
llti 1HE NATIONAL EK.A, WASHINGTON, D . C., JULY 15, 1852. VOL. VI. 1

" iui "to tho or no < the It 18 &n I<»r it-uucm, fullest extent.'.' arc willing that the of a actional and FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PEN*SVL- 1 slave free.slavery should form objec- especially the platforms were received by easy thing pouucai the whole They Hupport unjust policy WASHINGTON. I). C. Hon and it was then that the Slave I (for the office-seeker* and the the fur office, t<> put on and throw continent should be overrun with Be true to your and let the scheme VANIA. I Fugitive people, mean, hangers-on rather than principled, third annual aeaaion of thla Inatitntion will Law was to the South, and the Northern e made to feel given oft'principles. mi end F»r the National Kra anything them all of value Latch a and deliver him into eternal that the that THK Monday, September IJtb, ISji, continuecommence men consented to act as bloodhounds to cap- ilake of getting office.) of thin district very the people it is different. To mggcr, party leans upon Slavery learnt four and a balf mouth*. These Such is the course that the two a FACULTY. W EUTHANASY tore poor fugitives. Then trial by jury was and by some with loud expressions ofcoolly.there is in a party is its principles. they slavery. great u|K»n broken reed, and the miserable of S. M l> Profeaaor of Obetetrtea because it was inconsistent with < are not to eschew for the elevation of parties the country will pursue.they will will not be experimentJoaepb Lotifahore, and B HV IIAKRir.T N. NOTKfl. given up dissatisfaction.willing sacrifice all related l>la*a*ea of Women ai d Children. H The of Massachusetts, We can't swallow that abominable man to office.to take office from one class principle, if they ever had any. to N. K. 1*1. !».. Profeaeor of slavery. Representatives Fugitive any the one Monday. Anatomy. ri.outch ber feet were weary. both and in had Slave Law which the slaveholders are of men. and it to another. great and glorious privilege of.catch- Abraham Llreaey, M. 0., Prvfjaaor of Practice of Med- H very Whigs Democrats, Congress, trying give CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. ieine. B AdJ Ikt tre« ami liiui. their to this the to thrust down our will we For two the of Oswego »* jjrow heavy given sanction all In coming necks: neither years Democracy lnder llarid J. Jobnsou, M. V., Profeaaor of Cheoiialrr ant B Mill looWiit unto Jonus. of our to have condemned the these considerations, and with the THIRTT-8CCOND CONORKSS-rIR8T fUCSSIOH. Toaicoloffy B , away contest, the Democrats based their hopes right discus* any subject, relinquishcounty Compromise the facta us in the it a Wm. ta M. and ,'Se learned oi'Fliin aiiiH'O.w an tluk Kitliof tlvit tlioip oAnuhtiiiknti much less the of human resolutions of their Conventions, in staring face, becomes Cornell, l».,)'rofeeaorof PhyaioloKy Med- B |«*.entlv sacred, subject however f»y measures, is the " ieal Jnri-prudenee. B were too in the traces to be strongest terms that could t>e employed. Shall inquiry.What Duty of thepertinentFree SENATE. K C. Kolfe, M I) .Profeaaor of Surgery. B " deeply party slavery. They say. of the In ilarkm-M, and pain, and sorrow, The so we ask them to eat their words.to follow Mr. Democracy country? Shall they Kllwoxl Htrtey, M. I> Profeaeor of Materia Medina. H moved the of and the of this district who " JlLY <). by appeals humanity, people sit and view such a of TUESDAY, Prgrte." will be conferred and diploma* gntu'ed to the She «s< with and tears mm * triumphur:iuiu in and unreserved progress | a*cking prayer* based their of success on the fact nu.-uniicU I'tkNIU M UIUUl U^ailHV Van Buren "cheerful corruption,tamelp m 11 <*.' a*M 4 fIJ I'Wll.Ildiit-A. Ii> M.ullQ EA OfftA tidbit ftfttF t ha» ml. H Whigs hopes ' and make no effort to it ? We The Chair laid beforo the Senate a The land that her faith had viaioned that the South Scott as the combined forces of who so to these measures We alioll-do no such stay believe report of ibe course of l.ectures. required Hunkerism, loudly committal will not. No.not for an instant shall it by the of the rBKs More clearly with patMing years men. while the North him the bold and oourse of their thing We think Mr. V an Buren egrcgiously they Secretary Treasury, might regardPro-Slaveryapplaud manly the of lie said of them that faint before the in compliance with a resolutioncommunicating,of the Matriculation fee (pell only once) $.'> mi jis an Anti-Slaverv man. But this would not G. A. Grow, ujion the mistaken when he declared Democracy tlu-y a To each Professor Anil she knew that each step in the pathway present Representative, the Baltimore is will rather rememberbattlethe Senate, statement of the sums paid for IO.Ui do. and the meeting here to day was a proof Compromisequestion. will not desert the sacred New Vork would stand ujsin begun. They and for since Practical Anatomy 7.m) Her feet ha|> of the uieunlain themselves Whigs Democrats, majority that the of No one, with the love of human freedom printer, and fixing the prices for KUUISINS, Solicitor of 1'iUtntt, wilt prepare the he called upon them to the of candidate this fall banner, and proclaiming yeomanry The printing necessary Drawings and Paper* for lur l)o(«< the joyful traveller stand. join party under it, he in his can doubt what his duty resolution offered bv Mr. Weller, to ZC. applicauj* p*< had no office to andFreedom.the Vou are at to as much of this the Kmpirc Statr will rally burning heart, to a ente and transact all other business in the line of bin And she sees how the light of His They give, liberty publish is in the contest. It is not to fall select committee the tiledrefer at the Patent Office. He can be presence threats of a mob not their as think The notice for that himself, and libels those lor whom lie coming charges consulted onprofeaeiouall Illumined the beautiful land. might gladden you proper. disgracesback, but to forward' with renewed against the present commissioner to run the juration" relatrr.it, Tiksdav, July t», 1802. were received with the most