Medical Center Leads the Way in Combatting Opioid Epidemic

Richmond University Medical Center’s Emergency Department and Center for Integrative Behavioral Medicine continues to lead the way in combatting the nationwide opioid overdose epidemic which has struck the community especially hard.

As part of these ongoing efforts, two new initiatives were announced in June to increase awareness and utilization of Narcan, also known as Naloxone, which is utilized for emergency treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose. Effective June 1st, the medical center has made available Narcan kits through its Emergency Department (ED) and on Thursday, June 15th, began offering free Narcan kits and training to the public at the Center for Integrative Behavioral Medicine at 1130 South Ave. Additional training sessions are expected to be held on a monthly basis

The efforts were announced at a press conference held at the medical center on June 6th attended by community health leaders.

“Richmond University has been in the vanguard of combatting the opioid overdose epidemic within our community,” stated Daniel J. Messina, Ph.D., FACHE, President & CEO of Richmond University Medical Center. “Our aggressive approach continues with the Pictured, from left: Michael Matthews, Ileana Acosta, Dr. Daniel J. Messina, introduction of free Narcan training for the public, along with our ability President & CEO, Dr. Frank Fazio, Rosemarie Stazzone, COO/CNO, Dr. Joel Idowu. to dispense Narcan, with appropriate education, to those who need it in our Emergency Department. I am grateful for the dedication of Richmond University’s emergency and behavioral medicine departments who have worked tirelessly on this issue, along with the support of Oddo and our other community partners.”

Borough President , who was represented at the press conference by Dr. Ginny Mantello, Health & Wellness Director, said, “One of the tools at our disposal to prevent people from dying from opioid overdoses is the distribution of naloxone kits and appropriate education so they are available for high risk individuals. Simply stated, it works and literally brings people who are dying back to life. Thank you to Richmond University Medical Center for taking this step that will save lives. Of course, our work is not over once that naloxone save is made; it may save the person’s life, but he or she is still facing a battle against addiction and needs help to avoid future overdoses and winning back a healthy and productive life. There are many good people and organizations in our borough engaged in this fight, but it is clear that without naloxone we wouldn’t even have a chance to help many in their quest out of addiction because they would be dead.”

As a registered provider with the State Department of Health, Richmond University Medical Center’s Opioid Overdose Prevention Program has begun identifying patients to receive Narcan kits: patient who come into the Emergency Department due to a suspected overdose, patients with an opiate or other substance abuse problem will be offered a Narcan kit prior to discharge, ED staff will consider providing education to the family of the patient with a substance use history and will assist in obtaining a Narcan kit.


Patient Satisfaction Message from the President & CEO A Note of Thanks Daniel J. Messina, Ph.D., FACHE, LNHA

Dear Friends,

I hope this note finds you enjoying the early The following Grateful Patient letter was addressed to days of summer. Alla Adler, RN, Nurse Manager of SLB-6:

Have you ever heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first Dear Ms. Adler, impression?” Please accept this letter of commendation for the That axiom has been attributed to Will care that Jonathan Costello, RN, afforded my Rogers and Oscar Wilde, but likely originated husband, Corrado, during his hospital stay on March with an ad campaign for Botany Suits back in 21 – 28, 2017. the 1960s. To add, my husband was readmitted in April and While its origins are subject to debate, the truth of that message applies Jonathan stopped in to see him even though my to our daily interactions here at Richmond University. husband was not assigned to Jonathan as a patient As we strive to improve patient experience it is important to remember on the second admission. that visitors often form their opinions from initial interactions. At Richmond As a way of background information, my husband University we want to display positive attitudes; caring, compassionate, underwent an amputation and was instructed to friendly, personal, professional, trusting—when dealing with patients and remain in bed with his foot raised. For a person who visitors. It is essential to establishing and maintaining confidence in the is used to moving about freely and independently, this care we provide. was a test of mind and spirit. There are some simple steps we can follow to make that positive first While he tried his best to remain upbeat and I stayed impression: with him as much as I could, Jonathan’s care and Always be friendly and helpful. Make people feel welcome with a noted interest made the difference between feeling proper greeting, smile and warm body language. Greet people you pass like just another patient and knowing that professional in the hallways. If you see someone looks confused, offer directions or staff were partnering with him in his recovery. get help. Never let someone in need feel ignored. This is my personal thank you to Jonathan. I hope Maintain professionalism. Look and act the part by dressing that any consideration that can be afforded him for his professionally and wearing an ID badge. Be aware of actions like chewing professionalism and care is granted considerable gum while talking. Be professional on the phone and realize the measure. importance of a caller’s time when putting them on hold. Very truly yours, Go the extra mile. Let patients and visitors enter and exit an elevator Emilia first. Use elevator time to engage visitors. Be aware of the impression we make when driving, parking or walking on campus.

