2019 Reports and Accounts to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting
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2019 REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS TO THE ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Meeting to be held on Wednesday 21 October 2020 Registered Charity Number 1128859 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Annual Reports 3 Parochial Church Council (PCC) Proceedings 4 Treasurer’s Report 8 Safeguarding 9 The Estate & Property Report 15 Electoral Roll 15 Deanery Synod 16 Mission Support Group 24 Families Ministry (including Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals) 25 Children’s Ministry 27 Youth Ministry 28 Guiding in Ecclesall 29 Scouting in Ecclesall 30 Mothers’ Union 31 All Saints Women’s Social Group 32 Women’s Ministry 32 Men’s Ministry 33 Small Groups 34 Readers’ Reports 36 Report from our Internship Programme 37 Worship Ministry 38 Seniors’ Ministry 39 Pastoral Ministry Report of Pastoral Ministry Leader Bereavement Team Healing and Wholeness Group 42 Welcome Ministry 42 Whirlow Spirituality Centre at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit 44 Flowers in Church 44 Sanctuary Guild 44 Bookstall APPENDIX I ACCOUNTS for year ended 31 December 2019 (See separate file) APPENDIX II Summary of Financial Information for year ended 31 December 2019 APPENDIX III Statutory Information 2 PAROCHIAL PARISH COUNCIL (PCC) PROCEEDINGS During 2019 the full PCC met six times for our usual business meetings and twice for PCC Times Apart in March and June. Following Vicar Gary Wilton’s departure in June, PCC members also attended Section 11 and Section 12 meetings in preparation for appointing a new vicar. The PCC discussed the following major items: · Being a resourcing church and the wider diocesan strategy · Reviewing how our finances are managed, including our reserves policy and designated funds · The process of appointing a new vicar · The Parish Safeguarding Audit and Action Plan 2019, including the adoption of a policy for the recruitment of volunteers, role descriptions for each volunteer role and safeguarding training · The adoption of a Safeguarding Children Policy · The adoption of an updated Governance Overview document · Refreshed partnership arrangements for the Whirlow Spirituality Centre Joint Venture with Whirlow Grange Limited . The purchase of 9 Greystones Grange Road and sale of 48 Renshaw Road, so that the housing for our new Associate Vicar who took up her post in January 2019, matched the criteria previously approved by PCC Our Vicar, Gary Wilton, left to take up a new post in Brittany in September 2019. We also saw the departure of our Youth Ministry Leader, Joseph Sheldon, and one of our Toddler Group Assistants, Eve Brankin. Hannah Chester and Rob Haley were appointed as Youth Ministry Interns for the 2019/20 academic year. Various works to our buildings and churchyard were completed during the year, including lighting upgrades in the church and works to the halls roof above the church office. Faculties were requested to install Commonwealth War Grave signage in the churchyard and erect a poustinia in the grounds of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Whirlow. These both received approval to proceed. The PCC also discussed the following items: · The Big Church Weekend Away held in Buxton in January 2019 · The mission partnership agreement with St. Gabriel’s Greystones I would like to thank all the members of the PCC, staff team and church family for their continued support and encouragement. Emily Jackson PCC Secretary 3 TREASURER’S REPORT The Trustees’ Report and Audited Accounts as at 31 December 2019 have been published as a separate document and provide the detail on our financial position. Financial Highlights from 2019 PCC approved a budget for 2019 which planned for expenditure for the year to exceed income by £20k. (This excludes any net increase or decrease in the value of our investments in year.) The deficit budget was set in the knowledge that we had sufficient free reserves to fund this deficit. It was to allow All Saints to continue with our wide range of church activities, and as part of this welcoming our new Associate Vicar, Beth Keith, from January 2019, as well as supporting additional missional activities. Our audited accounts show that we ended the year needing to transfer £20.5k from reserves and so very close to our plan. There were, however, some quite big variations in individual areas of income and expenditure. We are thankful that church family members continued to be generous with planned giving through our Stewardship arrangements. Including Gift Aid, members gave £421k, but we fell short of the PCC previously agreed target of £440k. We were, however, blessed by Legacy income of £41k (against a budget of £10k) and additional Grant income. Our expenditure was greater than planned by around £29k particularly in relation to maintaining our buildings and associated with the sale of Renshaw Road. The chart