enthuisastic great Whig partieB Baltimore Convention, and we hope it will be | proposed by servility, week. promptly forwarded to them by mail both a room week the Democratic and V\ of the Thursday AH letters on business must bo and grin-. We have not this post paid, enclose « One of tlie greatest cheers: read attentively. big parties fhe bills were then Anti-Shivery meetings 1. That the Slave I.aw shall never for extended remarks thereon. We trust none the issue. following taken up and suitable fee where a written opinion I* required ever held in Massachusetts, or in any other Resolved, That the is Fugitive upon Slavery country a bill for the relief of I.. M. {yy«MJteeon K street, opposite t he Patent wffioe. Is* repealed. are uecessary for our readers It for passed: Ho has tbe bouor of referring, to lion H. part of the luiteil States, was the Kree Soil the party of the Cnion and thepre-eminently speaks and a bill for the relief of by permission 2. That it shall never lie dormant upon the itself It is eonenr in the Ft1tin the others; GoldsboroughL Ellsworth and Hou. Editsund Hurke. late Couitnieeiotieri Convention held this in Worcester. It of law and of order, of freedomConstitution.and of plain.we fully PeopleJournal. Pennsylvania. Richard of and to thoee for whom he has transacted btn;i. day statute-lsNik. but shall be and a that whoever Fitzpatrick. Patents, took so multitudinous progress.that it is in its unsparingly of Democratic friend, remark PITTSBURGH CONVENTION The Senato near during tbe past seven vears IARI.BORO' HOTEL. determination The most and the and disunion.is of the subject public voting for. This was spoken especially in The reader will see. under our editorial head, Wednesday, Jui.y 7. HOUSE. JKSKS distinguished equally regardful that no man shall talk with his * PARKS ablest men of the State were and the of of the welfareremark; to the Slavery question And truly referencethe the call for a National Convention of the Free Mr Atchison the of a TKMPKKANCEW9 Washington street. Koetots W. JKNk> there, every part country.maintains !s>r about it or alsjut the condition of presented proceedings March g«- l*o flKIK meeting when it met in the afternoon, in the the right of all men to before neigh Platform is worthy of the man they have Democracy to meet in I'itteburgh, on the 11 th public meeting in Missouri, in favor, of the liberty, equality slavery whioli called it forth. the * the laws it, as the chief standard-bearer of of next. of a Territorial Government (NUMBKM NffAIM W r MH 1 k i . tent, iiumliered fully five thousand iiersons. and inav. therefore, justly claim to In- the sake of the u[h>ii placed August for theestahlisuient be the true 4 All this shall done for Sectional of Pierce is We are at the of this of Nebraska. 'fAHIS establishment, founded in I'M'!, is situated near the The unanimity of the meeting was in keeping Democratic party of the Cnion Fh»g S1a\er_v. rejoiced publication Territory of preservation ot these gT'-at parties, and to the Hunker of we trust our readers will as much Mr. L village tfcuth Orange K«»ex county, New Jerrey, wnn lis vigorous Nj.irjt. Mow unlike the Resolved, That the Whig and the Hunkers.preferredemphaticallyby call, and be Clemens introduced a joint resolution tivs uiiles from Newark, mid fourteen uiilei. lroui the the iiermanenee of the Union. securethe South without a written one we tin wo are. city and Whig Conventions at Baltimore.I>«-niocraticic parties, by thu platforms which DemoeratIthey have pledge (a pleased with it We like the place providing for the election of u public printer; at it New Vork.ou the lineul the AC rris \nd Essex rsiiw.v U.I..oI u..n: 1 .1.1.. I Now, men. und had men. and (ill men, to with which arc landed at the Station Hnu« ot instead of two <>r three ..v.j u at muiiuuir, u.i>»* good mean.) any of the lately slaughtered, of much better than Cleveland. the present and at the first session of each sue- by passengers the spending days in uu«;j;w [Iiru^ru of course, free to as. we tit to meeting establishment. a tew minutes' waU fre better each House a viva in squabbling doing and last against of pledge*. " liecausereeding Congress shall, by 'lite location upon the southeastern elope of the nothing, principle these and the nominations founded " Orange to ih> verv freedom. ami in fat or of the sectional platforms tionof the Alien anil Sedition Law put forth from the South. attendedvoce vote, elect a who shall be mountain, commanding * view of one of the loveliest compelled something differentbeing vve by delegates public printer, from what of have themselvesinstitntiontqsin them,and already hear and read at Baltimore, is in harmony with the The State Central Committee of this State allowed the established the resolution and two ot the prettiest villages in Kasttrn New ,}ervalley* they intended, they got through the slavery pledged perfect prices by sey On the ea«t and northwett it is sheltered moun discussions of the relative merits of Pierceearnestcharacter of the man who as a member of by whole ot their business in one day. ami with against free speech as well as against free soil; will issue a call for a State Convention soou. of 1819, with a deduction of.per cent taiue from the sea air and cold winter wir.l* and and Scott and Graham. Hut for and All the for such an are the most There was a and. 011 the most now King oppoaed the Right of Petition CongressFree and we the freemen of this county will to the Committee on Referred rtqnisitva establishment here perfect harmony. unity important i|iicstion we so as the hope Printing vi/ mountain ourselves, have not got far yet Discussion. The Democratic is now the a found, pure spring water, beautiful and re of purpose ami a firmness that, made this the people, have bound themselves tobeforea party take immediate steps to secure Mr. from the Committee on the tired whIkh the wo sis and the mountains for consideration of the men. nor do we see how Sectional Its test Bradbury, through upon formidable, and well calculatedConventiondisgraceful silence, more to the party.the Slavery party in both