POSTMASTER:The PLEASE DO NOT SEND Natio NOTICE egionnaire ON FORM 3578 Jf a notice hat already been aeiil l<> the publisher* o( The Ameth-an Legion Magazine, Dedicated to the /Ae Firing Line Chicago, II!.. with respect to a copy aimllarly aildresicd.

Vol.4 Entered as lecoiid claa* matler Indianapolis, Indiana- September, 1938 at poaiofflce, Indianapolis, Indiana No. 9 *

—LEGION 1—— 4 ■■■—. — BARES- ___ RED____^__ ACTIVITY # Los Angeles Prepares Most Colorful Convention]^* Group Sifts Report Big Parade Navy Planes to Participate in Fleet Review Of Committee Will Require Chaillaux Tiles Kvideneeof . a an 12 Hours Communistic. Nazi aviiift J9kr» War. Propaganda California Will Stage Most Colorful Cavalcade in By FRANCIS M. SULLIVAN Secretary, National Legislative History Committee WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. I.— LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1—The The startling discoveries being un- most colorful parade in American earthed by the special Dies Com- # Legion convention history is ex- mittee investigating un-American pected when Ihe "Big Parade" of activities continue to occupy the 1938 passes by the official reviewing spotlight in the Nation's capital. stand in Los Angeles on Tuesday, During the week of August 15, September 20. Convention officials there appeared among the wit- now estimale the procession will nesses Homer L. Chaillaux, Director require approximately 12 hours to of the Americanism Commission, pass a given point. Chaillaux, appearing before the The climax of the parade will be committee on August 17, filed a furnished by the Department of mass of documentary evidence per- California, according to O. H. Van taining to Communistic and Nazi * Elman, vice-chairman of the parade activities in this country and committee. It will be something showed that a number of societies unique in patriotic parades. It wU were either Communistic controlled be a marching pageant of pictur or affiliates. He testified that while esqyely garbed men and women the huge majority of WI'A work- depicting in Its entirety the frontier ers, wht» are members cf the Work- ffistory of the Golden Slate. K ers Alliance, hVw no idea thai Ihe will present an animated picture of organization is Communistieally * the state's history since the day controlled, the Alliance is using the the first while pioneer crossed the WPA to the limit to further the Sierra Nevada. Communist program. He also testi- Each of the 58 county councils fied as to the activities of the of the California Department will American League for Peace and (Continued on page 11 revive historic events .and charac- Four hundred of these l*. S. Kavy planes will roar over the heads of American Legionnaires when laeed aboard battleships and thousands of others will view the spectacle from the shoreline between War Planes to Sail Pedro and 1-ong Beach. Jr. Converge on OKLAHOMA INDIANS World Series Our Year of Accomplishment OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Los Angeles By DANIKL ,1. DOHERTY, Sept. 1.—An item of $2,700 for Regional and Sectional advert ising Oklahoma at the National Commander, The American Legion Play Points Toward Johnson Annouiiees (.real 20lh annual national convention The present administration of The American Legion will shortly be of The American Legion in Los Championship Concentration of concluded. Angeles, Calif., this month, was It Is quite appropriate that an appraisal now be made of the results Air Forces approved by the stale highway Replefe with color and action, * of our joint efforts during the commission here July 27 in fix- period of the year about to draw the 1938 Junior" World Series will ing the hudget for its travel and have wound up in a blaze of glory WASHINGTON, D. C— [Special!. to a close. tourist division. at Spartanburg, South Carolina, —The largest concent ration of During the early months of The $2,700 will be ipenl for modern combat planes in the his- one of the most successful seasons every administration, concentrated travel and maintenance expenses of American Legion Junior Base- tory of the country has been or- effort has been directed to the of Oklahoma Indian dancers, for ball by the lime this issue of The dered by Acting Secretary of War furtherance of the legislative pro- rental of costumes for American National Legionnaire reaches its Louis Johnson for The American gram formulated for enactment. Legion members, and for floats readers. Legion National Convention at Los The final report of the National for the big Legion parade in Los As this is being written, the three Angeles September 20. Legislative Director discloses the Angeles. sectional champions had just been # Acting Secretary Johnson, a for- substantial measure of success Ennis Hplm. director of the crowned—Detroit in the Northeast- mer national commander of the achieved during the last session of tourist division, said the parade ern Section; San Diego, Cal., in the Legion, directed 325 planes from the Congress. After many years theme of the Oklahoma Legion Western Section, and Spartanburg ail three wings of the general of striving, legislation providing delegation would be "The last in the Southeastern Section. This headquarters air force to partici- for the establishment of an ade- 100 years of progress in Okla- • it was the Southeastern Sec- homa." pate in the concentration cere- quate National Defense was ef- tion's turn to receive the bye in mony. fected. "Oklahoma is known from semi-final play and thus the Spar- The planes are to be the most Further progress was made In coast to coast as the Indian tanburg champion moved right up modern in the Army. The largest liberalizing existing legislation af- state," Helm said. "In the vi- into the final bracket. This carried previous concentration of modern fecting the widows and orphans of cinity of Hollywood, where drab with it the honor of playing host to> planes was at the GHQ air force's World War veterans. Armistice and monotonous happenings are the . mock air warfare in the East this Day In practical effect was made 'passe', it seems logical that World Series spring. In the war games 250 a legal public holiday. The pro- Oklahoma should put on her * ilanes from all three wings were posed Ludlow Amendment was de- best paint and go to town." The other sectional champions oncentrated about City. feated. Veterans' Administration were scheduled to meet in semi- final play at Charlotte, North Caro- General Andrews to Lead was preserved as presently con- DEDICATE MEMORIAL # stituted. Appropriation was se- lina, August 26, 27 and 29. Follow- The 325 planes, which will gather cured to provide for 35,000 CMTC SOUTHBRIDCE, Mass., Sept. L— ing this, the winner and Spartan- at Los Angeles, will be under the enrol Ices, instead of 15,000 as orig- Largely through the initiative of burg were lo cross bats in the cli- command of Major General Frank inally arranged for. Southbridge Post No. 31 of The mactic play of the entire program, the 1938 Junior World Series, M. Andrews, who will personally Registration of, agencies and American Legion, this community lead the formation in - his C-33 August 31, September 1, 2, 3 and 5. agents of propaganda and author- ¥i„„i„t i n t. * dedicated, on August 27, an endur- This was the eleventh season of "Flying Headquarters." This ship teatlon for Inquiry into the actlvi- Daniel J. Doherty ing memorial to its World War was designed to carry the air staff American Legion Junior Baseball. star, ties of subversive groups was accomplished, thereby filling a long-stand- veterans. imps with maps and radio communica- It was by far the most successful. ing requirement of fundamental Americanism. Solution of the aggra- tion systems high up into the Governor Charles Hurley, of Not only were there more boys en- vated situation with respect to the disposal of the personal effects of clouds to direct air warfare from Massachusetts, a Leglonnair rolled, more teams entered, but the veterans dying at veterans' facilities was achieved. Existing approprla- be t he principal speaker i the quality of play was improved. At (Continued on page 8) (Contlnued on page 4. dedication (Continued on page 8>

