T210B SALE—Old papers, whole and dean. August Mtgazlnts. Jj at Khnnbiiku JouunaL olioe, 'prioe faitg '§ttmtbu fsurwt IS cts. ix?rhunrired. taulWtf 100 feet best lAOlt WALE—About quality ft JUMBO! * McClure's Safe, Sure, Magazine JD iron feuoe, with as new, suituble posts, good Ckwtm or hiam*. obituabt for lot or front of private residence. koticta, r». for • piece to cemetery yard OMIT'OW* or HKMFW-r, will August supplies companion Speedy. A Beautiful pattern at one third of cost. John L. ----O--——— are., be charged of life in Simple, remedy at the rate of ten cent* per lir a. Mr. Hamlin Garland's Ho description Stevens, AutfUBtu, Me. thara^•* _june&dtf lew than live cents. tbe steel mines at Homestead, in combines all these char- seventy published that on north Abf. ADVKKTINIgri AKKtniKCBirraTS de- V7IOB SALE—Alarge house lot the; or r> the June number, in a no less striking to T.Homas XXuTaiwmkwtv, whoae Xj side of WeBtern avenue. Apply was a but our BREAD WINNER at object lathe raising ,, of coal is certain to be Jumbo great Elephant, pants will be at scription of life in the depths a acteristics JT Lynch._ may^dtf DM!Ill’C money charged the rate of lirtcen of cent# Hnc. Crane. A paper SALE-Several houses. Prices van ting are Great Bargains. The 240 lb. man who thinks he can’t mine, by Stephen nnllUM U AitVKETiHiau Noticm, news will i* Perrons for a $1.99 form, personal recollections, by S. II. Byers, very popular. F»Bfrom ;*900 upwards. looking excluded from onr local colmfins.et cent„„ .7 heme or an investment are invited to call on J. are to does for General Sherman what the series be fitted should see them. Our extra size “Slack Suits at $9.89 a» refer advertisers occupying space in T. Patterson. 5 Middle St.apriildtf lieauiy” our ailvertlslng and in tbe number did for columns will be run un published May der a on as was a We are to clothe the wpiinttc head the local pages Grant. As a member of Sherman’s as a “Jumbo” great Subscribers who fall to General TO LKT- B. great bargain elephant. ready receive the Jo.-o and his intimate friend for twenty sal promptly will confer a favor by notify staff, Salva-cea 1 * MARK.) man at “Picnic Prices.” log the office immediately. fire years, Mr. Byers enjoyed rare oppor- (TRADE LET—llouse, No. 13 (irove St., about big tunities for studying his subject, and his TOSept. 1st. Two oil)res in North’s bloc.. Also Meouian Hall after July 1st. Horace North. shows tliat he appreciated and made' the new Curative Lubri- paper muySBdtf NEW ADYKKTINKMENTN TODAY. the most of them. A series of portraits of does and is new liouse of 8 rooms in thorough Sherman accompany the article. Professor cant, just this, LET—A order. to John P. Wyman, 1*3 Bridge ha polio. Drummond's new book, “The Ascent TO Apply Henry the boon to street._|angtVltf (lirl wanted for KSfhorc. of is l)r. Washington greatest differing Fnnltv OiimmuxVry, Mo. 7. Man,” regarded by LET—A rent of six rooms. City water. the latest and most rpo The HUNTINGTON CLOTHING Washington l.ife Insurant*. Gladden “as one of that has been dis- X. Inquire al 21 CreBcent St. uuglidlw* CO., the world of humanity striking phenomenain thought,” LET—Well established dressmaking room* “The New Evolu- form of rpo and under the title of covered. For every X at 12U Waicr street. itug-ldliv* for Men and 221 Water Me. :i to what the Jobbers and Retailers of Good Clothes Boys, Bt„ Augusta. tion" he devotes paper showing « LET—Half of a desirable liouse at 18 lios Local Matters. en- rheu- book signifies. An illustrated aTticta skin disease, catarrh, pital street. All separate, city water, healed and titled “In Advance of tbe Circus,” by throughout with furnace. Stable garden. ^B3t± I INSURE IN THE burns it jnl\2idtf I Charles