DOCUMENT RESUME A 'ED 203 274 CG 015 276 Homeless Youth: The Saga of "Pushouts" and . "Throwaways" in America. Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-Sixth Congress, Second Session; INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. PB DATE Dec BO . NOTE 2520: Not available in paper ;copy dui to small 4/41ILAHLE FROM Superintendent.of Documents,'M.S. Government Printing Offitei Washington, DC '20402. EDRS PRICE MFOtlilus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS: *Adolescents: *Child. AbuSe:',,,Chi.lid,Neglect: Family Orobiems:.HelpinT:RelatiOnship:', Juvenile Courts; *Parent Child RelatiOnthip: PrOblem.Zolving: *RuhawayWViolencei *youth Rrograms juisTgApT This report of the-,SenateSubcommittee,on the Comstitution examines the' )henOmenon OehOieljets yoUthoinCluding the population, fheirfamiliese. survival tactics, the availabiLityof services, and futureoutlOokSA SectiOnretriewingths:legal constraints imposed on young people Aidhaffect their, ability to 1iVe: on their own.,it folloWecf,b/ a review of the agenclesserving: 11,0MelesSyouth With dita,:aimpressionSdoliected:from;0 Interviews.. A:desdpiptiOnof runaway litogratsthroughoUt.the:United Stites. ncluded. Data frOm ou.6'sits pto.greOnyiSitsanUinterviei0 with. agency personnel,,policeofficets,:and InvenileAUstiCe, 'corrections, public assistanCes, mental health4 and childcare personnel, are reported. 4:41 .are .'also included frbm case reOardSof runaways and interviews )Conducted.with-homeless youth about. the quality of their liveti StirViValHtethrigues,'difficult,ies'endOuntered in obtaining,foodo shelterand:'emPloyment and their. hopes for*Oefuture.HS'lle appendices contain the Juvenile Justice and.:Runtway yoUth acts and amendments, additiOnalreports on hoieless youth and child-abuse, and interview ,torms for agency'Tersonnel and.youthS.
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