• • Harriman · Wil' ::Nof Accept Vice-Presictentic:i1116~in(ition . • , r 'y DIRYl FlIMING fie" York Gov. AvereU Harri- mall said In an interview here Fri­ day night he did not want the vice­ presidential nomination in 1952 and be hasn't changed his mind since. f' 0IUI.:III., who fat · "The coming wide open convene lion and my impression at the gov· ernors' conference confirmed that e ljellef," was Harriman's reply to a query on the coming Democratic 'erving The Swte University' 0/ Iowa . rmd lite People o/lowa City J in Lake National Convention. said he "ma4e Member ol Associated Pre , - AP Leased Wire and Photo Ser\'1ce . . ~o ..a CItz. Iowa. Se!unIay, JIW 311. 19.iG menls without • An unofficial tally at the govern· CIl'S' conference showed 27 govern· to apologitc I ots Cor Stevenson, some for him· ~I£ and some for favorite 80ns, he 8ald. But about half of the govern· ball Co., inher. ors were IIndecided. his sisters in In reply to a question concern· IDg the loss of support by Sen. Es­ Cather, is liP tes Kefauver, Harriman said he a trust fund wasn't going to discuss the . other Gov. Averell Harriman bidding will ~ndidates and their relationship Wun't Run Second arm witb him. Gordon, a se~. • He went on to say he was very Minn., Fargo and Cavallfr. N.D.. i ' . ' sp.cnt 11 sea. leagues-most happy with the number of voters and then back to New York. . S . 'tl A ' A Be/I in' Ute primary elections and that Harriman announced , his. cam· eo York Yan. 'ena e " pproves I I ~ vote was indicative that we are paign for the Democratic .preslden. .., . Polish Rebels year as tile JIIlng to have a Democrat elected tial candidacy June 9. HI~ (ifat of. . , '.. • • . in CommentingNovember. on the Yugoslav Cicial campaigning was in Denver W ·t· 1) . :& A C t F d situation, he said. "I would like to JmUeneetlnl6g' Woltec reDehmeocatrteandtsCldfraom2-dalJY I Still Under bave some tough talks with Tlto 011, ny u u rl s lit - The before I'd say anything." western ltates. \ . " WASHINGTON Senate I \':On segregation. Harriman stated The governor's party lelt No" Friday ~,ht . passed a M,S62,1JI!O" tb t tb d· tr' t t Id h . 000 fOreign aid blll after beatm, Red Gunfire a . e IS IC cour s wou ave York shortly after 6 p.m. EDT. It down aD efl..... * to make anv floor 'Seeing' the Chim to Interpret the language as to the .,. .. ~ 81 ••nv lOU QUICK ~te integration takes place 111 arrived at the Iowa City alrpoft cuts ID Ihe totals. BERLIN l.fI-Gunflre was report­ ed crackling throuPout too after· Sen. Tbomu E. M.artiD cbarCed schools. He said he would like to at 9:53 p.m., after a 20 minute I\~OP 'The VOle ' was St·25. Sen. BourkCl P'rlday that ArnrricaD people are see ,legislation to hold funds escrow for a preas conference in Chicago. rhckeDlooper- m·Iowa) voted with noon Friday in the Polish bread· for schools that were in defiance The governor stepped from the tile majorll¥. Sen. Tom Martin llflc(f "One of tM most optlmlstJc signs crack at reduci"'" the Eise"hower Poznan oULbreak Thursday-sald ..... noise oC righting was still being Is the &act tbat farm dcbt.s have rAAues~ ' ~hen the foreign aid ap· heard In Poznan Friday afternoon. not bc-en cllmbiJIc to dangl'rou propriations "'ill comes along. This It clalmci.ev ral Communist of. levels," he added. , canno£",o a~ve the authorizafion, WASHINGTON I.tI - Congress WASHINGTON '.4'1 - Secretary of Qut can be cut below it and nearly Clclals wer "literally torn apart" Huston Made "But the tema"t far~r ar In a eritical Ituatlon." Martin warn d. the of for 10m. passed biggest money bill of Defense .Wilson Friday ' ·,d,cnicd always is: ' " \ PATTY PENMAN Detroit comes in clolt scrutinv bV a by angry demonstrators 'MIursday. With tbe conJOlldation of mall the se;lsion Friday, a $34,656.727,000 Democratic c.harges that the .Elsen· , the.oruy 'across.tho.board reducl dreslt4-up chlm,..nl" at the D.'roit zoo. Relylnll