In Israel Second. Knesse
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, , __ "".6..' ,-,- , ,- - ' , ,- ", -- - ',- .i , -- ':;-,", -, ' Page Seven' " .' , - . " ___~--~------.~~~-------~T~·~H~E~J~- E~·~W~I~S~H~P~O~S~T~----~--~~::~~::::~~~;i~;;~~~~~ , ,"'d:ov.' September, V. Ii. Thursday, September 27, 1951 . 27.'}:~1_ llTeW ear. Greetings ,,",.om . ran., THE JE WISH :P~O~S:T~:-,' ___________________________ ..... ___ ANNOUNCEMENT: .LV~ .K~ .Page Six , A "BEST.SELLER" VIEW OF ISRAEL'S _BIRTH: , lEWHPaST s op .Cabinet .Material Seen· The Oldest Anglo-Jewish W~eklll !n WeStern Ca~. ... In Israel Second. (Issued wukly in the interests of Jewish Community 8ctivitf. Knesse~ in Winnipeg/and Western Canada) \, logic~l axe to grind as has A~hur ~oes.tler .... Member of the Jew;sh Telegraphic 'Agency By MELVINFENSON because she is not interested m makIng Jokes, .. By MARCIA GITLIN I Published every Thursday by QUIET STREET _ A;Novel by Zelda Popkin. J. B. Lippin- is Ruth Gruber . because, as a novelist, THE JEWISH POST LTD. - cott Company, 1951. 382 pp. let Jerusalem itself tell what life under the seil~e Be 'arano, Zalman Suza{,eff, et al.) , in: the ;ptiblishe1"8 Jerusalem., . Fa~mers' FederatioIl! whICh represe~ts cItrus BEN. M. COHEN HIS is one of those books which, like John was like ... she has written a book that for Business Manager and Managing Editor simplicity, warmth, v~risi~ilitudeto life is un 's an almost ghostly.stillness grovel.oWlllirs (Ezra Ichelov)or m urban Ph""e 54 400 Evenirigs 591129 THersey's "The Wall" could. probably raise mil matched .in the entIre literature of. modern about KllIisset building occupations. b .. MELVIN FENSON, B.A. LEO J. LEZACK lions for Israel ... if the UJA found a way to t~e th~se d~;Vh J!:lditor Advertising Manager Israeli-ana. familiar semi;circular. han In r l~ Prominent among the ~ew mem ers IS force every Jew in America to read the book, The setting is Rechavia ... Jerusalem's ele- . t Head Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Canada A more thrilling film could hardly be imagined '.~r''lel's parliament meets IS deser eT'h I s Russian-born Mordecai N amlI~, f~r. yea;:s one,e Authorized as second class mail, Peat Office Department. Ottawa than one based on "Quiet Street" ., . but it is· gant'European' quarter. The heroes and he~oineB iVirldolWs closed and its blinds drawn. ere of the most powerful personalitIes m t!t are typical Rechavia residents .•... th;e' slightly crowds thronging the passages and His'tadrut and now secretary-gen~ral o~ ItS likely to have no more success in reaching the ll · .'. .. .' OM DISTA~T IRAN ••• Students at . screen via'Hollywood than was granted. "The' tarnished elegance of Viennese professIOnals al]d '"If'et,eria, no cong'estion of cars to hold. u . t've'- a position held at various tImes ROSH HASHONAH. GREETINGS fR Iran \oln their fellow student. at spinsters . the family of a Boston . "' hb h d no httf e execu 1 , . I I' ong them Wall." doc~or. 'n the neig or 00 , by top political leaders m srae, am '11 b the ORT Yo~ational Trainin9 School I~orth Africa and Israel in lending ,A Year' Of Subtle Changes The reason is not hard to find. the converted Br,itisher ... the' sabra gIrls and athe~ed at nearby street c?rners' to Ben Gurion.· Rumor has it that he ~I. e ORT instllutionl In Weltern Europe, H y New Year to the Jew. at "Quiet Street" is the story of Jerusalem under bo'ys to whom 'Zionism' is a b<,>ring subject to be li~~~: t~ speeches transmitted by mICrophone . Golda Myerson's sUycessor as Labor Mmlster tholr 9re!tlngl and best WISh~" :: a ha::~o generously provided. W!tlt . HE year 5711 drawing to a close was no America; as thanks fo~ the he P d .v the ORT .chool these young Iran,an seige. But it is a strange kind of novel. It seems ~ocked at ... but to whom all the platitudes of fl inside. 1 bll is in the new Cabinet. Levi Es~kol, treasurer T "Annum Mirabilus" for the Jewish people. patriotism and nationhood are ideals to be hal- The building, like the Israe Pbu .c,.t of the Jewish Agericy, is anoth,:r new. mem the cabinet makln9 skllil learne a . i the above picture. They hope . Few can point to any revolutionary occurrences dedicated' to the legend that truth is stranger Jewl built the Ohren use their trades to particlpat• . , . more inspiring, more tragic, more thrilling . lowed with their blood. ., for the Second Knesset to eg.m 1.S ber whose name has been mentlO~ed m c?n- , to qa on to Israel soan" where ey . that will cause it to go down into; the vintage of These families and individuals are' pitted in sessions, and 'whil~ Ben GurlOn IS t' n with a Cabinet portfollO. Whlte- In the upbuilding of their aewhom_land.