Mammalian Species List

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Mammalian Species List Mammalian Species List Higher Classification1 Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia Spanish & Costa Rican Name(s)3 Order (O:) and Family (F:) English Name(s)2 Scientific Name2 (*, Indigenous Maleku name) O: Artiodactyla (Cloven-hoofed Ungulates) F: Cervidae (Deer, Elk, Moose & Caribou) Red Brocket Deer Cabro de monte Mazama americana F: Tayassuidae (Peccaries) Collared Peccary, Javelina Saíno Tayassu tajacu O: Carnivora (Carnivores) F: Canidae (Canines) Coyote Coyote Canis latrans F: Felidae (Cats) Ocelot Manigordo, Ocelote, Málhinh* Leopardus pardalis Oncilla Tigrillo, Caucel, Tícóra* Leopardus tigrinus Margay Tigrillo, Caucel, Tuectúenh* Leopardus wiedii Jaguar Jaguar, Tigre, Tafá* Panthera onca Puma, Cougar, Mountain Lion Puma, León de montaña, León americano, Lhúri lenh inhánhe* Puma concolor Jaguarundi León breñero, León Miquero, Jaguarundi, Filinhquirr* Puma yagouaroundi F: Mephitidae (Skunks & Stink Badgers) Striped Hog-nosed Skunk Zorrillo, Zorro hediondo Conepatus semistriatus F: Mustelidae (Weasels & Allies) Tayra Tolomuco, Tayra, Cholomuco Eira barbara Greater Grison Grisón, Tejón Galictis vittata Neotropical Otter Nutria, Perro de agua Lontra longicaudis Long-tailed Weasel Comadreja Mustela frenata F: Procyonidae (Raccoons & Allies) Cacomistle Ostoche, Cacomistle Bassariscus sumichrasti White-nosed Coati Pizote solo, Pizote, Pulí* Nasua narica Kinkajou Martilla Potos flavus Common Raccoon Mapache, Mapachín, Tiúinhanhe* Procyon lotor O: Chiroptera (Bats) Gray Short-tailed Bat Carollia subrufa F: Phyllostomidae Godman's Long-tailed Bat, (New World Leaf-nosed Bats) Murciélago lengua larga de Godman, Murciélago de Godman Choeroniscus godmani Godman's Long-tongued Bat Pygmy Fruit-eating Bat Dermanura phaeotis Thomas' Fruit-eating Bat Dermanura watsoni Common Vampire Bat Vampiro común, Vampiro americano, Murciélago vampiro Desmodus rotundus Gleaning Bats Phyllostominae sp. Greater Broad-nosed Bat Platyrrhinus vittatus Page 1 of 3 Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica Last Updated: September 14, 2018 Mammalian Species List Spanish & Costa Rican Name(s)3 Order (O:) and Family (F:) English Name(s)2 Scientific Name2 (*, Indigenous Maleku name) O: Chiroptera (Bats) (cont’d) F: Phyllostomidae Highland Yellow-Shouldered Bat Sturnira ludovici (New World Leaf-nosed Bats) (cont’d) Talamancan Yellow-shouldered Bat Sturnira mordax Little Yellow-eared Bat, Southern Murciélago constructor de tiendas de orejas amarillas Vampyressa pusilla Little Yellow-eared Bat F: Vespertilionidae (Vesper Bats) Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus Black Myotis Mioto negruzco Myotis nigricans O: Cingulata (Armadillos) F: Dasypodidae (Long-nosed Nine-banded Armadillo Armado, Armadillo, Cusuco, Lenhífa* Dasypus novemcinctus Armadillos) O: Didelphimorphia (Opossums) Derby's Woolly Opossum, Central F: Didelphidae (Opossums) Zorro de balsa Caluromys derbianus American Woolly Opossum Common Opossum Zarigüeya, Zorro pelón Didelphis marsupialis Mexican Mouse Opossum Zorricí Marmosa mexicana Gray Four-eyed Opossum Zorro de cuatro ojos Philander opossum O: Lagomorpha (Rabbits, Hares & Pikas) F: Leporidae (Rabbits & Hares) Dice's Cottontail Conejo de monte Sylvilagus dicei O: Perissodactyla (Odd-toed Ungulates) F: Tapiridae (Tapirs) Mountain Cow, Baird's Tapir Danta, Tapir, Macho de monte, Lhiquícas* Tapirus bairdii O: Pilosa (Anteaters and Sloths) F: Bradypodidae (Three-toed Sloths) Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth Perico ligero, Perezoso de tres dedos, Cúcula Bradypus variegatus F: Megalonychidae (Two-toed Sloths) Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth Perezoso de dos dedos, Perico ligero Tamandua, Oso mielero, Oso colmenero, Oso chaleco, Oso F: Myrmecophagidae (Anteaters) Northern Tamandua Tamandua mexicana hormiguero, Tejón O: Primates (Primates) F: Cebidae (Marmosets, Tamarinds, Central American Spider Monkey Mono colorado, Mono araña, Tiú* Ateles geoffroyi Capuchins & Squirrel Monkeys) White-faced Capuchin, White- headed Capuchin Mono carablanca, Juanhaúnha* Cebus capucinus O: Rodentia (Rodents) F: Cricetidae Tome's Rice Rat Nephelomys albigularis (New World Rats, Mice & Allies) Vesper Rat, Sumichrast's