Black & White Illustrated Budget
BUACK&WHITE [Oct. Vol. IV.—No. 53.] BUDGET 13, 1900 Regd. at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper.] [Pkice 2d. l'ubt free, 2^il. THE NEW LORD MAYOR Alderman Frank Green, the Lord Mayor elect, is a native of Maidstone, where he was born in 1S35, He has represented the Ward of Vintry in the Corporation since 1878, and as he is a widower,, ths duties of Lady Mayoress will devolve on his elder daughter, Mirs Kathleen Haydn Gr*en , 34 BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET Oct. i», icod Although the pre- Younger, Gordon sent Adjutant-General, Highlanders, and three Sir Evelyn Wood, V.C. men were hit, and, after is not " before the pub- ordering the retire- lic," he leads a very ment, Captain Gordon busy life. Sir Evelyn, himself retirxd. Cap- by t lie way, has seen tain Younger would very much service in also have been recom- Soul li A fr i c a ; h e mended for the Victoria gained the V.C. during Cross had he survived." the Indian Mutiny, and Captain Gordon is a he raised the Egyptian son of Mrs. Gordon, Army in 1883. He Fellside, Moffat, N.B., must feel proud of it of 29, Melville Street, now. Edinburgh, who has v ¥ ^ another son an officer in the Royal Scots, and Still another V.C. a son-in-law a captain falls to the wearers of in the Royal Field the black gaiter but- Artillery, all at the tons, " the three G.'s," front. commonly known as V IF V the Gordon High- landers.
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