on ..n.ltlv. fint.n Tele(!,af quoted a foreign buJl· farms lJlto larae 0IIeI. the teDanl. n Hospita', Head measure to finance the Defense De' Nower administration has sJd,np'ed tlon proposed Friday was a one· and Itnlt of .mell end hurln,. Patty end her 12 plarma"l "ItW" : Q:nswn~ abearll~gb~roootl~h retllnnr:~ell- Carmer 11 In a CHal ~ .. of danger panment thtwrh the fiscal year 1on alr'llower In its drive to balance bUliOri~t ,Jaif) ~, Sen, WUij .... -. AU .... chi ...... a,. ~lIncI_ , ~ •• Dr PIE If st 52 h bee from low prk:el bt added. "H I It.rting Sunday. the budget. . .' Lander, (J\:NO), bUt It Was beaten he left 11ft foUsh city lat Thurs- . 8U . U on, . II n the one men OIl the farm loday that It day nisht. appointed director of lhe SUI Ply. I Ik r feci 80"1 tor ." The bill carries Btout $500 mil· Under inStructions from presl· on a voice. vble without even a roll St.ee To S Co' nt,·nue,e· It sa'ld the businessman n'e' cllopathlc lIospltnl . Provo t tlar· \ion ,. more than Ptesldent Eisen· d~ nt Eisenhower to "lay 'it on tbc <:all. . ' ,. vey 11. Davis anoounced Friday. Martin prallCd the soil bank nd h~wer asked a~d renects ~ongres· line" Wilson ap\>Cared before a 01\ 'a ~olce ~bte, tho Sepate ac· about 70 tanu and two battalions A member o( tho hospital staff predicted It will give com·belt Iional emphaSIS on creatmg and S 'to A d Se ' C' 'tt qepted an 8me~ffient by Son. Ev· oC motorized troops headed for since HMO aDd head oC the sm Carmers twufl)'-net:ded help and maintalt:ting the strongest Air ena rme rVlces omml ee erett qlrksen I .1 ).1 wblch he said Slr,·ke Set lor M,·dn,lIght Poznan. Department of Psychiatry since start the grl4ual reduct.lon of Force I'n the wnrld and insisted U. S. defenses are d--I d r II . •• " . w,as "",gne e courage uprls· The Polish fted regime sought 1955, nU ton will begin his new stored l urpllllH of bulc crDpe. The Air Force got almost half strong. • ings behind tkenton Curtain like NEW YORK (.4'1 _ The nation's The crux appear d to be whcth- to pacify the rebels In a broadcast responsibilities Sunday. As chief "Fast action was nceded On the Ute money ..... I.,469.125,000. About He said the striking powcr of that whic\l tOdlt ,place in Poznan, steel crisis rushed toward a clio er the nation 's big steel companies speech by Premier Josef Cyran. administrator of the hospItal he 1956 A,rlculture BUl whc:n it wa $10 blllion was allotted'to the Navy the Army, Navy, Marine Corps Poland, Thursday, • max Friday night with negotiators would back down from their In- klewlcz. lie promJsed the Poznan succccds Dr. Wilbur R. Miller, who Introduced III C9n1rets," Martin and Marine Corps, $7lf.! billio!) to and' A'ir Force has been augument- The DirksCIl/8mcndment would still bogged down in eftorts to avert sistcnce on a long-Lerm contract Poles the better life they demand. resigned last week lind will devote said. But It WII tied up In com· tWe Army an9 the balance to the ., authorize a flttt\.riUUlon-

, .,. , J .- , J Mus;c Camp Queen --The Dailv Iowan gtne,.at .' U ' • fov The Daily Iowan is lin inde­ TIle Iowan editor/Ill staff pendent daily neu;spaper, writ­ write, its editoliol, tClfl101lt len an(L edited by stl/dents. It censorship by odmln/sfraHon or .nOIiCe6 Sel is govemed by a board of five stl/dent I rustees elee/cd 1JY tile faCi/lty. The 101/)on'; editorial Oeneral Notices must be ~ecel"ed al The Dally Iowan o/lice. RQom 2111 . Com­ sit/dellt body and four faCility policy, therefore, is flot neces­ mllnlcallo". Cenl... by 8 n,m. tor pub­ Ucatlon the followlnl momln,. The)' ~ Fol IT/lsl ee~ allpo/Il/ed by til e presi­ sarily on ex pression of S UJ (J(l- mUlt be \f Pec\ or lellbly \,rllten and dent of tile universily. .ministratkm policy or opinion. 