TOWARDS GREENER TAXES AND SUBSIDIES IN PACIFIC ISLAND COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES (PICTS) The operator that is in charge of the implementation of the Study ‘Towards greener taxes and subsidies in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs)’ under the supervision of SPC is a consortium of 4 partners: Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) (leader) Emma Watkins
[email protected] Australian National University (ANU) Katherine Daniell
[email protected] Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Ingrid Van Putten
[email protected] University of Queensland (UQ) Karen Hussey
[email protected] Main redactors/Contributors Date of publication Main author: Emma Watkins (IEEP) Contributors: Matthew Dornan and Katherine Daniell (ANU) April 2018 Ingrid van Putten and Sean Pascoe (CSIRO) Karen Hussey (UQ) Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, Konar Mutafoglu, Sirini Withana, Ludovic Bonduel, Susanna Gionfra and Sylvie Eliaerts (IEEP) Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following for their input during the drafting of this report: Fiji: Stacy Jupiter, Sangeeta Mangubhai (Wildlife Conservation Society), Etika Qica, Maria-Goreti Muavesi (IUCN), Dick Watling (Independent consultant), Peter Johnston (Independent consultant), Suzie Greenhalgh (Independent consultant), Herman Timmermans (SPREP) and Marita Manley (Talanoa Treks). French Polynesia: Mahé Charles (Agence des aires marines protégées, Chef de projet RESCCUE Polynésie française), William Vanizette (Direction générale des affaires économiques) Cédrik Lo & Stephen Yen Kai Sun & Georges Remoissenet (Direction des ressources marines et minières), Hervé Raimana Lallement-Moe (Université de la Polynésie Française), Julien Vucher (Institut de la statistique de la Polynésie française), Vincent Joguet (AFD), Winiki Sage (CESC), Sylviane Fauvet (Ministère en charge de l’environnement), Warren Dexter (Vice-Présidence de la Polynésie française), Mireille Bresson (Direction des impôts et des contributions publiques) and Paul Roger de Villers (Independent consultant).