
j l { \ REPORT I ! 1, "j OF THE . I I i ,i 1 f Park and Recreation Dept. j Omaha, Nebraska J

I I !


30022726 7

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Superfund "

Grover Stn'.ct and north to !.intl)ln Avenue and [\Oth Street and nlong HOt.h Stl'Ce.t north to . Thi,; I,; the eonnecting link betweell Hanscom Pnrk :md Elmwood Pnrk, The major portion of thi" right-of-\\·,ty \\·ill he don:ttcd by the property owner;; along the jll'ojloi>cd l'oute. o'\. jll'c\irtlinary ~nrVt~y has abo been mmle for a honlcv,)rd nOlllH'eting; Hive\'­ view Park \\'ith ).Iilnd:1H P,lrk Ol\ tlw ~onth sitlc', \\·hidl \\·ill :11,;;0 Iw OIW of LlH' next undcl'Llking,.; of tlli,.: dell:ll'ht:t'!lt. The P~lrk Fund h~\>; heen \\~ed largely for t.he m,linkn,IlICt' of the Yarioll!! p'lrk,.., although :1 portion of S;llue \\,:15'; eXjlended for penil:I)l{'nl. illlprovement;.;, Following; i.-:; :t list of the v;t!'iOIlS p:lrkH sho\\"inp; <\l'('a, lo{',ltlol\ of t,;\ell anti cnulnC.l';\tillg Uw most illll)III'L\llt illl\lI'O\'(,lllents, LEVI CARTER PARK. iii This i,.. tll\' brgl',..t p~lrk ill our l'ldin' ."."";('I'IIl, l·onIHillillj..!; :m:t;"j! a{'t"c:-; with:l hll'ge hody o[ \\',I(CI' eU"t'I'IlIg Ilion' 1hilll Jon :\('1'(';:, IU\':Il!'d III rht' {'~j l'\'lll(' tlorth- i I e,\st portion of the ('ity. \\',l~ lIgn'('Il~el\t j I :\tdOl1C(,~Ow titl\t' thi,; I);\rk (lmutt'd to t.he eity, :Itl \\"i\~ \\":1"; made with l - the that one-fifth of tlll' allllual park appropri.\lioll to jw :'JlPllt for \ th(' improvempnt of thi,.; p'll'k for:1 td'tl\ of D\'(' )'(',11':', \\'hil'!t :\i.!;l'('{'l)\{'lIt hilS becn ! e:ll'ri(,l! ont \I1\(!rc:'ill!tl'd in :t(~llSiOll of thl: dl'ive,:;dongt.lll' \\'c:,t, :,llore of the bke, ~Hlike (jOO feet long 1l00'th frOlH lhell1inoi~ Cc'utr,I1H.1L hl'Idgl' W:l~ built. In t'onnection \\'ith this illlpl'On'nll'nt '(:oll:-Eil\er,thle (hw!gillg \\",In dOlle, ;\Il)re th:tn ten th01\Sanl\ tn'p:-; \WI'(' pbntetl in v,II'iollS portiolls of this purk, I ~\lHl this ,":)st :ll'ell is r,lpitlly Iwin!!: t:onvNh'tl into \\'h~\t is llt,,.;till(~ll to hp one of the prettiest p,lrks in the middle \\"('."t, I ELMWOOD PARK. I L,oe,tted \\'c:-;t of the OOth ::4tl'cct lille, pxtendillg frolll Dodf!:c "tn'ct on the north ! to Pacific. Stn~ct on the sonth. eonJ:lilllng ~OS.:J uere:;. Thi,; i:::; kno\\"n as the" Pieui<; Ptlrk" o[ Om:lha al'; dminf!: the ~t\llUHl'1' RCttSOll numerous pieni('R arc held hert' ttlily, II i,,, abo i\ f:\\"ol'ite alllOllg: the Oll1ttha Audubons n~ the 1'u:-:ti(' 1':\\'inc l'lll1lll11g throuj!h Ihe pHI'k :ltTnrd~ :-:plendid oppor- hll1itic;,; for th,' lH'.4illg of the binl;:.:.. An (~ighte(,ll holt' g:o\f ('Olll';:':'(' W:IS completed and o!Jt'!lt'd to the Jlublil' ill tfJHi. In ('onn('dioll \\'ith ihi:..; illl}l]'()\'('IlH'nt it \\.:\,.: !l('('t''':::