Let’s treat every interaction with our patients and visitors like its our first and make it a lasting impression.

Remember, the power of one – you make a difference!

Medical Staff News

Medical Staff Holds Annual Summer Reception

On June 9th, Richmond University Medical Center’s Medical Staff hosted its annual Medical Staff Summer Reception at the Vanderbilt at South Beach. Two distinguished members of the medical center's community were honored: former Borough President James P. Molinaro and Dr. Publius Martin.

Former Borough President is a long-time trustee of the medical center and in November 2015 it was announced that the hospital's new Emergency Department would be named in his honor. Mr. Molinaro served Staten Island as Borough President from 2001 through the end of 2013. His political career began when he joined the New York State Conservative Party in 1964. Mr. Molinaro rose quickly within the ranks of the state’s Conservative Party, winning the election in 1974 as Chairman of Richmond County, and subsequently as Vice Chair of the state party. In 1989, he was elected Executive Vice Chair of the New York State Conservative Party. Before becoming Borough President, Mr. Molinaro served for 12 years as Deputy Borough President to former Borough President Guy V. Molinari (1990-2001). Mr. Molinaro also served as Chief of Staff to Congressman Guy V. Molinari, representing New York’s 14th Congressional District. In addition to work, Mr. Molinaro, a resident, has dedicated himself to health care-related charitable works in memory of his late wife. In 1991, a new dialysis unit at Bayley Seton Hospital was dedicated in memory of Carol E. Molinaro. Mr. Molinaro was the first Chairman of the Board of St. Elizabeth Ann’s Health Care and Rehabilitation Center, and in 2000, St. Elizabeth Ann’s opened the James P. and Carol E. Molinaro Health Care and Rehabilitation Center Atrium.

After receiving his medical degree from the University of Coimbra in Portugal, Dr. Publius Martins began his affiliation with our institution in 1978 when he began his medical internship at St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center – Staten Island Region. This was followed by a two year residency in Medicine during which time he received the Intern of the Year Award. He then became Chief Resident in Medicine and then went to Brown University for a Fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine. In 1984, he returned to our hospital and served for a time as Associate Director of Medicine and was also Co-Director of the ICU. Dr. Martins also holds a lifetime certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine. He began his private practice on Staten Island in 1984 and has continued to be an integral part of our institution. During this time, he also served as Director of both the Pulmonary Laboratory and the Blood Gas Lab.

Dr. Martins is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at New York Medical College and a member of several professional societies, including the American College of Physicians, the American College of Chest Physicians, the New York State Medical Society, and the Richmond County Medical Society. He has also been named by New York Magazine as one of the “Best Doctors in New York.”

While the Chronicle is issued once a month, you can find out about the latest happenings at Richmond University Medical Center, in real-time via our Social Media pages. Richmond University maintains an active Are you following presence on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. Links to each of our social media pages are available on the Richmond us on social media? University Medical Center webpage, which is located at:

The Public Relations and Marketing Team welcomes your photos and news tips from around our community. Please send any newsworthy materials to William J. Smith at [email protected] or Lorraine Scanni at: [email protected]. Thank you! Capital Campaign

City Council, Borough President Allocate $12.5M for ED Project

The medical center’s plans for the new, state of the art James P. Molinaro Emergency Department took another giant step forward with the announcement that the City Council and Borough President James Oddo would be allocating $12.5 million in city funds towards the project. The new funds are in addition to $13.5 million for the project from the City Council last year, bringing the total to $26 million for the project. The June 6th announcement was made by Council Members Deborah Rose and Joseph Borelli and Minority Leader , along with Borough President James Oddo and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

Speaker Mark-Viverito’s capital initiatives account for $7 million; $4 million comes from Borough President Oddo's capital budget; $1 million from Council Member Rose's discretionary capital funds, and $500,000 from Minority Leader Matteo's discretionary capital funds.

