U H P H 2 0 1 6 I c o n s : T h e M a k i n g , M e a n i n g a n d U n d o i n g o f U r b a n I c o n s a n d I c o n i c C i t i e s | 198 Shifting Discourses in Landscape Exploring the value of parks in New York City Philip Hutchinson University of Canberra
[email protected] Dr Andrew Mackenzie University of Canberra
[email protected] Urban parks are valued by residents and tourists alike as they are a pleasant juxtaposition from the intensity of the surrounding city. But parks haven’t necessarily been considered in the same economic or political terms as other parts of the city. In recent years, the potential of urban landscapes to contribute to the economic health and vibrancy of the city has become more apparent to the political elite in the higher profile parks such as New York City’s High Line Project. However, some aspects of the political role that urban parks play still have not been recognised. Contrary to the economic value that has been attributed to some other high profile parks in New York City, the cost of Freshkills Park is enormous and this suggests that there are other political narratives associated with the closure of the landfill and the creation of the Park. That is, the Park offers some form of political value to the New York City administration.