illnesses on more to focus used period socialist the in sciences biomedical on reporting whereas that, shows insight thematic Deeper analysed. 12 11 10 will not be presented, but only those with the highest frequency (more than 50 scientific subdisciplines were identified). identified). were subdisciplines scientific 50 than (more frequency highest the with those only but presented, be not will Expressed as a proportion of the total number of articles covering all scientific disciplines. scientific all covering articles of number total the of aproportion as Expressed Due to the limited scope of this text, the data that were collected on the levels of representation of all scientific disciplines disciplines scientific all of representation of levels the on collected were that data the text, this of scope limited the to Due The definition of ‘science articles’ included those where actors of science were identified, i.e identified, were science of actors where those included articles’ ‘science of definition The Another significant difference that emerged was the proportion of humanities-related humanities-related of proportion the was emerged that difference significant Another Biotechnical and technical disciplines were and remain marginalised in terms of of terms in marginalised remain and were disciplines technical and Biotechnical remain sciences technical and biotechnical, social, of representation of levels The The overall level of representation of natural sciences in dailies is slightly smaller in in smaller is slightly dailies in sciences natural of representation of level overall The A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. when compared to the other dailies. It can be presumed that this is a reflection of of is this that areflection presumed be can It dailies. other to the compared when ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi a Cover ge of D of age 10 and, to a lesser degree, physics (mostly astronomy) (6.1%), astronomy) (mostly physics degree, to alesser and, ifferent S ifferent c ientifi . Archaeology-related articles that did not contain scientific scientific contain not did that articles . Archaeology-related c D 12 and history had dominated the the dominated had history and i sc ipline in the Cro the s in ., articles where the findings findings the where articles ., a ti a 11 ., popular popular ., n ... ., on on ., ). ).

53 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

Finally, a decline was noted in the level of representation of the ’Other‘ category, which we used as a label for articles that mainly covered science policy content in the dailies analysed.

Socio-spatial origin. As Table 2 indicates, different scientific disciplines varied in terms of socio-spatial origin in both time periods analysed, but differences were also noticed within a single scientific discipline over two periods of time.

Table 2. Overview of the scientific fields by socio-spatial origin and time period

Social Sciences Natural Biomedical (Bio)Technical and Humanities Sciences Sciences Sciences 1986- 2006- 1986- 2006- 1986- 2006- 1986- 2006- 1988 2008 1988 2008 1988 2008 1988 2008 44-65

. Croatia 47.3% 26.8% 14.7% 20.0% 12.2% 16.1% 54.5% 36.4% (21) (21) . USA 6.8% 30.4% 30.5% 30.0% 39.1% 44.0% 13.6% 27.3% 11 . Europe – developed 8.9% 30.4% 23.2% 28.6% 21.7% 25.6% 9.1% 36.4% countries World – developed 2.1% 5.4% 8.4% 10.0% 8.7% 11.3% 0% 0% countries World – developing 3.4% 3.6% 1.1% 5.7% 4.3% 1.8% 0% 0% countries Ex-Yugoslavia 27.4% 1.8% 5.3% 2.9% 8.7% .6% 22.7% 0% countries Europe – Eastern 4.1% 1.8% 16.8% 2.9% 5.2% .6% 0% 0% European countries 2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE 54 Both time periods, especially socialism, saw a slightly higher share of ’national‘ news related to the softer disciplines (social sciences and humanities), as well as (bio)technical sciences, compared to natural and biomedical sciences. A comparison between the two periods indicates that the greatest differences occurred in the geographical context of articles that covered social sciences and humanities, and (bio)technical sciences (Table 2)13. As Table 2 shows, in the earlier period over three-quarters of articles related to social sciences and humanities originated within the national context of Croatia and Yugoslavia. Today there is a different tendency, which is to import news mostly (60.8%) from Western countries (Europe and the United States).

