Men's Shoe : Summit

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Men's Shoe : Summit VOX; XX. SUMMIT K. J.. SATURDAY. STOVEMBEG 15. 1902 NO 1,7 Published every: Saturday a HUMOR IN HORSES. '"'•. Sumrnit, N. J. • -5to Thua Its Sliare. ALFRED J. LANE, ".-' Only those who are unfamiliar with , Editor and Publisher. animals douM that they liuve a Oenso oC humor. Jimmy IB a lively road lioree who has Ideas oC his own and THE very original conceptloDS of what la amusing. One day the children had erected a small tent on the lawn nnd feumtm% Record sat within It drinking lemonade and . • Is the best looSi Newspaper Ct playing that they were banditti. Jim- my walked softly up to the side of the •: New Jersey: Itis progressive and tent and slowly Inserted his noso energetic and devoted to the wel- i^^ through a convenient silt, says Our fare arid improvement :of Summit Dumb Animals. Eyes and ears fol- >'( It desires the support of the liberal- lowpd and, his head once within at the ; I ' m'.nded citizens of th'e community. hack of the unsuspicious revelers, Jim- ) { The subscription price ,is two dol- my gave one tvciuvadous sneeze of tlmt l| lars per annum'and no better in- kind which is Imlf a .snort. ,''' vestment can be made than in sub- OUR NEW ,The banditti fell back in every direc- tion, nnd the horse, withdrawing from i ( scribing for this paper. ' the tent, laughed silently to himself br- S; ALFRED j. LANS, foro going back to Ills grass cropping. it EtHKir. and Publisher. -Tii'nlny's favorite amusement is that of , ! f. Subscription Price $2 Per Annum scattering a flock of slicop. When he is feeding with thaw in the posture, he MMEN' S SS suddenly-stops eating and then dashes among them, sending them ecuddin^ (FIVE CENTS A LINE COLUMN One of the Most Complete Exclusive Men's |lioe Stores in the Country. over the hillside. Then he stands watch- ing them until they again settle to their • TKe crowded condition of our main store department, and wholly inadequate facilities for hand- nibbling and nfter a short luncheon of his own vepeats-tlio pleasing diversion. f. Females., Two- gw»d cnuvassorn to call ling an immense and rapidly growing trade, compelled us to secure larger, quarters for our men's shoe : Summit. Call at McCiays Dry Goods store, Snm.- Although tills horse Is the gentlest crea- - nijt, N.J., Saturday after 10 n. ra. : . ... ' stocks. This new shoe arinei, it must be remembered, is a part;of the great Bamberger system—it will ture in the world, ft pleases him ex- ceedingly to frl.chten any one who has shown timidity In his presence. -ry ANTED :•'.,.,' be governed by the same rules, and no change, excepting }o r the better, will be made in a policy that • Situation by young mau Accustomed to lioi— Jimmy's two mltitrusses harness him cows and gardening: Willing: to be useful about : . " has had most to do with making our fame as the State's leading retailers-or everything that's right to ' without trouble or danger, but l:e de- ; a plncc aud house."will'givereference from ,'preaem employer. Andrew T.-t. care'llecord wear. You are absolutely protected against mistakes by our invariable rule of. money refunded if 'dis- lights In clarming one girl cousin who . -office. - ...-i . • . •- visits at the house. Sundry fljlsetliigs satisfied with purchase. Our lines include none but the best 01 various grades, and no shoe will be sold and nervous starts oi her own were enough to'show Jimmy of what man- under any circumstances that we cannot guarantee to be all and more than is claimed for it. Working ner and temperament she was, and he Is merciless In taking advantage of shoes, those for business or dress wear, and full -assortments of fine Frenchpalf or English enamel rid- that kuowledgre. li' she enters the sta- ble where he stands accepting the har- ing boots, riding leggins and all kinds of footwear for. the field of sport. : . • ness in the must docile maiiuer, • he opens his mouth, showing a wicked , Flal of (our • rooms' arid bath with nil improve- • meats'in-Glciiwood Tlace: Siioo ' per niaiiliu row of teeth, and makes a feint of snap- Apply to John B. Walsh;'Summit. Sole Agents4n? Newark and Ticinity for the Celebrated Shoes of Hanan •& Son. ping, at her. She shrieks. Uls mistress scolds and reasons with him, nnd Jim- FOR SALE • .. • . : There is no shoe rrjade, for men\that has a more, universally enviable reputation than Hanan's, my apparently i& then repentant. " '' ' "i"*!