
We are talking about specific places on earth and need to be able to “get there.”

How do we do that? How would you give directions from place to place if you landed on a new planet? That’s why the latitude and coordinate grid system was developed on Earth Vocabulary – Latitude and Longitude

• Latitude • Revolve • Parallel • Clockwise • Longitude • Counterclockwise • Intersect • (0o longitude) • Coordinate grid system • Greenwich, England • Meridians of longitude • Equator (0o latitude) • Parallels of latitude • International Line (180o) • Degrees of arc (angle) • North pole (90oN) • Polaris • South pole (90oS) • North Star • Northern hemisphere • Circumpolar • Southern hemisphere • Altitude • Western hemisphere • Rotate • Eastern Hemisphere We need more than N/S/E/W to locate things. That’s why we need to talk about Latitude and Longitude

Read to review the details then we’ll go over the key ideas. ALTITUDE means the angle above the horizon in the sky

The concept of latitude came first. In the northern hemisphere, it is based on the altitude of the navigational star Polaris ! lapsed photo of star trails around Polaris (the North Star)

Do you know why Polaris is called the North Star?

• It’s directly above the north pole. • It’s circumpolar (does appear to move). Causes star trails around it! • Can it be used in Southern Hemisphere? Why? Polaris is called the North Star. It is important for navigation on Earth.

• You can find your latitude in the northern hemisphere if you know Polaris’ altitude (angle in sky) above the horizon. They are the same! Angles of latitude and longitude How is this How is this like a graph? different from a LATITUDE graph? and LONGITUDE create a world coordinate grid that we use to locate places around the globe Grid

Why are latitude and longitude measured in degrees? They are both measured from a central point we call the CENTER OF THE EARTH! Latitude… Why does maximum = 90o Longitude

• Why does Maximum = 180o How do latitudes and relate to hemispheres? Always parallel REVIEW Intersect at Poles

LONGITUDE is LATITUDE is angular distance angular distance east or west of north or south of PRIME EQUATOR MERIDEAN measured from measured from Earth’s center Earth’s center Locate your cities around the world using LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE NOTES: What happens if it’s a fraction of a latitude or longitude angle?

DEGREES of ANGLE MINUTES of ANGLE ROUND TO THE NEAREST 1 = 60 minutes DEGREE 0.25 degree (1/4) = 15 minutes 34o18’ N 34oN 0.33 degree (1/3) = 20 minutes o o 0.5 degree (1/2) = 30 minutes 45 35’ N 46 N o o 0.75 degree (3/4) = 45 minutes 165 35’ W 166 W 128o07’ E 128oE MINUTES of ANGLE of ANGLE 0o52’ S 1oS 1 minute = 60 seconds o o 0.25 minute (1/4) = 15 seconds 67 12’ S 67 S 0.33 minute (1/3) = 20 seconds 107o35’ N 108oN 0.5 minute (1/2) = 30 seconds 22o29’ W 23oW 0.75 minute (3/4) = 45 secondss Round to nearest degree and then Locate these cities on your world map City Latitude Rounded Longitude Rounded Hemispheres N or S? E or W? Bogata, 4o32’N 74o15’W Columbia Vladivostok, 43o10’N 132o0’E Russia Auckland, 36o50’S 174o45’E New Zealand Chihuahua, 28o37’N 106o5’W Mexico Buenos Aires, 34o35’S 58o22’W Argentina Reykjavik, 64o8’N 21o53’W Iceland Find the names of these cities on the world, round the values, & plot on your world map City Name Latitude Longitude (direction, degrees) (direction, degrees)

32o46’N 96o48’W

33o55’S 18o25’E

34o31’N 69o10’E

22o54’S 43o12’W

59o54’N 10o45’E

64o50’N 147o42’W

55o45’N 37o37’E

13o45’N 100o30’E

47o21’N 8o31’E Fill in the Table with Latitude and Longitude for your cities and then plot them on your world map

City Latitude Longitude Hemispheres (degrees, direction) (degrees, direction) N or S? E or W? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8