Located 1,f'i\\Ten :-;nl :\lld \)1 h :--:1 1'(,('t,.,. t':-.::tcnding f1'Olli FI't,t!(,l'i('k ~tn'l't Oil Ill(' I north. to [-Iollwr :-'tn'l't oil til(' South, ('ol\uining Ill,tll :tITt':..;. Tlli,.; i." the Inrg:e4 n:rt'IIl':ll p:lt'k i1l 01l1' entire ;';,\·~lt'lll and OJ!(' of th(' bl'."t pn1'­ 'I tonizl.'d. In 19H> a lIt'I\' ('D!H'I'('1t' s\\'i!lllllltl[.!; pool :llld ba1h hou,..(' w:\" ('J"('dt'd ;\1. a eo:;;t of :)l~,OOO.OOi n fool lJritlw' \\":\,:. huilt :lI'\'l)."'" tIl(' In;,;:oOIl lllnkin;.;: n('('l''''~ II (0 the swimllling: pool from tll(' p:n:ilioll mon' (:oIlYl'llient, In ('OIUH'tiioll With 1~ , rhi~ IlllprovclHcnl, it ,,·:t.'; lH'('('':'':':lry to han' w;lkr 1lI:lln t>:>:t'('lHh'd, into tlw park to furni~h water for s\\'imming pool. "'hit'h w:w dOll\' nt l\ ('o,.:t of ::::2J)OO.()(), Tilt, h:tSPlIWI\1 of tIl<' pnyilion \Va" l'l'_('()l\"tl'IWt'Pt! lind ('onY('I't',('d inio:l nlUde\'1I (;olllfort "1'ation. ---1--- Zoo. The Zoo loclLted at this park i~ olie of tht~ lIlost pOJlular free nUnwtiOlln in the city. :'Iany improYem('nt~ hu\,('. Iwell lll:\dc in tlw. quarter,:; for rhe nnimal", but owing to t.he small tlnlOunt of flllld~ no important addit.ion;,; \n>l'(~ madc. The Zoo at prescnt eontai1\.''> the fnlhming illlimnb: Bnfftdo. iYo!w;;. :\[ollkp,". D(>;01'. C~oyott\-:. FJ"(:':Il( ;3-Lpgg{'d Co\\". :dountalll G(),tt",. B'ldw·r.-;. .\IJig:\lor:-:. PcecM.Y Hog::.;. ()P()~"Ulll. .\lexi('(\n Dnc!;:,'.,:, Bl'flr;.;. Fox. !'!lpn::,llli'....:.. Boh Cnt':>. FONTENELLE PARK.

Lo(~at('d in tlw llorth\\T;":1' part of thl' (·it~· 1J('!\\'('l'll .\nw-: ;\n'lllH' ;\Ill! Pralt Strc't'L pxtf'nding from 4:111d to ·l!lih ."1'1'('('1. (';llll.dllillg lOI.;-):~ <1('1'(1":, TIlL.:: park [(lUI' y('-('OIl"tl'llC'tC

Lt)(:a[('J IH~I\\"eell 24th a!Hl :Wth :-:'lrl'('f,.<. exit'Hdltlg. frolll Hedi<:k Arenue Oil I the north to Knn:-:ai': '\YPll\!(' on tIl(' ~ollth, ('ol1hining 7B a('I'(':-:. This: park if' tht' "Pl'ide of );"ortl1 Olll:lhn,·· b('illg:,O dt~;-;ig:nnt('d by the (,lltlm;.:­ ia$ti(~ l1ei?:hbol'hood. On'l' half of till' mil(' ~\lld ~l half (If 'driveways \\,('l'(' pn\'(~d in lOW ,,·ith COil('rete at. n eo!:'t of S:lO,OOO.OO. The open creek i:;('wer running: throl1g'h tht' park from north to :':0111"11 W;l-: i·pp!;)(·t'd h~- :1 brl!t' i