Theodore Murray, exhibits the matism, boils, stings, Old Mayings. with which .Toll KENT -Cottage oil Squirrel island for elaborate and costly system A« vs a is an relief and cure. rent until Sept. 1. p or particulars enquire of light fefeib* r. advertised. The unfailing I As hard Mi a great circuses are now H. Iv Smith, Augusta. Me. J'I'O'r'odi/,— rock, ^ stiff as a contains two stories from When in A* (anker. number thtilling or mail, 25 A 50 cts. per box. Druggists by f rpo LET—Fine two story corner residence of Aw calm vs a clonic, Bravest Deed minutes walk r al life, a war story, “The 1 12 rooms, 28 Crosby St., throe As fre-ii ms v Buandueth Co., 274 Canal St., New York, i F. g«*ling, of tbe War,” by T. J. Mackey, and a rail- from Water Street formerly occupied by As bri-k as a b«c. Death War- M W. Kinsman. Finest view In Augusta, fruit WASHINGTON Ami now b*r ntc slop, road “The liun,” by Cy story, nice luwn, fur nace, marble tire places, gas 1m*t wt Robert trees, want of you ary of me. man. The other stories arc one by natures, Ac. It will pav you to see it. Inquire Sewall St. Barr, one Conan and a notable of F. U. Kinsman of F. W. Kinsman, by Doyle, prisoner! in “The Mistress of tbe Foun- junc2udtf Forty-four jail. strike story, For the name rtanon that there at dry.” Besides the Sherman portraits, BEIVT—Furnished Cottage Squirrel Picnic F. I.) ford left for Livermore Falls for and August, convenient yes. are series of of President Garfield libbcrttsrmtTtts. FOltIsland, July portraits %£ikl to for one or two families. For terms apply Sup’t Men with an Careful Men with an Moulton. S. S. Mc- Careful terdsy. and Louise Chandler | Matthews on the island, or lo Mrs. W. E. S. four line Clure, 30 Lafayette Place, New York.J Small advertisements not exceeding Whitman, Augusta, Maine. mayMHltf W.H. Miller of (thirty words) coming under the head of Waht- Kox^oft.was in the city, be inserted LET—At reasonable terms,tents, weildiug The Chantauquan. &d, For Salk, To Let, Lost, Ac..will rpo Baskets, two times for 25 cents, three times for 36 cents and I canopies, also tlagsaud buntings for ilecoru Wednesday. advance tloa Tents and amt canoe sails num- one week for 60 ceuts, payment purposes. yacht The opening article of the August of made to order.—II. S. I.ord, Bath, B. In sending bf mail, remittance of postage stamps air sizes Mrs. G. 8’one left for , yester- ber of The is entiiled “Out of be made with as Maine. ma>2idtf- Cbautacquan or postal note should order, __ are too small to accounts for. visit day morning. Doors with the Artists,” and is beautifully the charges opeu rim LET—My new house on Quinby street, lias illustrated. A study of George X modern conveniences, city water, perfect in it delightful set bath to Insure in It. to Insure Mrs. Klizt it sewerage, water closet, batli room with Safety Safety Blake visiting Mrs. Jeise Meredith's novels is contributed by MI8QELLAINEOUS. both with tuti, and marble wadi stand, supplied Blake at Oakland. F. Wheeler and ought to hot and cold bouse wired throughout for Emily A water, 1 readers for the works of ^STENOGRAPHER— young lady stenog- electric hard wood floors in kitchen, dining C.W. Morrill’s Her,aunt it in FREEMINENTI, Y a win and would like a lights, many rapher typewriter position room and room and pantry, pleasant sitting parlor lUitun Mist Pauline Johnson hts this too little known novelist. A bright and for two or three months. Can furnish gone to Ojeu typewriter. witli folding doors between, tine sleeping rooms “A of is Address Stenographer, Kennebec Journal. stone Point to remain pertinent article. Nation Liars,” up stairs, large room for fuel and washroom, during August. aug4,dlw 1st. from the pen of Prof. Isaac T. Headland, cellar