More precisely, socialist-period articles related to social sciences or humanities mostly presented new (domestic) scientific publications, or served to inform the readership about scientific (or scientific-political) events, which often focused on prominent figures of socialist (Marxist) thought and/or movement (Karl Marx, Svetozar Marković, Josip Broz Tito). Today, articles that cover social sciences and humanities are dominated by popular

13 It was not possible to carry out a statistical analysis after using crosstabs between individual categories because it yielded a lower or nonexistent N-value, so the research was limited to a solely descriptive analysis. We also classified the scientific fields into related groups for the same reason. Overview of the scientific fields by the journalistic form over two distinct time periods time distinct two over form journalistic bythe fields scientific the of Table Overview 3. sciences. biomedical in especially science, of coverage media in (14%) place second the (Table 3). news the of Table dominance overall an 3indicates news the in (66.5%) written were articles scientific all of two-thirds period, socialist the In portraits. and commentaries fewer and reports, and news more saw period later The portraits. especially and commentaries, interviews, representation: of levels of terms in expectations exceeded forms following the period, pre-transition the In sig.=0.000). df=6, (χ2=30.258, period time the and form journalistic the variables: difficult. be would subject this on generalisation any further articles, these of number low However, Europe. and extremely to the due States United the from coming news of share is alarger there today whereas quarters), mostly come from developed Western countries. country. Today, the they within from to originate period, used earlier the as in as well sciences biomedical and natural of field the in articles of one-fifth Merely striking. less far are periods socio-historical two the between orientation geographical in differences States. United the and countries European in) developed findings and (research studies from originate mostly which topics, related and psychology 2006-2008 Portrait 1986-1988 2006-2008 Commentary 1986-1988 2006-2008 1986-1988 Interview 2006-2008 1986-1988 Feature 2006-2008 1986-1988Report 2006-2008 1986-1988 News Sciences, T. S. - Technical Sciences. T. -Technical S. Sciences, BT. -Biotechnical S. Sciences, -Biomedical S. BM. Sciences, -Natural S. N. -Humanities, H. Sciences, -Social S. S. Note: Journalistic form. (three- country the within originated mostly period socialist in the (Bio)technical news the sciences, natural especially and biomedical, from to news comes it When A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi a Cover

We used a chi-square test to test the relationship between the two two the between relationship the to test test achi-square We used Scientific field Scientific 0.0% 4.3% 0.0% 5.8% 3.9% 1.4% 15.7% 0.0% 27.5% 20.3% 51.0% 65.2% S. S. ge of D of age 6.7% 10.8% 0.0% 1.2% 13.3% 6.0% 6.7% 7.2% 20.0% 14.5% 53.3% 59.0% H. ifferent S ifferent 2.3% 6.3% 0.0% 5.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.8% 19.3% 6.3% 78.4% 69.4% S. N. c ientifi 0.0% 1.5% 0.4% 0.0% 1.3% 2.3% 5.3% 3.8% 18.9% 8.3% 72.8% 81.2% S. BM. c D i sc 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 12.5% 50.0% 0.0% 40.0% 75.0% S. BT. ipline in the Cro the s in 0.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 10.0% 6.2% 10.0% 12.5% 80.0% 56.2% S. T. form, with reports in in reports with form, 0.0% 1.8% 12.5% 73% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 5.5% 0.0% 40.0% 87.5% 40.0% Other a ti a n ... Total 0.7% 5.1% 0.5% 3.2% 1.7% 2.5% 5.6% 5.9% 20.2% 14.3% 70.2% 66.5% form form

55 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

Scientific field Total

S. S. H. N. S. BM. S. BT. S. T. S. Other Other 1986-1988 3.0% 1.3% 1.8% 2.9% 12.5% 0.0% 3.6% 2.4% 2006-2008 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% Total (N) - 100% 69 83 111 133 8 16 55 475 51 15 88 228 10 10 8 410

Note: S. S. - Social Sciences, H. - Humanities, N. S. - Natural Sciences, BM. S. - Biomedical Sciences, BT. S. - Biotechnical Sciences, T. S. - Technical Sciences.