-*m* SEPTEMBER, 1938 THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE Contests Committee Announces Big Parade Wounded Veteran to Preside All Los Angeles Competitions Is. Colorful American Legion team champion- (Continued from page 1) LOS ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 1. ship. ters peculiar to Us own locality as Robert Mitchell, chairman of the 1S38 American Legion Convention Drill Team Contest H passes in review. Contests Committee, has completed The American Legion drill team Kit Carson, Captain Sutler, Joa- contest will be held in the Armory quin Muirietta, General Fremont, arrangements for the various con- tests to be held in Lo» Angeles of the Los Angeles National Guard these, and a host of others, whose at 1:30 p. m„ Monday. Septem- names were written indelibly on during convention week, September the pages of the old west, will 19-22. ber 19. The American Legion drum and Color Guard champions will be again take life and form. selected from the line of march of From Imperial County will come bugle corps contest will be the headlincr of all the competition. the annual American Legion pa- oxen and stage coach, relic of the rade, Tuesday, September 20. days when sturdy pioneers wrested It will be staged in the Los An- that vast valley from the desert geles Memorial Coliseum, one of SAL Contests wastes. Vigilantes, of the period the largest in the world, Monday, Sons of The American Legion when Los Angeles was young, will September 19, Here, against a and all junior contests will be held ride again. glamorous background that only at the Rancho Cienega Playground, Expect LOMM t« March semi-tropical Southern California 5000 Exposition Boulevard, Monday, can provide, the cream of American Van Elman estimated that close September 19, starting at 9:00 a. rr». Legion musical units from all over Featuring these junior competi- » to 100,000 men and women would the country will match their page- be in the line of march when the tions will be the annual SAL drum antry. It will be a picture that will and bugle corps contest. The win- . parade swings into motion prompt- never be forgotten by those who ly at 9:30 a. m. Close to a million ning corps will be awarded the witness it. spectators are expected to jam Cleveland National Convention every vantage point along the pa- The Los Angeles Memorial Coli- Trophy and $250. Second prix will rade route, and in the famous Me- seum has a seating capacity of 125,- be $150, and third prize $100. morial Coliseum, which seats 125.- 000 persons. Seats on all sides af- ford a perfect and unobstructed 000 persons. Many other states are planning view of the entire field. A carpet Economy League to have beautiful floats and page- of grass covers the field, making ants in the parade. Movie stars it. as green as a golf course. Against Cut Veteran, will be among both the marchers this bright green the gorgeous col- and spectators. There will be more ors of the uniforms of the various Says Director than 200 colorful bands and drum drum corps will appear at their and bugle corps. best. The field has a perfect light- NEW YORK crTY, Sept. 1.— The Between 12:30 and 1:00 p. m. ing system for night events The National Economy League still Ihe parade will share interest with units competing in the final events lives, according to statements of its one of the greatest sky shows ever will find the field as light as day. director. John C. Gebhart, who is witnessed in America. Approxi- without any shadows or glaring quoted in papers here as pointing mately 350 United States Army air- lights. to past achievements of the organ- planes, representing all three wings AH arrangements for the big ization in effecting economies in of the GHQ Air . Force, will fly contest have been completed, ac- Federal Government operation, above the line of march in the cording to Robert Mitchell, contest principally in the field of compen- greatest concentration of military chairman. His committee is com- sation payments to veterans of the aircraft in the nation's history. Herbert Marshall, prominent motion pietnre rtar, wno will pre- posed of experienced drum and World War. They will be further augmented by sent 'The Birth ot The American Lefion" in a beautiful pageant at bugle corps men who themselves Using three separate bases for 250 Navy planes. the patriotic and religious ceremonies in the Hollywood Bowl spec- have participated in numerous arriving at the amounts he claims the Government has saved as a re- Huge Formation Area tacle Sunday night, September IS. Mr. Marshall is a veteran ot the contests. They have drawn upon World War, having lost a leg while In service with the British forces their own experiences to anticipate sult of the operation of the Na- A huge area, radiating from on the Western Front. The patriotic and religious ceremonies will ail the needs and wants of visiting tional Economy League, Gebhart Washington and Figueroa Streets, attract a crowd of 45,006, filling the famed Bowl to capacity, and corps. lists either $2,435,005,583. $1,491,- has been set aside for the parade Bruce Merman," chairman in charge, has prepared a program that 205,583, or $1,147,556,503 from 1932 formation. Scores of blocks will be "We expect to have at least 40 of will be one of the outstanding features of the 193* national conven- the' best American Legion drum to the present time. roped off. The parade will move tion. All Allied nations wiU be represented in this colorful pageant. Chief saving listed is in the re- south to Santa Barbara Street, a corps in the country participating in the contest." Chairman Mitchell peal of the partial disability pay- distance of nearly two miles, where said. "Advance information indi- ments for so-called "disability-al- thousands of spectators will be as- SCIENTIFIC FARMING lowance." This legislation was not Lady in Last Mans Club cates that more than 250 musical sembled. At Santa Barbara Street Sweet City Visitor: Why are you originally sponsored by The Amari- the parade will move through the organizations will attend the con- running that steam roller thing KENOSHA, Wis., Sept. 1.— vention." can Legion. The National Hcon- tunnel into the Coliseum. The re- omy League was opposed to pay- over that field? There was amazement in the The San Gabriel. Calif., 1938 Na- viewing stand will be in the Coli- air when the Last Man's Club of ment in cash of the adjusted serv- seum, and the parade will move Farmer (on steam trartor): I'm tional Championship Drum and going to raise a crop of mashed Kenosha Post No. 23, or The Bugle Corps will not compete this ice certificates. around the great track and out American Legion here received again through the tunnel. potatoes this fall. year, as it is located in the host an application for membership county. This crack unit will put from a woman. She was Clara "on an exhibition dri.ll following the LEGIONPOWER Barton Hutchinson, a World last corps in the final competition. That great moral force exerted War nurse. for the betterment of America by To Register for Los Angeles The membership committee The Los Angeles Post No. 8 Drum and Bugle Corps will be the host Legionnaires and their families— was convened hastily to portder thai is "LEGIONPOWER." on the problem of whether a corps to all the visiting musicians. Clip and Mail This Coupon! woman could be admitted to a It extends an invitation to ail the "LEGIONPOWER" is a potent, visiting corps to call on it for any living force with more than 3,300,- The City of Los Angeles I* preparing to entertain the largest con- Last Man's Club. Investigation disclosed Mrs. assistance it can render to make 00O good Americans behind it—■ vention ever held within the spacious city limits of the city and the stay of the visiting musicians in more than the combined population with this in mind an appeal is being made for early registrations. Hutchinson had an honorable discharge from Army service as California a pleasant one. of these 13 cities: Richmond Prov- In an effort to assist the national registration committee, the idence, Nashville, Seattle. Washing- National Legionnaire publishes herewith an official registration an Army nurse and that she was Further information and blue- a member of long standing in prints of the Memorial Coliseum ton, D. C, San Diego, Denver, coupon for the convenience of Legionnaires. There is every rea- Louisville, Youngstown, Fort son for prompt registration. The price of registration includes the local post. As she was able may be obtained by writing George to meet all rules of eligibility in F. Case, Chairman of the Drum Worth, Akron, Atlanta and San everything at such a cheap figure that it is presumed everyone Antonio. will want to register. In order to facilitate matters you may fl.l the Last Man's Club she was ad- and Bugle Corps Contest Commit- "LEGIONPOWER" Li b'g-bigger in the attached registration blank, attach $2 and mail it to your mitted to membership. tee, P. O. Box 150. Arcade Station, Department Adjutant. You will receive your registration receipt Now Kenosha Post's Last Los Angeles. than those 13 cities because it is a Man's Club, with a membership Band Contest vital, moving force established within a few days. within 11,472 communities located THIS IS NOT A RESERVATION FOR HOUSING ACCOM- of more than 150, is believed to be the only organization of its American Legion bands will corn- in every county in the United MODATIONS. kind with a woman within its pete Monday morning, September States. "LEGIONPOWER" covers Registration includes: ranks. 19, at 10:00 o'clock. The beautiful the nation. 1 Ticket for a complete tour through the mammoth Warner band shell in Exposition Park will "LEGIONPOWER" is sub rantial. Brothers studios, where you can see and visit with the stars in be the scene of this event. It is an It is represented by a sollrl Ameri- O person see actual motion pictures being taken and the many Cub Scouting ideal spot for this contest. Spec- can homelife far above the aver- other interesting sights to be seen on a major motion picture lot. tators will be assured good seating. age in both the materin' lings of 2 Ticket in reserved section of Coliseum for the big parade. Program Grows A number of bands have signi- life and a steady annual income ot 3^ Ticket in reserved section of Coliseum for the drum corps fied their intentions of entering the $2,500,000,000.00. competition. In Kings County band contest, and keen competition With an annual cash income of 4 Official 1938 convention badge. is looked for. two and a half billion dollar*, 5. A rotogravure pictorial souvenir program of the convention. The development of cub scouting Golf Tournament "LEGIONPOWER" becomes spe-nd- 6 Reduced rates for the many scenic tours of Southern Cali- through American Legion sponsor- ingpower in a big way— spending- fornia, such as a visit to the San Gabriel Mission and Catahna ship is shown by the experience of The annual convention golf tour- power in every county in the Island. , .. . the Brooklyn Council. In May last nament of The American Legion iTnited States. To the advertisers 7. Ticket to the famous Hollywood Bowl where the religious year James F. Mildc was appointed will be held on the beautiful links in The American Legion Magazire and patriotic services are to be held. chairman of the cub section. Brook- of the Oakmont Country Club, near such tremendous spendingpower is AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS TOO NUMEROUS TO lyn Council, Boy Scouts of Amer- Glendale, in the Verdugo Hills. important because The American Chairman Mitchell said he expected MENTION! ica. Legion Magazine reaches into the The first achievement on the hundreds of entries in this tourna- heart of "LEGIONPOWER" rego- ment. The course is only a half larly every montr. progress ladder of these 9 to 12- hour's drive from the heart of this REGISTRATION COUPON year-old boys calls for a knowledge The American Legion Magazine of the Flag, its history, honors, etc. city. is. the one definite contact with 0 20th Annual National Convention-Los Angeles-September 19-22. The length of the course is 6,642 "LEGIONPOWER." Legionnaires Fill in coupon and mail today with two dollars ($2.00) to your The Kings County Legion offered yards, and it is a par 72 course. and their families know its im- Department Adjutant. three medals for an essay compe- The low gross score over 36 holes tition on the Flag. The movement i portance and advertisers are fast will determine the winner. There grew in one year from 40 picks I learning its importance. will also be low gross and net Name with 800 cubs to 74 packs with over (NOTE TO READERS—Continue prizes for players in different your fine support of our advertisers 2,000 cubs. handicap groups, as well as novelty Address. : The competition ended with the by purchasing their products when- and special awards for extraor- awarding of three medals to three ever you are in the market.) state dinary achievement over 18 holes City winners by Kings County com- mander, Thomas F. Dugan. at or less. Post Number Four-men teams may also be WEAR YOUR LEGION BUTTON Prospect Park on May 21, before IT IS A MARK OF DISTINCTION an audience of 3,000 people. entered by individual posts for the THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE SLPTEMMK, 19W AMERICAN LEGION ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE NATION