the State and the Nationalrepresentation the several miles in extent, and > hielded from the wind/in really appropriate U'B» vImiII MVI'I* IM't III Villlll till' tll.it I. irillM Judiciary, reported adversely upon *' and the a«n in to make Inith the I 'eimsTutie and W of than to the citizens id' a Pi / r ; is a sectional one the State of California to have the summer; springs and e.reame alongwinterthe log parties subjects des|Mitism We could nut vote l'<»r Gabriel himself Conventions.by applicationday various paths, and picturesque scenery. tremble for their fate at the upon Ibr the electors of President to vote in In the in the rear of coming republic a as changed ravine, immediately the institution, hucIi either of thcs« two. We From the Kintska e the V a election -for both of them are inPresidential Resulted, That slavery is a sin (Jod platform (li ) From Wyoming (iV. ) that State. Hows beautiful brook Upon tbe margin of ft is stream, dangei agaiust arc not to cast our vote.were it even which descends in a accession »t are e of the third and a crime man and ready yet 15tk. The Senate on motion Mr. Davis, rapid ciscedes, ti I being tripped up by party, which against for the favor of the '/V/rgrupA.Democratic. Mirror.liurnliurner).June then, by ul-door baths, a irreat variety of whieb have been provided will construct a and alike demand its highest archangel.in THE RESOLUTIONS took the hill to amend the act Among these are found the and fabii the assuredly platform and humanity, patriotism, that.Christianity, a wo OF THE DEMOCRATIC CON THE NOMINATION AND THE PLATFORM. up providing rising |{ douche, of law whigh consider irrevocahlencss running and risiiw airz-baths. the the candidates at the National Contentionnominate:(t abolition by those who have the constitutional better for the lives of on * running fui'-liath, VENTION security passengers wave baths and to in favor of a withdrawal of the infamous Hut there is one consideration in this whole piuiigv and Pittsburgh. legal right abolish it. vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam. In the grove, a lew rodi from the institution, a capeeloini right of free thought and free inalienableWe have not room to we bs* Gen iVilson then, on ls>hulf of the State Rendred. That the Federal Government review them seriatim. matter which have not yet noticed. How Mr. Davis thou read a statistical speech upon swimming-bath been obtained by damming the from that very subject which needs thoughtdiscussion on to endorse c on at re., in tor this a pleas-lit screen is turmoilmountainby a Central Committee, called the Convention to exercise its constitutional itow«r to They go all the former Baltimore stand these andidates the; the of &c.. ought and discussion in favor of our slavery question, subject accidents, explosions. light awnmg engrained to the surface of the pond atl -r-ling to order the most; degrading and Kciihnllett resolutions and the and what Platform did the Baltimore and at Murk Ihsdittle, Ksq,regularlyof prohibit American slave trade, to abolish true into the seinhlanee of pledge loss of lite and property to thoseoccasioningladies children all times ample opp.rlunity tor gain was citizenship to the endorsement of the Slave Of Mr. there is no doubt nig that valuahle a knowledge of the ait Hclchertovvn, chosen Chairman tern , in the I district of to parly Convention on steam and in of acoouiplisbueut, pro slavery Columbia, guarantee or Fugitive adopt' King vessels, explanation of and to which tin) Russian serf Hungarian Law and measures and hind the He is ultra and and talks passengersswims iwg. Hobert Carter, of Secretary. A freedom the Territories by the enactment of something Compromise rabidly pro-slavery, the details of the hill. The hill from uiaii.v points in the walks where the prusi-ect Is not Cambridge, hauer, would scorn as Is-neath the level of his the virtue its as provides Committee was then appointed, of organic laws forever excluding from party hy of most solemn of abolitionists if they were onlv tit for the remediesintercepted by wi-ode, an extensive panoramic vi»w is pre consisting slavery own forfait possible contingencies seiited of tho cities o New and tbe towns one from each District, to a list of thcui, and to retusc admission into the Uuiou MiHiluntiirif degradation promises, and oaths to the protectionresolutions,and halter. Mr Pierce's -*?'-},1 to &e. for a York, Brooklyn, report, We wait for a upon which we can of. the positioijufc3t>' life, by providing penalties, dangVrotisadjoining, Kao Ibis, during paet winter, wings, eaeh 3l Spooner, of Boston John solred. cordially concur in the TOWNSHV*-"DISTBiq;this oath for the of K i Law. All but Mr Pierce and Mr. Butler, who Mr. amendments by f>I feet, with p azzae, making in all '2.lil leet of sheltered of 1my mjii'i"" "IflriuaiOli fs r)Kitnal sustaining Geyer proposed covering JJJalfrey, Cambridge John B S K. sentiment expressed by the latp^JjY'to Hi man Si.avkhv is called [)i:mocracv.kkvai. did not at all. answered in as abject a most of which were prouiena e, have baeii »dd-d llcs des tbe large number ol Alley, ' »y«.iiiocratic reply eighteen printed pages, eh "ffsnitVuil Stonehani; J W. of National Convention. tn- The of the of There is no tew, sweet, and wel-rentilat'd .inhere thus obtained, a Graves, Lowell; "* Democracy township Klyria, and the Democratic nartv is nledired hv their manner as slavery could ask. doubt, to. beautiful hall Sj fifl and 14 feet and Sew alb "^Worcester ; Win ioru» '*> "* tne federal agreed dining by feet, ceiling Jackson, of, Lorain county, Ohio, assembled in the resolutions to carry out the or else however, that Mr. Pierce is in favor of the Com- The bill, as amended, was ordered to he a readltig-rooiu, and a well-arranged lady's t.atu room, have John M. Karle.ur of is one of limited powers, derivedGoveruicblsolely sentiment, been added Siind"J*-"* June -titli. A Ivan Wooster it is u cheat and a lie. hut whether he believes it necessary ami the Senate Newton. H R. « from the Constitution and the of presided,Courthouse, promise: adjourned These increased