"Without the safety net of steady public funding, our borough's two-hospital system is incredibly vulnerable and faces tremendous challenges remaining solvent," Minority Leader Matteo said. "Richmond University’s outdated emergency department is dangerously over capacity and in dire need of an upgrade. But the hospital cannot build a new facility without financial assistance. That is why we worked closely with the speaker to make this historic commitment to Staten Island health care, adding significantly more funds to ensure this critical project moves forward."

"Staten Islanders deserve the most modern and up-to-date health care facilities," Borough President Oddo said. "This is especially true of emergency rooms, places we are forced to visit during the most trying and difficult times imaginable. I committed $4 million in taxpayer funding for this project upgrading and modernizing the emergency department at Richmond University because it is more than 40 years old, currently serves well in excess of the capacity it was built to accommodate, and would allow the well-trained and compassionate staff at Richmond University better serve the next generations of Staten Islanders."

"In the absence of a city hospital on Staten Island, our health care system has been severely underfunded for decades," Council Member Rose said. "With this budget, we take a significant step toward reversing that and providing Staten Islanders with the state-of-the-art health care facility we need and deserve. This historic amount of funding two years in a row provides the bedrock for a complete re-visioning of Richmond University Medical Center's Clockwise from top left: Borough President emergency department. With ongoing and future development on the North Shore, securing James Oddo, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, these funds has been top on my list of priorities throughout these months of budget Council Member Deborah Rose, Council negotiations. I thank Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito for recognizing how important this is to Member Joseph Borelli and Minority Leader

Steven Matteo. Staten Island, and my Staten Island colleagues for their work to help make this significant funding a reality."

We can all agree that the new Emergency Department is vital to the Staten Island community and to the future of Richmond Are you VITAL? University Medical Center.

But are you doing your part?

Learn more about options to support our VITAL campaign at: Quality & Patient Care

Patient Experience Director Earns Exclusive Designation As Patient Experience Director, Andrew Burt, MBA, is a known-commodity across nearly every corner of the medical center community, as he works to improve patient satisfaction scores and the general quality of care and environment at Richmond University. As part of his efforts to learn and implement industry best-practices, Mr. Burt recently earned the designation of Certified Patient Experience Professional (CPXP) from the Patient Experience Institute (PEI), an independent, non-profit, committed to the improvement of patient experience through evidence-based research, continuing education and professional certification.

The CPXP is the first and only professional designation for those addressing patient experience across the healthcare continuum. Mr. Burt is among the first group in the nation, and only patient experience professional in the Staten Island community to earn this designation. This prestigious certification highlights a commitment to the profession and reinforces extensive skills and knowledge central to supporting and expanding the work and field of patient experience.

In announcing the designation the PEI stated, “Our new CPXPs introduced earlier this month represent a committed, visionary and pioneering group of professionals globally who are focused on ensuring the best in experience for all those providing and receiving care every day in our healthcare systems.”

Mr. Burt, a West Virginia native, joined the medical center in September 2013 as a Marketing and Business Development intern, while an undergraduate at Wagner College. He later joined the hospital’s administrative staff in June 2014 serving as a Development and Marketing Assistant and Corporate and Community Development Specialist before assuming his current role as Patient Experience Director in May 2015. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Management and later earned his MBA in Healthcare Administration from Wagner College.

“Andrew has made a remarkable difference in his two plus years as Patient Experience Director. I join the entire medical center community in applauding his initiative in pursuing this credential to further our mission of providing exemplary quality care,” stated Dr. Daniel J. Messina, President & CEO.

