1 Curriculum Vitae, Eugene W. Schupp Curriculum Vitae Eugene W. Schupp ResearcherID: F‐1834‐2010 Address: Department of Wildland Resources, and The Ecology Center 5230 Old Main Hill Utah State University Logan, UT 84322‐5230 Phone: 435‐797‐2475 FAX: 435‐797‐3796 e‐mail:
[email protected] Education: 1987 Ph.D., Biology University of Iowa 1981 M.A., Zoology University of South Florida 1977 B.A., Biology University of South Florida Professional Experience (Post‐Ph.D.): 2012‐2013 College of Natural Resources Assistant Dean for Research & Graduate Education, Utah State University 2011‐present Professor, Utah State University 1998‐2011 Associate Professor, Utah State University 1995‐present Adjunct Researcher, Integrated Ecology Group, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Sevilla, Spain 1992‐1998 Assistant Professor, Utah State University 1989‐1992 DOE Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory 1988‐1989 NSF–NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Spain 1987‐1988 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Iowa 1987 Co‐coordinator, Organization for Tropical Studies field course, “Tropical biology: an ecological approach,” Costa Rica 2 Curriculum Vitae, Eugene W. Schupp Grants and Contracts Funded: External, at USU: 2013‐2015 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, “Sclerocactus wetlandicus habitat characterization and seed germination,” Co‐PI, $98,999 2011‐2015 State of Colorado, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, “Conservation of a candidate