cool and dry. Possession about May I ra II. Itandall.aprMdtf Great A. S. of of Peking University, reporting a conversa- CBFhCENT STEAM Teague Newcastle, was among LAUNDltk' lias to Stay. Wash- of A. A. tion between himself and a Chinese NOTICF—THE opened rpO LET— Tenements. Inquire the visitors to the young with and city yesterday. ing done dispatch Starching ironing 1 Nichole, 78 Gage street. Aprlfldtf *+ \i'L friend, and contains many pungent para- done to satisfaction. Clothes not torn or worn j graphs. A sketch of the life of that won- in the wash. Give us a trial. East Side Water 5-cent The floors of t!W William It. Smith St., below Journal ollice, near K. K. crossing, Russian woman, So- Grammes are derfully gifted young Augusta, Me. Crescent >t. Laundry. july24dtf school being painted. Kovalevsky, who won the Bordin prize phie F. SANBOURNE will be located ALWAYS In All at the of Sciences in 188(i, Ways. Charles P. national bank Academy at 92 Western avenue, after August 4, and Hatch, examin- the French. Dr. F. C. is translated from will give clairvoyant massalsge treatments and and er, was here yesterday, On business. H. Wendel has a popularly written article on advice on all life affairs from DA. M. to 91*. M. “The of Ancient “Hand- aug7dlw* A. Hassell and wife Poetry Egypt.” 1 George of Wilbra- and Chara ter” forms the A HOUSE 8TABLK writing subject RLINGTON ham, .Mass., are suiting G. F. Hawes. for much intere.-ting speculation by W. Livery, boarding ami bating, good teams at reasonable’ rates. K. C. Mears & Co. Succes- Bargain M. Henri Minaud writes Miss Nellie is Preyer. sors to S. T. Stilkey, Hartford Square, Augusta, Hayes spending a two President Sadi Carnot; and S. of Me. j ulylmo* weeks' vacation at her home in Chelsea. contributes an illustrated Parkes Cailman TUNED and Repaired in Au COM PAW. article on “English Mines and Miners.” PIANOSgusta, Hallowell and Gardiner. Will also Store, Mr*. Julia Willis and Ruth Harding have The Woman’s Council Table contains ar- go short distances in to the country if called for. The Washington istats SA PE policies at the following loti> rates:— moderate. Instructions on the vio- VICTORT.” gone to Monbegan, to a few weeks. Charges given pass ticles on “Madame Hanna Iv. Korany,” lin. J. T. Patterson, No 5 Middle St., Augusta. Age 20- At $10.10, 12 31, 17 59, 35.GO, Annual Premiums per “Ease of in “A -j $1000; Deportment Company,” may!9dtf 172 25—At $10 90. 15 HI. 19 2fi, 2>.10. •• •* J. J. Maher, cliairman of the board of “The Care t ft Trio of Critical Essayists,” of •• *• -R. BKAIVW—Clairvoyant, is to be HO—At $11 BO, 15.70, 21 34, 31 10, overseers of the poor, ia at Beach. a from the German. ypAOAM Pophsrn Birds,” and story a •* •• •* -LVJL here a short time only. Has prepara This is a now invention for curing diseases 35—At $15.10, 19 51, 23 95, 35 00, With the editorial and pages tion which will remove all and blemishes or departments pimples without the use of medicines, liniments elec- And so on for all Mrs. John of Kan- 10 or sent to ad other ages. Fogler Leavenworth, devoted to w books and the C. L. S. C. from the face. Only ceuts, any tricity. Water St. dress for 12 cents in stamps. No. 42 Gage street, sas, is visiting Mrs. P. M. Sewall the admin > > number of is com- Folger, August Augusta, Me. june29dtf A rapid cure for fevers, diphtheria. Pneumonia, “ You You pleted. v- ills, Pa Dr. T. L. Flood, congestions, and the usual summer diseases. pay your money, take your choice.” street. th&*tt editor otor.] Send to our Sanitarium for Circulars. maylAtu WANTED. They are all safe. Miss Nellie Vernll has gone to Ports- igland Magazine. mouth, N. H., to pass the temainder of girl to fo to the seashore. If fouud will he further to