Trustee Recognition

Kathy Connors Honored by Moore Catholic H.S. with Alumni Award The diverse Board of Trustees at Richmond University Medical Center are well-known in the Staten Island community for their wide-array of community involvement and professional success. Those attributes were on display when Katherine Anne Connors, PT, MPH was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award at Moore Catholic High School’s Hall of Fame Golf Outing and Dinner at the Grand Oaks Country Club. It is the latest in a recent string of honors for Mrs. Connors who in 2016 was recognized with the Distinguished Trustee Award by the United Hospital Fund and along with her husband, John Connors, Esq., was honored at the medical center’s gala.

She is a physical therapist in private practice on Staten Island, with a Master of Public Health from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She is the past Assistant Coordinator of Rehabilitation at St. Vincent’s Medical Center, and is the Trustee Katherine “Kathy” Connors (2nd fr. l.) with her former rehabilitation field supervisor for the Sisters of Charity Home Health Care Corp. fellow honorees, from left: Bob Gullickson, Sharon Mrs. Connors serves on the boards of the Friends of Channel Thirteen and the Sisters McAdams, Diane Buglioli and Jim McGuire. of Charity Housing Development Corp. She is a Trustee of the Staten Island Children’s Museum and is the past Vice President of the museum. Mrs. Connors held the position of President of the Notre Dame Academy Parent’s Guild in addition to holding leadership positions and supported many Staten Island not-for-profit community organizations.

She and her husband, reside on Grymes Hill and have three daughters: Eileen, Kate and Colleen. Human Resources News

Welcome June 2017 New Hires

Zuge C. Zamor, Manager Jiliu Xu, Program Director Julianna Emilio, Externs-Nursing/ED

Hunter C. Dawkins, EMT Michael Agozzino, Security Officer Victoria A. Lamberti, Ext.-Nursing/ED

Chelsea R. Gaeta, EMT Gaetano M. DeSimone, Security Officer Tyler J. Malone, Externs-Nursing/ED

Matthew T. Greco, EMT Hughes S. Kemajou Tonga, Security Officer Jehona Marke, Externs-Nursing/ED

Joseph S. Laporte, Paramedic Alexander Muller, Security Officer Seena E. Mathew, Externs-Nursing/ED

Jacqueline M. Mauro, EMT Constant A. Richardson, Security Officer Samantha R. Murray, Ext.-Nursing/ED

Christine McAleer, EMT Michelle Bonamico-Lizzi, Registered Dietician Julia L. Nix, Externs-Nursing/ED

Ricardo L. Restrepo, Paramedic Michael Torello, Desktop Analyst Ashley N. Oddo, Externs-Nursing/ED

Adeola P. Akinyemi, Service Coordinator Doris Borello, Surgical Technologist Jasmin K. Philip, Externs-Nursing/ED

Danielle Marsicano, Financial Counselor Jill A. Colacurto, Externs-Nursing/ED Emily E. Rampulla, Externs-Nursing/ED

Shannon L. Barrows, Social Worker Brianne Dacunto, Externs-Nursing/ED Genevieve M. Wilson, Ext.-Nursing/ED

Julian Nepola, Anesthesia Tech Boris Molchanskiy, Assistant VP

Medical Center Staff Active in the Community & Beyond

Residents News

Residency Commencement Ceremony Held at Grand Oaks C.C.

Richmond University Medical Center has long been associated with graduate medical education. It is a serious and special commitment, and we value the unique dimension teaching brings to our services as a community hospital - an academic, energetic learning environment that only teaching hospitals possess.

This weekend we hosted our annual residents graduation ceremony where we congratulated the dozens of members of our current graduating class on all they have accomplished at Richmond University, but will continue to do in their futures.

To celebrate this year’s graduating class, commencement ceremonies were held on June 10th at the Grand Oaks Country Club celebrating 36 graduates in the fields of Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Podiatry.

The program included music from a strong quartet, an invocation from SVP Richard Salhany, an ordained deacon, Dr. Jane Poterio, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Daniel J. Messina, President & CEO, and a commencement address was given by a representative of each program.

