HARYANA STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORATION E-Tender Document for Outsourcing of Security Service Name of work/ : Outsourcing of Notice/Tender Security Services Opening date : 08-05-2020 (10:00AM) Closing date/ Last Date : 21-05-2020 for online submission of (5:00 PM) Tender Date of opening of : 22-05-2020 Technical Bid BAYS NO.15-18, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA HARYANA – 134112 HARYANA STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORATION BAY NO. 15 - 18, SECTOR - 2, PANCHKULA - 134112 EPABX : 0172 –2578830-32 FAX : 2586900 E-mail:
[email protected] Notice Inviting E-Tender E-Tender Notice Haryana State Warehousing Corporation invites online e-tenders under two bid system from professionally competent and financially sound interested Securities Agencies for providing security services:- Sr. Name of Work EMD to be Tender Downloading ofOpening Tender of Document and on line Bid No. deposited Document Fee preparation/ Technical Bid (Date & Time) and hash submission E-Services (Date & Time) fees 1. Outsourcing Rs. 1.00 Lakh Rs. 5,000+ 08-05-2020 22-05-2020 (10:00 AM) of Security (Rs. One Lakh only) Rs. 1,180 to Services For each Circle Rs. 6,180/- For each Circle 21-05-2020 (5:00 PM) The Tender forms (non-transferable) containing terms & conditions and specifications/Job description of the above mentioned terms and conditions may be downloaded from Website: https://etenders.hry.nic.in For further details and e-tendering schedule visit website https://etenders.hry.nic.in Possession of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and registration of the Security Agency on the portal i.e. https://etenders.hry.nic.in is a prerequisite for e-tendering.