POSTMASTER:The PLEASE DO NOT SEND Natio NOTICE egionnaire ON FORM 3578 Jf a notice hat already been aeiil l<> the publisher* o( The Ameth-an Legion Magazine, Dedicated to the /Ae Firing Line Chicago, II!.. with respect to a copy aimllarly aildresicd. Vol.4 Entered as lecoiid claa* matler Indianapolis, Indiana- September, 1938 at poaiofflce, Indianapolis, Indiana No. 9 * —LEGION 1—— 4 ■■■—. — BARES- ___ RED____^__ ACTIVITY # Los Angeles Prepares Most Colorful Convention]^* Group Sifts Report Big Parade Navy Planes to Participate in Fleet Review Of Committee Will Require Chaillaux Tiles Kvideneeof . a an 12 Hours Communistic. Nazi aviiift J9kr» War. Propaganda California Will Stage Most Colorful Cavalcade in By FRANCIS M. SULLIVAN Secretary, National Legislative History Committee WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. I.— LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1—The The startling discoveries being un- most colorful parade in American earthed by the special Dies Com- # Legion convention history is ex- mittee investigating un-American pected when Ihe "Big Parade" of activities continue to occupy the 1938 passes by the official reviewing spotlight in the Nation's capital. stand in Los Angeles on Tuesday, During the week of August 15, September 20. Convention officials there appeared among the wit- now estimale the procession will nesses Homer L. Chaillaux, Director require approximately 12 hours to of the Americanism Commission, pass a given point. Chaillaux, appearing before the The climax of the parade will be committee on August 17, filed a furnished by the Department of mass of documentary evidence per- California, according to O. H. Van taining to Communistic and Nazi * Elman, vice-chairman of the parade activities in this country and committee. It will be something showed that a number of societies unique in patriotic parades. It wU were either Communistic controlled be a marching pageant of pictur or affiliates. He testified that while esqyely garbed men and women the huge majority of WI'A work- depicting in Its entirety the frontier ers, wht» are members cf the Work- ffistory of the Golden Slate. K ers Alliance, hVw no idea thai Ihe will present an animated picture of organization is Communistieally * the state's history since the day controlled, the Alliance is using the the first while pioneer crossed the WPA to the limit to further the Sierra Nevada. Communist program. He also testi- Each of the 58 county councils fied as to the activities of the of the California Department will American League for Peace and (Continued on page 11 revive historic events .and charac- Four hundred of these l*. S. Kavy planes will roar over the heads of American Legionnaires when <Continued on page 2) they witness the mighty naval demonstration of the I). S. Fleet In San Pedro harbor on the afternoon of September 23. Admiral Claude C Bloch, eommaiider-lii-chlel of the Fleet, has ordered this great naval review in honor of the Legionnaires attending the national contention in Los Angeles. Thousands will Batter Up in be >laeed aboard battleships and thousands of others will view the spectacle from the shoreline between War Planes to Sail Pedro and 1-ong Beach. Jr. Baseball Converge on OKLAHOMA INDIANS World Series Our Year of Accomplishment OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Los Angeles By DANIKL ,1. DOHERTY, Sept. 1.—An item of $2,700 for Regional and Sectional advert ising Oklahoma at the National Commander, The American Legion Play Points Toward Johnson Annouiiees (.real 20lh annual national convention The present administration of The American Legion will shortly be of The American Legion in Los Championship Concentration of concluded. Angeles, Calif., this month, was It Is quite appropriate that an appraisal now be made of the results Air Forces approved by the stale highway Replefe with color and action, * of our joint efforts during the commission here July 27 in fix- period of the year about to draw the 1938 Junior" World Series will ing the hudget for its travel and have wound up in a blaze of glory WASHINGTON, D. C— [Special!. to a close. tourist division. at Spartanburg, South Carolina, —The largest concent ration of During the early months of The $2,700 will be ipenl for modern combat planes in the his- one of the most successful seasons every administration, concentrated travel and maintenance expenses of American Legion Junior Base- tory of the country has been or- effort has been directed to the of Oklahoma Indian dancers, for ball by the lime this issue of The dered by Acting Secretary of War furtherance of the legislative pro- rental of costumes for American National Legionnaire reaches its Louis Johnson for The American gram formulated for enactment. Legion members, and for floats readers. Legion National Convention at Los The final report of the National for the big Legion parade in Los As this is being written, the three Angeles September 