WithWithTOMTOM CLUBBINGCHURCHILLCHURCHILL SFTW nian down ! CHECK the does and tive visuals which —i treat all-round $ hard sound Bring town star And sr mighty Glasgow, PRESSURE MR bre house, hand-drawn Gary maverick for to set into for Friday, AF encompasses Scruff system enowned beat. —b SCRUFF’S connoisseurs to 69, an riend, Beck the experience launch all ased epic Mr Glasgow, puts September tune mixed —r tonight: quality, Scruff, @T plays alongside five-hour around animations for debut eal as TEA selection he to soul, much his ah name of Arches, tomorrow: pictured so perfection. it’ll Rising , PARTY quality his ome- set. eclectic 28, as Ger- funk, care be Andy own —a and The an 2012 ,t @C music hip into sh distinc- ouches Mancu- Carthy Ar OUT taste, ham- e hop are the as heroes sets tial man of The Preacher storming tis % its Jones Berlin burgh, GREEN from techno man take 10th Slam. never floor. DJ Matthias club behind Karnival Man dons & on cated special gow, tonight: anniversary master Support AB set VELVET The tough, fails Watergate MOTOR ICS and in his tonight: second to timeless Tanzmann his and Chris series Chicago @L to green comes the Flash @P jacking Green ignite Pulse celebrations, CITY aC arch music Liebing The take otterrow, of afro has IT from heetah, club lynchpin Velvet and nights sees ELECTRON- residents. second over the house of wig au and ah bangers Pan-Pot. influen- dance- Detroit as guise. nique ost Glas- Edin- dedi- for local OF Cur- with part in and of a a 1980s Tucker. be appearance foc in label revered projects 88 ( entertaining. of event Q BeatPHreak. Williams, [email protected] underground gc The use techno as Email JAK Rounding and rowds has featuring man and so educational SCRUFF with @S been ne Optic Puzzlebox your his behind action since by and lectro, support tereo, the set off rock- a9 electro news the Nerve mighty will the comes the 0-minute the as with Glasgow, Aux from it city’s

WithWithJIMJIM and is Keith ag NEWMUSIC stalwart GELLATLYGELLATLY this Signal_1 live uest busy listings excellent set though as first tracks recently al worth making songwriter distance called it’s singer-songwriter the written ued: through bitt singer-songwriters JI Texas, FOR WHERE: ghan lows tar), tive scene of (vocals/guitar), WHO: lost acoustic from get and three Chain. settling name tonight: Chain MS It’s Centred Going Guitarist She Edinburgh She’d She is an olo ot all night has my from next rather without sent Kris Dez and most Courtney’s (keyboards), some identity (drums) FANS “This AYS: it. before I’d COURTNEY’S Megan at said: different to may It Taylor amazing artist. by hands just she music from Courtney down on gigs, hink Courtney me one the Dundee sent Boyd hoped Island heard than Courtney Paddy exciting thing, It’s around time released the be “I’ve did album calling moment recordings, OF: forming crisis. Il youngster it’s Swift will D. but on the me as taken another one oved as (bass), Paddy band.” seem Chain, since it variations played aw Records some on Scottish and now be Fleetwood contin- the Courtney would part olo band from out Michael material of was the Elena things ise but her it what CHAIN me by the but debut artist. to the she’s It there. the Brown of Stefan but Courtney’s that route move. many hink Nina incredible talents first have be. initially aw band teenager there teenager ac freshest Ih boy while on female singer- of Clena- Stuart, Stuart album happy hile under single I’d ollec- eard, does Mac, Nes- (gui- ab Mal- solo and is her the are be as of to it it I track stunning They Webster will Corinna rock lection courtneyschain MORE have December worldwide burgh the ourselves playing UK signed mu College music bunch by Chain Webster The discovered their over ney’s all form bond, st like Q re Before Courtney “We The Pictures To Performing on the si gang Jim the from creating am HMV Northsound as Vie cc support the FM, studies, the played and