facilities will enable the institution here liuhhuiu) '..viand;Caleb grants power the the to the salvation of the Union that Northern printed, of Kaston Joel Williams made therein to he construed K I, Warner was chosen J M They oppose distribution of proceeds after to receive, and romfwtubhj ]>rovt'le J\n, upwards of Swain, Hnyden, of ought strictly by secretary. of the and refuse to the freemen should he made slave-catchers law, one hundred lure-H uesU. and Wm M. of all the and agents of the Govern- J. J. H. public lands, give by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I'h« establishment is fur the burgh Walker, Philli]iatoii. departments Lincent* L. D. (Jriswold, Strong, jun., man a home: and ask of land we do not know We do not believe, however, admirably adapted Secretaries..Robert of iiient: and that it is inexpedient and danger- they landless Tuesday, Jui.y t». practice in winter (which (Vr many diseases watercurei* the Carter, Cambridge: Uoynton. II. Faxou, M. D. (jalpin, and K. L. their votes. endorse the reformersthat any consistent Kree-Soiler can vote for most lavorable period of the year,) being ir tea up in a Geo. G. Hoar, of Worcester; S B. Howe, of otis to exercise doubtful constitutional power* They plundering and with abundant of cn>d were a committee to draft of Mexico, and its atrocious war. and ask him. The House resolved to meet future at manner, provided supplies superior A J. Aikens, of North Adams; and therefore, Wcuver, appointed you and hot water ladles who require It need not leave their Caiubndge; to make one of its tenth-rate The Platform at Baltimore will be eleven o'clock instead of twelve. as and S. L. Gere, of Resolved,, That Congress possesses 110 l csoliitioiis expressive of the views of the ineetng. generals adopted room* for treatmeut, private hath* art attached to a large Northampton. authority of the United States Presidentfound in our columns. Of that which does Mr. Houston, of Alabama, moved .that the number of them. I'Ik; was then whatever to for the rendition of the part A Divine blessing invoked upon legislate fugi- i They reported following resolutions, we have on the hill terminate at J 2 bowling-alley and billiard table are attached to the es denounce nationul banks, as a mere not touch the slavery question debate Deficiency tahl is b me lit the the Rev. Mr. ti\es from service or labor, such , after several were They Convention, by Biggins legistation vhich, spirited spcecheH, and these same men at home are to We believe it is the old o'clock, which was to under the The room it with some of the Mr. then addressed the a encroachment the assertion.say. nothing agreed reading supplied chief Convention, being dangerous upon * of the Union.several New Yolk dailies, a number I'hillips : r ci .i i I i* i inanimoiisly adopted: i and Directors of hanks chartered Presidentsthe Platform up to. and including No.Democratic10; hut of the previous question. operationjournals that a favorable crisis had now arrived. sovereignty Rename such ® Based to the liberties, and stiver- < upside dow n in efforts to foster, strengthen,heturn5(1 desecration of the whole temple Democracy. hill. the whole of a double room, or rcuuiringaatra occupying freemen might neither s|s>ak nor Americanthink. excluded from territory. guard rights, to will be lijarJ *f ®ionitc of the Ticonic ami lias adontcd as ear. < ind it And as for a Christian who will chain Mr. Howard, of Texas addressed the House charged accordingly, privateattendance, 0 He asserted that the candidates of both Iti solved. That a dun to the perpetuate help week. Children received parties regard princi- in " ' Hitherto t&e Abolition in Ike Cod's and deliver it to and in to the line between New $-1 [>er always Ktrants, had their adhesion to the pies and spirit of the Federal Constitution do- *' iiiul principles itn creed, F.qiial and ofSlavery Stair*, image, stripes death, opposition boundary conditionally. given Compromise 11 to all ami a free discussion of the action of or of other we his poor soul! The Devil will sooner Mexico and Texas, which, he had been Patients must provide themselves with four coarse thick measures, and forfeited the mantis that the funds of the Govern ment should justice men, ex.t-tthrough Congress pity said, end voluntarily support 11ill to the un«l liher- States, has been the target of denunciation bo an angel of light than the one uan lie a true run by Mr. Bartlett. llneu ehetts, two thick b ankets, two thick comf >rtera, u! the Free Soil could be be from institutions. subjects pertaining rights j incorrectly ail or, when the same may he hired of party. There only kept separate banking 'ie.s of men ami in all conditions:" but these new resolves denounce all Democrat or the other a real Christian. We Mr. Chandler, of and towels; unavoidable, one victorious or that inland and ocean should be re- everywhere, agitation Pennsylvania, followed, the institution 'or $1 per week finality.truth vanquished postage to or on abominate the sentiments of these in defence of in* to from New to the lowest no And whereas the Ilaltimore Convention, held adverse slavery, anywhere any ground resolutions; replied, the Collins steamers, to Per* coming 'he establishment York, the world was on (bleed 1 I ll...... # ,.l ..... T...I f at IV) Throughout going that possible point.that To have been h. to unu mil imimi » " " "HI 1-1-1- the remarks Mr. leave the fo t of ourtlandt 8 1-2 sml 10 o'clock A. revenue than m the 1st of Juno inst has established a whatever. friend the !'