81&nec\ : they will not be u~plec\ b y phc!no. The Dally lownn reserves the DES rilM 10 ec\Jt oU Gcn~1Il Nollees. special YOUNG DIMOCRATS--The SUI a 12th The Steel-Mate Young Democrats will meet in the ord at Recreational Are a ConCerence Treasu Thilt the negotiations between the steel industry and the Roon1 of the Iowa Memorial Union at 1 p:m. Saturday, ' ~une 30., and nOunce steelworkers unipn have degenerated into a messy tangle is will leave from there to hear Gov. The clear to anyone. What is not so clear is why who's responSible, Averell Harriman of New York. ending Transportation will be provided for 531.855 and what next? everyone who wishes to attend. cal pel Certainly the obscuring has not been hindered by the av­ YOUNG DEMOCRATS-The SUI was a a!anche . of propaganda, accusations, and resolute postur Young Democrats will meet Mon­ lars 0 day evening, July 2, at 7:30 in the assumed by both sides_ Perhaps it's becallse the steel industry ord. Pentaerest Room of the IOwa Me­ Six I recor~ed the highest profits, in its history in 1955; maybe it' morial Union. ords. year s because the deluge of 'information' we've received from Big LIBRARY HOURS Summer thah il , Steel's public relations outfit has distorted OlIr perspect\ver; hours for the main library are as the si! follows: WhlOh but anyway, we think the union is a shade less in the wron, Monday-Friday 7:30 B.m.-2 a.m. the in • • • Saturday ~ : 90 a.m.-S p.m. The j Sunday 1:30 p.m.-2 a.m. bctwc It is pr Another way to help students to a statement in which police s /j a group of Iowa ed irOnically. tucher kno .....s subject, but wUl write poorly. be IBid. is t. mae D ~S MOINES IA'I - they admitted aiding escape of two high school Eng· Bcsid s being a "gramrn3lic~ I gh'e them solace as ...·ell as $e. .tudetus u in~1let'tualI1 clrpen· special taxes and liquor profits set Iowa Penitentiary convicts for Usb teachers here mO,,?maniac," remember, Gerber curity. G rber id. "Alone some- dent upon the te~r as possible. whom a three.state alert has been Friday. alntinued, that "purity oC language ti.me in a hotel room \\ithout e,'en " Hav them ~ the wcwld tlIrcIqch II 12th conseclItive fiscal year rec­ issued "T 0 n g u e in depends upon you." Insist on stu· a book to keep them company. your eyet. TeU them wbat to tblat ord at close to $250 million State The 'women are Mrs Helen Ma. chee.k," he was dents' memoriting rules like those they can pa the t~ happily by about Ed,ar Allen Poe, problems Treasurer M. L. Abrahamson an­ rie Dailey 25 wiCe 0; an ex-eon. "How on " hall" and "will" or on "Cur- reciting the rules they ha\'e me- of acncultun or the construction nounced Friday. viet, and 'Mr~. Virginia Ramst'y, to Help ther and Carther" ~o buttre .Cur- morired." ~ remarked. of rabbit butche ," Gerber re- The tolal collected (or the year 25, whose husband Is now in prls· to Write Poorly" ther "your dog,!,ah~ declarahons Gerber. director of the annual marked. . on They were charged with aiding in the closing ses- that Good English IS good English workshop. a urt'd the teachers Turning to the positive aspedl ending Saturday jlmounted to $241,- th~ escape oC a lelon. slon of the 2-week Workshop Cor ~gardle or the Um , place or that he had cho n hi "Row to of encouraging good writing, Ger- 531 ,855 when the books for the fis­ The escapees WIlCord August High School English Teachers. cll'cumstances:' he said. IHelp luden to Write Poorly" ber tressed the de\'elopmetlt 01 cal period were closed Friday. This Miller 31 and Oliver S Williams "U's difficult to make tidy little One can eveo make his tudent topic simply a a pro\'ocath'e way st'*tlt independence IJl ,athering was a gain of aboJt 35 million dol­ 25, n~d Thursday fro~ \be Iow~ responsibility Cor what he says Or ted mar~ about the individual's to summ~ze "what you \:~~e ~ and orgaDiun, material ror their Penitentiary powerhouse outside about the purpose, content and or· reel superior to Shakespeare and practice 10 your c1 Yet, I r arch .papers. larS over the previous year's rec­ the