Prądnik. Prace Muz. Szafera

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Prądnik. Prace Muz. Szafera PRĄDNIK PRACEIMATERIAŁYMUZEUMIM.PROF.WŁADYSŁAWASZAFERA Prądnik.PraceMuz.Szafera 15 7–138 2005 JÓZEFPARTYKA OjcowskiParkNarodowy 32–047Ojców ZMIANYWUŻYTKOWANIUZIEMI NAOBSZARZEOJCOWSKIEGOP ARKUNARODOWEGO WCIĄGUXIXIXXWIEKU ChangesinLandUseinOjcówNationalParkArea Duringthe19thand20thCenturies ABSTRACT.TheauthordealswiththelandusechangesintheareaoftheOjcówNationalPark (OPN)duringlasttwocenturies,withthestresstothe1956–1996period,whenthediscussedareawas underthelegalprotection.Thosechangeswereanalysedbysomecategoriesofthelanduse,thoseof forest,agriculturallands,watersandthetechnicaluses(buildings,roads,etc.).Trendsandperiodisation ofthosechangesweredefinedandthevaluationoffactorsshapingthelandusetransformationandits scale,too. KEYWORDS: landuse,theOjcówNationalPark,activeprotection,nationalparkprotection. SUMMARY TheobjectoftheinvestigationwastheOjcówNationalPark(OPN)covering1890haand establishedin1956.TheauthoranalyseschangesofthelandusewithintheOPNareaduring thebicentennialperiod,valuatesagentsofthosechangesanddrawsconclusionsconcerning thefurtherprotectionofthisarea.FirsthepresentsshortlythenatureofthePark,nexttheland usechangefactors–natural,politicalandsocioeconomicones. Inthispapervariousmaps,madeinthe19thand20thc.,wereused,andtheiconographic materialsfromthesameperiod,bothshowingthescopeofparticularuses.Themostvaluable sourcefortheeveofthe19thc.ismilitarycartographicplaneoftheWesternGalicia,madeinthe 1801–1804periodundertheguidanceofA.vonHeldensfeld,inthe1:28800scale.Moreover, usingtheaerialphotographsfrom1957,1982and1994,theauthoranalysedthebasiclanduse trendsduringthe40yearsoftheOPNexistence. Forestcoversactuality71.4%oftheOPNarea.Intheeveofthe10thc.theirshareamounted nearly80%,intheturnofthe19thand20thc.–over58%,andduringthe1919–39period–some 54%.Overlast30yearstheconsiderablereductionoftheforestwiththepreponderanceof coniferoustreesoccured–fromsome80%to58.2%,whilethestandsofthedecidousones weredoubled.ThosedatareferonlytotheareaoftheStateownedforestoftheOPN,but reflectthetrendobservedinthewholePark. 8 JózefPartyka Theforestistheessentiallanduseformofthisarea.Itsshareincreasesbothduetothe silvicultureandthenaturalsuccession.Toobtaintheareaofforestfromtheeveofthepast centuryagain,isnecessarytheafforestationofsome150ha.Takingintoconsiderationthe actualrateofthisprocessinopenspaces(1.7hayearlyinaverage)andthatofthenatural succession,thereturntothepreviouslevelwillneedsome40–50years.Theforestwouldcover finallyallarablelands,especiallyontheOPNuplandzonesandtheconsiderablepartofthe permanentgrasslands,onwhichthetreesenterspontaneously. Arablelandscovernowadays175ha,i.e.9.3%ofthetotalOPNarea.Therearemainlyinits uplandpartand–partially–inthebottomofthePrądnikValley;thetinyplotsofthoseare situatedalsointheSąspowskaValley. Thehighestshare,amounting19.7%oftheOPNtotalarea,coveredthearablelandsinthe prewarperiod.Justafterthe2ndWorldWarandduringthefirstyearsoftheParkexistence, theirsharefellto18%.Sincethe70stheywerereducedinthefavouroftheforest,andthe permanentgrasslands. Permanentgrasslandsareaincreasedsincethemid19thc.totheprewarperiod.Intheeve