<». of Breckinridge on between liberty and des]s>tisni in whichcontestmore should be raised is required of from to tbotie who Saturday. and 4 and 0 o'. lock P M. Upon leaving Newark the to tho of the ' Platform for the Democracy of the Union,National Proviso in 1H17- 8-'!). is to have been Wilniotnigs loathing sticking He insisted upon the necessity for exertion to should he not fled tuat he has passengers forconductorthe the Free Soil was necessary exjienscs public ' >><* party engaged. defray to the former and in agitation, andsomehow-so them. They ought to sink any party meet the efforts of the British Government to Wtafaew.l '»ire» Ths timet Miit'iMfl in r«.M*hin thai one of two were evident: either that exercise that power, whenever such nation, fully only Liberty,members bondage corruption being Superintendent., things improve- and doctrines of Slavery, that incurs the nroscrintion of false it to and misery. Whenchainedthat encourage a and as fastening upon Vlitchell, directed to* South Orange, K**. x county, New the Convention was too or the Hall too incuts are necessary lor tho common defence, dangerous tyrannical foregoing oppression monopoly, l«r*ey. large, the Platform stand I time comes, it is tsissihle that will act the National the of Illustrated circulars will be small that, hundreds were unable to obtain or lor tho protection of commerce with foreign they upon therefore, tcmocracy'" parties Treasury expense carrying sent, pout paid, ou at plication That we. Democrats of Lorain That thf of nil tbo harbors for and not for sjmils. freight to by mail to tbe Superintendent IVlay 27. admission, and lie moved that w hen the nations or among tho States. liisolvrd, improvement* piHnciples, Kurope. That the county, will not submit to or endorse these and rivers in the Northwest should he When he had concluded, the. House adjoin av hnss« ii*:kh\ phtokal, it be to the tent Rcvjlved, public land-of the United singled * Mr I'ierno's is well known tin or adjourned, spacious Convention our and this monstrous out and as inconsistent and position enough by ron cukb the Common, at »' o'clock which motion States should be held as a trust lor the benefit outrages upon rights, proscrilied this time. ./v/. Km. lied.COUGHS. upon abandonment of the Itomocratie ereed. hut will is not so much to he wondered at; it is Wkdmkaday, July 7. COLDS, HoAUSKNKSS, IinONCHiTIS, was carried a unanimous vote. of the people, and should hegranted. in limited undcmocratie. WHOOPING-COUGH, CLOUD, ASTHMA, AMI* by stantl our old Platform heretofore a of and dollars and CONSUMPTION. Letters wore then read from the without charge to actual settlers upon partly question policy, From the Manchester // ) The House again met yesterday afternoon, following quantities, and we cents, and can (N. G t Nli tbe the bank thereof *hall grow who were absent from Resi>1red, That every nation has a to hereby reaffirm es|s'eiallvestablishedthe Democrats properly entertain Democrat.(KihIicul and sat till o'clock, in Committee by riter, upon gentlemen, necessarily right titli at the views hut the whole ol Democratic).June I ~,th eight being A all trees for mtat, whose Wat shall not fade, and the the Convention Hon. K. L. Hon. choose its own Government and arrange its own resolution passed Convention held different that principle on the state ot the Union. fruit thereof shall be for meat ami the leaf thereof tor med Keyes, our on in " . Hon. Charles Allen, Hon. affairs ami any foreign interference with that in county the 2d of September, 1K5I, Democracy, tbeiiuestion of Humanity, THE HUNKER DEMOCRACY AND ITS CANDI Mr » enable, of INortli Carolina, made a leine which is as follows: and human Kn.u should not he Here was for tbe a ek recorded and .In hurt K (fiddiiigs. Hon Charles Summer, right is a dangerous violation of the law of rs, onlyMannoon, DATES against the Icon us to the Collins line of hope long ago, erery II.... K-lnw...' i> ri.u^o That the Fugitive Slave Law, enacted hut scouted and and its year add* new proof to the aaiirance that these promise* against which all inde|>eudent nations, ignored, despised, Platform laid at steamers should and vvhieh should last Congress, is in derogation of the geniusbribe! threatened and insulted was moreadvocatesHut it is in the Baltimore, Messrs Cnrtter. of Ohio, ami Kvans, of shall not tail. The letter of Mr. Chase in regarded us of protest, theyGovernments and w hich man is commanded to A* Medical Science discover* and the endeavor all means to of our Free Institutions an unwarrantable than any Democratic Convention had power or upon every in of the line. designates great importune* hy proper prevent: stand or suffer the of excommunication. Maryland, replied sup|>ort nature ha* given one by one, the disease* that afflict the is it the of tree nations to upon the sovereignty of the Statesonertmchmontauthority to-do Since they have done it, let jsmalty This after the were read rentsdie* After reading of the letters hud heen especially duty that we see the absence of of morning, journals our race yield to the control ut art Of all the maladies we the and the intervention of a violation of the principles of natural and tliem take the consequences and the wrath to any recognition the of the Post Othee Committee wore concluded, Convention adjourned till the against prevent protest the fundamental of as reports 411 IT..r fii.m nuns liii AirrisC iaim vleliins to an untimely to or religion: an of revealedootnfl. principle* Democracy, a was afternoon. despots suppress Republican assumption legislative and declared made, and hill establishing post roads *r*?e than Consumption uf the Liinfi Subjoined we glre power without, constitutional and a Here arc the resolutions in fhll. Head and they were understood by to the progress of the forenoon Governments. Constitutional authority, ( dismissed at, considerable length, relative some evidence that thi» too may be cured, and that, PuN Poring meeting monstrous exhibition of cru them and tlu n act like a man and the Fathers of our glorious Jefferson in the crowd became so Resolved, That we, tin- Free-Soilers of tyranny, injustice, digest additional to the Postmaster in all their be removed the City Hall, great and True, some wordy valor is shown over giving powers miliary Complaints, forms, luay by that it was addressed from the in Convention assonihled, Massachusetts.olty oppression.' onstitutionGenwal. Cherry I'rrtoi at. outside, ste|>s cordially That inasmuch as we the the grave of a National Hank, the Band Hon. John (J Atnasa Walker, approve of that policy hy which Massachusetts Resolved, repudiate From the luJtjHiolml Itemorrat, Concord. N // The