The Samaritan Center

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The Samaritan Center The Samaritan Center . • • Prayer is the Key to Heaven Page 4 College Finance Page 5 NET '96 and Your Church Page 9 The Samaritan rite by Patricia Foster e did it again" said Will- iam J. Hulsey, board chair- man of Adventist Commu- H nity Services (ACS). "The Lord provided miracles to obtain the property for the center." The Operated by Adventist Community Se rVices new home of Adventist Commu- nity Services, now called The Sa- maritan Center, is located in Ooltewah, Tennessee. February 28, with more than 200 in attendance, the building, its programs and services, as well as the paid and volunteer staff were dedicated to serving the needs of the community. In describing the miracles leading to the move that more than doubled its floor space, Hulsey thanked Allan Jones of Cleve- land, Tennessee, for a generous The Samaritan Center, former Red Food Store, more than doubled the space of previous $500,000 contribution that made Adventist Community Services Center. it possible to purchase the build- ing. Other guests at the dedication were Senator David Fowler, Repre- sentative Bobby Wood, Don Hayes of Bi-Lo Corporation, and William Raines of the Raines Realty Group. Guided tours gave visitors a feel of the operation process from receiving donations of clothes, 0 furniture, food, toys, etc., through 15. distribution in the thrift shop. !!L Gary Patterson, missions aware- ness director for the General Con- Replacement van needed for 1973 model. ference, opened the dedication service with prayer. He was also the original inspiration for the center's new name. Director Gail Williams says, "ACS would not exist without the many Samaritans who bring clean usable clothing and William J. Hulsey, board chairman of Adventist other items that help struggling Community Services, talks of the miracles families stretch limited incomes." in obtaining property. Highlighting various ways God has sort and organize donations that led the center to its present level are recycled through the thrift shop. of service were prayers of thanks- This keeps prices affordable and giving given by Seventh-day supplies income to assist in keep- Adventist pastors Jerry Fore, Ed ing the center's doors open to Shoppers find bargains at the Thrift Shop. Wright, Fred Fuller, Jim Erwin, Ed provide programs and services that Skoretz, and Mike Pettengill. Prayers benefit the community. Different thrift shop prices, would have been of blessings for various aspects of merchandise is received and placed approximately $9,000. No dona- the center's mission and service in the thrift shop every day. Op- tion is turned down. Items not were offered by Harold Coker, erations manager Jerdie Landers, usable at the center are recycled Hamilton County commissioner; says, "There are some who shop through other agencies. Larry Williams, pastor of the here on a daily basis to stretch The Samaritan Center distributed Ooltewah Baptist church; Mark their income." Those who are 3,000 food boxes through the Cardwell, Community Kitchen ex- unable to purchase clothing are emergency food program. Each ecutive director; Don Farmer, min- given vouchers to select their sizes box contains nutritious food to feed ister of education for the Concord and styles from the displays. a family of four, three days. Food Baptist church; Buckley Robbins, Who is a client and who is a is collected through donations and vicar, St. Francis of Assisi Episco- customer is not apparent with this purchased from the Chattanooga pal church; and Suzanne Bailey, method. More than 3,500 items of Food Bank. Financial assistance of Juvenile Court judge. Georgia- clothing, household items, linens, $12,000 to help with rent, utili- Cumberland President Gordon Bietz and furniture were given in 1995 ties, and prescriptions was made gave the dedicatory prayer. to those in need. The value of these possible by donations through the More than 70 active volunteers items, even at the center's low Center's Benevolence Fund. 2 ■ Southern Tidings April, 1996 ffelp for Today and Hooe for Tomorrow Rusty McKee, ACS board mem- and you looked after me..." Mat- The Samaritan Center is "help for ber, said "Our objective is to help thew 25:35,36 NIV. These are the today and hope for tomorrow." individuals who have hit rock standards of The Samaritan Cen- El bottom get back on their feet and ter. Their mission is to use the be productive citizens." The cen- ministry of Jesus as their model, Patricia Foster is communication ter does this through JobNet and to provide a caring place that meets coordinator for the Georgia- money and food stamp manage- the basic needs of people in the Cumberland Conference. ment training. Certified counselors area, and to offer practical assis- lead therapy groups on childhood tance toward self-sufficiency