The report form was slightly more frequent (one-fifth) in articles that covered social sciences compared to the coverage of other disciplines, with the exception of the ’Other‘ 44-65

category, which had an above-average representation in the report form. This is partly . due to the scientific-political saturation of these articles. The feature was represented in (21) (21) . a modest 6% of the total number of articles. Twenty years later, the news form remains 11 . dominant (70.2%), while the report form is represented in one-fifth of all articles. The feature, which is a longer, more complex and comprehensive form, is still represented in slightly less than 6% of all cases. The frequency of the news form increases in the category/ disciplines that used to be dominated by other journalistic forms (‘Other‘ and ’Technical Sciences‘). On the other hand, there has been a shift in favour of slightly longer forms – the report and the feature – with social, biomedical, and, to a certain extent, biotechnical sciences, as well as in favour of the interview in humanities-related topics.

Scientific background information. As Table 4 indicates, the average scientific background information index in media articles from all scientific fields was very low.14 2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE 56 Table 4. Index of scientific background information (SBI) by the scientific field over two distinct time periods

Total Total 1986-1988 (N=189) 2006-2008 (N=318) Social Sciences and Humanities 1.8 1.6 Natural Sciences 1.7 1.9 Biomedical Sciences 1.3 1.3 (Bio)Technical Sciences 2.4 1 Average index of SBI 1.6 1.4

14 The index was calculated using only those articles that announced upcoming research, communicated research results, etc. N1=189; N2=318. My criteria in determining whether an article contained methodological and other relevant information were very mild: I included articles that contained incomplete information (e.g., only the number of research participants, incomplete name of institution, and the like). Any more leniency on my part would have resulted in virtually no articles providing relevant background information. (Bio)Technical Sciences. (Bio)Technical who specialise in science topics. science in specialise who journalists and sections science of lack by the characterised generally are media Croatian Secondly, the topics. by biomedical dominated news), often are which agency media portals; web (the sources Internet; international from comes news science of proportion Firstly, Croatia. agreat in space media the of characteristics by several intensified policies. editorial and criteria as by media as well life, everyday in relevance practical sphere, public to link the by their is interpreted which topics, biomedical on reported mostly press daily Croatian the period, (post-)transition the in especially but analysed, periods time both In coverage. media equal receive not do fields scientific that context. social the) in (transformations of prism the through discussed and examined be now will study this of findings The context. socio-cultural wider to its linked is inextricably disciplines df=188, sig.=0.023) (F=3.251, significant but small were differences the period: socialist the during articles in featured information background scientific of terms in disciplines scientific between differences of existence the df=505, confirm sig.=0.202). However, did analyses the 16 15 analyzed newspapers had regular serious sections devoted exclusively to science topics (although one of the best European European best the of one in science (although about topics writes science Tanja Rudež, to exclusively journalist, science devoted sections serious regular had newspapers analyzed kronika), Znanstvena medicine, iz Novosti and (bio)technical topics, which registered the lowest index. lowest the registered which topics, (bio)technical and coveringbiomedical those and period, earlier to the compared information background in improvement aslight saw which sciences, coveringnatural articles between observed cover disciplines different (F=4,696, df=316, sig.=0.003). biggest The were differences that articles in featured information background scientific the between again emerge articles. the of afew in present only were reporting, scientific in is common which methodology, on data and hypotheses research hand, other the On data. this contained articles the of half about researchers: of institutions and names to the referred provided information (Table common 4). sciences most The biotechnical the with along index, highest the registered which sciences/humanities, social the and biomedical the between differences significant but small out pointed tests post-hoc also, sciences; biomedical Croatian Journalists’ Association Journalists’ Croatian the of Vjesnik (Medicina, Istraživanja, Znanost, Znanost, Istraživanja, (Medicina, Vjesnik in 1986-88 in existed topics science with dealing sections newspaper Specialized Due to the low N-value, I grouped the scientific fields into Social Sciences/Humanities; Natural Sciences; Biomedical and and Biomedical Sciences; Natural Sciences/Humanities; Social into fields scientific the grouped I N-value, low the to Due Medicalisation of science, although present in media and societies abroad, is abroad, societies and media in present although science, of Medicalisation researchers by international observations and presumptions confirm findings The scientific and science of coverage media the overview, literature the in stated As There were no statistical differences between the two periods analysed (t=1,279, analysed periods two the between differences statistical no were There When the (post-)transition period is observed, small but significant differences differences significant but small is observed, period (post-)transition the When A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi 15 a Cover . The lowest average index was registered in the coverage of of coverage the in registered was index average lowest . The was resumed. ge of D of age eeni it Pplra nns, oo medicini) u Novo znanost, (Popularna list Večernji in and 16 As Bader has already established (2000), introducing (2000), introducing established already has Bader As ifferent S ifferent D i Jutarnji Jutarnji list usssc c ientifi Association of Association Science the of Journalists activity 2017, In ). the ion ion c D i sc ipline in the Cro the s in . In 2006-8, none of the the of none 2006-8, . In a ti a n ...