yeas and nays wore taken on an Space will not permit us to publish here any proper)ion by Paltrey. Platform, as a villnnous uimhi our scheme, Assumption of State Debts, of J*tate of Muss., Key. Edwin lets been saved from the degradation of giv ing outrage THE' ONVTN Distributionmaking all roads roads, whichamendmentwas of the cure* it has effectml, but the Agent below named wifl Secretary we also the men riOH AT PITTSBURGH and other fossil issues long since buried and post and Pr J IV Stone. her to the pro-slavery administration rights, repudiate nominated #>.r» 100 furniah our t ireular, tree, where on are lull particular* and Thompson, support the and hold them not as well Worse than this, negatived.yeas nays of Millard Fillmore, and hns been in her upon Platform, a call the Chairman of the nigh forgotten. they Hie then a indisputable proof of thee* facta Session kept Hy signed hy a to House resolved itself into Afternoon nih, hut as mere o| the l)emin even go back half century dig up and Sufferers: read and f ir old and punier attitude of opposition to the appendages present Free Democratic National Committee, it will of of the Whole on the state of the Union.Committee judge >ourselves. The Convention was called to order at 2 slave winch she has heeri Administration, committed to its most odious he seen that the the Virginia Resolutions 1798 and '9ft,endorse AW (ind power bv enabled National Convention of the Mr Houston said the point to whieh he liiflnriua WhOojnni; Cout(h. ( o clock in the under a tent measures, and of Democrat is nut one voter in three hundred knows afternoon, spacious to the brand of her condemnation onfirely unworthy Free Democracy to !.. held at though should call attention had been Naskvills, I'knn , June M, Idol. in uu lot. the Hull This put upon Pittsburgh, what those resolutions are. and their moot thoroughly open adjoining City J>anid Webster s to ic support. of ( levclaiid, as was first announced amiinstead considered lor and and under such >tH I have repeatedly used your C'Ati iy Pectoral for treachery freedom, by as to against: I hraftition in tent, which was of the most iiiugiiitioenl sent to one lusolved, That in taking this the that the time has admirers have always disputed theirdevoted Whooping i'Ugh and liifiuenza, and bare l.o which sim fi (s Congress Senator step heen changed from the fourth eircumstances he felt reluetant to claim the it a four of children am was of 5.000desen of Lorain, will lie because to But those resolve* of prunopacioie complete r-medy. tny pt capable accommodating and several to utter her true justified, Denioeraeyof August the ihveuth This has meaning'! long-winded of He then reviewed the have linen afflicted wild these uiaeitee and the free use of Representatives, change were a gentlemen. attention persons and it was ouitc filled. A convenient hi have heretofore, in Con !s en made we see it the Convention got up for "show ".to the t'.rlurul has hlviys alfjrded almuit instant relief voice and uphold Iter free and by they frequently County stated, by the unanimous offer of Mr. Collins, and the action li was erected for the and principles, volitions, declared their to Slavery on ot the whole subject, and divert subsequent JaMKS LOVER platform speakers which there has I icon placed upon her statute hostility advice the Free Democratic members of mystify thereby of the Government also, the aid whieh had We atfnet t he truth of the above stateim nt at one side the one hand ami their to Freedom on the attention of the mass of the Democratic M7( reportersIiuok ti inige iiuiiioer 111 in in, siiniinry in iiirir fidelity The time has been changed also toCongresssuit heen afforded, and who now claims an M Mo'JINTV, ti'lilm ofthe NnihvrU* g. utter the Conventiou hid the other voters from the real uiiestion at issue I |M ZI |V| M 111 ,»l A N if. Shortly eB'cct unil truly democratic in their character the convenience of our New F.ngluml farmers. amount additional Itrugfi there were loud calls for John l\ Hale, of Thai the The Union and we think a reaaaemhlftillitHalved. That we heartily the call Resolved, satisfuctioh which arises, who do not get through much Washington says, lie went on to to the of Mr Alt/' Consumptive Couqh. N. from all of the approve to us a usually haying with truth that the to enter reply arguments Is'il H., parts audience Mr. fur the <'onvontiou t«» he hofden at Pittsburgh from right action is bettor reward tlnin before trom the first to the eighth of August. great question Cnrtter and Mr Kvans. that the vessels of the PiTTsnuaaH, Pa., Feb. i.'i, Halo than addressed the Convention in a either the of office or the favor of a On the we hi into the coming Presidential election is, "Shall itsaa Sir Kor three years I have been afflicted w.th a on the I Ith ill' August uoxt, to nominal* such s|mils whole, incline the belief that Collins line are fit for war ami he of narr o| an hour s of which|s»werful in any 1st any purposes, cutiyh. «o dietreesing that I Irciiuently despaired speech, duration, slaveholdingboth are Anti-Slavery agitation" shape in and Vice oligarchy tu candidates for President President o.. ti...» i~_ »i... of changes judicious The exjieiises Linurtir DilnrnDul ' In utuvL ml.nil said there was no to that effect rj much of the time I was ubligel sit up all atgnl the is ail outline iu.it vii' * testimony following uh he tn receive the votes of free jkm'titu, uoii^iunr 1|i«* uiiijuu from this not very fS he1 my cbair, as tuy cough would lullocsle me when Lid down in may worthy quarter wtJJ essentially vary, fore the Committee. I at last To a ucw chapter the of the mi*e measures,' so called. us the tv*ultof South- the to or dein of thought. and fiction he tolerated, used many remedies Without much relief, day history nieu; that, whether the Convention nominate whether delegate* go Pittsburg speech, 'J he deliate terminated, the Commit- Having which under I'rue nlenun baa cur country was about hi lie written. If they had urn dictation and Northern and and slavery I** restrict#*d, as the having brie t the Cheny Crrtorul, Hon. J