Akron Wins \Community Service Brings Joy HOT TAMALES! Ex-Gobs to Ye Soviet, those procrastinatln1 Hold Meet Rifle Match adjutants who come into their own for one brief evening dur- LOS ANGELES, Calif.. Sept. L— ing a national convention, this Plans have been completed for the Thirty-one Teams Contest greatest reunion of Navy men held year will go hotcha and do the since the founding of The Ameri- for McQuigp, Sons rhumba. Jim Fisk. California can Legion, according to Malcolm Trophies adjutant, announces that Casa Letts, chairman of the Navy re- La Golondrina, 35 Olvera Street, unions, in connection with the na- tional convention, to be held at Los CANON CITY, Colo., Sept. 1*— Los Angeles, commonly known Angeles September 19-22. The winners of the 1938 Sons of as a "Bit of Old Mexico," is to The American Legion and the The ex-gobs have obtained the McQuigg Trophy postal rifle be the scene of the festivities famous Old Jim Jeffries Cafe. 326 matches nave been announced by on Tuesday night, September 20- S. Spring Street, as registration James W. Woolrey, national marks- Starting at 7 p. m., the "adjies" headquarters. The interior of the manship director of The American will "go Spanish." and a glimpse cafe will be decorated to resemble Legion. of the program indicates that a ship, with bridge, wheel, running The SAL rifle match was won by these "hard-working" individu- lights and signal flags. The cafe the Hill Emery' Squadron No. 37, als are going lo let down their also boasts the longest horse-racing of Quincy, 111., with a team score thinking locks and have a time mural in the country. The south of 982. for themselves. Spanish music, wall recently was painted to re- The Ftdac - sponsored McQuigg dreamy-eyed senoritas, and hot- semble a day at Santa Anita track. rifle match was annexed by the cha maidens of the Pampas will This frescoing cost $1,000, and the crack team of Akron Post No. 209 be interspersed with the lamales. management recently spent $50,000 of Akron, Ohio, with a team tola on other fixtures. of 992 points. Three members of this crack team. V. Z. Canfield. L. C. Barrett, and W. D. Scarborough, tied for individual honors with per- New York Draws Largest Quota fect scores of 200 points each. They will have a shoot-off fo break the tie. For 1939 National Membership SAL Match Rnults INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Sept. 1. -The national membership quota of The Quinry SAL rifle team tied The American Legion for 1939 has been fixed officially at 929.450 it was wiih the sharpshooters of Squadron announced here by H. L. Plummer. Assistant National Adjutant, who is No. 112, of Ontario, Calif., with 982 In charge of the annual enrollment activity. The 1938 quota was 835,112. points each, but won when the tie At this writing it has been surpassed by 35,000. was broken according to the Na- At the same time Assistant National Adjutant Plummer announced tional Rifle Association rules. This also the quotas for the 58 departments of The American Legion. Both gave the California Squadron sec- the national and the department quotas are based on the average mem- ond place. bership of the preceding four years. Third place in this year's SAL Pointing out that the national organization exceeded its 1938 quota ride match went to the John C. and that many departments reached all-time high enrollments. Assist- Greenway Squadron No. 50, of ant National Adjutant Plummer said: Phoenix, Ariz., with a team score "I trust that every department will use its 1939 quota as a minimum of 981 points. This team won the Bobby BigKart with Harold A. Herrick, Service Officer, Benj. F. on which to build for next year. All records should be broken this com- match in 1937 with a score of 951 Sullivan Post N«. 154, Dalton, Ms**. Bobby is a happy boy with In* ing year!" points. new limbs provided by the Herrtek Post. Fourteen SAL rifle teams partici- The Department of New York drew the largest quota assignment, pated in this year's match as com- namely 83.934. Illinois was next with 77,193, Pennsylvania third with pared with only five entries last 67 826. and California fourth with 59,140. year. The eleven other teams and The smallest quota. 93, went to the Department of Mexico. Massachusetts Post Comes to The list of the 1939 quotas follows: their scores were: Points 19.19 Quota Augusl 4-Year 4—Dubuque Squadron No. 6, Average Dubuque, Iowa 9T5 Rescue in Emergency Service Department n™ 1936 1937 1938 5—Squadron No. 15, Youngs- Department of the Auxiliary Alabama 8,741 10,595 10,270 8,768 9,594 In April, 1937. Bobby Biggart, a 894 926 town, Ohio W9 nine-year-old Dalton. Massachu- donated $50.00: Mayor Allen H. Alaska 351 1,041 -917 4 826 5.128 5,064 6—Rose City Squadron No. 35, setts, boy. had the misfortune lo Bagg, of Pittsfield. $50.00;' the Arizona . 5,493 4,808 Portland, Ore 956 Pittsfield Police Department, Arkansas 10,094 9,657 10,502 10.603 10,229 lose both his legs in a railroad ac- 62.793 59,140 7 Flora) Park Squadron No. cident. After lying patiently in 50.00; the Dalton Police Depart- California 52,490 60,031 61,244 36 241 334. New York, N. Y 954 ment, $20.00; the Pittsfield Works Canada I 313 281 235 the House of Mercy Hospital for 9,378 9,076 ■ 8—Park Squadron No. 23, Liv- six months hopes to save his life of the General Electric Company Colorado 8,321 9,320 9,283 11,387 11,169 ingston, Montana 953 seemed certain. During his hos- sent in $700.00. Every organization Connecticut 9,913 11.294 12,050 9—Roy L. Vingers Squadron in Dalton and nearly all the public Delaware 1.223 1.654 1,514 1,408 1,450 pital stay a rumor became circu- 6,525 No. 52, LaCrosse, Wis 941 officials in pittsfield soon had the District of Columbia 5.540 6,596 6,905 7,059 lated that should Bobby save 100,- 12,107 10,938 X0— Wray-McKinstry Squadron 000 paper match covers a certain fund totaling $2,000.00. Florida 10,149 10,620 10.874 716 612 No. 13, Canon City, Colo. 930 match company would furnish Boxes were placed in all business France . 544 636 552 11—Squadron No. 33, Beau Georgia 9,539 10,994 11,498 11,362 10,848 Bobby with artificial limbs. The houses, mills, schools, and public 2,020 mont, Texas 930 buildings by Mrs. August Kiligas, Hawaii . 1,487 1.752 2.265 2,576 rumor spread with great rapidity 5,131 12—Benson Squadron No. 112, past president of the Pittsfield Idaho .. 4,202 5,100 5.737 5,484 and covers arrived in great quanti- 78,498 77,193 Omaha, Nebraska 881 AnxUiaTy November 11, the last Illinois . 70,600 79,548 80,127 ties. In October the match com- 34,101 32,753 , 13—Squadron No. 11, Lafay- pany notified Bobby's parents that day of the drive, found a total of India 28,378 33,071 35,461 35,238 34,441 33,913 ette. Indiana 86! it was exceedingly sorry that this $3,015.00 in the treasury. When Iowa 31,139 34,833 14_ Wilson -Kelch Squadron 864 1,617 1,940 1,895 1,579 story was being circulated and Bobby became acquainted with this Italy 17,624 No. 311, Hawley, Pa 790 news his heart was overflowing Kansas 17,371 18,405 17,969 16,752 should they establish a precedent 13,488 14,651 with happiness and appreciation to Kentucky 13,581 15,415""16.H9 McQuigg Match Results in this case the company would be 13,252 11,690 think that strangers for the most Louisiana 10,448 11,029 12,032 Seventeen crack American Le- beseiged with countless letters 8.367 7,908 from other unfortunates. When part had done this for him. The Maine T.109 7,598 8,559 gion rifle teams participated in the 7,914. 8,168 7,353 this news reached Dalton, Bobby Dalton Post was gratified with the Maryland 5,552 7,779 1938 inter-departmental shoot for 41,936 33,845 37,997 had well over the 100,000 covers, results and sent a letter of thanks Massachusetts 35,187 41.018 the McQuigg Trophy as compared 87 105 144 93 almost a room full. to all who had contributed. The Mexico 37 29,656 with 16 last year. The 1937 winner Michigan 27.490 30,132 31,575 29.426 of this match was Hollywood Post When the members of the Ben- financing of the campaign was in- 26.458 dependent of the treasury, every Minnesota 24,953 26,177 27,913 26,788 No. 43, Hollywood, Calif., with a jamin F. Sullivan Post, No. 155, 10,380 penny donated was transferred to Mississippi 9,408 8,210 10.949 12,953 team score of 984 points out of a The American Legion, learned of 24,971 24.239 24.303 Bobby. Missouri 21,565 26,435 possible 1,000. This team placed Bobby's shattered hopes they im- 5 612 6,408 6,014 6,081 6,029 mediately sponsored a drive to $3,000 Trust Fund Montana . second this year with a team score Nebraska 15.871 17.320 17.473 16,107 16,693 raise funds for the purpose of The $3,015.00 was placed In a 1,874 O of 989 points. Nevada l,90o 1.964 1,789 1,837 furnishing Bobby with artificial trust fund known as the Bobby 4 The showings of the other teams New Hampshire -901 5,572 5,327 6,014 5,454 follow: P limbs. The campaign was to run Biggart Fund and can only be used 23,525 24.359 23,623 22.717 from November 1 to It It was New Jersey 19,361 3—Queens County Post No. for artificial limbs and general re- New Mexico 2,166 2,452 2,717 2,976 2,578 103, Douglaston, K. Y 978 hoped to realize seven or eight habilitation such as future sick- 85,702 90.239 86,222 83,934 hundred dollars. A Pittsfield news- New York 73,571 4—Callatin Post No. 14, Boze- ness, clothing, and education. The North Carolina 13,485 13,797 14,722 14,142 14,037 paper. The Berkshire Evening Sullivan Post named Harold A. man. Montana 974 North Dakota 9,069 8,611 7,925 7,062 8,167 5__Leyden-Chtles-Wickersham Eagle, gave the drive unlimited Herrick. treasurer; Marcus Jordan, 17 49.425 49,058 46,036 46.634 publicity, carrying the names of and Edward McCormick to act as Ohio ?2.<> Post No. 1, Denver, Colo.. . 970 Oklahoma 21,628 24,233 21,476 23,306 22.661 the largest contributors each even- trustees. Mr. McCormick. one of 11,121 6—Rose City Post No. 35, Oregon 9,771 12,228 11,586 10.900 ing. The Associated Press responded the trustees, was a member of the 377 Portland, Oregon 1*... 969 Panama 351 396 383 377 7—Argonne Post No. 60, Des by giving the drive nation-wide Berkshire Evening Eagle Staff and 71,415 69,861 68.262 67.826 publicity, carrying with the story Pennsylvania 61.764 Moines, Iowa 96? was greatly interested in Bobby's Philippine Islands 397 261 222 177 264 a picture of Bobby and his now case and much of the success of 19 1,127 8—Post No. 11, Lafayette Ind. 964 Puerto Rico • 3 1,078 1,339 1,897 9—Post No. 6, Prescott, Ariz.. 960 useless match covers. the campaign was due lo his untir- Rhode Island 3,980 4,534 4,552 4,394 4,365 7 196 7,530 10—p- , No. 204, Allendale, ing efforts. South Carolina • ■ - 8,343 7,454 7,125 $164 First Day 8,819 9,300 N 956 At the time this is being written South Dakota S.&il 10.273 9,208 17,401 ) 11—Clea*. 5£ Harold A. Herrick. county com- Bobby is learning how to use his Tennessee 16.193 .16,884 20,326 16.199 mander of District No. 1, Depart- 23,889 22,601 Orjfirio, ldane 9*3 artiiicial legs and expects to be Texas - ■ ■ 2L682 23,850 20,983 ment of Massachusetts, a member 3,409 11—Honolulu Post No. 1, Hono- back in school this September. Utah 3,138 " 3,745 3,486 3,266 of the Sullivan Post was appointed 4.504 3,558 3,739 lulu, Hawaii 943 Vermont t 3,009 3,886 treasurer and before noon of the 8 777 11,084 10,589 13—Post No. 36, Dee Plaines, Virginia - 10,886 11,609 first day the sum of $164.00 was re- The $2 registration fee at Los An- 16.089 16,516 16,418 15,905 Illinois 936 geles entitles a Legionnaire to a Washington 14,597 14—Gatun Post No. 1, Gatun, ™ ceived. The fund was started by West Virginia 10,510 11,874 11,897 11,043 11,331 the Sullivan Post donation of seat at the drum corps competition, 29,984 32,480 33,468 30,765 Canal Zone 918 a seat for the parade, admission to Wisconsin 27.129 15—Post No. 600; Oakmont, Pa. 884 $25.00 and practically every mem- Wyoming 3,107 3,472 3,240 2,943 3,191 ber donated from one to five dol- the show, a badge, trip 1,610 1,528 1,317 1,317 4 16—Wisconsin—targets not re- through Warner Bros, studios and Miscellaneous 806 lars. turned. admission to dozens of other at- 17 Michigan—targets not re- Contributions poured in from 842,855 956,273 973,841 944,797 929,450 tractions. turned. coast to coast. The Massachusetts