57 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

science sections expands the repertoire of science-research topics (and disciplines) in newspapers. Thirdly, some researchers suggest that journalists (especially those not specialised in science journalism, which is the case with most journalists in Croatia) find it easier and more gratifying to write about findings that have practical applications (such as medical research), rather than about fundamental science or scientific theories related to fundamental research questions (e.g., Friedman, 1986). If we add the public interests to these findings, it is not surprising that the sphere of the Croatian media is dominated by biomedical content.

On the other hand, this research did note certain specificities and shifts in the levels of representation of particular scientific disciplines over time. The formerly high(er) representation of the humanities (and some of social sciences) could be explained in part by the potentially closer link between these soft disciplines and ideology (Macrakis and Hoffmann, 1999), due to the fact that the knowledge they produce is closely linked 44-65

. with the broader social context. For instance, a comparison between science coverage in the UK and Bulgaria by Bauer et al. (2006) concluded that the medicalisation of science in (21) (21) .

11 the Bulgarian press was not as prominent as in the British press because social sciences . and humanities had been important as a scientific ideological basis of the Communist Party, and therefore better represented in the Bulgarian media. Although our findings show that the media in Croatia were not dominated by social sciences and humanities even during socialism, these disciplines were still used for ideological purposes to some extent, if not to directly propagate political agendas, then to demonstrate a ‘scientifically’ based and (socially, politically, and economically) successful socialist order in Yugoslavia. In other words, although the press in Yugoslavia had more freedom (Županov, 1995; Jergović, 2004), journalists were still accountable to the official ideology and the state/ political regime. Tanović suggests (2001) that social sciences and humanities legitimised, ‘scientifically’ and ideologically, the political system and mainstream practice of socialism. 2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE 58 Tanović’s claim is a radical, because criticism of and opposition to socialism first emerged among social and human scientist (e.g. Praxis), but our findings (socio-spatial origin and topics; levels of representation of particular scientific disciplines) do corroborate that the ideological impact, as well as their utilisation towards legitimising certain ideas, was more powerful with the social sciences and humanities than the ‘hard’ fields of natural or biomedical sciences. As ideological political functions fade, these sciences decline in terms of media (and social) importance (interests), which is particularly noticeable in the humanities, but also in political science, sociology, and law. In other words, articles with humanities-related content (but also related to some of the social sciences) were more strictly controlled and less sensitive to events in the world of science, and more connected with the social sphere, namely with political interests and influence, which is another confirmation of the importance of analysing social context in the co-creation of the media image of science.