\ \A and those who for years have been obliged to get them in New York, owing to the fact .that there has Quartered oak roll • top office desk, almost new. FACTS ABOUT FEET. Can be Been nt theY. »i.;SkA. A bargain. .been no-agency-nearer, will hail vvithjMight the addition of this high grade line. Another and not un- rpwo Fpa otia, TO-. The typical Irish foot Is flat, rathec Coll at Basieey -aak gct-doubtc amount of Green stamps foe every purchase,- ; Saturday. Nov. 8 : important feature is the installing of bootblack stands; arid . - . broad and not usually long. Monday IO Tuesday Nov. n. •, .' The Frenchman's foot is proverbially long, narrow and well proportioned. "WO8 SAL.B The Scotchman's foot la high and Suriy good condition. tli/ck, strong; imiseulfir and capable of • ' J49 Boulevard, fcutumlt. hard work. • •VyAKTED-'™ "'••- "'. " • .."_,• :;,[,• , Tbo Tartnr'e foot is short and heavy, r/•'• Alternooa hours arranged lot ih Summit or A number of -extraofdfnairy'Uotsi- .-including.' ^ q^arit|iy;vo( samples of. Lilly, BracKet, Co., the foot of a certain type oC savage, nearby. Cliildreufive toelcvcn yearn. NcrvOua and the toes nre all tbo same length. and backward pupils n'specialty. ,Bret referen- ces and methods. Addrccs New YorkTfachcr manufacturers, jof-Brpckton, Mass.r at extrerfleiy low prices:for the Opening-Days..,;•; The • Englishmim's foot Is la most careoCKccordoffice. >: . • • . ». - esses short nnd rather fleshy imd not ns a rule as Gtroug as proportionately It , should be. • . A good siej: nurM or ladle* nurse wants h lev* Theilttwsian's.'foot possesses;nt least' more «y:aKemealfc Addres* WISB GoUoway,' Ma^? of vioi,kid,'box and.. 'J •Wellknowit.asa.firstsclass :• New? 'hand-sewed French.1 one .peculiarity which 1B worth notic- bummltPvSt Office. ' • '" ing. The toes are generally."webbed"'; • Robsoa • Calf—extra koo/L grade shoes in all Ieatfe¥s^' 3.30:511'.o1e and.always6old.foCjcalf.slio'eSi.;in button or^;lace; • ..looks in bottoms and uppers madeby'tte^ Vj' or'patenti'eblt,J: Bii'ttbiri-Taoe.'or ' to the first Joint:.. ''• "' ' xc The Spaniard's- foot' is generally, -^ •W- j>iUl.«,i,.i.uii rr .pricedmanDfacturers'.'-Liuy.'VelourL^.~-* ind\psl.terit..colt—Blucherstyles;»uu. 1 ind,'.'boxcalf v Small house in Summit. Choice location, 85.0c —nothing spared to make eit Co.^dl ^Brticifidn/liaiia: sewed; \-ore Email and, .thanks to the Moorish blood' ill cash. Box 53 Short -Hills. •/_ » Brack which' flows 'In tlie Veins of mOBt:SpaT?-'J thijf shoe the best value ever Moss', wtoth-ifMd- to','•' at each pair guacan at'2:50 ing.~e<$ual;tdidhy:8JaaiLd rai-ao•''. lards, <?Iegnntij^cur\;od.i' • ••• < • t-V offered at a.oo per pair. ' _ 3.'o*jfger.Eair:;:; .'.,.• per pair •', ". :'' ,. shoe made/'at 5:00 per pirin' • The latest -mciisnroments.;; *eoachmanwith lile-Ume experience Jn-enreot show.'that'America is In. tlm process oC> • horsea desires position. Best personal reference. Address Coachman, Record office. developing, a race with the smallest: "Exhibit of feet among: nllthe civilized nations.. Leathers •••• Largest ' The Teutonic and Scandinavian na-. Vonnglman-destring-boafd; In a nicfprlvate D tlona appear to have the Iaiigest feet, , family for the winter, can tccure advantageous Before and 5 AUgatQr Swedes, Korweglans and Germans : erms "by nddresaing T. care of Kecord ofQce. After standing In this respect at the head, of Skin Ever the list ... T^y ANTED ... Tanning. • Tanned. The Arab's foot is famous for its Stable for-winter months;' Must haw '4 stalls \jlgh areb, whereby a true Arab may, • • and rooin for several carriages also accomodationa for groom, riionwr wntetynotoycrw inlleinile indeed, always be known, the Korun from station.' Apply to Hicks Brothers. saying tlmt Q stream of water can run under *&n foot without touoUi^^-'fe. 'OR SALS rFL Kitchen• and Dlnuinc'nJom stoves, Im A carping old Scotchwoman said to Brooders-and Bone Cutter;, 26 Mjrris CAMPBELL'S her pastor oue day: ' Sunimit,N; J. - • . "Dear mo, iiieenisters mak*'' mucklo at!:ie nboot thoir hard work. But what's Mr. Q 5- Campbelh twn bits o' sermons In tho week tao Large Halls Burglar niid Tfre Proof Safe noi mak' up? I cud dae It masol'.1" \ In fcummlt HOUBC. Apply to E. n. Kelly. Dear Sir: Your Red "Wed, Janet," said tho -minister,; Letter Cough Cure on dwellings and' TRADING cured me of a cough contents at 20 pel1 "let's hear ye." .! cent, less than can STAHPS "Come awa' wl' a test, iben," quoth Furnished;- EUht room house at No. saving that had troubled me flhe. Place. Hot wntur heat and all improvements. be secured else- Newlv fjfnifcheil. Enquire of Dnvid K-O'Rourfc for weeks and for'.whjch He repented, with eiupliasis: 5 Irving Place, BnmiuUU; where. "If Is better to dwell iu the corner of I had used a number of the housetop than with a brawling .wo- remedies unsuccesfully. man and in a wide house." ; One bottle did it. Janet flred up Instantly.
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