August. The i-iece of the August number WANTED—Asatisfactory engaged J. B. BRACKETT, for Maine; E. J. Asst. go to their home in . Family small; Mang’r Brackett, Mang’r. of the Nl Ei Magazine is a charm- Packard & Tolman, gland M. 205 Water street. The good pay. C. Glidden, Oflire, 1SS Middle Street, Portland, Maine. remains of Lydia M. Hutchins who ing picture from a watercolor by Sears Gal- _aug9d2t* died at the hospital, were sent to Strong, illustrative of a brief poem by lagher, girl or middle-aged woman ^9 Grove Street, ll|IJ&Wlf The yesterday. Richard Burton. subject is“IIaying," WANTED—Afor general homework. Mu-t bt* a good has the at 21 East Au- and Mr. Gallagher caught very cook. Apply Bangor street, Side, AUGUSTA, MAINE. The electricians of the Electric Light Co. spirit of the season in his works. “The gusta. aug4dtf mTTt were making repairs to the line, North Shore,” Frank T. Robin- a a house Toguj Quaint by responsible party, Is the word that . or ten in e.xpressei son, the well-known art critic,illustrated by WANTED.—Byof eight rooms, centrally located, Office hours, 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., and from 8 to 9 and Mason Fruit yesterday. a good neighborhood. Address X. General De- P. M. Jars, a score of sketches ty Charles H. Woodbury, much in these hard times Lightning Post Office. livery. iiugSdlw* Miss lias a of the old nooks and corners of Lucy Glidden returned from quaint Lynn, ON IIEtaAi* Hot si,-Aloiiti* gau Inland, apr28dlwlyr When in addition to the hart Salem,Marblehead,Gloucester,and the Mas- -CY.A- Maine. Strictly first class. Best of fish- visit to Somerville, Msss., to her sister, Table and services excellent. sachusetts North Shore where so many ing, boating etc. times man is afflicted witl Mrs. places Audress Edward Me. J. F. Cony. this time. Mrs. Kate Brackett, Monhegan. resort in midsummer julylsdlmo* sickness, he hails with tin Rubber Tumblers, Gannet Wells' story, “Another's Child,” the Hot Weather joy ; Rings& Mrs. G. C. Burns of Boston, arrived in —Ladies Shaw’s Fluid Jelly Curling During has its scene on this same North Shore; in 7 in above We an WANTEDkeeps the hair curl days dampest expression. the city, Tuesday, and has gone to t icean and Mrs. Higginson’s poem, “The White weather. Makes nice fluffy bangs. Once tried you will never be without it. 25 cts. all — FREE a dose o [ Point to a week. Dunes,” is a seashore poem. Neil Mc- druggists, -COOD giving away pass julylldlm* Leod contributes an illustrated article on Jilood an A aid mein famous toilet and we ! Stone Butter DIES—To selling Cordial, Bangor Ware, and Pre- Frank K. Partridge, secretary of the Prince Edward Island, which will be read indue IJ article for the complexion. Excellent a bottle lor />< with deep interest, and Helen M. Knowlton incuts. E. A.Adie, Box 145, Branch Office Mgr. selling large Maine commission of pharmacy, was in Augusta, Maine. aug7d!w* lias a paper on Hunt, with GROCERIES cents. Portland, Wednesday. a dozen or more of some of reproductions WANT YOUR I1EAVY MACHINE It cures the live] serve Bean and his more noted pictures. There are two WE nml forge work We have large stomach, Jars, Churns, The scow Addle B. was discharging a lathes, steam and hammers and are important, educational articles—one by Miss Bacon heavy power and of broom handle material shears to cut cold iron up to eight inches kidneys. cargo yesterday oa “A Southern Normal School,” an en- wide by two inches thick. We also solicit at the li. Stone & Co. wharf. couraging revelation of what is being done for your pattern making. II. II. Harvey, 10« Bangor »nd can only be CAM I V on street, marjinlif pi Flower Pots. women's education in the and one Augusta in a South, Me._ found uLtnilLI