My findings concerning the socio-spatial origin of articles corroborate the link between ideology and soft sciences. Generally, during socialism, the media focused less on science news from Western countries (although they were by no means insensitive to global developments), and more on the local (domestic) science community and its - 1.05%. Croatia cut its relative investment in science in 2006, 2007, and 2008 down to a GDP share of 0.76%-0.9% (source: (source: 0.76%-0.9% of share GDP a 2004 to in down sector 2008 and R&D 2007, the 2006, to in science allocated in was Eurostat investment share GDP relative highest its The cut 72). 1991: Croatia 1.05%. (Petak, - GDP its of 1% totalled Yugoslavia of that investment, and output) existed, and continues to exist, on the margins of world science. world of margins the on to exist, continues and existed, output) and investment, infrastructure, science existing countries), (with Western Croatia its whereas developed in located mostly are science (major global of centres knowledge scientific of production the in have role countries acentral these this: firstly, for explanations two are There countries. Western today, developed in does as it primarily originated, disciplines natural over time. influence i.e. period, socialist the in role ideological sometimes and social, public, prominent to their press sciences) daily the in social the of as some as well humanities, the of (primarily coverage their in decline the Iascribe oriented, nationally more articles media science related making thus character, local amore of often are humanities and sciences social of findings and topics the that afact remains it Although sciences. soft in primarily as well, reporting science of modes in reflected was this reorientation regime, socialist the for consequence of were that issues and politics domestic on emphasis media and societal general former the of disappearance the With selections. article on impact extensive an had politics that Yugoslavia, suggests former of part to be used that countries Union) the and Soviet former the or Russia, (especially Europe Eastern from topics coveringscience articles of number current Further, smaller production. scientific 17 devaluation). their (including science and (national) of knowledge value the towards attitude general society’s is, that achievements, its and science national of especially evaluation, media) (and social of level the on occurred change of Finally, type media. a third different of policies editorial the in achange about brought and sources, news different of availability the increased changes media and Secondly, information countries. Western developed technologically and scientifically, economically, the towards more orienting and up opening meant changes Firstly, political levels. multiple on changes from resulted news 2015). Šuljok, also (see achievements national celebrated which time, the of discourse public disciplines), dominant other as to as well the and science, transportation (shipbuilding, applicability to their ascribed be probably should orientation local formerly the in role today. leading countries Western Their developed towards oriented more are they innovation, and technology, science, of centres of distribution geographical the following origin; geographical their of terms in change asignificant have seen also stories (Bio)technical innovation. and development domestic in role marginal their of to perceptions related be could which frames, time both in media, ideological interest, and more protection from ideological influence. autonomy, more had they less therefore subjects, research content of and terms in character have natural sciences and universal/international Secondly, a more biomedical For instance, Croatia’s public expenditure for science and research amounted to 0.9% of the country’s GDP in 1988, whereas whereas 1988, in GDP country’s the of 0.9% to amounted research and science for expenditure public Croatia’s instance, For Unlike the field of social sciences and humanities, news related to biomedical and and to biomedical related news humanities, and sciences social of field Unlike the The aforementioned patterns of representation and socio-spatial origin of disciplinary disciplinary of origin socio-spatial and representation of patterns aforementioned The the in underrepresented generally were sciences to (bio)technical related Articles ). A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi a Cover ge of D of age ifferent S ifferent c ientifi c D i sc ipline in the Cro the s in , its declining declining , its a ti a n ... 17

59 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

The findings of this study point to other disciplinary differences in the media coverage of science also. The journalistic form reveals slight differences in media reporting on particular disciplines, as well as the domination of shorter and simpler journalistic forms, rather than more complex and comprehensive forms of journalistic expression. In spite of minor differences, the preferred journalistic form in both periods, as well as for all disciplines, remains the news, followed by the report. More demanding forms of reporting, which offer higher quality scientific articles (‘stories’), providing the readership with adequate context, applicability of finding, and basically an analytical approach, are a rarity. This is not surprising, considering the lack of journalists specialising in science and of science sections in the Croatian press. Some studies (e.g., Fenton et al., 1997; 1998) indicate that reporting in the field of social sciences more often takes on the form of the feature, rather than the news. This study denies this, although there has been a slight increase in the share of the feature in the later period. Furthermore, the slightly higher representation of the interview in humanities-related reporting could be a corroboration 44-65

. of the thesis on the role of the public intellectual, as suggested by Cassidy. However, previous findings in Croatia (Brajdić Vuković and Šuljok, 2005; Šuljok and Brajdić Vuković, (21) (21) .

11 2013) indicate that the scientific community in Croatia barely participates in the public . communication of science. Despite the formerly prominent function in demonstrating the ’scientifically‘ based and successful socialist order of Yugoslavia, the science research milieu seems to be characterised by public isolation. Croatia’s deeply rooted socialist heritage, underdeveloped sphere of civil society and civic participation, declarative pro-scientific socialisation, ’unquestionable‘ public trust and support of science18 which was ’achieved‘ partly through political/state propaganda rather than through active involvement of scientists in public dialogue, have resulted in the fact that Croatian scientists are just ‘getting accustomed’ to public communication and performing a public role. Therefore, a further study would be necessary to provide more information regarding the engagement of social and humanities scientists as expert commentators in 2020 2020 STUDIES MEDIA STUDIJE MEDIJSKE 60 the media space of Croatia.