A special thank you to our program directors for serving as mentors: Dr. Michael Piccarelli, Dr. Jane Ponterio, Dr. Vinnay Kikkeri, Dr. Teresa Lemma, Dr. Joel Idowu and Dr. Jay Nfonoyim. And of course to the unsung heroes of our program, the residency coordinators: Francesca Granato, Jonathan Pessolano, Elizabeth Gleason, Dori Harasek, Leslie Rey, Sarina Libonati and Keisha Murrell. Resident Published in Citywide Pediatrics Residents Compete in Parenting Magazine Poster Symposium

Dr. Nonyelum Ebigbo, PGY-2, was recently published by The Medical Society of the State of New York recently held its 12th in their June 2017 issues of their four Annual MSSNY Resident/Fellow and Medical Student Poster magazines ( Family, Family, Symposium in Tarrytown, New York. Two pediatric residents from Family, and Bronx Family), for an article on Hepatitis B Richmond University were among the top 50 trainees invited to vaccination in newborns. present at the symposium.

Dr. Ebigbo’s works was instrumental in significantly improving the vaccination rate at Richmond University

from 52% to 70% by helping establish and implement a policy for universal vaccination of all newborns as part of her quality improvement project under the leadership of Dr.

Belnekar and Dr. McMahon.

The article is available online at and will be Dr. Jhavene Morrison (bottom r.) presented a rare case of IVIG- published later this year in SI Parent Magazine at: associated hemolytic anemia, while Dr. Lev Platsman (bottom l.) presented the management of severe hypertriglyceridemia using insulin and heparin in an adolescent patient with Type 2 Diabetes. July 2017

Lung Nurse Navigator Goes “On the Road” to Spread Message Lung Nurse Navigator Nancy Sayegh-Rooney, RN is the public face of the medical center’s highly successful lung screening and tobacco cessation programs. A nurse for over 35 years, Ms. Sayegh-Rooney has an exceptional background in cancer screening. Her efforts in cancer awareness and prevention make her a natural in her position as our lung nurse navigator. She is also a Certified Tobacco Specialist and her efforts are always apparent in her enthusiasm for our Tobacco Cessation Program.

A staple at community outreach events across Staten Island, Ms. Sayegh-Rooney has recently travelled near and far beyond our borough to advance her cause of lung health. She recently presented (r.) at the Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators (AONN+) West Coast Regional Meeting, held in Phoenix, Arizona, which brought together over 200 oncology nurse and patient navigators. Attendees enjoyed 3 packed days of education, engagement, and energy with the opportunity to learn about some of the hottest topics in oncology navigation, from the Commission on Cancer standards to AONN+’s standardized navigation metrics. Learn more about AONN+ at .

Ms. Sayegh-Rooney also took Richmond University’s message of lung screening over the iconic Brooklyn Bridge and to the streets of Manhattan, leading a team which participated in 2017 LUNG FORCE Walk (below l.). Also participating in the walk were Dr. Keith Diaz and his wife Danielle, along with family and friends from the Richmond University community.

LUNG FORCE is a program of the American Lung Association which is committed to unite women to stand together against lung cancer and for lung health. Motivating the movement are the facts that every five minutes, a woman in the U.S. is told she has lung cancer and he number of women dying from lung cancer each year has nearly doubled over the past 30 years. Learn more at

To learn more about our Lung Screening Program or Tobacco Cessation classes please call Nancy Sayegh-Rooney, RN at 718-818-2391.

Have You Seen the 2016 Annual Report? Download a Copy Today! From the Emergency Department groundbreaking to the opening of new facilities, 2016 was a momentous year for Richmond University Medical Center. Each achievement and cause for celebration is documented in the 2016 Annual Report, which is produced by the Pub- lic Relations and Marketing team.

This year’s addition features a timeline of many important events that happened at the medical center throughout the year along with milestones reach in ongoing efforts such as the capital campaign and construction of our new Emergency Department and other facilities.

Special focus is given this year to the medical center’s cardiology services, a patient testimonial on oncology services, an in-depth feature on the DSRIP initiatives including implementation of patient activation activities, the integrations of primary and behavioral health services, and increasing access to high quality chronic disease preventive care and management. Also featured was a profile of the successes of the medical center’s Accountable Care Organization (ACO), Baby Friendly Download a copy today at: designation, radiation oncology program and research.