oftheinvestigatedperiodtheycovered8%ofthetotalOPNarea,andabout1930–18%. Basidethefreshmeadowssituatedonthevalleybottoms,therealsothepasturesonthe deforestedslopesanduplands.Inthepostwarperiodtheirsharewasreducedduetothe afforestation.In1994itamounted11.9%andwasgrowing,becausethearablelandsstopped tobefarmed. Watersofstreamsandspringsweretakenforconsumptionandhealingpurposesinthe19th c.Tothe50softhe20thc.therewere15millstreamsofthetotallenghtofsome6km.Inthe post–warperiod5ofthosedisappeared(1.5km).Oftheexisting10,thatintheSąspowskais oneofthosekeptinrepair.ItsupplieswithwaterthetroutfarmpondsatOjców.Theseponds (11intotal)arealsoatypicalelementoftheOPNlandscape. Settlement.Thereisonlyonevillage,allsituatedwithintheOPNarea–thatofOjców , cinsistedof64houses,ofwhich10areabandoned.Moreover,thereweresinglehouses,being thepartsofothervillages.ThecompactsettlementisobservedonlyinthecentreofOjców, southwardoftheruinsoftheOjcówCastletothemouthoftheSąspowskaValley,i.e.along1 km.Outofthisareathesettlementisdispersed. Transport.BeforethetransitroadinthePrądnikValleybottomwasbuilt,therewereonly thelocal,soil–surfacedroads.ActuallytheroadnetworkwithintheOPNareais49.5kmlong, i.e.0.4km/km2.Thehardsurfacedpublicroadsare25.2kmlong,inthattheroadswithbitumi nouspavement–18km.Thesearethenational,voivodeshipandcommunityroads. IntheperiodofthelandusechangeswithintheOPNareaonecandistinguishsome characteristicsubperiods: –1800–1864 –1865–1920 –1921–55,withtwostages,thoseof1921–45and1946–55 –1956–96,withtwostages,thoseof1956–89and1989–96. The1800–64period,sincethepartitionofPolandtotheJanuaryUprisingwasthatofthe extensiveuseofthediscussedarea,thustheman’sinfluenceonthenaturalenvironmentwas small.InthewesternsectoroftheOPNbeganthecuttingoftheoakandpineforests.Intheeve ofthe19thc.thetouristpenetrationoftheanalysedareawasinitiated,accordingtotheall Europeantrendofgrowinginteresttothenatureandhistory. The1865–1920period,afterthechangesoftheOjcówestateowners,wasthatofthe spoliatoryexploatationoftheforests.Thestandswerecutinmasses,thustheshareofthe arablelandsintheuplandzoneandapperedagriculturalenclaveswithintheforests.Onthe slopessheepandgoatsweregrazed.Intheturnofthe19thand20thc.theshareofforestfellto ZmianywużytkowaniuzieminaobszarzeOPNwciąguXIXiXXw. 9 58.2%,whiletahtoftheareablelandincreasedto35.8%.Intheandofthe19thc.Ojcówhealth resortdevelopedconsiderably.Thiswasasymptomofideasconcerningthenatureprotection inthisperiod–thespaprotectedfullythenaturewithinitsarea. The1921–56period.In1924theconcept(notrealized)ofthereservesinthevallesof PrądnikandSąspowskawaselaborated.Thehardwinterof1928/29madeconsiderableharms intheOjcówforests,inthespruceonesespecially.Intheturnofthe20sand30stheforests covered53.7%ofthetotalOPNarea,andtheagriculturallands(thedeforestedzonesin cluded)–37.7%.Thelatteroneswereafforestedwithpine,formingunispecificstands. Afterthe2 ndWorldWar,overthe1946–55years,theaf forestationwascontinued.The localfarmersusedintensivelytheirarablelandsandmeadowsinthevalleys,grazedtheir animalsonthedeforestedslopes. Duetothechangeofthesociopoliticalsystem,numberoftouristsgrewabruptly .The structureandformsofthetouristtrafficshowedthedisadvantageousevolution. The1956–96period.Thechangesoffunctionofthediscussedareawerethenconnected withthecreationoftheOjcówNationalParkin1956.In1957theforestcovered61.7%ofits