
Billy eichner horner's syndrome

Continue Amy Schumer is probably best known for her stand-up and her work in film - but her next project comes in a different environment. Debuting on HBO's Max on July 9th on HBO Max, Waiting for Amy is a documentary that follows a pregnant Schumer as she takes her stand-up special, Growing, on the Road. In the clip above from Live!, guest host asks her what it's like to be that open on camera. You've always been incredibly honest - brutally honest - in a hilarious way, but in this docuseries you're so open, so raw physically, emotionally, and I want to know now that it gets released into the world, how do you feel? Eichner asks. It's so personal, it's like my family - she couldn't be more personal, Schumer replies, before explaining that while it's strange to see that the substance of her pregnancy is being considered by critics, she's never had a problem with being open in public. I think there's something wrong with me, to tell you the truth, she says. I don't know why, I just always felt so unapologetic about that stuff. Get all the best moments in pop culture and entertainment delivered to your inbox. Follow the latest daily buzz with buzzFeed Daily Newsletter! Billy Eichner recently voiced Timon in the DISNEY remake of . But he is known for a host of other major concerts, especially on television. Many may know him for his notable turn in the hit NBC series . Now, Eichner has revealed how he landed a hilarious role. Eichner rose to fame in this series Many people know the actor from , his longtime web series. In it, Eichner runs around , often with a famous guest in tow. He approaches people on the street abrasively and asks them questions without time to prepare. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Eichner paid tribute to his popular show, which he celebrates his 15th birthday. It's character for me. It's absolutely persona, he said. For me, it's always been a satire at the end of the day of my obsession with the entertainment industry and the minutiae of it since I was a kid. He then got a role in parks and recreation, starting with the sixth season of the show, Eichner portrayed a former Eagletown resident who became part of the Parks Pawnee Department after the city merger. The actor describes his character, Craig Middlebrook, as almost a more intense and extreme version of Billy on the Street. I came with a completely different energy than the rest of the show, Eichner said of his character. And fans either thought it was the biggest thing they've ever seen on the show or the worst thing that's ever been on the show. Which was interesting. Fascinating. But I had a blast and it was wonderful. Here's how Eichner Part parks and recreation One last trip Episode 712/713 - Billy Eichner as Craig Middlebrooks Colleen Hayes/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images It wasn't part of that Eichner was supposed to audition. I got a DM on from Mike Shura one day saying: Hey, I think I have a role for you on Parks and Rec. Do you want to do that? Literally, that's how it happened. I have agents and managers and lawyers - but Twitter ultimately made the deal down. Eichner owes much of his owes to the hated social media platform. Twitter can be a horrible, troubling warzone, but in many ways, it also helped me,' he continued. I mean I always say I wouldn't have a career without social media in general. He went on to play many different characters After Parks and Rec ended, Eichner had a chance to diversify a bit. He starred in The Original Series as a character also named Billy, who he described as a blunt version of himself. In addition, Eichner played two more major roles on television. He played Dr. Felix Forzenheim, a significant other Fred Savage to Max Adler, as on . It was also repeated in : Apocalypse, which took him out of his comedic roots. Check out The Showbiz Cheat sheet on Facebook! Last week, Butterfinger unveiled a new ad starring comedian Billy Eichner and former NFL star Terrell Owens in a branded version of Eichner's show Billy on the Street, in which they accost strangers about landing dancing and more. A campaign called Boulder than Bolder and comes with a pitcher who pretends to fame shouting at strangers on the streets of is a pretty bold move. But it's also a gamble for Eichner to slap the candy bar logo on his own brand of comedy and show concept. Eichner didn't do much commercial work, but says this opportunity fits because it looked fun and allowed him to be himself. I haven't done a lot of commercials and I'm very picky about it because it all comes down to creative control, Eichner says. I don't want to do something that's diluted, I don't want to take what I'm known for and dilute it. Here, Butterfinger really wanted me to do my thing, and I pretty much stuck in my usual creative process- I filmed with my team, edited with my editors, and actually got very few notes about the final product. If I'm going to do something like this, that's how it should work, otherwise it's not worth it for me. The key to brand partnership, especially for , is that they need to feel real or at least a natural extension of the artist's work. Now, that doesn't mean Eichner was going to go screaming: It's Butterfinger, you're gay!, but brand be able to recognize that this is a creative collaboration in which is an expert. If a comedian has a strong following and a branded segment feels different from what you normally do, people will know right away that it's not authentic who you are as a comedian or performer, Eichner says. Brands should keep this in mind. We are in an era of authenticity, in terms of branding, whether it's a candy bar or a politician, you have to stay true to who you are. And hey, after all, the ad is an ad, but creatively there's a way to make it a continuation of your work and relate to what you usually do. If you pretend, people will know and this is going to turn a lot of people off. As more and more artists, comedians and performers team up with brands in the race for ever more content that can actually break through the chaos and find an audience, Eichner says the key to deciding on whether or not to take on a commercial or brand partner is all about the final product. It's all about detail and what's creative, says Eichner. It is the same for any creative endeavor, whether it is a branded segment or not. You should try to stick to what you are doing and make sure it is as close to who you are as possible. Some people are good at it and some people don't, and those that don't often get called out for their. You have to be smart and respect your audience. Don't worry, says Billy Eichner, who portrays Timon in the summer film. In an interview with Ira Madison III on the Keep It podcast, the American Horror Story actor clarified that Beyonce is very much hanging on Pride Rock. She's definitely in the movie because I've seen a rough cut, Eichner assured Madison. And I heard her sing Can you feel love tonight? With Donald Glover and I tell you, it's damn good. Want more deets? No, can't do because Eichner doesn't want to hear the rumor from the mouse. I don't want to give away too much about it, they really, they don't want us to talk about it,' he admitted. Eichner may not be able to reveal any major spoilers, but he told Madison that Bey's involvement in the film will make you feel all the feeling. Which makes sense, because I still can't watch this clip from OG Lion King without tearing. To be honest, it made me cry, and I didn't expect it, Eichner said. Finish the interview below: The Lion King hits theaters July 19, 2019. February 6, 2018, 15:48 UTC / Source: TODAYBy TODAYIn hopes to do something tangible beyond just angry tweets, Billy Eichner started glam up the Midterms with the comedy video site . Eichner hopes to encourage young people to vote in midterm elections, and he has enlisted the help of some celebrity friends. Friends.

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