The National Legionnaire TRVE STORY? •- By Jack Davis (SAL^Q^ y^tf 0\ ACCOmpllShlHent Offlcla Publication of The American Legion, vned exclusively by The American (Continued from page *> 3-eglon. tlons for added hospital con.tructlon were augmented by the substan- Published and distributed monthly at tial sum of over twelve million dollars. National Headquarters o( The American The foregoing, while not recording legislative progress In its entirety, Legion, 777 North Meridian Street, Indian- affords sufficient Information to Indicate the extent to- which our pro- spoils, Indiana, under ihe supervision and gram was successful. «Hrectlon of the Legion I*ubllshlng and Pub- Another long-standing legislative objective, the enactment of our licity Commission. Universal Service Bill, again was unobtainable, despite Industrious en- DANIFL J. Do»E8TV. Salwiml Commnndtf, Chairman. deavor, to reach this goal. Legislation affecting disabled emergency JAMES F. BAITON, Dirtmr of Putlidtiioiii. officers and non-service connected permanent and total disability cases BLUM W. SHERWOOD, Editor, was the subject of veto action. The administrative program has been carried out In a manner in Entered as second-class matter October 20, 1935, nl Hie Post Office at Indianapolis, keeping with the fine record of prior years. Far reaching and substan- Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. tial community service projects were accomplished. Our effort. In the Held of rehabilitation were extended to greater limits. Important ad- Subscription rates: SO cents per year. ministrative processes were the subject of special attention. It Is ex- The subscription of nil members of The American Legion is Included as a part of pected that decentraltastlon of death claims will be effected in full. (heir annual National dues. One of the main objectives of this administration wa. to awaken our citlienry to the menace of subversive activities. Definite Indica- Business and Editorial Offices: 777 North tions that this has been accomplished have been evidenced. In no wise Jlcrldinn Street Indianapolis, Indiana. Address all communications lo Ihe Editor. should our efforts to this end abate. The progress mode In the field of youth and the furtherance of our Americanism program generally have been tremendously heartening. With more participants in Junior Baseball than ever before, all Increased number of Boy Scout Troops, a greatly expanded Sons of the Legion. Dies Group Sea Scouts, Junior Band, and Drum Corps, and an augmented Boys State, a firm foundation for future citizenship has been laid. With a program of so great ramifications such as that of the Legion Sifts Report truly la, to recount In detail all of our current accomplishment, would occupy an undue portion of the space available In this Issue of The Na- tional Legionnaire. A concise statement will serve the purpose intended. Of Committee The American Legion continues to retain a position high in the es- (Continued from page 1) teem of the American people. I have contributed of my utmost to so "Democracy, formerly the League maintain it. Against War and Fascism. Chail- Our numerical strength, despite serious economic obstacles, is cur- laux also testified that through rently the greatest In our history. The loyalty of the Legion member- Communistic influence a number ship is reassuringly constant. The finances of our organisation have been of American boys had gone to Spain members" as stating that "Com- judiciously expended with an ever-present appreciation that in substan- lo join the Loyalist forces. munists everywhere support every OLD-TIMERS tial portion they represent the dues of many who have made personal In addition to the Workers Alli- revolutionary movement against The American Legion Found- sacrifices in order to continue as members. Our organization enjoys a ance and the American League for the existing social and political or- ers, a get-together group of nen sound and healthy fiscal status. Peace and Democracy, Chaillaux der, of things." who attended either the Faris Cooperative effort represents the medium through which all of these .submitted evidence concerning ihe Another quolalion from ihe same or St, Louis caucuses when the accomplishments have been made possible. Every Legionnaire has con- American Youth Congress, the source stated "the Communists dis- organization was formed, w'll tributed In some measure, be it great or relatively small. American Civil Liberties Union. Ihe dain to conceal their views and meet at the Los Angeles con- Mine has been the high privilege and equally serious responsibility American Studenis Union, the aims. They openly declare that vention on Sunday, September of leadership. At times the task has been exacting, but always Interest- North American Committee to Aid their ends can be attained only by ]&. The dinner will be held at ing and Intensely challenging. It has been a year replete with the pleas- Spanish Democracy, among others, the forcible overthrow of all exist- 7 p. m. in the University Club, ure that one derives from an association which only the Legion can give. as being "tied in wilh the Commu- ing social conditions. Let the rul- Los Angeles. Fred Blair Town- My sincere thanks are expressed to each and every Legionnaire for nist Party;" also on the German ing classes tremble at a Commu- send, Phoenix. Arizona, is presi- the cooperative helpfulness so bounteously manifested. It is my equally Bund. nist revolution. The proletarians dent of the outfit. sincere hope that my administration has been an exemplification of the "There is no thought in our mind have nothing to lose but their spirit and letter of my pledge made on taking the high office of Xation- Inn lhat the greatest need at this chains. They have a world to win." al Commander. I have conscientiously endeavored to make It so. particular time is the enlighten- These declarations of Communist ment of all our people to the men- policies were linked by Chaillaux j ace of Communism. Fascism and with other definitions of the Com-1 Naziism," Chaillaux told the com- munist movement taken from ihe Legion Gets Results in South do mittee. "The National American- Constitution and Rules of the th ism Commission of The American Communist International. of Legion has placed under way a These definitions included decla- Dakota Training School SI number of educational projects all rations that "the Communist In- Through facilities placed at the and games for each of the girls. designed to combat the menace of ternational is a union of Commu- destructive alienisms. disposal of the Department of The first sight lhat greeted me on nist parties in various countries" South Dakota by the National Child visiting the place two days ago was "The American Legion is not at- whose membership is "open to all fr tempting, nor is il seeking, to be Welfare Division, in conjunction the boys out playing tennis and the Stl those who accept the program and with the Special Services for De- girls playing croquet. Mr. Schlosser a law enforcemenl agency. Our rules of the given Communist party mission is educational. We have re- partments, it was possible to make (the new superintendent, placed and of I he Communist Interna- a comprehensive survey of condi- there on recommendation of the peatedly informed members of the tional, who join one of the basic at Legion in the field lhat they do not tions that existed at the South Da- Legion) has purchased four good units of a party, actively work in kota Training School at Plankin- radios, a great many games, ping- have police authority and lhat they it, abide by all the decisions of the must not attempt to lake the law ton, S. D. pong tables, and baseball material party and of the Communist Inter- for the boys. The girls asked for jnlo their own hands. national, and regularly pay party The American Legion discovered "The right of all nations to main- that there were quite a number of cold cream, bobby pins and hand dues." lotion, and he, Mr. Schlosser, went tain their present form of govern- Chaillaux's memorandum present- both sons and daughters of veter- ment cannot be denied, nor are we ans who had been committed lo further and added lipstick, sham- ed for consideration of the com- interested in that viewpoint. We poo, and, for the first time in years, mittee contained many documents that school by the judges in the Khali be out in front in the fight to counties who have jurisdiction over supplied toothpaste. gathered from the official litera- preserve American institutions in the juvenile cases. "A day or two alter Mr. Schlosser the typical American way. We ture of the parly in the United took charge he called a long staff Slates. Included were: "The Pro- Condemned by Legion shall oppose all who want to inject meeting, at which time he outlined gram of the Communist Interna- either the theory or the practice The survey uncovered many the new policies and the rules that of any form of European dictator- tional" as released by the Work- practices carried on in that school were to be followed. No officer is ers' Library Publishers of New hich of necessity had to be now allowed to strike, slap or kick ship in the United States." Rep. Martin Diet. York; "Fifteen Years of the Com- changed. The domiciliary arrange- a child; profanity, which has been Revolutionary Intent Indicated munist international;" "Why Com- ments were bad; ihe recreational the rule in the institution, is now Citing recent tatties of the Com- munism," published by the Western and training facilities were so in- MRSES HAVE AUXILIARY outlawed; it is against the rules to munist party in the United States, Workers' Publishers; the "Program adequate and out of date that it deprive the children food as means Chaillaux set forth documentary of the Communist International," CHICAGO, III., Sept. 1.—Nobody could be justly considered that they of punishment, which used to be and many other pamphlets of like evidence lo indicate lhat American can accuse the fair members of the did not exist at all; food was both done for days at a time. Communists are yet bound by the origin and character, setting forth cheap and bad, and other condi- "The advisory committee has had edicts pf the Comintern and that the attitudes of the Communist Jane A. Dehino Post No. 185, of The American Legion here, com- tions were of such nature that it its third meeting, and their impres- the parent body has not ceased its party in the United States. brought about condemnation from sion is that conditions are improv- policy of advocating the forcible posed of 127 World War nurses, Must Obey Moscow of not possessing a practical sense officials of the Department of South ing rapidly. I overthrow of the existing social and "wTiile leaders of the Commu- Dakota. "The case worker that the Le- of humor. political order in countries outside gion recommended has made about nist party in Ihe United States This all-women's American Le- The American Legion of South the Russian Soviets. 70 parole investigations. The pres- have tried to make us believe they gion post has just reversed the Dakota, backed by the National "During the past year leaders of ent population is 87 boys and 17 control their own destiny, excerpts usual order by organizing an auxil- Child Welfare Division, recom the Communist party in the United girls, as compared with 120 boys from their own pamphlet, 'The iary composed of men! It is to be mended to the Governor of the States have made every effort to and 35 girls in, June, when the Twenty-One Conditions of Admis- known as the "Axiliary." It has state that there be a change of have the American people believe representative of the-National Child sion to the Communist Interna- no connection in any manner, of administration in the institution, that the Communist party has a tional," clearly show that the Amer- and that an advisory committee of Welfare Division made his survey right to be called a political party. course, with the American Legion ican section must obey all orders unpaid but interested citizens be and started this work. As rapidly Such leaders have found that thou- Auxiliary. from Moscow," Chaillaux wrote, appointed to bring about the needed as the ease worker can make pa- sands of Americans might be de- One excerpt from the foregoing The "Madame President" of the changes. The Governor accepted role-investigations and arrange per- reived if they were told the Com- "Axiliary" is George Sugarman. pamphlet cited by Chaillaux de- both of these recommendations. sonal supervision, boys and girls He reports a membership of 90. munist party does not promote a clared "the class struggle in almost will be paroled." program of force and violence His goal is as many members as Change Conditions all the countries of Europe and against our form of government," A letter has just been received America is entering the phase of the post boasts. Chaillaux stated. civil war. Under such conditions Now here comes i he practical in the National Child Welfare Di- The first shipment of cargo for "It seems to me," he continued, vision, written by a prominent the Communists can have no con- part of this humorous episode. The the support of the A. E. F. was "that the first move in an investi- a fidence in bourgeois law, They business-minded girls of the Jane state official of South Dakota, made in June, 1917, and amounted gation of this kind should be that A. Delano Post collect membership which gives, in part, the results of to 16,000 tons. By the fall of 1918, of revealing the revolutionary in- must everywhere create a parallel illegal apparatus, which at the de- dues of one dollar each from every the Legion's work and recommen- the shipment had grown so that in tent of promoting the overthrow cisive moment could assist the man enrolled in the "Axiliary." dation. October, 750,0Q0 tons were shipped. of our form of government by force party in performing its duty to the The money so raised is used for the A portion of the letter reads: By the time the Armistice was #nd violence, by taking such in- revolution. In all countries where, upkeep of the "Axiliary" room at "It is quite a contrast to go into signed, over 5,000,000 tons had been formation direct from the publica- in consequence of martial law or Hines Hospital, assigned to disabled the boys' recreation room and see shipped, and of this vast tonnage, tions of the Communist party." exceptional laws, the Communists service nurses. The post already boys talking and laughing, playing only 79,000 tons were lost at sea. Manifesto Advocates Revolution are unable to carry on their work has purchased a wheel chair for games and listening to the radio, the disabled nurses' ward at Hines and to go into the girls' recreation He quoted the Communist Mani- legally, a combination of legal and WEAR YOUR LEGION BUTTON illegal work is absolutely neces- Hospital with the dues paid by the room and see new pairs of roller festo, which he termed the "only skates, cCfl&'ofMCtfit magazines, | IT IS A MARK OF DISTINCTION Bible known to Communist party sary." "Axiliary" members.

a 1 / "

