For more information, please contact: information, more For including shelter. safe services and protection educationalcounselling, support basic necessities, children and their caregivers refugee to We offer sinceTerre 2016. has March been active hommes des , In social and employment. education, welfare to rights minorities’ disadvantaged defending and systems the violence, and protection exploitation as strengthening wellas on trafficking, against protected effectively are they on ensuring that afocus with in Europe families seeking refuge children of and their thousands Terre Balkans has and been in protect the working Greece to hommes des in Greece families their and children for A response Greece. Emergency crisis. Refugee • • • situation current The . from 3% , from 5% , from 15% stan, Afghani from 24% , from are 47% countries. refugee-producing ten top world’s the from come arrivals the of 87% children. are 37% and women 21% are males, adult are arrivals of 42% concern. of persons 62,784 December, are there 21 asof Greece, In 2016. in only sea by Europe to have to arrived reported are people 173,130 - Nathalie Derrien, Country Delegate -Greece: [email protected] Delegate Country Derrien, Nathalie Tdh intervention areas

© Tdh 1. Our intervention in Central Macedonia. Funded mainly by Swiss Solidarity and Child Fund Alliance, Terre des hommes and its local partner ARSIS[1] have been responding to the needs of refugee population living in the informal settlement of Eidomeni first and then in emergency reception sites in Northern Greece. The intervention includes activities offering enhanced protection services through case management mechanism and comprehensive psychosocial support for vulnerable refugee children, caregivers and community members. Simultaneously, Terre des hommes has been implementing activities of NFI’s distri- bution and site improvements in emergency sites in Northern Greece.

Our projects on 4 main axes 1. Psychosocial support: 3. Distribution of NFIs: In Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) set up in 4 camps, we implement Tdh distributed in 2016 various types of essential items in 6 activities based on movement, games and sport methodology emergency reception sites: tailored hygiene kits, baby kits in- (MGS), other structured psychosocial activities for children cluding food, shoes, summer and winter clothes, kitchen kits with behavioral problems, youth focused life-skills sessions but also winter kits (blankets, mattresses, flash lights). In 2016, and youth club projects, parenting sessions, as well as out of more than 4300 beneficiaries received non-food items (NFIs) camp activities for adults and children. with tailored kits depending on age and gender.

2. Child Protection Case Management: 4. Basic site rehabilitations: A particular emphasis is laid on Child Protection Case Manage- To improve security, hygiene, preparedness to winter but also ment for unaccompanied Children (UAC) but also for other chil- availability of communal areas, Tdh is actively involved in se- dren in need of protection: children at risk and/or exposed to vi- curisation of electrical installations in the warehouses, roof olence, neglect, exploitation, early marriage, trafficking or sexual repairs, winterisation of communal areas (food distribution and gender based violence. The technical approach to case man- area, wash facilities, installations of curtain strips at entrance agement combines three core specialised areas: law and legal doors…), installation of laundry areas, minors repairs in the aid, psychological support, and social support (including referrals camps, equipment and rehabilitation of communal areas. to safe shelters, referrals for specialized services such as mental health, or accompaniment to medical and other services).

With support from :

2. Our intervention in Epirus. Funded by the European Commission and in partnership with the University of Ioannina and Libraries without Borders, Terre des hommes is seeking to support non-formal education for all refugee children, youth and adults, and to deliver targeted Child Protection services to the most vulnerable children and caregivers in emergency reception sites and urban locations in the region of Epirus.

Our project on 2 main axes 1. Education: 2. Protection: An age-appropriate non-formal education program to guaran- We offer a comprehensive child protection response through tee that children have access to a quality non-formal learning case management including social work and enabling access to program with a focus on both cognitive and affective develop- services meeting specific needs of children without adequate ment, aiming to assist them to return to official education. care, and access to protective environment, including safe and dignified shelter solutions.

[1] Association for social support of youth, a Greek non-governmental organisation specialised in Child Protection and social services. © Tdh/Macedonia

3. Our intervention in , Bulgaria and Macedonia. From Greece, Terre des hommes is also implementing a regional project funded by DFID[2] in partnership with Internation- al Rescue Committee and various child protection organisations from Greece and other Balkan countries. In collaboration with Terre des hommes Albania, the Bulgarian Red Cross and Open Gate – La Strada, we have developed a flexible re- sponse capacity to address urgent needs of migrant and refugee children, particularly UAC’s (stranded or on the move) in the 3 bordering countries with Greece towards Western Europe: Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Our project on 3 main axes 1. Monitoring of 2. Contingency planning: 3. Deployment of Child migratory situation: The contingency planning ensures that Protection response: The migratory flows, national policies an adequate child protection response When needs are identified, Terre des and migration related child protection is ready to be implemented in case of hommes with its partners are ready to concerns are monitored by officers in the sudden influx or deterioration of the mi- set up mobile child friendly spaces of- 3 countries reporting weekly. Together gratory situation. Internal and external fering PSS, referrals and access to ser- with Tdh Budapest, a monthly monitoring continuous training of people within a vices, social and recreational activi- and surveillance report focusing on CP roster is provided. The planning also ties, as well as access to information UASC [3] and CP issues, which can also entails capacity building with local for UASC and other refugees, migrants feed advocacy actions, is produced. NGOs and civil servants, proposals of and asylum-seekers. In 2016, the re- enforcing more coordination among CP sponse has been triggered in Bulgaria actors at country level, as well as taking and Macedonia. the lead where there are gaps, such as for the development of SOPs.

With support from :

[2] UK Department for International Develpoment [3] Unaccompanied and Separated Children

Siège | Hauptsitz | Sede | Headquarters Avenue de Montchoisi 15, CH-1006 Lausanne T +41 58 611 06 11, F +41 58 611 06 77

E-Mail: [email protected], CCP / PCK: 10-11504-8 ©Tdh / 01.2017