NEWS AND UPDATES FROM MAYOR ROB BURTON • FALL 2019 “Doug Ford is hiding his decision on the fate of our Town until after the Federal election. ”~ page 3 Bill 108: Radical Change to Growth in Oakville ~ page 5 Council Declares Climate Emergency ~ page 6 PCs breaking pledge to save Glen Abbey? ~ page 10 Our Vision: To be thLEeT’S mTALoKs FAtL Ll i2v01a9 b - l1e- MtAoYwORn RO iBn B UCRTaOnN ada Oakville Mayor ROB BURTON T: 905-338-4173 E:
[email protected] 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville ON L6H 0H3 @OakvilleMayor, @MayorRobBurton Dear Neighbours, On behalf of our Town Council, I’m pleased to present information and updates on the news of interest to us all. Oakville is facing some of the most important challenges it has ever encountered. The fallout from changes in provincial legislation and the prospect of a possible municipal amalgamation combine to result in real threats to the livability we have taken such care to build. I strongly encourage you to read the articles inside and take action. On a more positive note, we have much to be proud of. Our new South East Community Centre is taking shape and the revitalization of Downtown Lakeshore Road is in full swing. We’ve brought new library services to north Oakville and construction of our newest elementary school is underway near Sixth Line and Dundas. Four major road projects are moving ahead which will result in better movement of people and goods, easier commutes and improved transportation access for local business. In recognition of Truth and Reconciliation, we welcomed the addition of a permanent First Nations flag to Town Hall and recently, Council passed a resolution to declare a Climate Change Emergency.