below gives a summary of how our total £721k income was received. Other income was particularly large in 2019 due to our very successful Big Church Weekend Away (BCWA) in Buxton last January. In total income for the BCWA was £46k and we spent just over £45k. PCC offered the £700 surplus to Whirlow Grange Ltd to support other church families having time away. 2019 Income General Giving (incl. Gift Aid) - 59% 8% Other donations -1% Legacies - 6% 15% Grants - 5% 4% Investment Income -2% 2% 59% 5% Funeral & Wedding fees -4% 6% Other income eg hire of Whirlow, Church & Halls -15% 1% Events eg Big Church Weekend Away and House Party -8% 4 The chart below gives an analysis of our £741k expenditure. In total we spent £528k (71%) on our usual church activities and maintaining our buildings and church yard, £68k (9%) on other activities including special events such as the BCWA and £145k on our three main areas of missional giving. In 2019 we continued to make our Common Fund contribution to the Diocese in full (£139k). For the first time in the accounts we showed this in two parts; £47k of a possible maximum £70k for our incumbent (we formally entered our Vacancy on 6 September 2019) under church activities and the balance of £92k as missional giving as this supports other church families across the Diocese. In 2019 we had a new area of missional giving (at £19k) as part of the mission partnership arrangements with St Gabriel’s. We fully funded the stipend of Revd. Alistair Stevenson who worked half time as Priest in Charge at St Gabriel’s throughout 2019. The partnership arrangements are for 5 years and will see All Saints reduce our financial support over this time. 2019 Expenditure 3% 4% Common Fund - All Saints Vicar - 6% 6% Staff Salaries & Expenses - 35% 13% Estates costs including churchyard - 23% Ministry and admin costs - 7% 9% 35% Other activities including special events eg BCWA -9% 7% Common Fund - support to other churches -13% St Gabriels Mission Partnership -3% 23% Other Missional Giving -4% Our Properties At the end of 2018 we owed two large amounts (shown as creditors due after more than one year in the accounts). The level of our cash receipts, including from three large legacies, allowed us to clear both of these creditors in 2019. We paid the £68.5k balance of our share of the costs for the redevelopment of the Chapel of Holy Spirit and spirituality centre at Whirlow. There has been an increased use of the centre for a variety of events in 2019 and as part of our partnership arrangements with Whirlow Grange Ltd we continue to share income and expenditure. For 2020 we have established a Partnership Committee and agreed some simplified operational and financial management arrangements. The value of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit does not form part of our accounts because it is a consecrated property, but it continues to be valued at around £280k. 5 Most significantly PCC approved the purchase of 9 Greystones Grange Road. PCC wished to purchase a house which met the criteria previously agreed by PCC for a property suitable for occupation by an Associate Vicar and family. With the Stevenson family vacating 48 Renshaw Road in December 2018 when they moved to the St Gabriels’ vicarage, this meant we could sell this property. However, it was jointly owned with the Church Commissioners which meant we had to repay the £135k loan due to them (our other large creditor at year end 2018). As a result, the net cost of purchasing the new property was £206k. This is the main reason why our Free Reserves reduced from £521k to £295k in 2019. During 2019 there was limited expenditure on major repairs of our Church building and Halls, although our Estates Committee and PCC actively considered the remaining requirements from the 2015 Quinquennial Inspection and as shown below, have set aside a significant element of our Free Reserves for use for necessary repairs in 2020 and beyond. Our Funds and Reserves at 31 December 2019 All Saints as a registered charity has to separately monitor and account for the different sorts of Funds we hold as each of the Funds come with different rules and restrictions which affect how they can be used. Our accounts set these out in detail, but in summary we have four different sorts of Funds as follows: £'000 Endowment Funds: Funds must be held permanently. We can only use the income from the investments for the specific purposes for which the Funds were originally given eg estates costs 464 Restricted Funds: These can be used for the specific purpose for which the income is received. Our largest is for our church yard at £93k. Also £20k for St Gabriels mission partnership and £5k Connected Church. 117 Designated Funds held as Property and other Fixed Assets: Our main assets are the houses occupied by our Associate Vicars and our Church Halls 1,260 Unrestricted/ Designated Funds = Our Free Reserves 295 2,136 In summary, at 31 December 2019 we had £2.1 million of Funds but we only had £295k of Free (Unrestricted) Reserves.