area,theagriculturallands:28.6%,duetothecontinuousafforestation.Thefarmerlandswere boughtandafforested,thesuccessionoftreesandshrubsreducedtheareaofgrassandrock biocenoses,whichspeciescompositionbecamepoorer.Thelimitinganddeclineofthetradi tionalfarmingacceleratedexpansionoftreesandshrubsonthepermanentgrasslandsandon thearablelands. Beganalsothenegativeinfluenceoftheindustrialplantssituatedinthevinicityofthe OPN.Sincethe60s.theconsiderablelosseswerenotedintheforeststands,especiallyinthose situatedontheupland.Thedecayoftheconiferousspecieswasaccompaniedbytheexpan sionofthedeciduousones,especiallythebeechstandsandTilioCarpinetumforests. ThedevelopmentofthesettlementinthevinicityoftheOPN(mostlyinthecityofSkała) influencednegativelythequalityofthePrądnikwater.ThezincandleadminingintheOlkusz regionloweredtheundergroundwatertable,thusthecapacityofspringsdecreased.The politicaltransitionofPolandafter1989wasalsoreflectedinthePark.Thenumberof cars arrivingtotheOPNgrewconsiderably.ThePrądnikValleybecamecrowded,thecarsoccupy roadshouldersandotherunallowedplaces,theairismorepollutedbycombustiongas. Summinguphisconsiderations,theauthorcorroboratesthat: –thelandusechangesintheareaoftheOjcówNationalParkandtheirdynamicsoverthe researchedperiodarestronglyconnectedwiththeirnatural,politicalandsocioeconomic background, –theywerestronglyinfluencedbysocio-politicalphenomenaobservedinthe1sthalfofthe19th c.,i.e.theprotectionandthesignificanceofthisareaforthenationdeprivedofitsState, –theindustrielrevolutionandchangesoftheOjcówestateownersduringthe2ndhalfof thepastcenturymadetheconsiderableharmsintheOPNnature.Responsewasthecounter action,whichcouldguaranteetheprotectionofthenatureandthelandscapeofthearea. Thus,thiswasthecrucialperiod,afterwhichthenaturalvalueofthePrądnikValleywassafe. Thelandscapevarietyofthisareawasthenappreciated,andaftersomedecadesitbegantobe protectedlegally, –the1919–39periodwasthatofthebalance,butwasalsothepreparatoryoneforthenext stageofstrugglefortheOjcównatureprotection, –inthepostwarperiodtheconsiderabledisturbed,itwasdifficulttoprotectthelandscape andthebuildingsofthehistoricalvalue–but,ontheotherhand,thelegalprotectionwas introduced,sanctionedbytheNationalParkestablishing. TranslatedbyZ.Górka PRĄDNIK PRACEIMATERIAŁYMUZEUMIM.PROF.WŁADYSŁAWASZAFERA Prądnik.PraceMuz.Szafera 15 139–160 2005 JERZYDZIEWOLSKI ul.Krzemionki22m.4 30–525Kraków ZMIANYSKŁADUGA TUNKOWEGOIZASOBNOŚCI DRZEWOSTANÓW WOJCOWSKIMP ARKUNARODOWYM ChangesofSpeciesStructureandForestStandCapacity intheOjcówNationalPark ABSTRACT. Theauthordealswiththeregenerationofforest,whichbeforetheOjcówNational Parkestablishingwasworkedoutanditsspeciesstructurechanged.Duringtheperiodofnearly70years theshareconiferousspeciesfellat32%atthefavourofthedeciduousones,andthetotalcapacitygrew at138%.Overthe30yearperiodwithinthestrictprotectionzonethepercentageofconiferoustrees decreasedat20.6%,andthecapacityincreasedat102%,whiletherespectivedataforthepartial protectionzonedo14.7%and90%. KEYWORDS:TheOjcówNationalPark,speciesstructureoftheforeststands,capacityoftheforest stands,trendsanddynamicsofchanges. SUMMARY TheOjcówNationalPark(OPN)wasestablishedintheforestarea.whichwasintensively
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