THE NATIONATi LEGIONNAIRE SEPTEMBER 1938 Rehabilitation Total Number of Delegates for Current Notes 1938 Los Angeles Convention Membership in hands of National By WATSON B. MIIXF.R Treasurer at 10:00 a. nv, August JOK L. BROWN SAYS: Director National Rehabilitation 20, 1938 (Ihirty days prior to Na- Hello, you mugs! Committee tional Convention), for computing Like it or not, I'm going to Enquiries received by the Nation- number of delegales. Total num- take on youse guys Wednesday al Rehabilitation Committee at its ber of delegates includes one Na- night, September 21. at your na- Washington office from time to tional Executive Committeeman for lional convention. time indicate a continuing, if not each Department, all living Past Yeah, I'm the master of cere- increasing interest in the statistical National Commanders, five current monies for what your committee picture of several phases of the National Vice-Commanders and the blurbs as a "super-colossal P veterans' program. In response to National Chaplain. show." You know, the big "Mo- Member- Total these there is submitted herewith ■hip No. tion Picture , Nighl." wherein a brief summary of data relating to Aug. '.20. Dele I'm going to haul off and show the mortality rate, hospitalization Department 1S3« ««'«■ you just about every motion and compensation status of men Alabama 8,768 15 picture celeb worth seeing. I and women of the World War and Alaska .. 894 know most of these folks and their dependents. Arizona 5,285 11 I'll be right there at that old Reliable records available to the Arkansas 10,606 17 iron mike to give you the low- Rehabilitation Committee show California 64,663 73 down on 'em. that during the period from the Canada 237 6 Then just to give the folks in f close of the World War to June Colorado 9,416 15 the upper rows something to 30, 1938, there were approximately Connecticut 11,455 17 squint at I'll trot out sixty beau- 545,159 deaths among the World Delaware 1,420 7 tiful Fanchonettes, who'll dance War group. These were from all District of Columbia 7,417 13 on four big stages. But s-s-sh! causes, and the estimate is as ac- Florida 12.107 18 Don't tell the wife. I picked curate as the method of record France 716 7 these gals myself and they're keeping immediately after" the war Georgia 11,362 17 really something to gaze upon. will permit. Hawaii 2,611 10 Then there will be great aerial Idaho 5,520 Current Death Rate acts, some of them from Ring- Illinois 79,628 ling Brothers' shows, and you The current death rate may be Indiana 34,147 41 hard-boiled gobs, doughboys and determined from the fact that in Iowa 34,476 42 Marines will have goose pimples the calendar year 1937 the number Italy 1,971 8' when they go through their of veterans who passed away was Kansas 16.836 25 acts. 30,377. It is estimated that the Kentucky 13,488 19 And old man Nero had noth- current calendar year will see the Louisiana 13,268 19 ing on us! We're going to burn ranks of these m»« of 1917-1918 Maine 8,382 14 down Rome right before your diminished to the extent of 30,798, Maryland 8,375 14 very eyes. "The Burning of an average death rate of 85 per day. Massachusetts 39,600 46 Rome" will really be a sight. This is considerably lower than Mexico 146 6 But there's too much to tell you estimates formerly used, but is Michigan 30,216 37 in Ihis tetter. Come on out and reasonably accurate and supported Minnesota 26,846 33 see it Wednesday night, Septem- by the records at the Veterans Ad- Mississippi 12,953 19 ministration and by actuarial cri- ber 21. Missouri 24,580 32 I'll be seein' ya! teria. For example, one table Montana 6,081 13 Regards, worked out by an insurance com- W. 8. Van Dyke, one of the greatest directors hi the motion pic- Nebraska 16,184 22 pany would indicate that in the ture industry, is now with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. He will direct Nevada 1,847 8 JOE E. BROWN age group appertaining to the the featured playlet, "The Golden Lady," written by Lee Freeman, New Hampshire 6,049 12 World War veterans the total num- at the treat Hollywood Bowl, religious and patriotic servnres to be New Jersey 24.081 31 ber of deaths per year at their cur- held on the eve of The American legion national convention, Sun- New Mexico 2,976 9 rent age would be about 32,088 or day, September 18. "Woody" Van Dyke is a World \V»r veteran New York 91,568 99 Polo Game an average of 88 per <*»>'• and this playlet, a eulogy to the Gold Star Mothers, will give Him Norlh Carolina .... 14.210 21 To what extent do war injuries an opportunity to pay a great tribute to those wonderful women North Dakota 7,062 13 Set Sept. 18 and disease account for these who sacrificed so much in the war. Ohio 46,524 53 deaths, or rather how many of Oklahoma 23,423 29 17 these veterans passed on because Oregon 10,900 'Legionnaires vs. Motion of *ser vice-incurred disablements? Panama 384 Slightly more than 1,500 of the an- "The Birth of The American Pennsylvania 68,785 75 Picture Team in Los nual death toll, or approximately Philippine Islands .. 186 6 Angeles 5 per cent of the total number. Puerto Rico 1.897 8 During the fiscal year of 1938, Legion" to Be Shown Sept. 18 Rhode Island 4,492 10 Legionnaire sportsmen who love from July 1, 1937, to June 30, 1938, South Carolina .... 7,125 14 By BEBT G. BATES eran, noted screen and radio star, the game of polo will have an op- slightly less than 10,000 men and will present the pageant, "The South Dakota 8,946 15 portunity to see a fast contest women passed away while receiv- The hills of Hollywood will echo Birlh of The American Legion Tennessee 16,358 22 -ilayed by champions, when The ing treatment or domiciliary care with the stirring message of pa- Each allied country in the World Texas 24,099 33 American Legion team meets the at Government institutions. On a triotism and tribute to the revered War will be included in this portion Utah 3,349 9 Motion Picture four on Sunday percentage basis we find that 32 dead and the Gold Star mothers of the program. Vermont 3,558 10 afternoon. September 18, the day per cent of the deaths last year Virginia 11,286 17 of the nation when "The Birth of "The Golden Lady." written by prior to the opening of the na- occurred in the established facili- The American Legion" will be pre- Washington 16,531 24 the noted playwright, Lee Free- tional convention, at the Will Rog- ties. sented hy Rr,„>e Merman at the West Virginia 11,209 19 ers' Memorial Polo Field at the As of June 30, 1938, there were man, is one of the features of the Wisconsin 33,766 40 Hollywood Bowl on the night of evening's program, and is an im Upliflers' Club, Santa Monica. The on the rolls of the Veterans Ad- September 18. The ceremony starts Wyoimng 3.243 9 game starts at 2:30 p. m. ministration 340,033 World War pressive eulogy of the Gold Star with martial music played by the mothers of the notion. The popular Outlying Posts The entire field, including boxes, veterans in receipt of compensa- Hollywood Post championship band, Warner Brothers' star, Fay Bain will be thrown open to the general tion for ser-vice disablements; and under the direction of Joe Colling, Argentine 87 ter, plays the leading role repre- Brussels, Belgium public at a fiat admission price of 46,318 receiving the $30 per month with which will be blended the senting the Gold Star mother. A 50 cents. pension for permanent and total harmony of the Chanters Post cho- No. 1 31 A fine program of entertainment capable supporting cast of stars incapacities not officially recognized rus. The Invocation will be given Flanders Field, Bel- from other sludios will appear. At has been arranged in addition to as having come from war experi- by the National Chaplain, followed gium No. 2 12 the dramatic close of the playlet the polo game. A Flag raising ence or causes incidental to the by a word of welcome from the China Post No. 1 66 ceremony will open the festivities the rich voice of Richard Stanley, China Post No. 4.. 92 war. National Commander, Daniel J. with a visiting drum and bugle Hospitalization Paramount Pictures' singer, will Guantanamo Bay. Doherly. be heard In "My Buddy." and the corps participating. Between the Since the benefit of hospitaliza- Cuba 10 halves of the polo game a drag The Hollywood Bowl has a ca- huge 140-lon shell of the great Havana, Cuba 124 tion is granted to all war veterans pacity of 25,000, and it is predicted Hollywood Bowl moves slowly out Isle of Pines, Cuba hunt will be staged. A pack of the data available on that service hunting men and women, riding that it will be filled to capacity on of the foreground and the vision Denmark 38 is inclusive of all beneficiaries. The this night. Because of the limited on the hills symbolizing The Ameri- Dutch West Indies. . 44 beautiful mounts and attired in close of the last fiscal year, June complete hunting costumes, will seating in the Bowl, those who can Legion unfolds. A great bed Athens, Greece No. 1 444 30, 1938, found 5,062 men on hos- take hurdles, water and hedge register for the national convention of Flanders poppies, tipped by the Tripolis, Greece No. 2 113 A. pital beds suffering from tubercu- jumps during the exhibition. Fol- will be given seating preference. slanting rays of spotlights, comes Patras, Greece No. 3 102 losb-; 15,685 under treatment for lowing this feature there will be o Herbert Marshall, himself a vet- into view and the white crosses set Guam 58 general medical and surgical af- an exhibition of thoroughbred in this bed of popples will give the Guatemala 25 flictions; and 29,299 confined •- vast audience a scene never to be horses, trick riding, polo ball driv- facilities caring for those afflicted Ireland H ing contest and other events. by the provisions of Public No. 514, forgotten. London Post 37 with mental and nervous disorders. It is expected that two famous which was passed on May 13, 1938. As a final climax to this great Scotland 13 These numbers total up to 50,046 It is too early to project any esti- movie stars will present cups to veterans of all wars being cared tableau The American Legion em- Sweden 32 the winning team. Ginger Rogers mate—that is, accurately—on what blem is seen in a flood of lights for by Uncle Sam as of that date. this number will be. Suffice it to 964,847 1,333 will sponsor the Legion team and The World War group, of course, on a hill behind the Bowi and Old Joan Bennett the Motion Picture I say that this law is providing at Glory waves above it. A twelve- constituted the biggest proportion team. least a partial means of livelihood gun salute and the sounding of of the gross hospital load, 44,939 to worthy cases of dependents We Have /Vo Bananas Following is the lineup for the of the patients being classified in Taps rounds out this great cere- two teams: American Legion - hitherto precluded by the restric- monial, which officially starts the that category. Motorists driving to The Amer- Capt. Wesley White, Pacific Pali- tions of former laws. 1938 American Legion Convention. ican Legion national convention In the group of dependents who Just a word about Government sades Post; Dr. Wm. Branch, Hol- are in receipt of monthly awards to be held in Los Angeles, Sep- lywood Post; Tom "Red" Guy, life insurance. The peak load of tember 19-22, inclusive, are ad- of pension or compensation through war risk insurance coverage was At least twenty persons now owe Oklahoma Legion; Russ Haven- the deaths of their husbands, sons vised this week by Leo A. Stro- Strite, Hollywood Post. Motion reached shortly before the Armis- their lives to the first aid rendered mee, information chairman of 9 and fathers we find 80,240 parents, tice in 1918, when 4,529,889 mem- Picture—Walter Wagner, Frank 53,105 children, and 34,963 widows. by The American Legion emer- the convention corporation, that Borzage, Cecil Christian, and Carl bers of the armed forces of this no fruits, vegetables and shrubs They are beneficiaries by virtue of country carried this protection to gency truck contributed by the Crawford. ' the service and death of 106,769 Barkdull Faulk Post 13, of The are allowed to be transported the extent of $39,606,743,000. As across the state line into the World War veterans, all of whom of June 30 this year the amount American Legion at Monroe, Loui- Mobile Hospital No. 1, probably had one or more service-incurred siana. Members of the post help state. If convention visitors will of Government life insurance in observe this ruling there will be the most unique surgical outfit in impairments and most of whom, force was $2,569,240,190; and the city firemen man the truck the AEF during the World War, 99,314, passed away because of such emergency runs. The service is no delay for border inspection. number of policies in effect were The state ruling is for the pur- will hold its first official reunion service disablements. 602,614. These were not all held free. The truck has gone up and since the Armistice at the coming down the northeastern Louisiana pose of eliminating the possi- Widows and Children by the World War group, since men bility of transporting plant dis- American Legion national conven- now In the service, and retired of- region with no barriers of parish tion in Los Angeles, September 19- To this class are daily added or state lines hindering Its work eases into California. ficers were holders of 95,787 of 22. those widows and dependent chll- of mercy and helpfulness. $ dren who are directly benefited these contracts.

■ 1 NKMNM MH SEPTEMBER, 1938 SEPTE THH NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE THESE SCENES WILL GREET VISITING LEGIONNAIRES ATTENDIN X1XUMU K^-^— Colorful.... and .. hospitable _,..,.„ Los Angeles»__i.. eagerly..„«.iv awaitsowaits the openingoneninff of the Twentieth impossibleimnossible t' Annual Convention. The serious business of formulating a 1939 program of action ing. The pr will come first with the defegates; next will be the display of pagean ry and enter- September 5 tainment Much has already been printed detailing the entertainment features of the to visitors i numerous events scheduled for convention week. Those who are veteran convention- in Californi eers and who have attended all national conclaves are loud in praise of the program cool nights, as announced by the Los Angeles convention groups. Into one week it would seem one. He ad

Joe B. Brown, famous comedian, will preside at the microphone as muter of ceremonies of the (treat ".Motion Picture Night" at the CoUaeum Wednesday, Sep. temher 21. Hla ready wit will keep the show moving at a rapid rate.

ft ** ,


The Olympic Memorial Coliseum where 95,000 will ■will be the scene of tthe Dram and Bug! witness the great ".Motion Picture Night" show. The and will contain the reviewing stand for "Parade of Stars," in which many of the cinema artists A choice seat for the drum corns compet will participate, will he one of the features. The Coliseum seat for the big parade anil reduced admi

American Legionnaires flocking late this month to the national convention in Los Angeles will be greeted officially by Southland Yeoman (F's), the comparable feminine organization composed of women who participated In the war. The above delegation visited Union Air Terminal to familiarize themselves with plane sched- ules and airport arrival routine. Left to right the Yeoman |F"a) are: Gertrude Beck- ett and Rosella Crawford, representatives of the National Yeoman (F's); Margaret Stopped by policemen on Hollywood Boulevard, this of the Los Angeles Convention. The Sherlock and Agnes Walker, put commanded of the Yeonumette Post of The bevy of beautiful Fanchonettee were en route to rehearse shot the picture swears that after much eers permitted the maidens to demons American Legion, and Helen Smith, present commander. for "Motion Picture Night," the entertainment highlight /

TEMBER, 1938 SEPTEMBER, 1938 THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE IS ATTENDING THE NATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE WEST COAST ig of the Twentieth impossible to cram as much entertainment as has been scheduled during the gather- program of action ing. The program really starts September 18, and, instead of closing Thursday night, geantry and enter- September 22, it runs on to the conclusion of the week. With the scenic tours offered nent features of the to visitors it is believed that many are arranging an itinerary that will keep them ireteran convention- in California for several days following the close of the convention. Warm days and aise of the program cool nights, says the weather man, and in Los Angeles the prediction is a pretty safe veek it would seem one. He advises all to come prepared to use a blanket at night.