Thc('Trcenbo\l~CBloc.atecJ at fhi." pHl'k han' hl'l'll ('nlarg:c~d !.01l1ol't\ Own t\riee t,heir former eapaeity, no\\" containing 1I}(l\'(~ than H.. (JOO :,quan~ fed of gln:-::-:. \Ior('. than ;{;')(),OOO planls :l!'{) pl'opagatl'd ,llld ntl:-:t,tl yl'ed fOl: tilt" planting of o!hi'J' pHillie grollnd:-: sw·h :1:' ho:,pitab, puhlie "chool:::;) fire :,t,atJon~, t't(~. Flow('J' "h()\\':-: nn' IH'ld in .-:(~a:-:()ll:-; aud arc patnmi;.;cd chily by thousands of flowC'r 10ver:-;.


Located l)('!'we('.n Huwthorne. ;\Yt'tHW "nd Cumin!!: Strl'et 1 ex!t'mling: from :~:1I'd Street to :3Xth Stl'(\('t, eontninillg IO} ncrei"-. All the trt'{'~ in thi:, park ,Yen~ h"dly damaged ill the tornado on :\fan:h 2:3 I- .:. 101:3, but hao:> ng:nin it,; normal ~tM(' of lw;\uty. The I;u'gt:!';t p<'Tm,lIl{'nt ill1jll'OYC­ ,; ment \yt\,<: th(~ htylllg"of fifl('ll hUIlth'('d f('(~t Ilf ('enH'llt "idcwalk:o: t}w()ugh til{' ('{'nff'l' .. ~ II' of I'll\' park in I!JUl. !.. DEER PARK. .("

This is n naITO\\" strip of j!.rtJulld l(wafpd ,dOli)!; 1)(,<,1' Park BoukYtl I'd , {'xt('!Hlillj! ;f frolll Uifli 10 :W,h ."1'1'('('t, {'ontaining l!l.:{o ,lI'n'."'. H;t,.., l'('I'('j,'('d llll p;ldil'lllnl' L i· in1IlI'OVC'IIWllt.-.:, 'I. I i KOUNTZE PARK. l 'I /'IW,t!{'(! l!t'llYt'!'11 l'r,ll! ,'-'lft'I'l ;\lld PillkJH'\' :-'In'('I,(':\t('IHling rnJl~1 l!Jth (0 :21,.:\ d ~fT('d, ('Oil t \lilling: 10.'1:) ,H'I'(';<. Till:' is a P:ll't of til(' Trall:,-\J i:,~i,"'i'ippi Expo:,ition :l. (:rollllds ;lnd ('ontain:, t\\·o :-:llltl'cet:i, ('xh'llding from ;J:)l'd ;-;tn'('t , to :):Hb ;-;tr('('t, containing llpprOxilllatcly ;) :wr('s. -1. I Thi;< tmrt \\",1:< donated to the City by :.\11';<. llHl'old ClitJol'd lIud i,__ rapidly Ii,. ''';; l ' l being den~l()p('(L TIl(, !:ltt('l' pnrt of lOll) mol'(' than 7,000 loads-of dirt \\"a:o:: filled .'• ill at, this jlal'k ill j)l"{'p:u'atiotl for rlw <'i>tahli1">lunent of :l Jll:lw;o. of :.\Il's. (;inol'd, the dOlW{'. i; I r:i :~ ,. I;;) MERCER PARK. I: i' I b('h\'(~en J.,o{'ated 2Sth aud 20th Ktreet, extending from H ..\\\·t.bol'llc Avenue :: I nn the north to Cllming Stn:c! on the <,outh, ('olltainlng fOlll' :wrf'f-\. :\t. the time I rhi:, park \\":1.'; ae{juin'd by the ('itY all agre('lll('lli \\"a:-:. made With donee tb:\! til(' pllrk nmd 01' bOIlI('vanl ,nillJd he i)an~d within one ycar frolll date of :u't'epl':IJ)('C whi('h ag:n'('lllcnt \\"a1"> (':ll'l'ied out III all:) :l.t n 1"0:"1' of IIlOl"(' tham 81O,OOO.(JO.

