Banco Do Brasil's Commitment to Climate Change.Pub

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Banco Do Brasil's Commitment to Climate Change.Pub Banco do Brasil’s Climate Change August/2019 Banco do Brasil's Commitment to Climate Change Context Climate change is currently one of humanity's greatest To achieve the ul"mate goal of the Agreement, challenges. The emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) caused governments have engage in buil ing their o,n by human ac"vi"es an their possible impacts on economic commitments, base on the so4calle Na"onally an ecological processes, base on strong scien"&c 5etermine Contribu"ons (N5C). Through the N5Cs, each evi ence, has presente a isrup"ve poten"al of economic na"on presente its contribu"on to re ucing greenhouse an social processes that nee s to be a resse by society. gas emissions, follo,ing ,hat each government consi ere feasible from the local social an economic scenario. The 6ra7ilian government has commi0e itself to re uce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025 by 87: belo, 2005 levels, ,ith a subsequent in ica"ve contribu"on of re ucing greenhouse gas emissions by 48: belo, 2005 levels by 2080. For lea ers of the Worl Economic Forum (WEF), environmental ris-s are among the most serious in terms of their e1ect on the ,orl 's ,ealth an prosperity to ay. Climate change has been high on the forum's agen a for the past &ve years, ,ith the recogni"on that it is reaching a crisis point in many parts of the ,orl . Accor ing to the "Global Ris-s Report 2019" 1 , since 2011 climate change has been among the top &ve global ris-s in terms of probability an economic impact. In 201A, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) launche a special report, in ,hich it reinforces that, even ,ith the goals establishe by the countries un er the Paris Agreement, the traBectory to,ar an average temperature increase of 83C by the en of the century in In 2015, uring the )nite Na"ons Frame,or- Conven"on rela"on to the pre4in ustrial levels (IPCC, 201A), consi ering on Climate Change in France, 19. countries signe the Paris the observe tren s an the impacts on economic Agreement, a ocument through ,hich they commi0e ac"vi"es. themselves to a opt targets for re ucing greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to re uce emissions from their pro uc"on processes, in an a0empt to combine e1orts for the bene&t of a lo, carbon future, in ,hich global average ,arming oes not e2cee 23C above the pre4in ustrial, economic an social levels that nee to be a resse by society. 1. Available at h0pC//,,,8., ocs/WEF_Global_Ris-s_Report_2019.p f 2 TCFD – Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure The Financial Stability 6oar (FS6) ,as set up in 2009 by the Impacts are not only physical an o not manifest Group of 20 (G20) 2, a group of economic ministers an themselves only in the long4term. The re uc"on of GHG central ban- presi ents from the 19 most evelope emissions implies a re uc"on in the use of fossil fuels an countries in the ,orl , plus the European )nion. The FS6 is relate physical assets, ,ith the consequent loss of the interna"onal bo y that monitors an ma-es pro&tability of relate ac"vi"es. On the other han , the recommen a"ons on the global &nancial system. In 2015 it transi"on to a lo,4carbon economy generates announce the establishment of a tas- force, the Tas- opportuni"es for solu"ons in mi"ga"ng emissions an Force on Climate4relate Financial 5isclosures (TCF5), to a ap"ng to the consequences of climate change, such as evelop a consistent ,ay of repor"ng &nancial ris-s relate increasing clean an more eFcient technologies, targets for to climate change. re ucing resource consump"on (energy, fuels, paper), &nancing lo,4carbon As such, companies ,ill have to evelop a farming techniques, priori"7a"on of governance mo el for the climate change photovoltaic an ,in energy sources, theme containing strategy, ris- an increasing the resilience of city opportunity management an infrastructure etc. management in icators, aiming to provi e informa"on on the poten"al The e2pecte transi"on to a lo,4carbon impact of climate change to clients, economy is es"mate to require about investors, insurers an other )S5 1 trillion of investment per year, sta-ehol ers in rela"on to the impacts of genera"ng ne, investment physical ris-s, transi"on ris-s an other opportuni"es. At the same "me, the opportuni"es relate to the issue. reputa"onal ris- of organi7a"ons e2pose to the e1ects of climate change can vary signi&cantly, as these organi7a"ons Accor ing to the TCF5 report 8, one of the most signi&cant may be