School Games Level 3 Winter Games - New Age Kurling Competition

The New Age Kurling level 3 competition was held at on 15 January and was the first Level 3 Winter Games of 2015.

The competition was attended by competitors from Uplands, St Edmunds, Lavington, , Exeter House and Avon Valley secondary schools. All the athletes were from the SEN groups within each school as New Age Kurling is one of the fastest growing sports in the country and specifically designed to be all-inclusive allowing disabled and non-disabled athletes to compete against each other with an equal chance of winning.

New Age Kurling is a form of the original curling game, but adapted so that it can be played indoors on any smooth, flat surface, such as a sports hall, rather than on ice.

Devizes School

The competition was only made possible with the assistance of the Young Leaders from Lavington School who gave up their day to help organise, score and officiate the competition. They were a real credit to the school and themselves.

Fun was had by all and everyone enjoyed the day with there being some great battles and use of cunning tactics to win the games. Winners of the competition were;

1st Place - team 2

2nd Place - Avon Valley College team 1

3rd Place - Uplands school team 1

All the winners were presented medals and the Avon Valley College first team received trophies.

Everyone had a great time and Sally and Leah from St Edmunds were celebrating their win with a high five to each other!

Winners from Avon Valley College

Schools entered multiple teams with 2 players each team. Devizes x 4 teams Lavginton x 3 teams St Edmunds x 3 teams Exeter House x 5 teams Uplands x 7 teams Avon Valley x 2 teams Lavington Young volunteers x 13 year 9’s