1\ JEFFERSON SQUARE. ; ,,. II' /.I!('ntl'll Iwt \\'('\')1 ('a:',; Hlld Chil'ag{):-'l n,,'l,..; :llllll)!'! \\"('{'JI I;)t It and Ilil h Stn~('1." (',- l'oll!niniH!! 1.'1"2 :WJ"('.--. 'rhi:-i- park, :dlhough \)lle of the ,;nWlle:il ill the ; I, palrt>tllzed


Tlli,.: i...: a ~Jll:dllllHl('\'('lojl('d ;\]'(':1 of 1.10 ;ll'n',- llJ1";l1{'d ~lt' "j.7tll and j)('<:;II:ut' ,':":1l'('('(":_ a brg<, por(illll or whil'h 11":l"; l:d~{'11 1'01' 1Ill' rigll!'-oi"-\\";IY (II' tIl(' t·~t(,lI"oi'lll of !lll' 1!,lppy !Julio\\" !1;lll!l'\':ll"d In ('nlllH'('i- \\'ill1 l'i!(, !"olll:lIl{'lIt, Blll!lt'Y:ml.


Tid,.: i" n "llI:dIUlldt'\"(']opl'd :11'(':\ !n";lh'd ;d(l;lJ.~ illl- Lill('ull! HIlll1('I';m! Iwlll"('I'lI ('lllltillg ;11ll! !'Inn ,"\n'('!...:, \\-Iddt i", Ill,jllg: lI,.:('d hI" 111l' ":llI;!!l!H>Y."': rill' a II:l,.:('hall lipId. II i,,,; ('111IH'lllphkd Ih:ll :1 pb.\'}.!;l"UlllHI II'ill 111' ('_"i:ddi.":!H'I'1 it! llii,- p:lrk in 111(' IH';! r flli HI'I',


.\ :.;III,t!J iri:111.~':llLlr P;lI'(·pl "I' gnllilld IO(':111·d 11l'lwI'('ll F'lIl']t-r ;llId \1('n'di1h '\\·"lllW I'll I Ill' ,':1"1 ,.:ill(' ,,1" FI"I"'II"(, !)"IIil'\":lnl""lli:lillillg: .;~,1 :ICl'!''',


L'W:Ih'd 1)('1\\"("'111.'.;11, ;Ind :!~lld ,"1]'('('1", ("1 "Illlilll!.' frolll .\ 10 I; :-'1n'{·I,,:. (~on" I:linillt!: ;;(l..... :W],(':'. Tlii.,.: i.,.: 1111' I;lnr('.":l or 111\' .-:lJllll,,.:id,, 1111 !'I\,.:. Till',/:I)IWl"I'l"l' "willlllling: 1'01>1 \\':1.": l'('~Jllod,'I('d :Ind 0111'11(',] 10 tJH' pldill(' ill l!ljll. ,\ll >/1'1\'('.": WITI' n'{'ol,,.:lnWl{',1 :1l1d ":llrl":HTd \\'ill1 {·jllll!']",.:,


/,I>("<\II'd ill 1Ill' (·;-.:t n'lll(' .";lttlllll';H p,1l'1 of Illl' .";Olllll ,.:idp !"'H'wlill)! frolH \Iudi~ ,.:, III :-'1 n'('1 ,»)l Illl' norlh 10 I II(' ('


1.oc<\(I,d Ill'lIIT{'11 :2;)111 :11:d :!!\I!I ,-':II"l'I'I"'. (''\\('ndillt!: froBI B 1"0 j) ,"n('I'I.", ('()n~ :Iinill)! ,1.:-.:7 ;t(·n',.:. Tlli,.: i,.: 1!w h(h.:j dl'\'l'i('!)l'd p:lrk ill III(' ":Olli!l ..dd(, ".\':-'It'lIl :111,[ h:I": n'l'('in·d no IH'\"lll:\Il('lli ill\]ll'O\'('1)II'111 .,.,il)('\' :Il·qllil·(·d Il.\" 1111.'-' 11('1):11"111\('111.


