A Abbad, H., 107 Abdelkader, A. F., 99 Abelmoschus Esculentus L
Index A Aldwinckle, H. S., 245, 246 Abbad, H., 107 Alegre, L., 151 Abdelkader, A. F., 99 Alexander, M., 327 Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench, 347 Alfaia, S. S., 456 Abreu, S. M., 443 Alfisols in semi-arid regions of South India, Abrol, I. P., 362 343 Abrol, Y. P., 362 arid horticulture, 351 Abscisic acid (ABA) climate and crop calendar, 344–345 accumulation and redistribution, 105 composting, 347 drought resistance and, 103–104 double cropping, 346 mediated mechanism, 80 low-cost gravitational drip irrigation plant growth and, 103 system, 351 plants survival, 104 nutrient status, 344 and stomata closing, 102 pigeon pea, intercropping with, 345 synthesis, 101 productivity, 349–350 Achilea, O., 384 ridge-furrow system and tied ridging, Ackers–White formula, 325 347–348 Acreman, M. C., 313 social mobilization and income-generating Adam-Blondon, A. F., 417 activities, 352 Adamchuk, V. I., 198 soil Adamo, A., 162, 169, 170 analysis, 343 Additive intercropping system, 18 health card, 352 Aditnarayana, J., 385 summer ploughing, 347 Adjei-Nsiah, S., 454 water management, 344 Adopter cycle distribution, 208 Aliasgharzad, N., 129 Adramytini cultivars, 412 Alkanet, 139 Adsorption, Cu and Ni contents removal in Al Khatib, K., 385 WA, 312 Allen, R. G., 313 Africa Alleva, K., 81 intercropping system in, 14 Alleweldt, G., 407, 422 nations and global warming, 5 Allium cepa L., 347 Agbor-Egbe, T., 434 Allothrombium ovatum, biological control of AgGuideTM yield monitor, 199 wheat aphid, 37 Agiorgitiko cultivars, 415 Alluvial soils of Indo-Gangetic Plains, 357 Agricultural practices and extension, 375 ecoregional characteristics of, 358–359 Agroforestry, 364–366 rice-wheat cropping system Ainsworth, E.
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