Store. Mrs. J. E. Clark of Winn, will arrive in “Tbe Public Library Movement in the I nited to leave orders for awn- DEVINE & COUGHLIN the this to mske a visit with States,” by Joseph L. Harrison of the Al- WANTED—Peopleings, tents, flags ami hammocks at Dudley For First-Class city morning & where a book of cloths School. the of Lynn’s sample awning Mr. and bany Library “Boston, city may be seen. H. S. Lord, 100 Commercial St., A FULL LISE AT Mrs. J. F. Kirkpatrick. God,” is the lecture lately giveD by Rev. Bath, Maine. inuy24dtf VEGETABLES, WATERMELONS, DRUGGISTS, Charles G. Ames, in the recent course be- General W. S. Choate returned from fore the Good in Bos- CANTALOUPES, NICE MEATS he Citizenship Society FOR SALE. Augusta, Maine Brunswick, yesterday morning, where ton, on “A More Beautiful Public Life.” and other nice groceries inspected Company F., N. G. 8. M., Tues- One of the most valuable papers in the try PIERCE'S CROCKERY A LIMITED NUMIlEll of honest per- number, and one that will he moat STORE, day evening. widely sons wishing to have their medial gifts de- read, is that , on can do so by joining the class af 92 West- by veloped HILL & LOCKE. AUCUSTA Over 4000 feet of the new 16 inch force “The New Congregational ern Avenue- Further particulars can be had at 1(10 Water A Me. England F. Street, ugusta, Hale's the same. 8. Sanborne.aughdlw main of the Water Co., has been Churches,” showing in Mr. strong They also have decHeodlv Augusta tlie this free- SALE—House and lot. An attractive laid. A new line of sewer has also been way great part played by ______and comfortable situated in one of eburch in the FOR home, polity general development the healthiest parts of the city. New furnace,city, laid from the alms house. of freedom and in America. and cistern water. On sized lot with House. self-government spring, good Fresh Bread & Rolls Dye ftoecccooccr \ considerable fruit. of E. MeMurdie, 46 The editor’s table is devoted to the subject Inquire J. P. Packard of the firm of Packard & South Chestnut St., Augusta, Me. * —The— of Historical Pilgrimages. [Warren F. augfidtf From Mrs. Libby daily. £ «=*> « Tolmau will leave for a trip through 5 Park in typewriter, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X \ X X X X today, Kellogg, Sq., Boston, Mass.] MALE—Bargain Caligrapli OfltWMtf X X X X Foillatest mode! No.2, good a* new, less than X X Palermo and Freedom, on business con- The Forum. two-thirds cost. Address, A. Johnson, 30No. Ave. x To X Our Patrons: nected with aug7dlw* “Better Than Ever Before." X X ‘Oxydonor Victory.” Under the general heading “Sentimental SALE—A first-class table We have a first- with and Its World-wide pool very ^ just engaged £ The room of the North is being Dealing Crime, of John H. class Gold dining Foilcneap. inquire Lord,Hallowell. \ dyer and pressman and are \ Clarioni Increase,” Mr. I). McG. Means, a New also augd.dlw* x pre(Mired to do first-class work X FOR WOOD OR COAL. 2 re pa pen d and the woodwork painted, York writes on the Gorham Normal School. * publicist, “Principles at short and at Combines all the latest and best the same done to the New Involved in the Recent Strike.” Mr. Ilen- NO It SALE—One high-grade bicycle run but notice, very <5 being parlor. a short reasonable. to known to I time, price Apply The Next Tei-.h Will Begin Auo. 28, 1891. low prices. Try ua once \ improvements the stove © alectrie been in several Ty Holt, under the title “Punishment of J. J. lights have placed Maher, Augusta. aug.'idlw and come X maker. It is fitted with the Text-books and tuition free. Board reason- you will again. Dock 2 Anarchists and Others,” criticises our pres- very of the rooms. able. One of the best schools in New Ash (Irate—the famous