Finally, the findings of this study show that the index of scientific background information in biomedicine-related articles is somewhat poorer. Although the media provide more information on the subject of science and health (in comparison with other disciplines), they fail to provide a more systematic analysis and evaluation. The findings do not confirm the thesis of the inferior status of social and humanistic disciplines, but they do corroborate the results of previous Croatian studies which established a poorer position of biomedicine-related articles. Earlier research (Brajdić Vuković and Šuljok, 2005; Šuljok and Brajdić Vuković, 2013) has shown that media trustworthiness, including the use of expert quotations, was lower in the case of biomedical news, which means that biomedical sciences fared the worst when it came to credible media reports of science content.

However, the aforementioned conclusions reveal a general journalist neglect of the ‘science methodology’ data in all scientific disciplines. The fact that the scientific background information index remains the same, despite the media transition, is a telling finding. In other words, the transition from state-controlled to market-controlled media


The Croatian public still places a relatively high degree of trust in science and scientists (Prpić, 2011). as other aspects of media reporting. media of aspects as other as well contexts, national and media particular within items news creating of modes the communities, scientific disciplinary and media the between interaction of patterns the by analysing study this of continuation adeeper require would generalisations further addition, In findings. the compare and Croatia beyond contexts to national analysis of scope the to expand interesting be would it country, although to one restricted was study Secondly, this media. Croatian the in occurred that changes intense to the owing periods, time different in dailies individual of analyses for allow not did which analysed, were news. ‘Western’ of domination socio-spatial and medicalisation towards orientation as growing such trends, global with line in practices media levelling of as atendency as well contexts, socio-political different in disciplines scientific particular of communication media in sensationalism. and as tabloidisation such patterns, and changes media by broader defined are they yet reporting, biomedicine-related in created not are Croatia in science of communication media of patterns the words, other In uncertainties. potential or assumptions, theoretical findings, to previous linked not are which discoveries, research new to ‘sensational’ science reducing in results this science, on to reporting comes it When processing. superficial and stories sensationalist on emphasis placing of practice Croatia) media (including contemporary the in primarily is based that this ‘homogenisation’ earlier. I believe described trends international the from different somewhat are Croatia in reporting news biomedical of characteristics the but standardised, and similar more is becoming general in News fields. other of coverage to media (homogenisation) pattern reporting biomedical the expanding on thesis the reporting. objective and unbiased of have responsibility not do the media the that mean not does this time, At same the outdated. considered is now topic a science on i.e. as critical, included to be ought information methodological that researchers of insistence former The community. scientific by the applied criteria the and research scientific of as areflection seen be by any means, cannot, science of However, image data. this media the affected certainly most that factors the 2007) are Bajs, Skoko and 2004; (Jergović, journalism of standards ethical and professional of decline continuing as the as well sections, science (or few of) lack the journalists, of training the in courses and education specialised of lack the journalists, science specialised few 2004). Very (Jergović, information of quality the in improvement an entail not did The limitations of this study are partially due to the scope of daily newspapers that that newspapers daily of scope to the due partially are study this of limitations The specificities on hypotheses the confirm study this of findings the aconclusion, As with agree partially only Ican reporting, of Finally, to characteristics regard with A. Šuljok : Šuljok A. ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019. /SUBMITTED: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 PAPER /DOI: SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL Medi a Cover ge of D of age ifferent S ifferent c ientifi , necessary for a thorough journalist report report journalist athorough for , necessary c D i sc ipline in the Cro the s in a ti a n ...

61 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65 A. Šuljok : Media Coverage of Different Scientific Disciplines in the Croatian ... ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20901/ms.11.21.3 / SUBMITTED: 8.11.2019.

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65 MEDIJSKE STUDIJE MEDIA STUDIES 2020 . 11 . (21) . 44-65