prison wall where they had ord. been assigned a$ trusties. Author­ Six o( the sources set new rec­ ities in Iowa, ruino' and Missouri ords, three showed gains over a were searching for them. year ago, and {our produced less Fort Madison Pollce Chief E. R. th ah in the 1955 fiscal year. Among Rainey said the two women ad­ the six record sources were five mitted they 'Picked up the men in a which annually yield the bulk of car they had taken rrom a used car the income. lot here on the pretense of buying The total collections are divided it. between the state general fund , . Chief Rainey quoted the women from which state government op­ as saying they drove across the Classified Apartment for Rent Service. In.trudlon erations are financed, and the road Mississippi River bridge into lIli· use tax fdnd, which provides ij1e WANTED: 1"uma~ Clanin.. Lar,. BALLROOM d .... u nois after going aboUt six miles FOR RENT: P'uml,hfd apartmr t, ... en "'aeuum N.dllne. Pr "'pt ~"d ..I.. W rt D I ~_. money {or highway construction and let the men out into a wooded Advertising Rates side. urlVIlt bath. Im~lalc s- faclDl7 ul'Yice. Lar ... Co., MIll . t-U u u...... and improvement. area. .Ion. '100. Larew Co. _I. 7.. ____-._~ ..... -~--- From the $241·million. total, One Day ...... ~ • Word ChIld Care Raincy said they return~d to FOR 1l&NT: FurnIahH apart.nenL PrI­ $12L.889,558 weilt into the general Forl Madison by war of Keokuk Two Days ...... 1Of a Word , ... te batll. ctl)4le tn. "' or mare bath Call Larew Co. 1681 . 7.. OP'PORTUNITY: Auto ",I en. We KIGN CJlOOL rirl .uU ..... rIt. uw. fund and $119,642,297 was the gross and were arrested when they Three Days ...... 12¢ • Word ,,'$, , 1.. going into the road use tax fund. brought the car' back 10 the used Four Days ...... t4¢ • Word netd 1110'0 "Ie,,",en 10 flU .acancll 011 This was the third straight year APARTMENT. No child,...,.. 403 ~.. t oW" &aIM !.otc.•. !!:xc DUo .... J)roDO ,fUon car lot. Five Days ...... 15¢ • Word Jetfe ..... n. e,entn, G-30 lor d an-cut Qualified m..., . Call our '.rsonal Lc.". that the total zoomed over the Ten Days ...... 20¢ . Word .. I • m.n..... tr o.o..re X It. for • ' In~r"l.e... Ih'tN C nlln nlal· Untoll,- 200·million-dollar mark, but the Salt•• 1111. FIr" N1!. ACTRESS MARILYN MONROE and playwright , OPe MCID th ...... 39¢ a Word ______MJlcellaneous for Sale _ Codar1~.~1-y Rapid L Phone 3-1133A"~nut 7 .. fi rst one to closely approach 250 slipped quietly into White Plains, N.Y. City Hall Friday night and Shenandoah Man (Minimum Charge sot) million dollars. This was due in a were l1')arried by City Judge Seymour Robil1Owih. Ooteed by report­ MITCHELL OEHIJ 1I00F'1J:R. H If'''- major part to increases in tax Dtr.~ur ~nd humidity Ctl" Like TREE RENT lor \ll!rt time Child Car. ers and photographers for a week, the coupl. nev.rthel.ss managed Dies After Wreck Display Ad. ne,.,. ,11$ Phon.. 1-1_ 1-3 ' by pit or Indh·1duaJ Do rd r- oC ran'4'm~nt . P .""an.n!. It )OU aN! rates in Cour the best sources of to !let away by themselve. for the ceremony. 1 k n, 10. me'N or "dr.)·In, Ih·ln, Home. for Rent revenue. RED OAK ~Floyd Traube, 28, One Insertion ... DACHSHUNDS. ~ . CltJ)f'f1 • In'· •• lIM Ihll 011 r , ~e The tax rate increases were ap· ...... ~ a Column Inch • .,• . 31) M~rU ... I no on. om •• try RENT, Lar e• hou . . Imml'dlalt · ",' of Shenandoah, died Friday in a CSED automatic wuh~ra .....'a .nd up. lou 8'·on.ln.. 1- II Ion 'W per monlh. l.a •• ", Co Patricia Dvorak, plied to the gasoline tax, sales tax. Red Oak hospital of injllriL's uf- Five Insertions a Month, each U,od wrtna:tr \., n..o2l nd u p, 7- . Ill. ; Beverly use tax, and income tax. fered in a car·truck collision ear· insertion .. 88c a Column Jnch 3O-d.y .uaranl.. . lwmn .:1. Irlc .nd Ed ucators P an Par ey Girt. 108 Souln Dubuque. f-SO Tlf1nl ; Sandy Hoep· Hi ghways got nearly hall the to­ I lier in the