PAKISTAN’S AVERAGE ANNUAL AVAILABLE WATER RESOURCES (BCM*) Public Disclosure Authorized Coast Desert Indus Basin

6.2 0.7 2.9 0.6 205.7 12.7

Surface Water Groundwater Surface Water Groundwater Surface Water Groundwater Public Disclosure Authorized

Public Disclosure Authorized AREA COVERED BY WATER RESOURCES

Makran Coast 18% The Indus Basin 65% Kharan (*billion cubic meters) Desert 17% AVERAGE ANNUAL WATER BALANCE FOR Public Disclosure Authorized Groundwater withdrawals are largely PAKISTAN’S THREE HYDROLOGIC UNITS supported by leakage from irrigation (BCM) canals, distributaries and drainage. Makran Coastal Kharan Indus Basin Basin Desert High level of withdrawal means that Inputs the average basin outflow is low, Inflows from outside Pakistan 174 0.0 0.0 currently averaging 16% of the total Internal contributions 45 6.2 2.5 system resource. Beneficial consumption 80 1.2 0.7

Natural losses include evaporation and Outputs nonagricultural plant transpiration. Natural losses 68 2.0 1.2 Induced losses 41 0.7 0.5

Outflows 30 2.3 1.2 TEMPORAL PATTERNS AVERAGE ANNUAL PATTERN OF AVERAGE LOSSES AND GAINS VARY CONSIDERABLY 10-DAY INFLOWS AND CANAL THROUGH TIME Rabi Season WITHDRAWALS, PAKISTAN October to March, as river flows start to 14 recede, the river gains 13 12 water from landscape 11 10 and aquifer storage. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Kharif Season 2 1 During July-October 0 12312312312312312312312312312312312 3 high flows typically recharge Flow volume (BCM) Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr groundwater and the river Canal withdrawals System inflows Source: WAPDA unpublished data. is losing water overall. The 1991 Water Apportionment Accord defines water allocation between provinces. PROVINCIAL The groundwater resource is solely direct rainfall recharge; river outflows are not ENDOWMENT allocated to any province but are reflected in the total resource estimate. AVERAGE ANNUAL PROVINCIAL WATER AVERAGE ANNUAL PROVINCIAL WATER AVAILABILITY IN PAKISTAN (BCM) AVAILABILITY and WITHDRAWALS

(cubic meters per capita) 1,360 1,158 1,120 1,069 69.00 1,102

19 885 Punjab 9 882 781

60.14 325 3 2 230

10.80 KP 11 2

Accord apportioned surface water 4.77 Internally generated runoff 8 Punjab Khyber Sindh Balochistan Pakistan 1 Renewable fresh groundwater Pakhtunkhwa

Indus Basin aquifer waters cover 16 M hectares. GROUNDWATER There are signi cant provincial dierences in groundwater availability and in discharge and recharge.

ESTIMATED AVERAGE ANNUAL GROUNDWATER BALANCES (BCM) Within provinces, there are areas where Punjab 27 8.1 8.5 1.4 Recharge 45.0 BCM groundwater depletion is 42.5 2.5 Discharge concentrated especially in 1.0 0.4 parts of Punjab and 18.9 2.4 Recharge Sindh 22.7 BCM Balochistan. 4.3 17.0 1.4 Discharge Irrigation Recharge Recharge 0.2 0.1 Rainfall Recharge Khyber 2.3 1.3 Recharge 3.9 BCM Return flow from GW Abstraction Pakhtunkhwa 2.2 0.3 1.8 Discharge River System Recharge Discharge 0.1 0.2 Groundwater abstraction 0.8 1.5 Recharge Balochistan 2.6 BCM Evapotranspiration losses 0.6 1.4 0.6 Discharge Base flow from rivers/sub surface

This series of infographics is developed by LEAD Pakistan based on World Bank Group’s report Pakistan: Getting More from Water (Young et al. 2019).