· . , . ... than fiction. For there is not a line in the can history ... as did 1948, the :\,ear' of S~atehood. tense. struggle against the grueling background Qrlll trying to form his Cabmet,. no ?lne ~e? I~ Haim Boger (General Zionist) ~nters · Yet many remarkable events transpIred; the book that is' not truth. l b . • Zelda Popkin, who ):Jas already made a name of incessant Arab shelling, utter .isolation from t . t when thIS WI e. t~~Knesset as its oldest memb,er. He IS ~ell inevitable culmination of many trends and direc the world (not to speak of Tel Aviv), and miar say withsany ~e¥z~:s~t will differ in many over 70. Principal of the Herz.ha Gymnasmm _ for herself asa writer ofniysteries, found a ready The econ . inl because of T 1 A h can coun t y emeniteslnlsrae\ Mu,s~ , .'. tions were seen; and, in sum total, the subtle starvation. :changes worked in body politic of World Jewry, made novel in the fabric of' Jerusalem's story. respects from' tthhee Frlerlsatt'I'vme astry~ngth of. ,the (secondary school) in e VIV:, e d' F In "Quiet Street" she merely let her facile .pen These are the families that sit and calmly h ln numerous Knesset members, m~lu m~ or- Israel Jewry and U.S. and Canadian' Jewry will assess the death of a child against the worth of _n'~"c an!l"e the July 30 'elections. Return~ eign Minister'Sharett, among h~s pupIls. 'Prove no less effective and bend the course of our record the facts as she gleaned them \... as any "Match Material Progres$ visitor to Jerusalem just after the' :seige ... statehood. dele~:t:s may even have a lit~le ~roub~~ Although the, entire Yememte comm'!-n- 'path ahead no less firmly than the more striking Back in 1~49 Col David A. Croll visited Israel mdi'r Ig their seats - at the begmnm!l"' ·t has been brought to Israel in the perIOd events of past years. - gleaned them. fi Because of this ... because she has no ideo- and upon his return remarked that Israel's war Knesset debates become tedIOUS" ~:tween the two elections to the Knesset, • T0 Cultural Attainments \ With Canadian Jewry, biggest'news this year was no war by Western standards. Similarly, may entertain' themselves by re- the Is~ael Yemenite Association s~ill has only . 'concerns new forms of Aid to Israel devised at , Kerineth Bilby in "New Star In The Middle East" on the strange bed-fellows an elec- one member. In the last Knesse.t he was this spring's Emergency Israel Aid Conference differences from the traditional early,. European can provide. Scharyah Gluska, who came to thIS /By MRS.BATYAREZEK ,!. Zionist immigrants whose heavy diet of J{erzl, totals up a final !\core of less than 48 days of actual cou,,:,~ry in Montreal. While one direct result was co fighting, ,not counting truce violations. There will be a number of well-known as a child and for decades has been a .famlhar LECTURER INHE13REW, UNIVERSITY OF MANIT()B1. operation elicited from the Foreign Control Board Nordau, Bialik, Pinsker, AhadHa'am and A. D. missing in the new Knesset. J.oseph figure at Zionist Congresses and In other in helping finance exports to Israel, few can deny Gordori forged in them a will of steel to build,' . Why then, with war on so small a scale, has Jerusalem's seige so deeply ingrained itself in the the rugged, weather-beate~ pIOneer bodies, 'where he':pleaded the cause of the \li:ll~nll;I\\li;I\lII1IL1'iIlIUl\l'II'IUj\l.lllllll1lllllll\1,'11.IIIIIIIIII\IIIIIII,l\lr\~II,II;I,IIIII.I\i.ull\'llllIllllillll,11I.l1ill",I~n~n~ , , :that Abbott's budget and the credit restrictions suffer, and create. of Degania, will no 10I,1ger among Yemenites. He' is now succeeded While Israel's election during 5711 was inter ,hearts and mindsof world Jewry? Why does this b~, ~; ~ . Mrs. Batya Re~ek was recently appoint~d lS·nstdr?c-.~ . have to date had a deleterious effect on fund , Mapai colleagues .. Nor WIll ZVl Yehuda Greidi, a younger memb~r. of the old raising for Israel. Who can say whether, it is .nationally hailed as evidence of a preference for . book, by mere reflection of these events, convey ;;;' f' H b t the Dept of JudaiC' tu .les,i the same impression? of Nahalal. ·Nahum Nlr, the Map~m fuem~~ ,Yemenite community (as dlstmct !,r!l~ tho')e ;;;toro erewa .... Md"" government red tape, or Jewish community.reluc the "centre" and a rejection of extremes both of ~ ·u· '.