The Casino at Santa Catallna Island on beautiful Avalon Bay. Many Legion- naires will be lured to this magic isle in the Pacific. The boat trip to Catalfna is a delightful one and th* beauties of the island will linger long in the memory of those who visit it.

William E. Ellenbeck, left, is chairman of the Inaugural dinner to be held Wednes- Picture Night," all of which will be held In the Coliseum, day, September 21, at the Ambassador Hotel. Harold Hllf, center, who Is handling the Ill be the scene of tthe Drum and Bugle Corps Contest will be given with each registration. In the words of the big nlghtnight show, always a welcome portion of the 40 et 8 convention, states that id will contain the reviewing stand for the big parade, Convention Corporation, "For two bucks you get a million tickets are now on sale. C. i. Robinson, right, parade chairman, has announced that choice seat for the drum eorps competition, a reserved the 40 et 8 parade will be held on the downtown streets of Los Angeles. at for the big parade ami reduced admission to "Motion dollars worth of entertainment."

routines with the result that traffle was stopped. The f the Los Angeles Convention. The Legionnaire who THE PLAZA, Mexican quarter of Los Angeles, where color abounds and tour- "Parade of Stera," featuring many cinema celebrities, and a hot the picture swears that alter much pleading the offl- Artworks spectacle, will share the stage Wednesday night i And much to interest them. ers permitted *■• maidens to demonstrate their dance

liljsllaMSmi ~~~m^ SEPTEMBER, 1938 THE NATIONAI; LEGIONNAIRE War Planes Batter Up in A Close Play at Home Plate To Converge World Series (Continued from page 1) (Continued irom page 1) the air and not from bases far be-, least two no-hit games featured the hind troop lines. upper bracket rounds. No-hit base- The chief of the air corps, MaJ. ball is tops in any league. Many Gen. Oscar Westover, will fly from posts everywhere sponsored teams Washington. D. C, to Los Angeles for the first time this year. In and will participate personally in Cook County, Illinois, for instance, the air parade. The 1st wing, sta- there was an increase of more than tioned principally at Hamilton and 600 teams over last year. There March Field- in California, will be were more than 500,000 boys under led by its commander, Brig. Gen. 17 years of age enrolled in the Delos C. Emmons. The 2d wing, nation-wide tournament. More than stationed at Langley Field, Va., 30,000 teams went into action when Mitchell Field, N. Y„ and Selfridge competition formally got underway- Field, Mich., will be led by its com- June 30. mander, Brig. Gen. Arnold N. Outstanding Stars Krogstad. The 3d wing, stationed at Barksdale Field, La., will be The 1938 Junior Baseball season commanded by Brig. Gen. Fred- developed some outstanding stars. erick L. Martin. This was especially true of the budding "Dizzy Deans." Never be- Famous Planes Included fore have so many talented young Some famous planes and organi- slab artists been discovered. zations will participate. Prominent The Zatarain Papoose team, spon- among these wilt be the 2d bom- sored by Federal Post No. 197 of bardment group at Langley Field, New Orleans, La., developed a sen- which is equipped with twelve of sational young southpaw named the famous'"flying fortresses," six Howard Joseph Pollet. This 17- of which made the 11,000-mile year-old portsider made the aston- flight to Buenos Aires and return ishing record of striking out 122 in fifty-nine hours in February, and batters in 80 innings of pitching. three of which, on August 5, flew He topped this performance by from Miami to Bogota, Colombia, bulling a no-run, no-hit game negotiating the 1,575 miles in eight which won his team the Louisiana Francis Donnar, Whitehall, N. Y. was safe on this play at home plate during the first gameof The hours and fifteen minutes. championship. Progressing into re- AmerlTn^!o» KaLn Regional finals .„ Offermann , Buffalo N. V Dick Burke, Newark, Another famous army unit is the gional play at Little Rock, Arkan- Del., catcher, waited for the ball (arrow) as Umpire Bart Gilbert shouted his verdict. 1st pursuit group from Selfridge sas, this young lefthander won his Field. This single seater unit will Kame there against the Arkansas WELCOME be equipped with the P-35 Seversky champions by whiffing out 16 bat- rounds had a "wrecking crew'* that All the regional tournament par- fighter, the modern all-metal Army ters! He pitched his team into re- worked havoc with their war clubs ticipants were state winners. The After closing a very successful pursuit plane, sixty-two of which gional championship and moved on in sending pitchers to the showers. dates and results of the regional year of Legion activities, Canyon were only recently delivered to this to sectional play at Charlotte, N. C. The sectional tournaments were tournaments follow: City Post No. 180 is stepping out to unit. There in his first game he beat the the tune of "The Yanks Are Com- held at Grand Forks, N. D., Prince- Region No. 1 Gastonia, N. C, regional champions ton, Ind.. and Charlotte, N. C. The ing," under the leadership of Com- by fanning 14 of them! The New regional tournaments were at Sil- Ai Sllvertnn, Oregon, Aug. 13 and 14 mander Clyde Holcomb. Geo- DONATE EQUIPMENT Orleans team finally went down verton, Ore., Stpcktoti, Cal., Bar- Portland, Ore. .. .14 I Burley, Idaho 2 graphically situated as the first THURMONT, Md., Sept. 1.— before Spartanburg, S. C, by a Shelton, Wash. ... 7 Mlssoula, Mont. .. 5 city in Los Angeles County on tlesville, Okla.. Grand Forks. N. D„ Portland 11! Shelton 1 American Legion-donated equip- score of 2 to 1. Pollet was not sent Rochester, Minn., East Chicago, Highway 66 that the Legionnaires Portland, Ore., the winner. ment in ten cabins at the catnp for In to pitch in this game until Spar- Ind., Buffalo, N.Y., Manchester, wiy pass through, Azusa has taken tanburg was in the lead. He then N. H., Belmont, N. C, Sumter, S. C, Region No. 2 unique steps to welcome the Le- crippled children, maintained hero struck out nine men and allowed Wheeling, W.Va., and Little Rock. At Stoekton, CftJ*i A»K. 13 »nd 14 gionnaires to the convention. by the Maryland League for Crip- no more runs. Unfortunately, how- Ark. Four thousand folders of Azusa pled Children, was dedicated July ever, his teammates were unable to Reno. Nev 23 I Somerton, Ariz. . .11 The dates and results of the sec- San DlegO. Cal... C Ogden, Utah 2 have been sent to a hundred posts 24 by the Maryland Departments connect with the ball to put over tional tournaments follow: San Diego 9 1 Reno 0 throughout the Middle West and of The American Legion and ii the winning runs. San DlegOi Cal.. Hie winner. East with that many invitations to Auxiliary. Several hundred Legion- Grand Forks, N. D. attend the convention. Members of Flashy Hurler Region No. 8 naires and members of the Auxil- Au|. IK. It mill 10 the Azusa Police Department who The Detroit learn sponsored by Al Bartlesvllle, Okla., Aug. 13 and 14 Sail Diego. Cal... .16 I Portland, Or*. ... 3 are Legionnaires will be at the east iary attended the dedication. the Roose-Vanker Post also has a Okemah, Okla. ... 8 Lincoln, Neb 6 Okemah, Okla. .. .14 | Denver, Colo 1 end of the city to welcome them. Mrs. Harlan Johnson, Baltimore, flashy hurle*. He is Harold New- San Diego "I Okemah 5 Toptka, Kan 14 Albuquerque, N. M. 4 president of the Maryland Ameri- The post and ladies of the Aux- hauser, also 17 and also a left- San Diego Hie winner. Okemah 22 | Topeka 3 can Legion Auxiliary, presided over hander. Newhauser holds a record Okemah. Okla.. the winner. iliary will maintain a booth at the Princeton, Ind. Civic Center, distributing maps of the dedication program. Speakers of pitching three no-hit games, two included the department child wel- last year and one this season. He, Aug. 18 to ■<> Region No. 4 the city of Los Angeles and small At Grand Forks, N. D., Aug. 13 and 14 maps showing the direct route from fare chairmen of the Legion and too, has amassed an amazing strike- Detroit. Mich 4 1 Trenton. N. J 0 its Auxiliary. out record this season. If he pitches Revere. Mas* 6 Belleville, III 4 Lincoln, Neb 11 I Grand Forks, N. D. 8 Azusa to the Biltmore. The city of Detroit 13 I Revere 1 The camp was built by the Works his (earn into the Junior World Pierre. S. D 11 Sheridan. Wyo. ... 4 Azusa will be nicely decorated. In Detroit the winner Lincoln 6 | Pierre 2 addition there will be plenty of ice Progress Administration. It was Series, his slab work there no doubt Lincoln, Neb, the winner. opened July 1, and now houses 96 will be one of the stellar features Charlotte, N. C. cold orange juice for the visiting comrades. children. of this sports classic. Aug. 18 to -■» Region No. S Some prospective "Babe Ruths" New Orleans, La. . 3 I Gastonia. N. C 2 Al Hoehestet, Minn., Aug. 13 and U also were developed during this Soarlanburg. S. C. 6 Si. Louis. Mo 1 Belleville. III. . . .39 j Oltumwa, tows .12 season. Almost every championship Spartanburg 2 | New Orleans 1 Cudahy. Wis 20 SI. Paul, Minn... 7 team in the regional and sectional Spartanburg the winner Belleville 13 | Cudahy 3 Belleville, III., the winner. 9 Region No. 6 Presides at All States Dinner At East Chicago, Ind., Aug Cheviot. Ohio 3 j East Chicago, Ind Detroit, Mich. 10 | Cheviot 0 Detroit the winner. Region No. 7 AI Buffalo, N. V., Aug. 12 »nd 13 Whitehall, N. V... 9 I Newark. Del. .. Trenton, N. J 13 Hartford. Conn. Trenton 6 [Whitehall Trenlon, N. J., the winner Region No. 8 At Manchester, N. H-, Aug. 13 and 14 Revere, Mass 7 Manchester, N. H. Waterbury, Vt. ..12 Waterville, Me. .. (10 inningsi Revere 22 Waterbury Revere, Mass., the winner. Region No. 9 At Belmont, N. l'„ Aug. 13, 15 and 16 Norfolk, Va 2 I Washington, D. C. Gastonia, N. C 4 Baltimore, Md. ... Gastonia 9\ Norfolk Gaitonia, N. C. the winner. Region No. 10 At Sumter, S. C, Aug. 13. 13 and IS Spartanburg, N. C. 6 I Birmingham, Ala.. 4 Augusta, Ga 7 Palm Beach, Fla.. 1 Spartanburg 13 I Augusta 3 -Spartanburg. S. C, the winner. Region No. 11 At Wheeling, W. Vs., Aug. 13 and 14 Memphis, Tenn.... 8 I Wheeling. W, Va. St. Louis. Mo 2 [Memphis 1 Leo Carrillo, star of pictures, a native son of California and St. Louis, Mo., the-winner. scion of a pioneer family closely linked to the early history of the Region No. 12 state, has accepted the Invitation of the American Legion Auxiliary to act as Master of Ceremonies at the All States' Winner to be held At Little Sock, Ark., Aug. IX, 13 and 1* New Orleans, La. . Jackson, Miss. ... 4 at the Biltmore Bowl during the national convention in Los Angeles. Little Rock, Ark. . Galveston, Texas.. 8 Mr. Carrillo fits Into the picture perfectly Inasmuch as the theme of (14 innings) the dinner Is to follow the Spanish motif, carrying out the idea of New Orleans 2 Little Rock 1 <10 Innings) early California. SEPTEMBER, 1938 THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE Ready to Hang . .. $1-00 Capitol C^imment on J+*-., I COMPLETE Legion P^gram By Waikinyton @t&tif»ndaiit