P. Haiti, of New Hnui|>«hire, wliose subserviency. Arrangements will undoubtedly heClevelandmade designed |»y tee to consider the *1 Uie altogether. I am with gratitude youra striven mi ior the slaves of the South. thu Sluve I.aw in Constitution. within its limits.or -hull proceeded amendment of A KS ANM.bSS. long long-tried abilities and faithful services have Fugitive particular. the most lor reduced fares oyer nearly the whole route present the Senate for the dock J I) Mv< should m>t now show for the iihoiiiinnhle act ever by tinv which \m< all disruption Ihi sub/ret be silenced, completing Moating dry they sympathy endtiared him to our hearts, or Hon Salinon I'. passed nation, ill snail give lino notice at the of forever m i iiniorniii wmcn wit- I tor Thin is om the h*m*TOus Cures of Ailhm i which slaves of whose leaders whether civili/ed or we ami Ihr institution be nml adopted tint of long-enchained party, I'lia-'o, of Ohio, the sentiments of whose hitter barbarian will, there moment, ami, at all events, in season toearliest fostered, supported, of clerk* in tlie httee be-n accroU'td lo Cherry PtCMHul. had recreant to once-cherished lore, do all in our to it* rxteinhil Government1 The new i'latform payment Third Auditor's proved to us entitle him to the confidence power promote all the from this State. inform by vans Alhany, N. V., Ajml 17, l*tS. hsik to to utterance to to-day party delegate* of the so-called Democratic Office Hgreetl to. with explanatory They you give principles.of the Free I or any other well-tried repeal immediate We need not urge the of party simply say* I'sarSik: I have lor years bwen afflicted with A»tbma fciiittc.iif.y, importance having amendments. In time, which shall he heard overanother RcvJvtil. That we will the a this: in the worst form, so that I baes been obliged to sleep glorious and faithful man, such nomination shall receive agitate tpieatinn lull representation from this State. It is due The lo and amendment tlm vote for a cbair for a of the time, being unable the land Agitation is not dead, the our enthusiastic of Human liights. hoth in and out of Con- to the cause of it in due to him First. The Democratic party shall limiting my larger part medicines lo undivided, support. Freedom, to a on tin- Kin Grande north of the breathe on my 1*1. I bad tried a great many of are not stilled. The friendsprinciplesof until our \ltall and uni- who live and adhere to the henceforth point mirvey as an liberty _ grcs*,' imuilry evil and until btfrtr, has, "through re|»ort good hy Compromise town of l aao created a short and a Hi purpose, my physician prescribed, liberty will continue their agitation, desnite of vernal we are not to ' measures, and shall fulfil all discussion, <'her I'erlalecially they motion of your y but in less sipertmeat,than a the Culmination* it. Human nuture NEWS FROM THE PROVISO DISTRICT. he bullies or Northern re|s»rt,"the ot the Slave Law, Mr brooks, of New York. was At first it seetaeJ to make ml worse; againnt gagged hy Southern hearer in the standardIt is requisitions Fugitive by " to tbs iR-iet gratifying relief from unncrtn w an tor carried,to week I bwtan sipertence nt wuyn her What traitors to our Free brethren aiding in the of from service. substituting Paso," according its and bow, in four weeks, the disease is m'irely dignity An intelligent gentleman residing at due Uemocratic in other recovery fugitives the line use; au WiUt true of the 70, 01 oi tie I with eomfort, enjoy It tin' element of life whichagitationfind in the as Rrsolieil, That there is no difference of i|p- States, who unite with us in him who Seeond This law the party shall hereafter treaty .yeas nays I nan tlesp my removed Pennsylvania Proviso district,Towunda, honoring Other amendments, state of health which I had he?»r eacected to ei J«y had t pi fad throughout moral and physical it is culled, adds the to a portunee between the Whig I'latform and the is an honor to our State It is due regard as |s>rpetual. and hiuding as the involving appropriations UhiOKUK S. PaK aST, following postscript esfs'cially for various . » mm. /.«« \1»rrfuinf nature.an eleiVnt ot kveu the itself services, were then of f S SlOH Utifl F Ut U'Unong regeneration. letter addressed to a in this so-ealled Democratic I'latform.laith I'onven- to another citizen of Now Hampshire, whose Constitution disjKised w.itvM nt the ul Sdoain were not hencticiul gentlenian city, lion* have licked the dust Third. The Democratic itself The Committee rose, and the House Dr. A y«r, I.0w11.l. jiool dated June vMtli, IKA2: from the feet of the shoulders now l>end under the party pledges 1,1 till the I'Hin" down to them, and and u* we prospeethe to resist all adjourned. Atih'nt Colli {«, Ethru angel agitate " P S. I he nomination of (teneral Pierce daveholdern invited to do likewise of a life devoted to strengthening therewardsliereatW efforts among the people, From the PrftuinU of then it wan that he alio in wan made ask all sound are to or in to discuss or in manner to Hi/chrock, hi. D , LL D , Grt. ^ stepped for the is well received here. All Democrata, you prepared darkest wrong that eursoe the oarth or crushes Congress, any Hrpt II whole Four yarn ago we had acquired by Presidency enlist under Killmore's agitate the It is a PATENT ASENCY. AHiiaaer divisions and subdivisions of the claim *lavc-oatohing llag. man. slavery question. subject aubeeriher Iwii In ! tu' eonqm'Nt and treaty a which wan parly and Is'at time to his Slave Hunt march' that shall not ho hating many years engaged ' > Kin I hare int.] your f'Viry Perioral, f'e» Il» Territory him as their nartieiilar favorite .We will iriva grand investigated TIIKbuilding aii l using all kind* nf I# now and am aatbfltd, without an (ioveriiment I'liat we II mwhiuery, of d ep aeatel broachitia, ooBiroun 1 for the orguni/.