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s llti 1HE NATIONAL EK.A, WASHINGTON, D . C., JULY 15, 1852. VOL. VI. 1 " iui "to tho or no < the It 18 &n I<»r it-uucm, fullest extent.'.' arc willing that the of a actional and FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PEN*SVL- 1 slave free.slavery should form objec- especially the platforms were received by easy thing pouucai the whole They Hupport unjust policy WASHINGTON. I). C. Hon and it was then that the Slave I (for the office-seeker* and the the fur office, t<> put on and throw continent should be overrun with Be true to your and let the scheme VANIA. I Fugitive people, mean, hangers-on rather than principled, third annual aeaaion of thla Inatitntion will Law was to the South, and the Northern <office-holders will hurra for for the a* one doeM a garment, With they should lose a chanceSlavery,to fail in 1852.let tho leaders l>e made to feel given oft'principles. mi end F»r the National Kra anything them all of value Latch a and deliver him into eternal that the that THK Monday, September IJtb, ISji, continuecommence men consented to act as bloodhounds to cap- ilake of getting office.) of thin district very the people it is different. To mggcr, party leans upon Slavery learnt four and a balf mouth*. These Such is the course that the two a FACULTY. W EUTHANASY tore poor fugitives. Then trial by jury was and by some with loud expressions ofcoolly.there is in a party is its principles. they slavery. great u|K»n broken reed, and the miserable of S. M l> Profeaaor of Obetetrtea because it was inconsistent with < are not to eschew for the elevation of parties the country will pursue.they will will not be experimentJoaepb Lotifahore, and B HV IIAKRir.T N. NOTKfl. given up dissatisfaction.willing sacrifice all related l>la*a*ea of Women ai d Children. H The of Massachusetts, We can't swallow that abominable man to take office from one class principle, if they ever had any. to N. K. 1*1. !».. Profeaeor of slavery. Representatives Fugitive any the one Monday. Anatomy. ri.outch ber feet were weary. both and in had Slave Law which the slaveholders are of men. and it to another. great and glorious privilege of.catch- Abraham Llreaey, M. 0., Prvfjaaor of Practice of Med- H very Whigs Democrats, Congress, trying give CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. ieine. B AdJ Ikt tre« ami liiui. their to this the to thrust down our will we For two the of Oswego »* jjrow heavy given sanction all In coming necks: neither years Democracy lnder llarid J. Jobnsou, M. V., Profeaaor of Cheoiialrr ant B Mill looWiit unto Jonus. of our to have condemned the these considerations, and with the THIRTT-8CCOND CONORKSS-rIR8T fUCSSIOH. Toaicoloffy B , away contest, the Democrats based their hopes right discus* any subject, relinquishcounty Compromise the facta us in the it a Wm. ta M. and ,'Se learned oi'Fliin aiiiH'O.w an tluk Kitliof tlvit tlioip oAnuhtiiiknti much less the of human resolutions of their Conventions, in staring face, becomes Cornell, l».,)'rofeeaorof PhyaioloKy Med- B |«*.entlv sacred, subject however f»y measures, is the " ieal Jnri-prudenee. B were too in the traces to be strongest terms that could t>e employed. Shall inquiry.What Duty of thepertinentFree SENATE. K C. Kolfe, M I) .Profeaaor of Surgery. B " deeply party slavery. They say. of the In ilarkm-M, and pain, and sorrow, The so we ask them to eat their follow Mr. Democracy country? Shall they Kllwoxl Htrtey, M. I> Profeaeor of Materia Medina. H moved the of and the of this district who " JlLY <). by appeals humanity, people sit and view such a of TUESDAY, Prgrte." will be conferred and diploma* gntu'ed to the She «s< with and tears mm * triumphur:iuiu in and unreserved progress | a*cking prayer* based their of success on the fact nu.-uniicU I'tkNIU M UIUUl U^ailHV Van Buren "cheerful corruption,tamelp m 11 <*.' a*M 4 fIJ I'Wll.Ildiit-A. Ii> M.ullQ EA OfftA tidbit ftfttF t ha» ml. H Whigs hopes ' and make no effort to it ? We The Chair laid beforo the Senate a The land that her faith had viaioned that the South Scott as the combined forces of who so to these measures We alioll-do no such stay believe report of ibe course of l.ectures. required Hunkerism, loudly committal will not. No.not for an instant shall it by the of the rBKs More clearly with patMing years men. while the North him the bold and oourse of their thing We think Mr. V an Buren egrcgiously they Secretary Treasury, might regardPro-Slaveryapplaud manly the of lie said of them that faint before the in compliance with a resolutioncommunicating,of the Matriculation fee (pell only once) $.'