NATIONAL DEFENSE Arms.—In the midst of one of the greatest modernization and i-mechanizalion drives in its history, the United States is rushing to manu- facture a military rifle, said to be one of the deadliest ever perfected. It is the goal of the Army to have available 200,000 of the new rifles, which virtually make every enlisted man a walking machine-gunner. Already some 7,500 rifles are in the hands of troops. The new rifle is semi-automatic. It Is fired by the pull of the nigger. When the eighth shot is fired the bolt is open and the magazine ready to receive a new clip of eight bullets. The first of these, largely hand- made, were turned out at a cost of $150 each. Merchant Marine.—Two square-rigged sailing .vessels will be used by • he Maritime Commission to train sailors for the merchant marine. The -vessels are the Tusitila. purchased from the Marine Liquidating Cor- poration Fall River. Massachusetts; and the Joseph Conrad, given to the Commission by Huntington Hartford, of New York and Newport. R. I. The U S. Maritime Commission announced on August 19 that ves- sels would be stationed, temporarily at least, at Hoffman's Island, in New York harbor, the Eastern base of the training program. The Maritime Commission also announced on August 19 that il had entered into an agreement with the Dollar Steamship Lines, Inc., Ltd., under which it plans to acquire approximately 90 per cent of the Com- pany's voted stock. Upon successful completion of the plan operations senerally will remain in the Company's hands. Navy.—Naval reductions by the United States after 1922 cosl $277,- 695 000 and had "no useful result," according to Admiral William D. Leahy chief of the United States Naval Operations. To expect that modern diplomacy will safeguard the property of a Nation is to expect too much, according to the Admiral. He declared the United states is forced to meet foreign armament increases "ship for ship and gun for Kun in order to provide against Hie possibilities of attack by aliens pro- fessing what seems to us strange philosophies of government.' Television.—Army technical experts are conducting an intensive study of the military possibilities of television, which some believe will revo- lutionize future war tactics, it is reported. Nature of the experiments and the stage of development are closely guarded secrets. However, it TO THE CONSTITUTION has been Indicated, tests have reached a point where a moving picture . OF THt AMERICAN IfGfON • version of an enemy's movement hundreds of miles away is a possibility FOR GOD AND COUNTRY, WE ASSOCIATE OURSELVES TOGETHER FOR in the future. NEUTRALITY THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES; TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE CONSTI- Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, urged upon all Nations in a radio TUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; TO MAINTAIN LAW address August 16, the adoption of a "comprehensive program embrac- AND ORDER- TO FOSTER AND PERPETUATE A ONE HUNDRED PER ing both economic reconstruction and revitalizing of principles which CENT AMERICANISM; TO PRESERVE THE MEMORIES AND INCIDENTS are indispensable for restoration of order under law." He laid a seven- -OF OUR ASSOCIATION IN THE GREAT WAR; TO INCULCATE A SENSE point program before a world nervous from war scares, and a world which the Secretary of State said was becoming "smaller and smaller OF INDIVIDUAL OBLIGATION TO THE COMMUNITY, STATE AND with the result "it will soon no longer be possible for some Nations to NATION- TO COMBAT THE AUTOCRACY OF BOTH THE CLASSES AND choose and follow the way of force and for other Nations at the same THE MASSES; TO MAKE RIGHT THE MASTER OF MIGHT, TO PROMOTE lime to choose and follow the way of reason. All will have to go In PEACE AND GOOD WILL ON EARTH; TO SAFEGUARD AND TRANS- one direction and by one way." His program follows: "We believe in, we support and we recommend to «ll nations eco- MIT TO POSTERITY THE PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE, FREEDOM AND nomic reconstruction as the foundation of national and international DEMOCRACY, TO CONSECRATE ANO SANCTIFY OUR COMRADESHIP well-being and stability. BY OUR DEVOTION TO MUTUAL HELPFULNESS. "We believe in, we support and we recommend adherence to the basic principles of international law as the guiding and governing rules of conduct among nations. "We believe in. we support and we recommend respect for and ob- 1 servance of treaties, including, in connection therewith, modification of provisions of treaties, when and as need therefor arises, by orderly pro- cesses carried out in a spirit of mutual helpfulness and accommodation. "We believe in, we support and we recommend voluntary self- £ restraint, abstention from use of force in pursuit of policy and from in- PREAMBLE PLAQUES «•.«« «. s. terference in the internal affairs of other nations, and the settlement of differences by processes of peaceful negotiation and agreement. •£- These brilliant, seven color Preamble plaques are mounted and ready to hang. -We believe in, we support and we recommend to all nations that they be prepared to limit and progressively reduce their armaments. Their exquisite coloring is further enhanced and protected by a specially ap- "We believe in, we support and we recommend collaboration be- tween and among representatives of the nations, and in the freest pos- plied double cellophane finish A delicate black border blends in perfectly with sible intellectual interchange between and among their peoples-lo the end that thereby understanding by each country of the problems of the heavy, gold finish, beveled edges, which provide the perfect frame for these others and of problems that are common to all may be promoted and peaceful adjustment of controversies be made more readily possible. beautiful Art Preamble Reproductions. ... No framing or other additional ex- "We believe in, we support and we recommend international co- operation in such ways and by such methods as may be practicable for pense-they are complete and ready to use. . . . Available in two stylcs-with the the advancement of this program." Hull told the nations that no one of them, including our own "can Preamble to the Legion Constitution, or, if you prefer, with the Preamble to the avoid participation in determining which course (force or reason) will be taken " He added that, "consciously or unconsciously, every country IT. S. Constitution." . . . EVERY LEGIONNAIRE SHOULD HAVE ONE OF 4fcs throwing the weight of its"attitude and action, positive or negative, THESE BEAUTIFUL ART PREAMBLE PLAQUES. SPECIALLY PRICED- toward one course or the other." SOCIAL SECURITY ONLY $1.00 EACH COMPLETE, POSTPAID. . . . SPECIAL QUANTITY Figures released by the Treasury Department on August 12 reveal PRICES UPON APPLICATION. that on the eve of the third anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act by President Roosevelt the amount of$887,9461,271 in_taxes had been deposited up to July 31, last, and that a total of $1,232,558 598 Yonr money promptly re/muled ijyon are not entirely satisfied had been expended carrying out the provisions of the Act. This includ- ed the transfer of $690,000.00 to the Old Age Reserve Account. Order Today—Fill Out ond Mail Coupon Tax receipts under Title VII of the Social Security Act, deposited from January 1, 1937, to July 31, 1938, totaled $737,526,539.32, and were EMBLEM DIVISION, National Headquarters, American Legion paid by 38,265,000 employes and 1,787,000 employers, the Treasury re- 777 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana ported This tax, which imposes an income tax on the wages of every Gentlemen: Please forward the following at once, postpaid: employe and an excise tax on every employer of one or more, is popu- larly known as the old-age retirement tax. Both employe and employer n Ship C.O.D. I will pay postman upon delivery. □ Enclosed is remittance for $ pay a tax of one per cent of the employe's wages. American Legion Preamble plaques at J1.00 each, $ 0 WPA u. S. Constitution Preamble plaques at $1.00 each, t The WPA announced on August 19 that the work relief rolls had reached a total of 3,019,593 persons for the week ending August 6 close- QUANTITY ly approaching the all-time high for WPA of approximately 3.036,000. SPECIAL PRICES FOR QUANTITIES UPON APPLICATION The new number was an increase, of 23,934 persons over the previous week when 2,995,659 persons were reported on the rolls. Largest in- Street creases occurred in Alabama. 2,345; Arkansas. 2.498; Florida, 3,182, Louisiana, 2,024; Massachusetts, 2.253; Michigan, 2,913, and Tennessee. State 2,462. The increases in the South were in line with the new WPA policy The serial number of my 1938 membership card is to employ agricultural workers during the slack periods between crops. 10 THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE Sm-EMBin, 1938 Senator Walsh Hey, Happy, Where's Elmer? To Discuss Needs of Children To Address In Child Welfare Sessions Arrangements have been made pled Children," and the Legion asks for the child welfare meetings of for changes to relieve such a con- Convention both the Nattonal Child Welfare dition. Committee of The American Legion Juvenile delinquency prevention Secretary Woodring, Oilier and the Convention Child Welfare and treatment will have a promi- Committee during the annual con- nent place in the discussion at this Notables lo Be on vention at Los Angeles. meeting. Program On Monday afternoon, September Immediately after this meeting 19, at 2:00 p. m., the National Child, at 3:00 p. m.. and in the same room, Welfare Committee will convene in the Convention Child Welfare Com-*** United States Senator David I. Room No. 1. Biltmore Hotel, where mittee will convene, and, as has ) Walsh, of Massachusetts, has been topics of interest to all those inter- been the practice for many years, chosen as the principal speaker of ested in child welfare will be dis- those delegates and members who the twentieth American Legion Na- cussed. This meeting is open, not are interested are invited to attend. tional Convention to be held in Los only to delegates and members of The delegates selected by the de- Angeles, September 19-22. He will The American Legion, the Ameri- partments alone are permitted to speak at the opening session, Sep- can Legion Auxiliary, the Forty vote on any questions of the com- tember 19. and Eight and the Eight and Forty, mittee. Henry H. Woodring, Secretary of but to outsiders who are interested On Wednesday afternoon, Sep- War, will address t he convention as well. tember 21, the National Child Wei- A during the session Wednesday. John The L«egion is interested in main- fare Committee and those inter- )' Boles has been selected as the offi- taining- its "whole child" program, ested will meet at the Biltmore cial soloist. giving attention to all the needs of Hotel, in a room to be announced, The-tentative official program is children without specialization on at 2:30 p. m., and at this meeting replete with important and inter- any one phase of the work. For the mandates of the convention esting events. Following is the pro- this reason there will be many sub- will be discussed in detail. Plans gram, subject to later changes: jects that will be of interest, and for carrying out these mandates the results of this meeting will be will be discussed by the members Friday, September 16. UN felt in all child welfare activities of the committee and the members 9:00 A. M. Rcsutulionii Af-MgnmnH Com throughout the coming year. of the National Child Welfare Di- mlttee, Kilt mure HuiH vision. This latter meeting is one Saturday, September 17, 1SS* Social Security Amendments of the important meetings of the 9:!H"1 A. M. Conlwls Supervisory Cwnmit- Perhaps several of the most im- year in the child welfare field, and portant matters to be discussed will all members of the National and 10:00 A.M. National Organization stevtt tie the several amendments to the Department Child Welfare Commit- lon Camatntm 2:00 P, M Laftai I*uljli»hing snd PMUcfly Social Security Act that are so im- tees are urged to attend. Commi»*m portant to children of America: the placing of Federal participation Judge Hartfthome to Speak Kumlny, September 18, IMS in. Aid to Dependent Children on There will be no National Child 9:1X1 A. M. National C«n vent ion Liaison an even basis instead of on the Welfare Conference on Sunday Commltloe. 1:00 P. M, Committee on Credentials. Bilt- basis of one-third of the states ex- afternoon of I he opening day of more Hi'lH. ('«nf«,pnif Room No. 1. penditures as is the case at the the convention, as has been the 1:1BP.M. lommiltpe on IVrmanenl Or- present time, and the changing of custom in the past. However, those ganlutioa, Biltmore Hotel. Confwentf interested in child welfare may at- Room Ha L requirements of eligibility which 1:80 P. M, CommJUw on Rule*. Biltmore at the present requires that a child tend the joint meeting of the Hotel, Conference Room No. ] F. G. "Happy" Wiritz, California Legionnaire, a familiar fijrure at live with a blood relative, and Americanism, the Law and Order, 3:00P.M. Juvenile Delinquency filial and the Child Welfare national BiiCt, l';iinotk- Hafl, 1816 South Ftguero* ail national conclaves, "ill be much in evidence in Los Angeles. which the Legion leaders feel SI . Loi Angeles "Happy" is also in charge of the Standard Oil Company loud-speaker should be changed to a requirement committees, where juvenile delin- S:00P.M. National Kvecutive Commiilee. system which will be used at all convention events. that the child live in a selected and quency prevention and treatment Blltmore Hotel, Conference Itoom No. 1. supervised home, whether it be that will be the topic of discussion. This I;00 1* M. Retigtous-PatriolK Services. of a relative or not meeting will be held in Patriotic Monday, September IS, 195S Committee Reports: Constitutional Amendments -i. First reading >. Also, there will be discussion on Hall, 1816 South Figuera Street, (Joint session--The American l^efiion and Presentation of Distinguished Guests. PAST COMMANDERS the subject of a uniform and more Los Angeles, at 2:00 p. m., Sunday. the American Legion Auxiliary.* Greelinga. The Past Commanders* Club, standard legal definition of "a September 18, 1938. Place: Shrine Auditorium Address: Honorable Harry If Woodring, crippled child," and "conditions The speakers will be Judge Rich- 9:00 A.M. Musk by Musician* Post No. Secretary °* War. composed of all past national .'W4 Band, St. Louis. Mo, and San Ga- Convention Committee Report*— and department commanders, leading to crippling." The fact that ard Hartshorne, national chairman briel r Golf Tournament. The pamphlet contains information regarding the conditions under which monetary bene- lei Rules. lei Color Guard. MEMORIAL SERVICES, Rev. Frank J. (fi Sons of The American Legion Drum fits are payable to all classes of former members of the armed forces of the United States and Lawler, National Chaplain. and Bugle Corps. the dependents of such persons, the amounts of the payments allowed under the various con- "There is No Death" (O'Hoia'. John (g) Posl History Contest. lloui. Official Soloist. ditions of entitlement and the principal requirements which must be met to receive medical Unfinished Business. treatment, hospitalization. and domiciliary care, and other benefits such as veterans' preference Silent Prayer. New Business— Trps. tai Election of Officers. to Federal Civil Service employment, payment of burial expenses, burial in national cemeteries, Addresses— Presentation of Colors to Outgoing Na- and headstones .for graves. Honorable David I. Walsh, United tional Commander, Ray Murphy, Past States Senator, Massachusetts. National Commander. The pamphlet also contains information regarding how and where to apply for these Greetings Presentation of Colors to Incoming Na- benefits, the functions of the Veterans' Administration in administering them, the location of Mrs. Malcolm Douglas, National Presi- tional Commander, Ralph T. O'Nell, dent, American legion Auxiliary. Past National Commander. its offices, and the territory which each field station serves. Fred G. Fraser, Chef de Chemin de Retirement of Colors. Far, Forty and Eight. Adjournment. Remittance should be made by check or postal money order, payable to the Superintendent Presentation of Distinguished Guests. of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. A discount of 25 per cent is al- Addresses— {The National Executive Committee will Intendunt General Pierre Vlncensim, meet within twenty-four hours after the lowed when bought in quantities of 100 or more. Do not send stamps. Honorable Georges Rivollel. adjournment of the National Convention, Representative fur Italy. ipon call of the National Commander.) Report of National Commander. RsHramaot of Colors. Adjournment. Los Angeles Police Post 3:00 P. M. Meetings of all Convention Com- mittees, Biltmore Hotel.. To Welcome Legionnaires DO NOT DETACH THIS STUB, BUT IF COPY IS DESIRED PLEASE RETURN THIS 7:IMJ P. M. National Commanders Dinner ANNOUNCEMENT WITH REMITTANCE. fin Distinguished Guests, Uiltmore Hotel LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1.—When Bowl. thousands of Legionnaires begin Tuesday, September 20, 1938 pouring into Los Angeles for the BjOOA, M. Official Convention Parade. Legion national convention, Sep- P. M. Masting! of Convention Committees. tember 19. 20, 21 and 22, they will Enclosed please find $ for copies of "VETERANS' BENEFITS." Blltmore Hotel, (These meetings will bo held at time agreed upon at previous be met with a smile by 692 Legion- meetings.) naires who are members of Los Name Angeles Police Post No. 381, and Wednesday, September '£1, 1938 welcomed with open arms and Street Plane: Philharmonic Auditorium. taken care of and aided in every B:80 A. M. Music, 9:00 A. M.~ way possible throughout their stay. City Call lo Order, Daniel J. Doherly, Nation- Los Angeles Police Post is not al Commander. only one of the outstanding posts in State Advancement ol Colors. California, it is one of the leading Invocation, Kev. Frank J. Lawler, Na- tional Chaplain. aggregations of former service men" Introduction and brief addresses. in the United States.