Cover: From a collection of three pictures sexual abuse and everyday coping through the redistribution of the titled Faith, Hope, and Love, courtesy of skills. The center networks with community's goods and services. Florida Hospital. more than 60 other social service agencies and refers clients for information and services who can best help with specific needs. The Center is about churches, agencies, businesses, and individu- als pooling their resources and pulling together. The system de- veloped by ACS for organizing and packing donated goods in num- bered boxes has become the stan- dard for Adventist Disaster Re- sponse across North America. ACS is now working with Hamilton County Emergency Management to develop a plan to coordinate county- wide collection efforts for disaster relief. "Gifts for Jesus!' collected during the Christmas holiday from local organizations provide needed personal care items such as sham- poo, deodorant, and toothpaste that can't be purchased with food stamps. The community also spon- sors a "Back-To-School Program" to assist children with school sup- Volunteers sort and prepare items for the Thrift Shop. plies in the fall. The Samaritan Center is approxi- mately 90 percent complete. How- ever, to adequately serve the com- munity there are needs—a loading dock to facilitate in unloading large appliances and furniture, a com- mercial size freezer and refrigera- tor to keep perishable items, washer and dryer, van, chairs, office fur- niture, to name a few. Also needed are individuals who can donate their special skills to help finish the center—carpenters, plumbers, elec- tricians, painters, etc. Volunteers are also needed to work in the thrift shop, answer the phone, pick up donated items, and work with the special programs and follow- up visits. Last, but not least, money. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick Guests talk with volunteers during tours at dedication. Volume 90 SOUTHERN TIDINGS (USPS 507-000) Number 4 Published monthly by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Second- April, 1996 class postage paid at Decatur, Ga., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Southern Tidings • 3 send changes of address to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, P.O. Box 849, Decatur, GA 30031. ' aver Is itlt o flea by Teri Fowle heard the song playing, "Prayer of prayer, praise, music, work- and even how to begin a prayer is the key to heaven, and faith shops, prayer groups, and speak- ministry in your local church. unlocks the door," as I drove ing. The overall theme of all the As the weekend concluded on Idown to Nosoca Pines Ranch speakers was enhancing personal Sunday with an incredible time of for the prayer conference held Feb- spiritual growth by staying focused prayer led by Ruthie Jacobsen and ruary 23-25. How appropriate to on Jesus through a vibrant prayer- Ginny Allen, what a wonderful set the mood for the weekend em- life. spirit we felt in the room. As I got phasizing prayer. Flow true, also, The 175 people who attended back in my car to head home, I to focus on prayer as the key to had many options for workshops rewound my tape to replay the song knowing Jesus personally. and small group prayer-times. There I had heard on the way down to Randy Maxwell, author of If My were four sessions of workshops Nosoca, "Prayer is the key to People Pray, was one of the fea- throughout the weekend covering heaven, and faith unlocks the door." tured speakers. Ruthie Jacobsen, topics on Experiencing Church After hearing the speakers, the North American Division prayer Growth Through Small Groups, music, and participating in a prayer ministries coordinator, and Ginny Christ's Way of Witnessing, and several group, the meaning of the song Allen, Oregon Conference assistant workshops which covered differ- touched my heart again. Prayer is women's ministries director, were ent aspects of prayer from how to, the key to knowing Jesus as my also featured during the weekend who to pray for, prayer journaling, personal savior. CI Randy Maxwell, author of If My People Pray, Prayer groups met in various places for was a featured speaker for the weekend corporate prayer and information on how to event. He was available at the Adventist pray. Christian Book Center to autograph his book. He autographs this one with Ann Pendleton, Carolina Conference women's ministries director and Ruthie Jacobsen, North American Division prayer ministries coordinator looking on. Ginny Allen of the Oregon Conference stands beneath the banner with the Come Together theme artistically designed. 4 • Southern Tidings April, 1996 by Doris Burdick now find their payments signifi- cantly smaller. Annual education expenses will be spread over 12, 11, 10, 9, or 8 equal monthly outhern College—First off, payments.
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