Vesper Rata vespertina Nyctomys sumichrasti Rat Fulvous Pygmy Rice Rat, Fulvous Ratón pigmeo leonado, Ratón enano Oligoryzomys fulvescens Colilargo, Pygmy Rice Rat Page 2 of 3 Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica Last Updated: September 14, 2018 Mammalian Species List Spanish & Costa Rican Name(s)3 Order (O:) and Family (F:) English Name(s)2 Scientific Name2 (*, Indigenous Maleku name) O: Rodentia (Rodents) (cont’d) F: Cricetidae Mexican Deer Mouse Ratón pata blanca, Ratón venado Peromyscus mexicanus (New World Rats, Mice & Allies) (cont’d) Chiriqui Brown Mouse, Long-tailed Ratón cantor Scotinomys xerampelinus Singing Mouse F: Cuniculidae (Pacas) Paca, Lowland Paca Tepezcuintle, Cúri* Cuniculus paca F: Dasyproctidae (Agoutis & Acuchis) Central American Agouti Guatuza, Cherenga, Chúchu* Dasyprocta punctata F: Erethizontidae Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine Cuerpo espín, Zorro espín, Puercoespín neotropical Sphiggurus mexicanus (New World Porcupines) F: Geomyidae (Pocket Gophers) Pocket Gopher Taltuza Orthogeomys sp. F: Sciuridae (Squirrels) Red-tailed Squirrel Chiza, Ardilla roja Sciurus granatensis Variegated Squirrel Chiza, Ardilla variegada Sciurus variegatoides O: Soricomorpha (Hedgehogs, Shrews, Moles & Allies) F: Soricidae (Shrews) Blackish Small-eared Shrew Musaraña negra, Musaraña negruzca Cryptotis nigrescens NOTES: 1, Higher classification as found on the Catalogue of Life ( 2, English and scientific names are based on those found on the Catalogue of Life website ( or the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ( 3, Spanish, Costa Rican, and indigenous Maleku names taken from the National Museum of Costa Rica’s website, Ecobiosis ( or Carrillo, E., Wong, G., and Sáenz, J.C. (2002). Mamíferos de Costa Rica Mammals, 2nd edition. INBio: Santo Domingo. Contributors: Researchers: Laura Branagan, Caroline Cailly, Benoit Duffay, Jill Fitzpatrick, Kelly Hughes, Toby Jacobs, Sergio Marracoli, Margaux Mazille, Daniel Quinlan, Crissy Sutter, and Adrian Uzinian. Research Interns: Niklas Flood, Alena Frehner, Maria Camilla Ortiz Giral, Danny Guy, Alice Martin-Walker, Michelle McKay, and Matt Steele. Other contributors: Philip Brown, Mélia del Degan, Rosie Gerolemou, Jennifer Powell, Beth Ramsey, Frank Spooner and many other Cloudbridge interns, volunteers, staff and visitors to the reserve. Page 3 of 3 Cloudbridge Nature Reserve, Costa Rica Last Updated: September 14, 2018 .
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    Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University Number 281320 xx28 December January 20082014 USING GENETICS AND MORPHOLOGY TO EXA M INE EVAL U ATION OFSPECIES PARAPHYLETIC DIVERSITY ASSE mb OFLAGES OLD W ITHINWORLD LONCHOPHYLLINAE BATS : , W ITH REPORT OFDESCRIPTION A RECENT OF CA NOLLECTIONE W TRI B E AND FRO GENM U MS ALAYSIA Front cover: Hsunycteris cf. thomasi, Madre Selva Biological Station, Río Orosa, Loreto, Peru. Photograph courtesy of Heather A. York. EVAL U ATION OF PARAPHYLETIC ASSE mb LAGES W ITHIN LONCHOPHYLLINAE , W ITH DESCRIPTION OF A NE W TRI B E AND GEN U S JULIE A. PA RLOS , ROBERT M. TI mm , VICKI J. SWIER , HOR A CIO ZEB A LLOS , A ND ROBERT J. BA KER AB STRACT In the past decade, seven new species and one new genus have been described in the Lonchophyllinae (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), increasing the number of recognized taxa in the subfamily to four genera and 18 species. During this time, three studies, both morphologic and genetic, indicated the genus Lonchophylla was paraphyletic with respect to other genera in the subfamily. Using tissues from museum voucher specimens, including the holotypes of specimens of Xeronycteris vieirai and Lonchophylla pattoni, issues related to the previous paraphyletic assemblages were addressed. A combination of mitochondrial (Cytb), nuclear data (Fgb-I7, TSHB-I2), chromosome diploid and fundamental numbers, and morphologic characters was used to determine whether all species of Lonchophylla share a common ances- tor after diverging from other genera in the subfamily. Based on gene sequence data, a basal, monophyletic, statistically supported radiation within the subfamily Lonchophyllinae was observed in all phylogenetic analyses.
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