Serving Holt, Sheringham, Wells, Fakenham And
Issue 444 Free Fortnightly 28th Feb 2020 TheThe HoltHolt All Saints Church Sharrington by Jim Key Serving Holt, Sheringham, Wells, Fakenham and surrounding villages THE HOLT CHRONICLE The deadline for Issue 445 is Noon Tuesday 3rd March The Next Issue will be Published on 13th March 2020 Please send articles for publication, forthcoming event details, ‘For Sale’ adverts, etc. by e-mail to info@ or leave in our collection box in Feeney’s Newsagents, Market Place, Holt. Your Editor is Jo who can be contacted on 01263 821463. We can also arrange DELIVERY OF LEAFLETS - delivery starts at just 3p per insertion of an A4/A5 sheet. Anthony Keeble DNHHEOHURR¿QJ#\DKRRFRXN Advertising in THE HOLT CHRONICLE could promote Director 6 Station Road your business way beyond your expectations. 07748 845143 / 01328 829152 *UHDW5\EXUJK Call Pete on 07818 653720 Don’t forget to visit our website at 31 Church Street, Sheringham 31 Church Street, Sheringham, Holt Foot Clinic Ltd. NR26 8QS Norfolk NR26 8QS TELTEL 01263 825274825274 FAX 01263 823745823745 01263 711011 Painful Feet? WeWe can help with all foot problems. Manufacturers0DQXIDFWXUHUV 6XSSOLHUVRI & Suppliers of: WeWe provide a range of treatments ƔIRRWFDUHQDLOFXWWLQJKDUGVNLQFRUQV DQHUDFWRRIƔ VQURFQLNVGUDKJQLWWXFOLD CurtainsCurtains && CurtainCurtain Poles, Roller Blinds,Blinds, ƔELRPHFKDQLFDODVVHVVPHQWVRUWKRWLFV LQDKFHPRLEƔ VFLWRKWURVWQHPVVHVVDODF PleatedPleated Blinds, Blinds, VerticalVertical Blinds, Venetian Blinds,Blinds, ƔIRRWZHDUDGYLFH GDUDHZWRRIƔ HFLYG VisionVision Blinds Blinds, ,Perfect Perfect Fit Blinds, Fly screens, ƔLQJURZLQJWRHQDLOVQDLOVXUJHU\ RWJQLZRUJQLƔ \UHJUXVOLDQVOLDQHR WoodenWooden Shutters, Wooden Venetians,Venetians ƔKRPHYLVLWVDYDLODEOH VWLVLYHPRKƔ HOEDOLDYD DutchDutch Canopies,Canopies, Awnings $QGLI\RXMXVWQHHGDELWRISDPSHULQJZHGRWKDWWRR HQWVXMXR\ILGQ$ DKWRGHZJQLUHSPDSIRWLEDGHH RRWWD and much more...more.
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