fuel saver XNOR SALE OR TO LET-A new two England for d ent system of punishing criminals, charac- real X X XX XX X X X XX X X X X X X X X X a X XX X and r borne on Street. to H. normal, professional training. For fall par- xl with every f-‘ story Gage Apply W. appliance requisite "That 2 20 race next between terizes as farces the insanity pleas so often 81 St. ticulars, address J. COK1HKLL, to Wednesday Humphrey, Gage augld2w* RiialonrlAwtf economy,"cleanliness, made in their defence, and recommends UortiRtp, Maine. perfect § St. will be combustion and case of Ilaloy, Croix and Gene Briggs that Anarchists be declared out- SALE—Carriages, road wagons top manage- Q professed buggies, surries, etc. Con- rnent—all in all, it is the most 3 one of the greatest ever seen on the Augus- laws and under of FORbuggies, Bangor perfect exiled, psin instant signed and will be sold cheap for cash. J. F Ful- House. “YOUR WATCH NEEDS CLEANING” Augusta Dye ta tTack," said a well known horseman yes- death should they return. Mr. John Brooks ler. aprUkitf Portable $ it that T.eavitt writes about the “Criminal Degra- SALE—On 9 School St., Wdterville, u Leave It with. July26tu th saldaios terday. So will, and the others day half dation of New York Citizenship,” as mani- INOltui$e story and house. Lot 100 feet and and will be as as Thursday Friday good. fested in the recent disclosures made to the square, known Carver house. Enquire Julia LORD «Ss * Cooking LOWELL’S, ever made. Ask to Range;! A. Bowman on premises, or C. C. Bowman,Man ; ^ see one at the dealers and compare it with other j Lex>w committee: and Mr. Henry Charles Chester. Qkamitk bank stoves. It is rather business to cavil July31dtf Building, , 5 Every Ranpc warranted. Manufactured picayunish Lea closes the series with an article on TNOR SAJLts.—Two convenient Houses in only by good st the expenses of the government detec- “The Increase of Crime, and Positive .F repair on Laurel street. For terms address Angimta, Maine. WOOD BISHOP & £ or of 121 Water PUBLIC are of inquire Joseph Cloutier. street, I COHPANY, tives who watch G;»y Criminology,” calling attention to the alarm- and West Market keeping Augusta. dtf 41 42 Square, MAINF Q to ing increase of crime, and urging the nec- Boston, 10 Ashburton Place. BANGOR, Gables. This country is rich enough SALE—Home Restaurant, 322 Water of a and more essity prompter rigorous FORStreet. Reason, poor health. julvlPdtf afford the members of its President's family method of our criminals. Mr. punishing SALE—The east half of the Weston Boston were never Isaac L. the noted railroad t^OR University ample protection—and they Rice, lawyer, 1* House, 71 Cony St. Apply to Mrs. II. M. more in need it than are during the contributes an article on tbe“Legalized Plun- Harlow, 19 Stone St. june30dtf Law School. MARKET! of they : the about der of Railroad Properties Remedy,” in "171ARMS FOR SALE—The two farms owned * O. C. O. present hard limes that have come Fall term October 3. For * which he describes the despotic methods by Jj by the late W. Patterson, are offered opens Wednesday, Joseph circulars address Edmund II. Bknnktt, Dean. inder Democratic rule. which some of our great railroads have been for sale. One the well known Patterson Farm, so THE GREAT on the North Belfast road in &w3m 23 for the benefit of their called, Augusta, june2dTuTh&S3m exploited presidents about a mile from the Kennebec Bridge. The The Augusta Park Association has got ami to the loss of the known as the on GEO. U. directors, great stock- other, Kebler the PHINNEY Farm, Togue rat a noticeable mlvertising sheet for holders. Mr. Hamlin Garland writes on Hallowell road in Chelsea, about two miles from very These farms are very the the “Productive