*d RtM)ivf(t, rfcoinmeud to the from Ihi Lout American. Fourth. Kvcry mail who daroa to u euiieitor of patent* In thie Intimate kuowlcmployed that It li au admirable was. what him mi nld-luidiinned in the ritnviso question eity. ooumitutlou, "f "T opinion,ehem(< 1 <>overninent it HheiildTheijiientionhuv« majority of the an immediate the of the Slave Law. or to tslg* of mechanical operation! enables him to underetaud and bronchial AtSonliHA country organi-Ikuiueraey ACTION-ACTION finality Fugitive Intentions, to reliefttf latytitful »> tarrire )oli art V." describe and oaa fcb Thin Territory wan ni* times the nine of (lie cation th s encroachment discuss the in other gpcclfy patent rlaime much M to Ita eup-r or character against upon their slavery quustion any way more reai-ily than lawyer# who hate done this at that That >(»«> I'ieroo ami " -' formerly at liberty to um It you ^ thirteen Colonies xiruggted for Ric*rtn ?.. for king, right*, and an early repudiation of the gag In a former numlier of our pajier, we have than hv upprovul, shall l>c ostracised from the Model# forwarded to the snlxorrtber will be dulybullnet#. and two hundred tiuiea the t-i/ji where (Jenornl had a over to 11rawing# will be made andattended iiide|>endence,of the Taylor majority I'latform adopted hy the Haltimore Con van- mentioned the fact, and oomnientcd upon it, party and denounced an tin agitator and an (pacification* he., J. C. Aria who hart Irct patent! procured M<»tcli tunsi be the In antboritiea State of MawuiuhunetU.fertile and rich in (ieuorul Co**. tuumed div i»i*»ii« that are now motto w are marked wtih tut otbar dlttlu*ul»btd by tion let your he hat it has that measures Iteing taken, and will lie enemy to order. tei tor'# nan-* t of model* and letter iuu»t Ainou# U tbt hatt to a \ ant always good reight pontage tbla preparation tiiineral rtmourees extent I'lie healed .Stir York Post. in i* in be f r a their nature to recemerend up Keening been. Kverytliing for I'rini nothing lor forward with great vigor, by the Such the present platform, aa laid dowo at prepaid nhe*pu«*a Tboee writing from du'auee of fbt luii(t are wan made to the oiti/enn, whether thin pressed ehouldglee their town, eottii'y, and S ate known to tlitai for afcrtbin# (teal men I" of the South, to overturn the slaveholdersitahiutore. Kriendr of True ! Are Varnt. nt Med. Colle** have the IIaHIOUI), KumU't IHNN A C. let tuoaih IS52-«m Preeldent Yalt t'otltft C hcIiooIh 1K.VJ up- Constitutionprepared join flagrant against C., 2Mb, Pr-f SiUimaa, York. eliurclien. free ami IV July 6, to effect an muke State. The of the North will also note the freedom of and of indeiiendont A AnnoLP refer# bv pertuisep-n to hie P. Vaitotinc Noll, New liberty.free I'o Ike Eilitur jsnutod organization. arrange- jieople apeech At bxoelleney Prof. Ho«d»ln bird < 'oiler» whether it should be eurned with thetie_(>r of the National Era : and call future the foot that those who arc in and action to en, Ooternor of Rhode Island ; Kdward W l.awion, Cel. Prof, t.'lotrtland < menta for of the very strong thought ? Are i Ublo M«d ullepe wan meetings you willing of tie Newport. tth ole Island Hon. Tbuma* J, Kuah, Prof. HoMertDld inrtuencen of slavery. Thin the A statement m the New York J II lh J M Vincent and their udhcrenee to the measures'' dedicate and children to lie the U S. Journal ol Aledieal Ncleuco. blighting apjieam iynton, J. Strong,party 'Compromise yourxelve* your Senate Hon. C. T. Jam#*, U. S. Senate t anadian loiirual. of Mint and I'n.il. of bt, tluU the of were seem to Motion Mtd and Surgical great (juention, magnitude July lleinueruoyEreniHf!jr., ap|s>inted that eomiuittee forget that ike admwon <>f California iierpetual defender* of the Slave ayatcin, and S Medical Keeitw a ol hut ot the W'ihuot WtrtH t.barlaotua < I.'.) merely question to-day,importunci.not district ratify tlio nomination* of as a free State sins a component part of the Slave lawn I Will you, hy your vote at tho (IRE ItArAUI.IhHMENT, BRAVTEE* Now Jtrnay Mrdio.l Mtporltr all time. Itn eounei|iiuiii'en would extend with pieroe and en mouse The Post will measures to so snored. 'Hie I'rewduntial BUKUl'UII, VERMONT. Hon Hear* Clay, U. S Stna'or. king AN ABD1KL they proles* hold oonung election, lend youraelve* Am Amhaeeadnr to the future an far an laith ooold reach. hu\u ue.i'HMUai to toll a are to sit still allow to the proprietor. I>r R WKSSKt.HOfc.fT, begele inform Iton. 8to. r Marab. Turkey. thneyeo! different story next Compromisers willing and auicidul tank of conquering the the publie that he bae hie aetere aleh Kmanual Hulma, Preeidrot of I.bill we were wan all the t not '' frooapirit THK rweocerad from Own Thin, told, settled by if before. November,The Nartlurn (I'ulaski, N. V ) Dtmocuit doaa this violation ".and indeed it is a violation of our (ample, and making them the t*ondmen nese, and la able again to attend to hie profeeertewal demer Ht Mot. kit fattr, larl Hlabop of Turuuto. an it wan called; hut "the omprotuineA Contention lion been to at not raise the Pierce in it* columns The the of ' CurvMr and new patienu, therefore, mar depend hi* Ktr. Doer. l.aiieior, llr niklyn, Naw V .rk called, meet (lag of the rights of freemen.of designing, and mcrciluNHmiliticiana apea nao a a Compromises corrupt giving due atteatioa to their ease# trUI aleo Arehbltbop Parcel), ef Cincinnati I'hlo meant, to give little ami take July loth, for the of liarlord,a editor refuse* to follow (Jen Die, John Van to on, without one word of remonstrance. We trult Udieve not. The They e. nntiiaa Coinproiuin* |>ur|mNn organizing go aoc[ reiuaal of tho pleasant and oumlettable wooetmodeQuae hoih Alto, many tmlntnl ptreoi agee In lorelgn little hut what had the of Soil in this NkJ**"tae people pree party enmity, and also to elect Ihircn. ami II H Stanton, and Their love of the is an New York in I K IN to Huhmit to an eeleee and irieudi, hut will plena# to remember that oolr lb tht more and dlaireaeiiif diota»'» to honestly Compromises only Democracy eatabllehtneM it Jia«t*e! » "**"* Not dangerous oweaahnal gut' The South had got all theyMnnnachunetUwanted, a delegate attend the National Free Soil the treachery of these men to the denounce*hatred of the great of Humaninherentoutrage o|Nin their had well Intended for Iht rtire mf of tbt l.uuge, hut alao at a family medicine Ibr ' principles right* nigh placed I