1,'H":IIl'd Iwl Xl'l'lI :lS\ It ;llId :lm!l ,--:1 rt'('l~ ('~l l'l\(!ill~ (roll) I )rt,:\t'l ~1 !"t,p!: Oil till; 1I1lrtii III ll:lITi,~Oll :'tnT1 Oil IIW .-:lHlIh, I'Dld"i'lillg: ,-I.E ,IITI''':, :-'1'\'I'I':d tn'{'." \\'('l'e pbJllt'd in Illi" 1':ll"k "i,w(' i1 1\':1": :1I'{\ui)'{,d, Illll :l.~ yd il i,.: ill :1I1 Illld(·\"(,lo!J1'd ,.:j;I1('.


1,1><':lil"! 11('11\"'('11 t; alld II ~ll\"'!";, ('~1I'1ldillg I'rqlll 1:.?IIlI III ·I;'ll'd :-'In'('I.~, 1"'Ili:lillill!!: ! ,~l ;\('1'(''':, Tlli." 11';1('1 \\':1": {'lIll\'\')"!l',j 11l1() :1 pb.\'!£I'()llllll :11111 ;1 ."JlI:tH dwll"r !I';Ii~(' ")'{"'I<',[ ("t· I h" ,·!,ildn'!!


Located ]){'!\\'('I'll \' ;llld \\' :-;tn'{'L"'-. I'X1I'tldill(! frolll "~'211d to ,~·ilh ;-':"tn't'l.-:. ('(/Hta/llillg: ,lppro:-:illl:lf<'!,\' ·L:l:! '\l'n',.:. . ()Wlll.e: to til(' l'Oll{OUI' PI' tIl(' land 01' lhi.-.: )iilr!.;, 1'!I('l't. Il('ing;\ I:Il"gl' IIr;1\\" (lll t!le· (,';I."!'. {'nd. ir II"m: 11\'('(':-::-:;11"\' to ur;td(' :-;1I1\(' ill (Jrdn lO JIl;t!,(· U~'(' or 111(' I'l1t)n' al'l';(, Il"hid, w:'....; dOlle;ll :l (,(),..;i o( .;::...~)OO.{){) .•\ 1\\'\\" ("UI)lTt'lt' ,.:\\"illllllillg p


1"111' ihl' Iir,--1 iilll(' ill Illl' ('ily ill ]!11:1 a :'1·IH'lhd(' llr 11;lllrl ("lll'!n'r!": l\"l'l'(' phyl·1! III aU or 11)(· )lrlI1('11':1I P;ll').:"'. Tlw..;(' (·Olln'rl,.: h,'II'(' prO\'l'l1 10 1)(' \'('1'.\' flPjlubr wilh ;lll :I\·('r;l"~(' :lIll'lld;IJ)/'{' ()j' 1110)"(' Illili l :2,:II)() )Il'opll>, TIll' ,,1,11('11111(' li:I" 11('PH ,'liI:!l'!!('d (rUIiI .\"':Il" 10 .\'(':11' ;llld r"r 111l' "\'il~{111 ,or 1~117 HI"/'(' 111:lll lin ('{lIH'('rl_~ 11'111 1,(, !,b\-,·d.

"c ,? :::- J -/. 1 " .•~!' , '"~ ~ , ~..'.' ~ ~ ~, . '.

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i Milita" L *e -'i L . -,----Hf----''lr---- l MAP Of OMAHA Fornam ' D, BOULE.VARD &: PARK I ---:J -I Leavenworth 051 I SYSTEM

,I I C n;t>r ~ I...... JY·I ,~\ , , -+----+----\.------+-~=tJ____I&l~~-\\" 1-, 1 ! 7 ~

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