Conditions of American Augusta. desirable; they NOTICE. CALIFORNIA CATARRH he August races. It is colored and at are offered for sale for tnepurpose of settling the CURE,; a for Wholesale and Retail. the center Literature," making strong plea real- estate of the late’Joseph W. Patterson, and must Dog owners residing in the city of Augusta op is a list of the races, while in ism in American literature; Mr. be sold. Apply or address, Lendail Titooxnb, Au- will take notice of the following order paMed a Sylvester Maine. by s a solid citizen of the old school reading Baxter to Mr. Godkin’s article in gusta, sept21dtf the Uty Council, which will be rigorously en- Fresh and Salt Meats, replies forced, commencing with 21: He haa become June “How the Bills SALE.—Houses in different parts of the July Monarclj •aper regarding the meet. the Forum, telling Augusta, 18iH. city, ranging in price from $400 to flOOO. July 9, Provisions, Poultry, en. of Socialism Will Be Paid.” President FOR If Ordered.Tliat the marshal be und he is here- o much interested in the list of floe Also good farms in this city and elsewhere. city Of All Ap- by directed to enforce the license law slid CATARRH G. Hall, under the title, “The New at the office of K. S. Fogg, at Law and dog Fruit and Vegetables. REMEDIES, the on the table has Stanley ply Att’y * to cause all dr ; ties that glass of beer Dealer in Real Estate. JanfidH persons neglecting refusing to license Psychologv as a Basis of Education,” re- owned to the dogs by them, be prosecuted. ieen forgotten and a goat is relieving views the v-1 >e field cultivated by a com- A number of desirable residences in Augusta Joshua F. Bean, Allen’s Block, 275 Water St, MOTTO. plete uni department of psychology, Me., varying in prioes from $450 to $4,500i City Marshal. ( lisb of its burden. also several lo 1o 15 aci* place* in the suburbs of julylldtf 33Mo«&Thur.1in sliowir to aod Ju!j C. C. C. -essary education, this city; one two story house aad lot in Lewiston, Always Cures, C. C. C. Never Falls full of Tor religion, this science is Me. A number of farms in Kennebeo county Local Notica. in from to cure the worst cases of Chronic now f ai H ag; and Professor E. W. varying prioe $1300 tojsooo. House* WHEN Catarrh and Ilay Fever. ana tenements to let. E. W. W^ivShous*. At TOD WANT A an ~ Sctiptu jes, in article which he Maine. ov«r We are James rearliee, torney, Augusta, lanldtf p»in the eye*, that dropping down ioto the throst, that and selling Pyles’ “hi th ilx ,K odious hawking spitting, and all calls of Laboratory Mind-Study,” GOLD the symptoms of thin terrible diwsse removed In a few * irge at 10c. “It will not injure XNOK SALE—Best Granite Tool, Bessemer ~PROGRAMMES WATCH! days by ualug C C. C. Suffer no lumrer package some of the ex- 91.00. Sold In bv J. SI. '» interesting psychological X_ and Machinery Steel, also Lathe and Planer Of all kinds neatly-printed in the latest faces CAM, ON 'T*-Hottlei Anguirtu Wafer E 'a 1 he hands, or the most delicate fabric” EPZSWZ&lGetohdi itls Water street, and Pliannaom krancaiae 10:1 Water 8.%et, periments which he conducts in his labora: Tool steel,and Norway and Refined Iron at whole, o! type. We have a magnificent line 6* iaftiplot Street. Pat up and for tule by | he testimony of tfaoae who liave ustd it sale. Lowest prices quoted on orders. to select from. Cl'l and tory at Com- large see them and. get cui *« cheapest Yale.—[Forum PUblisMog 108 St. H. H. Lord & J. or years. We recommend it Union Telephone. Bangor Harvey. prices. Lowell, Merrill P. O. Box Maine pany, Square, New York ] mar21dtf BUJSajEIGH Wye, 1325, Bangor, nd'beet. L. M. 106 & 108 State & FixVNf, August*# Maine. JBHELBBI, j Lothimp, may 10 tu thfcsatlyr it. aug8eod3l*