most a1ecte by the physical impacts of climate ris-s facing organi7a"ons to ay is relate to climate change. change, by climate policies an by ne, technologies. A While it is ,i ely recogni7e that the con"nuity of 2015 stu y 4 es"mate that by the en of the century the greenhouse gas emissions is aggrava"ng global ,arming value of assets in the ,orl at ris- from climate change ,ill an this may lea to economic an social losses, the e2act range from )S5 4.2 trillion to )S5 48 trillion. "ming an severity of physical e1ects are iFcult to es"mate, ,hich ma-es the problem a unique challenge, 6anco o 6rasil, a,are of the relevance an urgency of the especially in the conte2t of economic ecision4ma-ing. issue of climate change an the importance of engaging governments, the private sector an society in e1orts to re uce greenhouse gases an to a apt communi"es in areas of climate vulnerability, is commi0e to the transi"on to a lo,4carbon economy an to the lea ership role that 6ra7il can assume in this issue. 2. The Financial Stability 6oar (FS6) ,as establishe in 2009 as the successor to the Financial Stability Forum (FSF). The FSF ,as foun e by the G7 in 1999 an by a eman from G20 lea ers in 200A to become a stronger ins"tu"on, it ,as re4establishe as FS6 in 2009. 8. Recommendaons of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures . Available at h0psC//,,,.fsb4tcf .org/,p4content/uploa s/2017/0./FINAL4 TCF54Report40.2 A17.p f 4.The Economist Intelligence )nit, IThe Cost of Inac"onC Recogni7ing the Value at Ris- from Climate ChangeK, 2015. Value at ris- measures the loss a porolio may e2perience, ,ithin a given "me hori7on, at a par"cular probability, an the stoc- of manageable assets is e&ne as the total stoc- of assets hel by non4 ban- &nancial ins"tu"ons. 6an- assets ,ere e2clu e as they are largely manage by ban-s themselves. 8 What guides us? At 6anco o 6rasil, Corporate Socio4environmental Responsibility (CSR) is e2presse in policies an in the various voluntary commitments assume over "me. The main obBec"ve of governance in CSR is to manage 66's socio 4environmental performance, ,hich occurs base on the implementa"on an issemina"on of the Socio4 environmental Responsibility Policy (PRSA), ,hich consi ers, in an integrate manner, the economic, social an environmental imensions in business an in the ethical an transparent rela"onship ,ith sta-ehol ers. Climate change is inclu e in the Socio4environmental Responsibility Policy 4 PRSA an also in the 66 Sustainability Gui elines for Cre it. The Gui elines provi e socio4environmental gui ance to be consi ere in the analysis of loan an &nancing proposals. They a ress strategic issues, inclu ing climate change, an are applicable in the analysis an gran"ng of cre it to the sectors of Agribusiness, Electrical Energy, Civil Construc"on, Sustainability Plan - Agenda 30 BB Mining, Oil an Gas, Transporta"on, Irrigate Agriculture, Steel an Pulp an Paper. The prepara"on an annual 6anco o 6rasil's Sustainability Plan contributes to the revie, of the Gui elines involves a range of sta-ehol ers improvement of business an processes by consoli a"ng (sharehol ers, in ustry e2perts, NGOs, customers an ac"ons ,ith a social an environmental focus. Revise employees), supporte by the analysis of stu ies an every t,o years an or ere into sustainability challenges reports that, in turn, consi er proBec"ons of global climate priori"7e by senior management, it is bro-en o,n into mo els. In 201A, the Gui elines ,ere up ate consi ering commitments establishe for a perio of three years. the legal, poli"cal, economic an socio4environmental aspects. Since 2017, the Plan has been calle Agen a 80 66. The ne, agen a reNects the premises of the global 2080 Other policies inclu e various socio4environmental aspects, Agen a an is inspire by the Sustainable 5evelopment ,hich are also consi ere in business an a ministra"ve Goals (S5Gs), respon ing to the global call to buil a ,orl prac"ces, such as cre it an investment opera"ons, an riven by a equate management of natural resources, rela"onships ,ith suppliers an employees. 5ue to their respect for human rights an genera"on of sustainable relevance, these gui elines are replicate in the Cre it results. Sustainability Gui elines for i1erent sectors. 4 The Agen a 80 66 ensures that internal processes are management of the climate change theme at 6anco o a opte in a robust manner, agreeing on commitments 6rasil so as to inclu e governance, ris-s, opportuni"es an an ac"ons that have an impact on the business as a a apta"ons) an 19 (to improve the management of social ,hole.
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