20. Legislative Director discloses the Angeles. sectional champions had just been # Acting Secretary Johnson, a for- substantial measure of success Ennis Hplm. director of the crowned—Detroit in the Northeast- mer national commander of the achieved during the last session of tourist division, said the parade ern Section; San Diego, Cal., in the Legion, directed 325 planes from the Congress. After many years theme of the Oklahoma Legion Western Section, and Spartanburg ail three wings of the general of striving, legislation providing delegation would be "The last in the Southeastern Section. This headquarters air force to partici- for the establishment of an ade- 100 years of progress in Okla- • it was the Southeastern Sec- homa." pate in the concentration cere- quate National Defense was ef- tion's turn to receive the bye in mony. fected. "Oklahoma is known from semi-final play and thus the Spar- The planes are to be the most Further progress was made In coast to coast as the Indian tanburg champion moved right up modern in the Army. The largest liberalizing existing legislation af- state," Helm said. "In the vi- into the final bracket. This carried previous concentration of modern fecting the widows and orphans of cinity of Hollywood, where drab with it the honor of playing host to> planes was at the GHQ air force's World War veterans. Armistice and monotonous happenings are the Junior World Series. mock air warfare in the East this Day In practical effect was made 'passe', it seems logical that World Series spring. In the war games 250 a legal public holiday. The pro- Oklahoma should put on her * ilanes from all three wings were posed Ludlow Amendment was de- best paint and go to town." The other sectional champions oncentrated about New York City. feated. Veterans' Administration were scheduled to meet in semi- final play at Charlotte, North Caro- General Andrews to Lead was preserved as presently con- DEDICATE MEMORIAL # stituted. Appropriation was se- lina, August 26, 27 and 29. Follow- The 325 planes, which will gather cured to provide for 35,000 CMTC SOUTHBRIDCE, Mass., Sept. L— ing this, the winner and Spartan- at Los Angeles, will be under the enrol Ices, instead of 15,000 as orig- Largely through the initiative of burg were lo cross bats in the cli- command of Major General Frank inally arranged for. Southbridge Post No. 31 of The mactic play of the entire program, the 1938 Junior World Series, M. Andrews, who will personally Registration of, agencies and American Legion, this community lead the formation in - his C-33 August 31, September 1, 2, 3 and 5. agents of propaganda and author- ¥i„„i„t i n t. * dedicated, on August 27, an endur- This was the eleventh season of "Flying Headquarters." This ship teatlon for Inquiry into the actlvi- Daniel J. Doherty ing memorial to its World War was designed to carry the air staff American Legion Junior Baseball. star, ties of subversive groups was accomplished, thereby filling a long-stand- veterans. imps with maps and radio communica- It was by far the most successful. ing requirement of fundamental Americanism. Solution of the aggra- tion systems high up into the Governor Charles Hurley, of Not only were there more boys en- vated situation with respect to the disposal of the personal effects of clouds to direct air warfare from Massachusetts, a Leglonnair rolled, more teams entered, but the veterans dying at veterans' facilities was achieved. Existing approprla- be t he principal speaker i the quality of play was improved. At (Continued on page 8) (Contlnued on page 4. dedication (Continued on page 8> -*m* SEPTEMBER, 1938 THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE Contests Committee Announces Big Parade Wounded Veteran to Preside All Los Angeles Competitions Is. Colorful American Legion team champion- (Continued from page 1) LOS ANGELES, Calif., Sept. 1. ship. ters peculiar to Us own locality as Robert Mitchell, chairman of the 1S38 American Legion Convention Drill Team Contest H passes in review. Contests Committee, has completed The American Legion drill team Kit Carson, Captain Sutler, Joa- contest will be held in the Armory quin Muirietta, General Fremont, arrangements for the various con- tests to be held in Lo» Angeles of the Los Angeles National Guard these, and a host of others, whose at 1:30 p. m„ Monday. Septem- names were written indelibly on during convention week, September the pages of the old west, will 19-22. ber 19. The American Legion drum and Color Guard champions will be again take life and form. selected from the line of march of From Imperial County will come bugle corps contest will be the headlincr of all the competition. the annual American Legion pa- oxen and stage coach, relic of the rade, Tuesday, September 20. days when sturdy pioneers wrested It will be staged in the Los An- that vast valley from the desert geles Memorial Coliseum, one of SAL Contests wastes.
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