TV Ptrattrrai
TV ptrattrrai o m m e t r i a INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers’ Convention Section State and City Section VOL. 92. SATURDAY, MARCH 18 1911. NO. 2386. Week ending March 11. Clearings at— Site Clxrcmidje. In c . or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1911. 1910. | D ec. 1909. 1908. Terms of Subscription—Payable in Advance 3 S % S S 287,688,624 307,946,590 — 6.6 261,436,607 For Ono Year ......................................................................................... ..................$10$10 00 00 Chicago................ 236.428,355 Cincinnati........... 23,236,700 23,812.450 — 2.4 26,268,600 24.086,150 For Six Months.......................................................................................................... (5ti 00 — 2.7 European Subscription (Including postage)................................................. 13 00 Cleveland........... 16,133,399 16,574,938 14,707,517 12,303.464 13 17,072,003 15,837,150 + 7.8 13,437,592 European Subscription six months (including postage).......................... 7 50 Detroit.................. 12,153,242 Milwaukee______ 12,827,485 12,677,496 + 1.3 11,831,468 9,856.136 Annual Subscription in London (including postage).................. £ 2 14 s. 8,786,606 — 3.7 Six Months Subscription in London (including postage)........... V 1 11s Indianapolis____ 8,460,655 7,424,988 7,119.154 5,966,300 5,992,900 —0.4 5,472,200 rtanndiun Subscription i m ehidinv nnstnsroi .$11 50 Columbus............ 4,708,000 Toledo__________
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