> mi jis an Anti-Slaverv man. But this would not G. A. Grow, ujion the mistaken when he declared Democracy tlu-y a To each Professor Anil she knew that each step in the pathway present Representative, the Baltimore is will rather rememberbattlethe Senate, statement of the sums paid for IO.Ui do. and the meeting here to day was a proof Compromisequestion. will not desert the sacred New Vork would stand ujsin begun. They and for since Practical Anatomy 7.m) Her feet ha<l so patiently trod, in our observation sentiment of Thomas Jefferson, in the times of binding that department printing tirafuation fee VI.OU. that* such a would not muster cause of freedom in this its hour of extremity I'latform. So far extends, " Anril 1 R.1Q Was her nearer the humbug pass the Revolution . Resistance to is Kor further information, apply personally or hy letter bringing glory. with the He concluded with an native town. Harford, which has some 300 not one Democrat in fifty approves of the tyiattfs to DAVIIU M people. up- My !" Mr. Clemens gave notice of a <post paid) J'.tHNSON, I)., Still nearer the City of lied to the men to at- and Van Buren 12 votes in and of its endorsement by the to (lod and, remembering this, theyobedience joint June 17. Uean of the Kacuity, U2H A'Ch street, Phil* peal young pause before they voters, gave only I,aw, Fugitive for the election of a resolution such a will on the armor for the conflict. providing OFKICK IOK KATKITO*. WUHIAOTUK, D.(. tached to or and 1818, will give a for the Free Soil Convention and in unfurling Nationalgird public At length en the t<>|> of the uieunlain themselves Whigs Democrats, majority that the of No one, with the love of human freedom printer, and fixing the prices for KUUISINS, Solicitor of 1'iUtntt, wilt prepare the he called upon them to the of candidate this fall banner, and proclaiming yeomanry The printing necessary Drawings and Paper* for lur l)o(«< the joyful traveller stand. join party under it, he in his can doubt what his duty resolution offered bv Mr. Weller, to ZC. applicauj* p*< had no office to andFreedom.the Vou are at to as much of this the Kmpirc Statr will rally burning heart, to a ente and transact all other business in the line of bin And she sees how the light of His They give, liberty publish is in the contest. It is not to fall select committee the tiledrefer at the Patent Office. He can be presence threats of a mob not their as think The notice for that himself, and libels those lor whom lie coming charges consulted onprofeaeiouall Illumined the beautiful land. might gladden you proper. disgracesback, but to forward' with renewed against the present commissioner to run the juration" relat<ng to tbe patent Un and decision* in the hearts but would be fellow-workers with which I mentioned, you will tind inconventionthe professes to speak "press United State" or Europe. He will procure re on they a strict, Mexican boundary, was taken bearings And beside the dark waters (»od and Christ and all men. and when of 1st. We welcome Mr Hatch to the ranks of the energy, maintaining unwavering up. rejected application* for patents, prepare new papers, and waiting good Susijuthunna Remitter July to Mr Weller then read a of in ail cures where there is ok the Press to the without regard adherencethe Bpeech great obtain patent* any novelty. p<r. That the trout Heaven divide, life's fitful dream was over, in that dread hour A Subscriber Post independent principle, .tone a' a desirous of examinations spirit success which await us We cannot length in reply to one delivered in the Senate diatance, having made at Was He who redeemed and led her they would learn the words of welcome in may Mr. the Patent Office plior to making application for a patent, '* to elect a President. but we can maintain by Kwing, ex-Secretary of the Interior, in forward (post paid, enclosing a fee of flee Safe on the other sidu. Heaven Well done, thou and faithlul From the Trite Democrat (/</.} expectwhich were may doUarsia up good From Ikc Ronton a which is dearer to us. and more preferred charges agaiust Mr. clear statetnenf of their rae« when Immediate attention win servant, enter thou into the of Lord." Congregationali*t. PARTY. principle, be to and all the Information that could be joy thy THE SECTIONAL to the human heart than all the Weller, who had then been removed as given it, obtained FREE SOIL STATE CONVENTION Hon.