Development Plan 2. FINGAL NORTH 4. 2017 - 2023 4 Tobersool RC Balscaddan RV COUNTY STRATEGY / INDEX Sheet No.1 Zoning Objectives

Grougha RC CI - Community Provide for and protect civic, religious, community, education, Infrastructure health care and social infrastructure

Dallyhaysy RC !772 DA - Ensure the efficient and effective operation and development Airport of the airport in accordance with an approved Local Area Plan Inch RB 5. SKERRIES FP - Food Provide for and facilitate the development of a Food Industry Park Park

Moonlone Lane RC GB - Greenbelt Protect and provide for a Greenbelt Dermotstown RC GE - General Provide opportunities for general enterprise and employment Baltrasna RC Employment

Blackhills RC É É É HA - High Naul RV É Protect and enhance high amenity areas Amenity Hynespark RB HI - Heavy Provide for heavy industry Industry

Provide for office, research and development and high HT - High Killalane RC technology/high technology manufacturing type employment Technology in a high quality built and landscaped environment RV Milverton RC LC - Local Protect, provide for and/or improve local centre facilities Baldwinstown Cross RC Centre Holmpatrick RC MC - Major Protect, provide for and/or improve major town centre facilities Town Centre Malheney RC Facilitate opportunities for high density mixed use ME - Metro employment generating activity and commercial Economic development, and support the provision of an appropriate Corridor quantum of residential development within the Metro Hedgestown RB & RC Economic Corridor Ballykea RC

OS - Open Preserve and provide for open space and recreational Space amenities

RA - Residential Provide for new residential communities subject to the 3. FINGAL CENTRAL Wimbletown RC 6A. LUSK 6B. RUSH Area provision of the necessary social and physical infrastructure The Commons RC

RB - Rural Provide for and facilitate rural-related business which has a Business demonstrated need for a rural location Wyanstown RC Ballymadun RV Ballough RB & RC Rush North RB RC - Rural Provide for small scale infill development serving local needs Jordanstown RC North Beach RC Cluster while maintaining the rural nature of the cluster Wimbletown South RC Provide for residential development and protect and improve Westpalstown RB RS - Residential Ballyboghil RV Colecot RC residential amenity Effelstown RC Corduff RC Protect and promote in a balanced way, the development of RU - Rural agriculture and rural-related enterprise, biodiversity, the rural landscape, and the built and cultural heritage Oldtown RV Richardstown RB Rush South RB Protect and promote the character of the Rural Village and RV - Rural promote a vibrant community in accordance with an approved Newhaggard RC Village Local Area Plan, and the availability of physical and community infrastructure

RW - Retail Palmerstown RC 7. - Provide for retail warehousing development See Lambay island Warehousing Insert on Sheet 7 Protect and enhance the special physical and social character Blakes Cross RB TC - Town and of town and district centres and provide and/or improve urban District Centre facilities

Provide for distribution, warehouse, storage and logistics WD - Warehousing Quay RC facilities which require good access to a major road network and Distribution Turvey RC within a good quality environment

8. SWORDS Magilstown RC Rowlestown RV Balcarrick RC Specific Objectives

Thornton RC County Boundary Castlefarm RC Balcultry RC Development Boundary

Airport Red Approach Area

Inner Airport Noise Zone Coolquoy RV Outer Airport Noise Zone

Inner Public Safety Zone RV 9. - Outer Public Safety Zone

Ward Lower RB !772 Protected Structure

Note : 12. BLANCHARDSTOWN NORTH 11. FINGAL SOUTH This Map is an Index/Strategy Sheet to the Development Plan. Feltrim RC For further detail please refer to the Written Statement, Written Statement Appendices and the Green Infrastructure Maps

Baskin Lane RC To view details of Recorded Monuments and Places see

Kinsealy RV Sheet Index Map

4 Dubber Cross RC 2 Maynetown RC 5

10. BALDOYLE - 6 6

3 7 8 13. BLANCHARDSTOWN SOUTH 9 12 11

10 13

Comhairle Contae Fhine Gall An Roinn um Pleanáil agus Infrastruchtúr Straitéiseach Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Department

Director of Services : AnnMarie Farrelly Date: March 2017 Senior Planner : Matthew McAleese Scale @ A0: 1:40,000 © Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. © Ordnance Survey Ireland Licence number 2017/24/CCMAlFingalCountyCouncil