also be In:Demand scene, on Chain indemandscotland.co.uk album of are band.” will rising in and success of elf-produced wa King of ourses 7pm years. Ward core West Ward in teenagers. interpretation the where November honest, then, will INFO: Picture be songs play sounds hit. really is 6. in said: nd af the Perth Tut’s Affair they playing an next on So du they’ve stars were Tut’s Courtney be doesn’t of FM The together Anderson an And with 1, Anderson and st accomplished Clyde Courtney’s have the looking many of two Uncut just “Our delivered ground-breaking Radio &W ry base. year and House had the seeds like on Fisher. of in their sown Courtney’s .com/ Sandi band. Fisher 12. pr been amazing.” est affair 18-year-olds Glasgow to 1, sound produced goal the and great October of Borders, this Courtney’s ap of and am as forward play Forth Sound friends es of McGinty at McGinty in Thom country- Dundee inspired tour otential is si in part from Sunday at Paddy Court- bands usical Chain on Perth Edin- to Chain there at their One, The col- FM. the Tay al on be all to of 6. at in a a s

By CHRIS ONES2WATCH SWEENEY think Tuck ad people musical scene’s things do over-the-top shift tar, We band To Kill’s Cormier out cheesy their handles BANDS For to time. The album, there something Wound “Then “We Matt Matt The But “I Matt, Matt them ay Remai something on er’s Joe My asked finished recorded with All that’s Mike for —i thought with outfit metal like Monday. said: biggest then 32, and plays who’re Jason we Copcutt Valentine —a piece, vocals, Downtime are ni from best of 11 ncludes an Jason stereotypes. said: Id nd Kingswood thought what so crows “We both recruited as days. Jason normally —s product songs jumping superg album Bowld lead f*** names. we we the in nb id the udden Glamour “It et not formerly if wante it’s frontman have.” his ass feet. to it, did and in some he up started recor album guitar, ‘OK, about Cancer and is roup all into let’s Vultures the and my wanted it’s downtime. is di one on by Satan right ded avoid about. now tour. Of on of tt of drums others. give ar Bullet Pitch- off cliché Axe- metal spare as track Liam Matt ob Bats Rise gui- do The the the eal we in as as to is it a e . it. move Everyone ne ‘is rock trickery left of “Everything Liam Matt ed making There it lots approach on’. to good put said: and imperfections was fi we it nd the enough? it sound asked no “We is gu comes —t lyrics stress ys live, he took super-clean. wanted to on over Yeah, motto there’s in involved.” pl ap top instead ay better to let’s unk was and it do no ’. because although the despite is ules, on stopping infrequent, set AxeWound But not Tuesday. up supergroup the ao while as their at Matt ne-off. boys of hort the Glasgow’s the are that.” conflicting good UK is have touring here not tag. tour news managed Amazingly, sure King to He which will stay sched- is about Tut’s said: this be to is — axewounduk.com Q “We’re our in We’re it make we turn “We’ll “The Get and bands can. spare into another the ab sky we not We’ll do something album time. unch and have is what that record. never the did and of all we limit. super guys something tour special.” get agreed can, tickets bored who It at could when we’ll are all. of in at ONE on Dundee’s ant ar things ing monds marinaandthediamonds . invited business Electra MARINA barnstorming ART com video ber genius Cough uary game-changer. looks album respect thing thing-everything.co.uk man ONE Get Catch And Her It’s It’s But Check un Tuesday year. 14 Jonathan not of but rockers released made Everything off Man she’s second and follow-up has like stuff popster for Heart UK on 2 tickets And the out and in Cough 2 out: first Fat HE their has had Alive. dates. night. style, tour —a being until SEE rounding by flamboy- The track. she did Higgs. Every- Sam’s album am every- ab single debut Octo- AR front- from Jan- with with Dia- was real Arc got the elt- ad at is a .