I ■ ■*"•'■'■"' : | _ /

SEFTEMBEI, 19^8 THB NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE U hildren Armistice Day to Climax Early Oklahoma Sends 375 Indians COMRADES IN Sessions 1^39 Membership Enrollment DISTRESS id the Legion asks /INDIANAPOLIS, Ind . Sept. 1— Carolina; Leslie A. Miller, Wyo- f While The National Legionnaire slieve such a con- All America will observe Armistice ming; James V. Allred, Texas; | will be unable to conduct a gCMffl pay this year because, through the George H. Earle, Pennsylvania; luency prevention effort* of The American Legion, Charles II. Martin, Oregon; Phillip; missing persons column, it m ill ill have a promi- the last Congress made November F. La Follette. Wisconsin, and I stand ready to assist in locating discussion at this 11 • legal holiday. Homer A. Holt. West Virginia. persons whose statements are re- They, with all other stale Gov-j fter this meeting Already the word has been sent quired in support of various claims. ernors, will be asked to proclaim j in the same room, out to those eligible for member- Queries and responses should be the day as one for special observ- hild Welfare Com-* Aship in The American Legion by ance within their state borders. directed to the National Rehabili- ene. and, as has **Natk»naI Adjutant Frank E. Samu- In addition, Mayors of all com- tation Committee of The American • for many years, el that "it is essential, in meeting our 1939 objectives to begin the munities in which there are Amer- Legion. 1608 K Street, N. W„ ind members who ican Legion posts will be asked to ■ invited to attend, year on a war strength footing." Washington, D. C. issue special proclamations calling lected by the de- In military parlance that means that every effective must be en- for observance of Armistice Day The committee wants informa- are permitted to and expressing thankfulness for the tion from veterans who know of stions of the eom- rolled in The American Legion to give proper observance of the twenty years of peace the nation the following cases: twentieth anniversary of the Ar- has enjoyed since the World War. / afternoon, Sep- MHh i.(»tr> Qrvn g\ mi slice" of November 11. 1918. <'Hnpiuii M. ational Child Wei- 4 Anticipate Half Million Members oung. Welling! xi. Texas, is desirmi «f and those inter- The nation will be asked to join rating anv of dis comrades who »r with The American Legion in the To indicate their support of the [vice Mrftt hin ..i ' Mayas,*' Germ at the Biltmore programs of The American Legion, wuadkrty nrsi sergeant Lew is Redd to be announced, observance of the twentieth anni- versary of the Armistice as it did the nearly one million members, H. :l*«h InfBNtry Edward M. id at this meeting now enrolled will be asked to re- Anderson. Marthaville, t.a , desire* to lo- that of November 11, 1918. Two Kiowa Indian chiefs from Oklahoma palaver In Los Angeles f the convention new their 1939 memberships by cate the lit sergeant of his outfit and any The week of November 4 to 11 is about plans for 375 Indian Legionnaires to head the Oklahoma sec- of the other men who won detailed to move 1 in detail. Plans Armistice Day. tion of The American Legion parade during the big convention Sep- t Ihese mandates being devoted to American Legion nome mules fr

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Private First Clans John Recruit, who once heeded with alacrity the command, "Ya thousands assembled on the decks of the battleships. Because of the long shoreline from can't stand there, soldier!", will enjoy the opportunity of having the United States fleet San Pedro, skirting the harbor to Long Beach, thousands of other spectators will have pass in review "before him this month when he attends the 1939 American Legion an equally aa good view from that vantage point. national convention In Los Angeles. Never before In the history of The American l,e EVERY lT. 8. NAVY UNIT Kloii tins an Admiral of the I'. S. Navy Issued orders for a gigantic naval demonstration for the entertainment of those attending a national convention. This year, the 20th anni- Battleships, destroyers, cruisers, submarines, and In fact every unit of the U. S. Navy versary of The American Legion, Admiral C. C Bloch, Commander-ln-Chlef of the will be included in this American Legion review. The Navy planes and all available air- United States Fleet, will have his "battle-wagons" drawn up in "company front" anil craft will take off from the decks of the U. S. S. Lexington and U. S. S. Saratoga ar the catapults of other ships, and soar into the skies to fly In formation over this revle f\ parade them past the Legionnaires fortunate enough to be present at this great review. It will be a sight never to be forgotten, and because of the enormity of the project a. ~ The convention, scheduled to till the dates of September 10-22, inclusive, will now ac- tually be prolonged one more day, September 23, "American Legion-Navy Day." the necessary preparations entailed, the Los Angeles Convention Corporation is glvin„ this feature of convention week widespread publicity. Practically the entire day of Sep- Drew A. Bernard, executive vice-president of The American Legion Convention Cor- tember 23 will be consumed in the staging of the demonstration. poration, in announcing the completion of plan* for this fleet demonstration, paid espe- Another feature of convention week which Admiral Blocli has entered Into quite cial tribute to "Pat" Lyons, chairman of the Convention Aeronautic Committee, who de- prominently Is the invitation he has extended to uniformed corps of The Sons of The voted much time In making arrangements witli Admiral Blocli for the great naval American Legion, attending the convention, to visit the various cruisers and battleships display. where they will be shown, on personally-conducted tours, the many interesting features ADMIRAL BLOC IPS IDEA of our naval forces. The tentative plan for the naval demonstration, which incidentally Is the original idea Admiral Bloch, in announcing his plans, paid great tribute to The American Legion of Admiral C. C. Bloch, include the transportation of about 8,000 Legionnaires to the for the wonderful work done by this organization in behalf of national defense. "It Is whips of the fleet anchored In the harbor. The major portion of the fleet will be a few your Navy, friends of The American f