Llisar Founded by Ficuz Shah Tughlaq About AD 1354.1 Accord
The name of the district is derived . from its headquarters town, 'llisar founded by Ficuz Shah Tughlaq about A. D. 1354.1 According .to V. S. Agrawala, Aisukari or Isukara, a beautiful and prosperous city .01 Kuru Janapada referred to by Panini, was the ancient name of ;1tsar;2 However, the antiquity of the area can be established on the basis of the discovery of pre-historic and historical sites at a number of places in the district.3 Some of the most prominent sites are Bana- 'waIi,Rakhigarhi, Seeswal, Agroha and Hansi. 1. Anf, Tarikh-i-Firozshahi. (Hindi Tr.) S.A.B. Rizvi, Tughlaq Kalina 'Bharat ~rh. 1957, II,PP. 73,5. 2. V. S. Agrawala. Panini Kalina Bharatavarsha, (Hindi) Sam. 2012, p. '86; Penini'. Ashtadhyavi,4/2/54. J. For details of th~ :explorations and excavations reference may be made to the f.allowing :- (i) A. Cunningham, Archaeological Survey 0/ India Reports, V, 1872-73. Calcutta, 1875. (ii) C. Rodgers, ,Archaeological Survey 0/ India, Reports 0/ the Puttiab Circle, 1888-89, Calcutta, 1891. (Hi) H. L. SrivastavlJ, Excavations at Agroha, Memoirs 0/ the ArchaeolQgical Survey 0/ India, No. 61, Delhi, 1952. (iv) R. S. Bisht, Excavations ••.at Banawali: 1974-77. Proceedings.o/ the Seminar on H arappan Culture in the Indo-Pak Sub-continent. Srinagar 1978. ('V) SwarajEhan, (a) Pre-historical Archaeology 0/ the Sarasvati and the c',<Drishadvati Valleys. -Baroda University. Ph. D. Dissertation, 1971, MSS. ExeavatiolfS at Mitothal (1968) and other exploratio11S in the Sutlej-Yamuna Divide, Kurukshetra, 1975. (C) Siswa! : A Pre-Harappan Site in Haryana, Purataltva, 1972.
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