CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS Solo Contrabass & Washtub Bass Christopher Williams (1981, San Diego) is a way arer on the !o"y#mind continu$m. %is me"i$m is m$sic. PhD, 'ei"en (ni)ersity (with *ichar" +arrett and Marcel Co!$ssen); +., (ni)ersity o Cali ornia, San Diego (with Charles Curtis, Chaya Czernowin, and +ertram 0$ret/1y). .s a composer and contrabassist, Williams2s wor1 r$ns the gam$t rom cham!er m$sic, impro)isation, and radio art to collaborations with "ancers, so$nd artists, and )is$al artists. Collaborators incl$"e Derek +ailey, Compagnie 3$ie/Dire, 'aMonte 4o$ng2s 0heatre o 5ternal ,$sic, 6erran 6ages, +ar!ara %el", *o!in %aywar" (as *ei"emeister Mo)e), Christian Kesten, %ans W. Koch, Christina 7$!isch, 'iminar, ,aulwer1er, Charlie Morrow, Davi" Moss, .ndrea 8eumann, ,ary 3li)er and *o/emarie %eggen, +en &atterson, *o!yn Sch$l1ows1y, Martin Sonder1amp, and 5nsem!le S$per,$si9$e. Wor1 presented thro$gho$t 5$rope : (S., incl$"ing ;&*3 *adio < (%olland), Deutschland $nk 7$lt$r, the ,$seum o Contemporary .rt +arcelona, Vol1s!=hne +erlin, and the .merican Doc$mentary 6ilm 6esti)al. CONTACT Williams2 artistic research takes the orm o !oth conventional academic p$!lications and
[email protected] practice-base" m$ltime"ia pro>ects. %is nati)e "igital "issertation Tactile Paths: on and through Notation for Improvisers is available at %e also c$rates the +erlin concert series 7380*.7'.8G and wor1s with so$n" experience makers MorrowSo$nd.