City Dubai's Only Guide

Mushrif Park in Dubai

Mushrif Park lies in a sheltered dip amongst rolling sand desert about 12 km from Dubai Airport. It is a natural ghaf '(Prosopis cinerarea) forest although now developed for day visitors, containing an extensive road system and leisure facilities. It supports a healthy population of Bruce's Scops Owl, which are often conveniently found at night under the street lamps. A number of other interesting species occur, including Orphean Warbler and eastern Black Redstart. Yellow-throated Sparrow and Hoopoe nest in the park. Ethiopian hedgehog is widespread.

The park is set in 124 hectares and boasts many features including, swimming pools, fountain and lakes, children's play areas, train, camel and pony rides. A special feature is the International Garden Area exhibiting miniature houses from different countries. It is on Road, past the Dubai International Airport.

Mushrif Park is a good example of the optimal utilization of the element of nature in public parks. Prior to the establishment of the park, the area was full of widely spread trees; some of them were more than 50 years old and 15 meters high. Moreover, the park has a dry climate and is located in the vicinity of the city center.

Far from the uproar and the noise of the city, the region has attracted many picnic lovers, who used to enjoy the beauty of its nature. Therefore, the has decided to exploit these natural features and built, therefore, a park that carried the same name of the region...Mushrif in 1974.

In 1981, the first phase of development has started with the set- up of a ladies swimming pool, a

1 / 4 Dubai City Dubai's Only Guide fully equipped gymnasium and a snack house. An addition to building a rooftop for the men's swimming pool, an administration office and a main restaurant for visitors. Due to the large increase of the park's visitors number, and in order to improve the recreational services, and as per the study made by Dubai Municipality concerning the essential needs of the park, the second phase of development has been undergone. A variety of recreational and service facilities costing 17 million Dirhams were instituted. These new facilities and diversified possibilities to enjoy picnics and recreations, allowed visitors to spend their vacations more delightfully, reflecting the basic concept of entertainment brought by the Municipality to its residents.


Mushrif park has international village which contains 13 models of Arabic and English houses. The park also contains of amusing and entertaining services such as:

Electronic entertaining games (all games is 2 Dhs per person) Pool services: swimming pools 10 Dhs per person/ 5 Dhs per child. Barbecue and trips areas. Child games areas. Sport playground (basket ball, volleyball, hand ball) Walking tracks and bicycle tracks. Prayer rooms Planet’s cover and green areas. Restaurants and canteens. Train ride service (2 Dhs per person) Horse and camel riding.( in this area the visitor get to know the traditional life pattern where you see camels, horses, bedouin tents, well, goat…etc, the visitor can ride camels and horses and enjoy amusing picnic in this area as well as to get to know the feather and the bedouin lifestyle. The park’s theater: ( can fit 500 person, where musical concerts perform in holidays, Eids, and special occasions. Special need facilities: the park provides many facilities and services to special need where the park itself were designed to provide them distinct facilities such as provides parking to special need near the entry of the park gates considering the streamlined of the corridors. Also, providing toilets designed to special need.

International Village This village contains thirteen models of Arabic and foreign houses, built in a meticulous way, expressing the architecture of each of the represented countries. Three patterns of indigenous houses are displayed: the palm leaves, clay, and rocky houses with wind towers. Each of these houses has its exclusive architecture, but they all have a common Gulf characteristic, which reflects the outstanding architecture of the region. The Nubian type house is also displayed, as well as the Arabic one with its distinguished beautiful windows called (Mashrabia).

Available Services Furthermore, the English, Norwegian, Thai, Indonesian, Chinese and Japanese houses are also

2 / 4 Dubai City Dubai's Only Guide displayed, in addition to the Red Indian tent and a model of the famous Dutch mill. The visitor of this region can closely get acquainted with the characteristics of these houses and the building methods reflecting the housing patterns of the different nations. While playing in these houses, the children can also increase their knowledge as they enjoy fruitful pastimes.

Park Train, Children Games, Leisure Games, Swimming Pools, Sport Playground, Barbecue Areas, Restaurants and Snack houses

Playground As the name denotes, this region is characterized by its safe recreational games, and was built according to the international safety standards. These games include planes, rotating horses, children's small cars and the parrot's ship. In addition to these games, there are also some fixed wooden games such as swings, seesaws and climbing ropes. The area includes also the station of a circulating train roaming around the park. At the entrance, waterfalls were also decorated with different colored lights illuminating harmoniously with the bubble of falling water.

Flowers and Gardens Within the sides of this area, a running stream flows amongst various trees through escalating curves and slopes. In addition to the rocky garden, flower beds, green lawns, fountains, fixed games and sundial model. Trees are floodlit, thus, showing the terrain of the area and creating a splendid night view.

Camel Riding Visitors of this region can closely get acquainted with the old way of living, where well and goats are seen. The visitor can also ride these camels and enjoy a delightful tour within the area.

Picnics Areas On the edges of Mushrif Park main regions, lie 26 picnic areas equipped with wooden shades, seats, modern grills and some wooden games. These areas could be easily reached through paths and passageways built amidst sand and hills. These areas were formed to maintain the most significant characteristic of the park, which is a picnic and recreation area rather than a public garden.

The Green Area Since the establishment of Mushrif Park until today, the Municipality had never neglected planting and greening it. Besides the 42500 square meters green lawns, different kinds of trees, bushes, flower beds and decorative plants were planted around the park. It includes 29194 trees and bushes; in addition to the pre-existing palm region consisting of 1200 palm trees, yielding yearly the best quality dates, another vast areas have been designated for the expansion of green lawns.

A theater where musical performances take place during holidays, feasts and celebrations, has been set up as well as cages for various kinds of birds, and other water falls. Mushrif Park attracts, due to its recreational facilities, big numbers of visitors, especially during feasts and holidays.

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We shall not forget the special services offered to those wishing to have swimming lessons, as training sessions are organized under the supervision of experts.

Park Rules

Please keep Mushrif park clean and throw trash in specified container. Barbecue is not allowed except in the specialized areas. Playing football is not allowed except in the specified areas. It is forbidden to bring animals and using bicycles and motorcycle inside the park. It is strictly forbidden to play with electrical connections. Keep planets undamaged. Do not use playgrounds, facilities, unspecified services. Children are accompanied adult’s responsibility. Park’s visitors should take responsibilities of all repairing costs of park facilities in case of damaging or devastating of abusing. The management will not take any responsibility on any rubbery or injuries or personal accidents. It is strictly prohibited to smoke “shusha” inside the park. It is not allowed to engage in commercial trade or advertising activities for any reason without getting official written approval ahead in this case. Please wear proper uniform that fits culture and society’s tradition.

Working Hours - Sunday to Wednesday: 8:00 am to 10 pm - Thursday to Saturday and holidays: 8:00 am to 11:00 pm - Wednesdays entry is restricted to women and children only

Fees - 3 Dhs per person - 10 Dhs per car - Free entry to special need

Taxi Directions Near

Contact - Superviser: Najeeb Muaan Furooz - Tel.: +971 4 288 3624 - Mobile: +971 50 8589893 – 050 8565076


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